Scott looked around at his friends, grinning, affection for them taking over his expression. Currently the room was buzzing with soft noise from the TV and conversation between Kirstie and Mitch, who had hit it off with one another almost immediately.

Almost exactly after Kirstie, Avi, and Kevin had walked through the door, Kirstie had complemented Mitch's shirt, recognizing the fashion designer or whatever they're called who had created the shirt. They were now engrossed in a fun conversation, and Scott was so happy when Kirstie threw back her head and laughed at something Mitch had said.

Kevin had thrown his bag onto his favorite chair (the green armchair from Scott's aunt – it was hideous, but rather comfy) and plopped himself down next to it. He was now doing quiet vocal warm-ups in anticipation for the rehearsal later that afternoon.

Scott had accidentally left the TV on after watching Gordon Ramsay in all of his glory, and Avi was currently engrossed in an episode of Doctor Who. ("It's my favorite!" was what he had called out when he walked in). Occasionally, the rest of the group would be startled with a cry of "Craig!" or some other character's name or extremely loud laughter; Scott couldn't help but notice Kirstie's fond smile every time he did so. Everybody else just told him to shut up.

They all seemed to be getting along with Mitch extremely well, which was fantastic. Scott had popped the 'new member' suggestion to Avi a few hours back, and the bass was all for it.

In fact, he seemed especially interested in it currently, seeing as the Doctor Who episode had just ended.

"So, Mitch," Avi said, flicking off the TV. Scott was beginning to think that his friends were becoming far too casual with his things. "Could you sing for us? I mean, Scott won't shut up about how awesome you are—"

"—shut up—"

"—so I think that the rest of us really want to hear you."

Scott smirked as Mitch blushed. "Um, sure, I guess."

Kirstie was nearly bursting in her excitement. "Sing something from Wicked!" Everyone perked up at the name of the musical, even Mitch. The tenor grinned. "Defying Gravity, anyone?" The small group cheered, ready to hear Mitch. Scott was just excited for them to discover just how pretty Mitch's voice was.

'And how pretty his face is,' Scott thought, the idea suddenly popping into his head. He quickly shoved the thought into a box in the far corner of his mind. Mitch was obviously not looking for someone right now, given his horrible relationship with Travis. 'But you kissed,' argued the now-annoying voice in Scott's mind. 'Maybe he is looking for someone. Well, at least you.'

Scott blushed and blocked the voice out, instead focusing on Mitch, who was pulling out the karaoke version of 'Defying Gravity' up on YouTube with his phone. Soon, the beginning notes were sounding from the small device, and without even needed been asked, Scott began to sing Glinda's small part.

Now, understand, Mitch was great throughout the entire song. But at the end, he was brilliant. He was singing with all of his passion, and hearing him hit the high notes was astounding.

"Bring me down! Ahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

The song ended on the last high note, and the room was filled with stunned silence. Mitch looked a little nervous, but relief clouded his features when Avi started to slow-clap, saying, "That was… wow."

Mitch grinned. "Really?"

"Hell, yeah!" Kirstie said enthusiastically. "I think I can speak for all of us when I say: Welcome to the team!" If possible, Mitch grinned even wider as she high-fived him. Avi was smiling, telling Scott, "I think he's exactly what we need."

Meanwhile, Kirstie had drifted off towards Scott's DVD collection, fingering the cases. "Oh!" she said excitedly, pulling out a dark case. Scott groaned fondly. "Kirstie, we watch that every time you come over!"

She grinned cheekily at him. "At think we can all manage one more dose of Erik and Christine, right?"

Avi grabbed the case from her, examining it. "I don't know how I've managed to do it," he announced. "But, I've never seen the Phantom of the Opera before."

Kirstie gasped in horror, snatching the DVD and taking out the disk, putting in into the player. "We're watching it," she finalized, jumping onto the couch and hugging a pillow to her chest. Kevin just shrugged and settled down in an armchair. Scott sighed and walked towards the kitchen. "Do you guys want anything?"

All three of them wanted Coka-Cola, so, naturally, when he opened the fridge, they were all out.

"Well, shit," a voice said behind him, making him jump and whirl around. Mitch was standing behind him, smirking. Scott gave him a annoyed look. "Good grief, Mitch."

Mitch laughed and followed him out to the balcony. Scott had hopes that there were some sodas left in it from when he and Kirstie went to the beach earlier that month. As Scott began looking for the cooler, Mitch leaned out onto the balcony, saying, "It's really pretty."


"The view," Mitch pointed at the glimmering lights of Los Angeles. "It's gorgeous."

"I know," Scott sighed, walking over until he was next to Mitch. "I don't appreciate it as much as I should. Just used to it, I guess," he grinned down at his dark-haired companion, who was gazing off at the scenery.

"You look really pretty in the lights," Scott blurted without thinking. He immediately blushed and stammered, "Not that I like you or anything. Not that I don't like you, actually it all depends on if you like me, not to put pressure on—"

Scott's voice was muffled by Mitch's lips, and the blonde melted into the kiss.

This time, they kissed uninterrupted by abusive boyfriends. Scot inhaled Mitch, feeling him, soaking him in, and realizing for the first time that he might be in love with him. He flinched away from the thought, thinking of all of them. They always left him.

Scott pulled away from Mitch suddenly, eyes sad. Mitch looked hurt. "Mitch, I—"

"Scott, make that an alcoholic drink!" Kirstie called. "I need to drown my sorrows in something!"

"Okay!" he yelled back. He then reached for Mitch. "I – I can't do this. Not now."

Mitch looked at him, tears in his eyes. "Scott, I just left Travis, and he – he…." He trailed off. He squeezed his eyes shut. "Fine. Don't give me a chance. I don't know what you've been through, Scott, I don't know much about your past, but just think about it."

Before Scott could give an answer, Mitch had gone back inside. Scott blinked back his own tears and fished around in the cooler, finding two cokes and a beer. He walked back inside, sitting on the floor next to Avi, avoiding Mitch's gaze. He tossed the drinks at his friends. "Sorry it's not to strong, we'll go to a bar later," he told Kirstie as she looked at the beer in disgust.

He tried desperately to focus on the movie, but Mitch's face kept appearing in his thoughts. Guilt swirled around in his gut. He had to give Mitch a chance, he had to. If Mitch was willing to try it with him, after Travis, then he should be willing to return the favor.

Scott cried a total of three times in the movie. One, when the Phantom caught Christine and Raoul kissing and cried, two, when Madame Giry told the story of the Phantom's past, and three, at the very end.

To defend himself, Kirstie cried with him at every sad part, everyone was sobbing at the end, and Scott was feeling a little emotionally drained at the moment, thank you.

As the ending credits rolled onto the screen, Scott stood up and stretched. "I think I need a drink. One a little stronger than the Bud Light I have in the fridge," he added. The others all nodded and everyone grabbed jackets, agreeing to carpool in Avi's green van, as it was the largest car. Kevin was the designated driver, in case things got a little out of hand.

They went to Crooner's, a local bar with a homey feel to it, although it was normally crowded with people at all times. Scott sat at the bar and ordered a drink, looking at Mitch, who was dealing with a blubbering Kirstie (who was very, very drunk).

"I just don't see why she didn't choose Erik!" she exclaimed.

"Erik?" Mitch asked.

"The Phantom. He was perfect for her! She loved him, yet she chose that bastard Raoul!"

Mitch rolled his eyes fondly. "Because the Phantom was creepy, Kirstie."

"So was Raoul!"

Mitch shook his head and shoved Kirstie out onto the dance floor, grinning. "Have fun!" he called, as Avi dragged her further into it.

Scott saw his chance to talk to Mitch and he took it. He slid into the stool next to Mitch's and immediately began to talk. "Look, Mitch, I was stupid and I'm sorry—"

"No," Mitch interrupted. "I'm sorry. I really shouldn't be criticizing when other people are ready to be in a relationship. It's there choice. Had the tables been turned I would have been so bitchy."

Scott laughed, his affection for Mitch only growing. "I just wanted to say: I want to try it. I want to be with you. I want to be able to call you my boyfriend."

Mitch smiled. "Did you think I'd say no?"

Scott grinned and kissed Mitch quickly. "Oh, thank goodness, you said yes!" he said, sarcasm dripping off of every word. He drew Mitch in for another kiss, relishing in it, before a voice above them said, "Get your hands off of him."

The first thing Scott felt was annoyance as they drew back. Could they not kiss without interruption? Then, he felt Mitch go still, and he looked up to be face to face wit none other than Travis Bush. Anger flooded through him. "No," he snarled. "You get away from him."

Travis's face remained expressionless, but he backed away several steps. Scott stood and started to leave, Mitch in tow. That is, until he felt the bastard grab his sleeve. "Get off me!" he hissed.

"Not until you give me Mitch." Travis's voice was cold. Mitch was shaking. Scott tore his shirt out of Travis's hand and ran away, looking for the other three. He could hear Travis calling after them, but he ignored him – he had to find the others before they could leave, and they needed to leave quickly.

They made their way out onto the crowded dance floor, Scott dragging Mitch behind him with little difficulty, and they spotted Kirstie and Avi dancing and laughing. Scott shoved his way towards them and grabbed Avi's arm. "We have to go!" He was forced to shout over the noise. Avi looked visibly confused but nodded instead. "I'll get Kevin," he told them, turning and disappearing into the crowd.

After Avi had found Kevin, who was grumbling slightly because he had found a girl he liked ("You're all lucky I got her number," he had said threateningly in the parking lot as Avi dragged him outside.), they had raced across the parking lot and jumped into the green van. Scott was driving with Mitch in the passenger seat, and Avi, Kirstie, and Kevin were all squished into the middle row in the rush.

As soon as they were out onto the road, Avi popped the question. "Why'd we leave?"

Scott glanced at him through the rearview mirror. "Travis found us."

Silence followed the question, and Kirstie looked determinedly out the window, before asking, "How did he find us?" She sounded afraid.

Scott swallowed and shook his head. "I don't know. He's creepy," he added, as an afterthought.

Avi looked at him. "No shit, Sherlock."

Suddenly, the tension was broken. Everyone laughed gleefully, half out of relief and half out of tension.

Scott glanced over at Mitch, who was giving Avi a half-smile. "Music, anyone?" They all shouted in agreement, and Kirstie passed up her iPod, claiming that all of the best songs were on there.

As soon as Beyonce's 'Halo' was playing, everyone was singing along, relieved smiles on their faces. Scott couldn't help but feel like it something out of a movie.

As soon as they pulled into the apartment building's parking lot, Scott glanced at the time, noting with surprise that it was almost one. "You guys should head home," he called back to them. They all nodded and hopped out, walking towards their designated cars and waving as Mitch and Scott entered the building.

"Goodness, I'm tired," Scott said as a yawn stretched his mouth. Mitch laughed softly, nodding in agreement.


Scott was jolted awake when a shout came from Mitch's room. He glanced blearily at the alarm clock to discover that it was nearing four in the morning. Another shout came, and he hopped out of bed, worry overtaking the tiredness.

"Mitch?" he said quietly, knocking lightly on the door. No answer. He opened the door to find Mitch tossing and turning, murmuring something.

Scott went over to him, shaking him until he awoke with a start, tears still running down his cheeks. "Scott?" He blinked up at him, frowning.

Scott smiled. "You were making a lot of noise. Must've been bad."

Mitch bit his lip. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up—"

Scott rolled his eyes. "Pfft. You didn't wake me up, I just needed a drink," he lied.

Mitch relaxed. "Oh," was all he said.

Scott turned around to leave before a hand grabbed his arm. He turned around, confused. Was Mitch blushing? "Can you stay?" Mitch asked quietly. Warmth shot up into Scott's heart as he smiled. "Yeah."

He slid into the bed so that he wasn't touching Mitch, but the younger man curled himself around Scott, and within seconds, was asleep.

Scott looked down at the body around him, drowsiness overcoming his senses. He could get used to this.

Maybe Mitch wouldn't leave.


I updated! Sorry for the long wait, you guys, I'm trying to juggle different things all at once. I'm starting a new story, Scomiche, but I want to complete it before it's posted so that you guys won't have to wait as long. But I might not do that. Might. I've also found inspiration in Phantom of the Opera and want to get a story started on that, and my dad has struck a deal with me that if I can get a short story published in a magazine, he'll get me an iPhone! For me, who's been stuck with a sliding phone for who know how long, this is excellent!

Anyway, there are still three more chapters to go on this until it's finished! Yay!

Love ya,


(P.S.: What would you guys think of a Disney High AU?)

((The beautiful cover done for this story is by the lovely ѕιℓнσυєттє.ˣ

Here is a link to her Quotev profile: ѕιℓнσυєттє.ˣ

And here is a link to her cover making shop on Quotev if you want a cover done by her: groups?t=1328294&page=1

Thank you and I hope you enjoy the story!))