Title: Sympathy for the Devil
Pairing: England/S. Italy (Romano)
Genre(s): Supernatural, Romance +some action/adventure, fantasy, and mystery
Rating: T/M
Warnings: Coarse language, suggestive themes, (fantasy) violence, use of alcohol, mentions of drugs (and drug use), and minor religious undertones
Faster, faster, quickly—faster.
He glanced behind him. Shouts resounded throughout the entire neighbourhood. Curious onlookers—men, women, children—all peered out their window. Mothers quickly urged their children inside, and husbands swiftly shut the blinds and the curtains. He didn't blame them; if he was a bystander, he wouldn't have wanted to help either.
Faster, faster, faster still!
His legs carried him to a marketplace, where owners smartly closed up shop. If it wasn't for the adrenaline surging through his veins, he would have collapsed in the middle of the street. His mind wasn't nearly as focused, however. All of his might and will was concentrated in his legs, in his escape. That was why he was taken by surprise when a powerful grip pulled him aside. He almost screamed—almost—but then he realised that he did not want to give away any more information about his current location. He nearly bit the hand that covered his mouth if it wasn't for the familiar voice that whispered in his ear.
"Relax, it's me, Antonio, your cousin. You're safe now, Lovi. I'll get you out of here."
Tears of relief streamed down his cheeks as he nodded his head gratefully.