Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail, or any of its characters...

Freed's POV

I opened my eyes and immediately clenched them shut when I processed how much my head hurt. I tried to go back to sleep, but I was in too much pain and I felt noxious.

"Nghh," I had started to get up when a noise beside me caused my eyes to shoot open.

"Ah," I winced at the light coming in through the window. Wait, what? Window? I don't have a window in my room. I looked around, noticing I was nowhere in my house. I recognized the room, but I couldn't pin-point it in my cloudy memory. I realized that whoever made the noise most likely owned the house I was in. Why I didn't realize it sooner, I don't know. It was most likely because of the terrible hangover I had. I turned slowly, closing my eyes from the light as I did so, only opening them when I was turned around, luckily away from the window.

The sight I saw was one that I had never imagined I would see. "LAXUS!" I yelled, in utter shock. I stood up to get out of his bed, shocked at the sight of him naked. I looked down to realize I was naked as well. I stood up way too fast however, almost throwing up as soon as I did so.

"Nghh," he groaned as he sat up,"Fuck, what did I do last night?" He asked himself. He looked up to me and was in just as much shock as I was. "FREED!" He yelled, "What are you doing here?"

"I don't know..." I mumbled, pulling the blanket around myself looking around for my clothes. I usually am very specific about speaking clearly and precisely, but this was one time I just couldn't think of what to say. It didn't help that I was blushing furiously at Laxus's body and underneath the blanket, I could feel myself getting excited.

"Man, must've been a crazy night," he replied, as if we weren't both naked in his room.

"What all happened, between us..." I mumbled again. Inside I was actually kind of... Happy. I had always loved Laxus. On the other hand, I was crushed that I would never remember my first time and that Laxus had to be so drunk that he wouldn't remember to love me back.

"Hell, I don't know. I must've gotten some kind of drunk if even I can't remember. Sorry," He said. I nodded as if to tell him it was fine.

"Do you know where my clothes are?" I asked, still awkwardly holding the blanket over myself. I turned to keep looking and suddenly felt more noxious than before, "and... Can I use your bathroom?" I asked , covering my mouth as I did so.

"Second door on the right," he replied pointing at the door. I basically ran down the hallway and threw up as soon as I got in the bathroom. I stayed there, continuing to be sick, until I heard a knock on the door.

"Hey, you alright?" Laxus said, in a voice so kind that I felt I was someone he cared deeply about. "I found your clothes, but they are stained so I brought you some of mine," he continued, opening the door and placing clothes on the sink.

"Thanks," I replied.I stood up and put them on, pausing to regain my bearings a couple times. I walked out of the bathroom, feeling strange in clothes that weren't my own, although it was almost a dream to be wearing his clothes and I still felt sick.

I walked towards the living room figuring Laxus most likely went there. I knew my way around his house fairly well, seeing as the Thunder Legion went there fairly often. I turned around the corner and I saw Laxus standing there, as if he was waiting for me. "You don't look too good," Laxus said when he saw me walk in. "You really can't handle your alcohol can you," he laughed, even though he was obviously hung-over as well.

"I'll... Be fine," I replied, pausing in the middle to make sure I didn't throw up," What was on my clothes?" I asked.

"You don't want to know," Laxus replied, rather awkwardly, "Here, take this and sit down, it'll help the hangover" he said, handing me a pill. "I'm gonna go make some coffee, you want any?" He asked.

I nodded and took the pill. I looked around and sat down on the couch closest to me, waiting for him to return. "Your clothes are in the wash by the way," Laxus said, walking over and sitting on the couch opposite me.

"Thanks." I said, zoning out for what Laxus next said, trying to remember what had happened the previous night. All I could remember was the guild getting excited over something, and Bickslow convincing me to 'Take the stick out of my ass and have a drink.' I can't believe that I actually woke up in Laxus's bed. "My body is sore..." I accidentally thought out loud. As soon as I thought that, I realized what it must mean. Well, I guess I figured out that I wasn't on top. To be expected though I guess. It's Laxus after all.

"What?" Laxus said, not hearing me correctly. I hate to repeat myself, which is one of the reasons I make a point to speak clearly every time, but I would make an excepton for Laxus. Or at least I normally would, what I said, however was rather embarrassing.

"Umm... Nothing," I replied, hoping Laxus would drop the subject.

"Nah, I heard you say something," he replied. I was really hoping he would drop it, but I guess there is no point in lying.

"I said my..." I mumbled, quieter than before. There's no point in lying, but I wish I had never said that. My face was red thinking of how I got so sore. I probably looked as red as Juvia when she is near Gray when he strips.

"Come on Freed, what did you say? It's unlike you to speak so unclear," he joked. I loved how he knew my habits, even if it was only because I was one of his teammates.

"I said my body was sore..." My face burning up as I spoke.

"Sore from...," Laxus made some weird gesture with his hands, but it got the point across. His face turned red as his thoughts ran through his mind.

"Yeah, I guess that solves one mystery," I said, about to start laughing until I saw Laxus. He looked confused and... Almost hurt and apologetic. I knew that man like the back of my hand, and I don't think I have ever seen that look on his face.

"Sorry Freed. I hope you aren't mad." He looked me directly in the eyes and said.

"Laxus, it's fine," I said. I realized immediately after that I was probably acting a little too calm to seem normal. I couldn't help it. I loved him so much, so even just sitting here and taking was nice for me.

"Also, please don't go around spreading rumors. I don't want the whole town thinking I'm gay," he laughed, but I was crushed. I figured that Laxus didn't like this, but I thought it would at least be something we laughed over.

"Okay, I will not spread rumors," I worded that sentence very carefully, like I normally would every sentence.

"Thanks Freed," Laxus got up when there was a beeping noise coming from the other room, "that's probably the coffee." He walked out of the room, coming back in about a minute with two cups of coffee. "Here, I made yours how you always get it when we go on quests. My coffee isn't any fancy stuff like the guild's though, so I hope you like it."

"Thank you." I drank some of my coffee,"It's good."

"No problem, your clothes should be done washing soon," he said in-between coffee sips.

"Wait, We have a request that we have to go on today, don't we?" I remembered yesterday we had taken a request off of the board.

"Shit. Ever and Bickslow are probably waiting for us. We were supposed to meet them at the train station at noon, thirty minutes ago, we gotta go," Laxus said, jumping up and running into the other room for my clothes.

A/N - This story kind of sucks, but it's pretty fun to write. A new chapter will probably be out in like a week. It will hopefully be longer too. Thanks for reading!