'If we don't do something soon, Jafar will win and we can't have that happen.' Alice glanced between Cyrus and Will, who were both nodding at her in agreement.

'So what exactly is your plan, Alice?' Will asked her.

'Well first of all we have to...'

'Alice... Alice... ALICE!'

She awoke violently at the sound of her name to see everyone in her class staring at her and the teacher, Mr. Hart, looking very angry.

'Oh sorry, I must have dozed off.' She muttered. Mr. Hart tutted at her and asked to see her when class was over.

Alice looked to her side where her best friend, Will, was the only one still looking at her, but his was a look of concern. He wrote something down on a piece and passed it to her.

Wonderland again?

She nodded at him and sighed. He was the only one who knew about her vivid dreams about a World named Wonderland. The dreams started about a month ago and always continued from where they left off. On one hand, she was sick of the dreams; they didn't make any sense to her. But on the other, she kind of wanted to know what happened next.

After class was over, she stayed behind to talk to Mr. Hart.

'Alice, this is the third time this week you've fallen asleep in lesson, is there something wrong?'

'No, sir.' She lied.

He gave her a look that suggested he didn't believe her. 'Then I have no choice but to give you a detention.'

She nodded, took the slip and left the room. Will was outside waiting for her. As they walked to their next lesson together, they spoke.

'So what happened this time?' Will asked her.

'Me, you and Cyrus were planning a way on how we could defeat Jafar.'


'Well I don't know, I got woken up!'

'Oh right, sorry.'

Alice sighed. 'It's not your fault, Will, I just really wish I knew how and why these dreams started in the first place.'

'In understand Alice, if I could do anything to help, then I would.'

'You could wait for me while I'm in detention...'

'I really need to word things better.' He moaned.

After school and after her detention, Alice and Will headed to his house. He lived alone, which no one was supposed to know. He knew Alice wouldn't tell though; she was, after all, his oldest friend.

When they got to his house, Will hauled out a giant notebook and some pens. 'Alright Alice, how about we draw a time-line of what's happened so far in your dreams?'

'How will that help?'

'I'm not sure yet' Will admitted. 'But it's worth a shot.'

And so they sat and worked together on a time-line of lives they didn't know they had lived. For Alice's dreams were not dreams at all; they were memories.