A/N: Hello everyone. I am Artemis Fae.

Here is a brand new version of Into Eternity. For those who have read Into Eternity, I am sure this would be a more satisfying version.

And so, I am going to remove Into Eternity from the site and update it to this one. Thank you for reading. I love you all.

Artemis Fae

Chapter 1: First Night

It was Lara's first time to be out of the country all by herself. Her parents are long gone, and her last caretaker, her grandmother, has passed on, leaving Lara to fend for herself all alone in this world. With all her inheritance liquefied, Lara went on and booked a flight ticket to Volterra, where the promised paintings that she longs to see in person are there.

As soon as she is there, Lara registered for a group tour at the old museum in Volterra. The lady who helped her with the name is a nice lady who goes by the name of Heidi, and she is impeccably beautiful in person. Lara is in awe with her, and went away with a blushing face after Heidi directed her to a small van, whereby the rest of the tourist who had registered for this tour group is there in the vehicle, waiting to be driven to their hotels.

The tour group's price is deafeningly cheap, and it is a bargain and such a waste to not register them right away. Lara is happy, and while waiting for the vehicle to be filled full, Lara enjoys her short amount of time to herself by imagining the dark corridors, the beautiful paintings and sculptures that she saw online while browsing on to where exactly she wants to go for a tour.

After clicking 'Buy Now', she packed her bags and went to the airport. An hour later, she is off on the flights to Volterra.

After a while, the van moved. Lara awoke from her little day dream and looked around. The van is piled full of tourists, and they are all registered for the museum tour scheduled for tomorrow. The hotel is not far from the airport, and soon they arrived.

"Tomorrow at 7a.m sharp we shall move out of the hotels. There is a festival called St. Marcus Day, in an honor to remember the day when St. Marcus drove out all the vampires from the town and made this place safe again once more. There would be a lot of people going to and fro form the museum, and I have managed to secure a tour in the morning when the weather is less hot and the place is less crowded with people," Heidi said to them, and everyone nodded lightly in agreement.

With that being said, everyone is ushered to their rooms in the hotels and waits for tomorrow morning's tour.

Lara had troubles sleeping at night. And as such, she would take her sweet time to roam around the hotels late at night to enjoy the night time sceneries without anyone to bother her. Lara is a beautiful person. So beautiful that she at times made a trouble out of nothing but one glance at someone at the bar. It frustrates her to no ends that people would stare and gawk at her, and at times made inappropriate wolf-whistles and cat calls to her that she hated.

And so, she would isolate herself from the others and wear clothes to cover her up, such as a beanie hat or a spectacle. That attracts less unwanted attentions.

Finding the surroundings of the hotels a disappointment, she went back to her room and opens wide the windows of her room. Heidi had rented a whole floor for them up high in the hotel tower, and it provides them a massive and beautiful night view in Volterra.

Lara thought that Volterra is a dreamy and beautiful place, as if she is transported back to the era where modern things have yet to exist and the only transports around are horses and carts. It is kind of a wonderful thing to be dreaming about, and as she perched herself on the balcony's bar, she stares out at the moon.

And caught on a wonderfully beautiful scent.

She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. It is not a dream or a figment of her imagination. The scent is real, and it is most exquisite and unique that she searches for it, opening her eyes and darts them here and there, up and down everywhere she could find.

And there, right in front of her where it is never there before, stood a figure dressed in a deep maroon colored cloak.

The cloak billowed in the wind, wide and elegant, and the figure's hood fell off from their head and reveals a beautiful man.

A beautiful man in hair so blonde and white that it looked almost snow white.

His eyes seemed to be glowing red, and his lips a supple red color. Skin white and pale as paper, Lara stares at the man and finds her heartbeat picks up speed. The man is staring at her as well, while she to him, admiring his beautiful features from where she stood on her hotel room's balcony.

The moment is magic. The stare lasted for a long while, and the next time she blinked, the man is gone. Lara blinked and shakes her head to clear off the slight blur that had her for a moment for staring into one place for too long and looked around again. The man is nowhere to be found. The scent as well, is gone.

"Maybe he's just a figment of my imagination after all…" Lara said to herself and smiles softly, rubbing her bare arms as she strode back to her room and promptly fell asleep, waiting for tomorrow's arrival with a strange anticipation blooming deep in her belly.


The next morning came in a breeze. Heidi ushered the rest of the tour groups into the van and off they drove towards the castle city atop the closest hill. The ancient sienna walls and towers crowning the peak of the steep hill made the whole city looked uniquely beautiful, yet at some strange point, Lara felt that the beautiful city looked a little terrifying at the same time, as if there are unknown dangers lying underneath somewhere, making her tremble slightly at the thought. Humans fears the unknown, and what they do not know and do not understand, more so if that something is something they cannot control at all means, then it would be considered dangerous.

Like the vampires in St. Marcus's legend.

The vampires came without warning. Humans die one by one from blood loss, and the humans were afraid of the vampires, not understanding why they becomes so and that they cannot be submitted to their rules and regulations. And so, they were exterminated.

The people crowding toward the gate gripped their hats and tugged their hair out of their faces. Their clothes billowed around them. She also noticed that the color red was everywhere. Red shirts, red hats, red flags dripping like long ribbons beside the gate, whipping in the wind – as she watched, the brilliant crimson scarf one woman had tied around her hair was caught in a sudden gust. It twisted up into the air above her, writhing like it was alive. The woman reached for it, jumping in the air, but it continued to flutter higher, a patch of bloody color against the dull, ancient walls.

It was Saint Marcus Day. The city holds a celebration every year in honor of their legend. As the legend goes, a Christian missionary – a Father Marcus, Matriach of the Voltun, in fact – drove all the vampires from Volterra fifteen hundred years ago. It was told that he was martyred in Romania, and that he is still trying to drive away the vampire scourge. Crosses and garlic were told to be of use, and that Father Marcus had used them so successfully in driving away vampires. It was a legend worth remembering, and everyone make it a note to celebrate the holy event in the city as recognition for the police force. In honor of the day, everyone would wear something red as a tribute to the deceased Holy Father. After all, Voltera is an amazingly safe city.

The crowd stretched on and on the red and grey brick road. Heidi guides them with her voice and the swinging of her hips, turning them onto a little path that couldn't have been meant for cars. There is another street at the end of the street, a small pathway that is so discretely hidden by the shadows of the day. The buildings were taller here; they leaned together overhead so that no sunlight touched the pavement-the trashing red flags on either side nearly met. The lovely tour guide waved her hand and shouted over the crowd, "Stay together! Don't wander around as you could very well get lost here! Stick to your group! We had a tight schedule here!"

Even so early in the morning, the crowds are astoundingly deafening already. Everyone is ready to celebrate St. Marcus day, and they were all dressed up in the occasions.

The street was very narrow, cobbled with the same color stones as the faded cinnamon brown buildings that darkened the street with their shade. It had the feel of an alleyway. Red flags decorated the walls, spaced only a few yards apart, flapping in the wind that whistled through the narrow lane.

Suddenly, the street widens up. The darkened street lights up into a more warm red brick color, and soon, they have come up to the grand front door made of heavy iron that no man but machines and monsters could move.

"Come on in, everyone!" Heidi called after knocking on the iron door, which creeps open in an agonizingly slow movement. Everyone shuffles quickly into the room behind the iron door, and when it closes, Lara turns around and catches a glimpse of the sunlight streaming down into the room a few seconds later. Strangely, she felt as if that would be the last time she would see sunlight. The doors closed behind her with a loud bang, deafening and heavy as it sets the feeling of dread in her heart. Shrugging to herself, Lara followed the quickly disappearing group down a hallway, chiding herself slightly for being so easily spooked.

Lara observes whatever her eyes could see in the dark dim light. It would seem that the curators do not want the paintings to be done in by manmade light. She had to admit, it is a great idea to keep the paintings fresh and untarnished by age. But then the moisture would have been an inescapable ending for the paintings. Lara rolled her eyes. Stop thinking too much, she thought to herself. There must be a reason why arts are stored down here.

And so she noticed it as well. The air down here in the corridors was quite dry and cold. She licked her lips to moisturize them, and finds them dry and caked. Fishing out a bottle of her water, she downed the water bottle in one go and wipes her lips dry with her long sleeve.

Dry air indeed, Lara thought to herself.

Soon, they came upon a posh office reception area. The walls were paneled in wood, the floors carpeted in thick, deep green, muffling the sound of footsteps. There were no windows, but large, brightly lit paintings of the Tuscan countryside hung everywhere as a replacements. Pale leather couches were arranged in cozy groupings, and the glossy tables held crystal vases full of vibrantly colored bouquets. Oddly, the flowers' smell reminded her of a funeral home.

The walls in the middle of the room were a high, polished mahogany counter. Lara couldn't help but to gawk in astonishment at the woman behind it.

She was tall, with dark skin and green eyes. Lara guessed that she would have been very pretty under the sunlight. Bowing slightly at the tour group from behind the polished mahogany counter, the receptionist smiles politely in welcome, "Good afternoon, Heidi, and welcome travelers," she said. "The curators of this place have been waiting for your arrivals."

On the other side of the wooden doors was a different kind of reception. The pale boy in the pearl gray suit has dark hair and adequately full lips. His piercing eyes and unsmiling face made him looked very much like a stone statue. None the less, he is just as lovely as Heidi.

"Hello Alec," Heidi greeted the pale boy, who nodded his head in return.

"They are waiting for your arrival," he replied in a musical tune. The eyes of all the other unsuspecting tour people immediately turned towards him, smiling widely at the beauty this very boy possesses. With another nod from Heidi, the tour guide leads the group through another wide, ornate hall – Lara was starting to think that the halls were made out of a never-ending labyrinth. Nobody noticed the hungry looks Alec gave the tourists, licking his lips absentmindedly, as if reminded of the delicious meal awaiting him at any moment from now.

There was a small petite woman in their tour group. She wore a long, floral-patterned dress and black velvet flats. Her hair was a mousy grey, and her wide, glossy eyes and small mouth and nose made up for the rodent description. She gave her surroundings a nervous scan, seemingly shivering as well the further they went into the never-ending hall. She looked so fearful of everything, and looked as if she'll jump at the smallest noise and touch.

Reaching out to the woman, Lara places one of her hand gently on the poor woman's shoulder and asked sympathetically, "Are you alright, madam?"

As expected, the small woman jumped in shock and held her crucifix closer to her chest, her eyes wide with fear unknown to many.

"Yes," she replied a tad bit too quickly for her words to really mean it. When Lara continues to watch her, the lady nodded her head quickly and repeated, "Yes I'm quite fine, thank you, dear."

Lara smiles soothingly at her. "I do hope you're fine. You look awful."

"I think I'm beginning to regret coming here at all," the lady finally confesses, her eyes darting everywhere in quick short glances, as if wanting to see every inch at once just so that there could be nothing that could surprise her out of the blue. It was as if she's expecting a booby trap to pop out any minute.

"Why is that?" Lara asked while trying to keep up with the group. "This place is wonderful, and we're not even in the actual art gallery yet!" Lara said excitedly, her eyes locked on a beautiful statue placed by the sides of the winding corridor.

"There's evil in this place," the lady hissed, her eyes glaring at Heidi from behind. "I can feel it deep in my bones, and that woman is leading us right to hell!"

"I'm sure she's not, Mademoiselle," Lara said, starting to look a little wary. Now that the lady had said it, she began to notice that this place is irritatingly cold, and that Heidi is starting to walk a little bit faster, appearing as if she is anxious about something. It looked strange on the usually calm and collected tour guide. Heidi would usually walk behind them on a tour, and she would always wait for people to enjoy their tour. Lara and the lady are well left behind by the group, and yet Heidi paid no attention to them and walked towards an opening at the end of the hallway, revealing a dome-like hall with little sunlight shone in from the top of the dome-like ceiling.

"Well this is unusual," a man's coarse voice boomed from amongst the tour group.

"So medieval," an unpleasantly shrill, female voice gushed back. Lara rolled her eyes. She hated that woman. She might just be one of the most unpleasant women she has ever met. She liked to nose around people's business – especially family gossips – and when she did find a new juicy gossip, she would share it with the other tourists group, revealing others secrets and gossips straight down to the core.

A tall buff man passes the tour group by. When he bypasses Heidi, he motioned for the little group he is guiding out to make room. They even pressed back against the cold wall just to let the large tour group to pass.

That's so kind of them, Lara thought to herself. She briefly caught an eye contact with one of the good-looking man wearing a red cloak. He smiles at her in a crooked grin, and she had the strangest idea that he knew what she had thought.

The couple in front of her – Americans from the sound of them – glanced around themselves with appraising eyes. Lara smiles back politely and shrugged. Nobody could read minds these days, she thought to herself. Not unless you're Sookie Stackhouse from True Blood.

"Leave some for me," the man passes Heidi said with a crooked grin of hers.

Heidi smiles back in her equally beautiful crooked grin. "Hurry up or you'll get the leftovers."

With that, the group separated.

Lara noted to herself in a strange way that the temperature underneath the city is cold – wintry, even. It strikes her as odd how up there in the city people were complaining about the heat, and no second after they've come down to this part of the city their teeth starts to chatter. Lara rubbed her arms for extra warmth. True, the bone-piercing cold here feels too strange to her liking.

Heidi ignored the doors at the end of the hall-doors entirely sheathed in gold – stopping halfway down the hall and sliding aside a piece of the paneling to expose a plain wooden door. It wasn't locked, and she opened it only to reveal another antechamber. Though not as large as the one she had seen earlier, it opened quickly into a brighter, cavernous room, perfectly round like a huge castle turret.

Which was probably exactly what it was, thought Lara as she follows the group closely.

Two stories up, long window slits threw thin rectangles of bright sunlight onto the stone floor below. There were no artificial lights. The only furniture in the room were several massive wooden chairs – three, to be exact – like thrones, that were spaced unevenly, flush with the curving stone walls. In the very center of the circle, in a slight depression, was another drain.

The room was not empty. A handful of people were convened in seemingly relaxed conversation. The murmur of low, smooth voices was a gentle hum in the air. As Lara watched ahead, a pair of pale women in summer dresses paused in a patch of light, and – like prisms – their skin threw the light in rainbow sparkles against the sienna walls, sending several of the curious tourists to gasp in delight, thinking that they were just a part of a piece of – Lord knows – human arts. Lara bit her lips in anticipation, sensing the strange dread she felt earlier.

The exquisite faces all turned toward our party as we entered the room. Most of them were dressed in inconspicuous pants and shirts-things that wouldn't stick out at all on the streets below. But the man who spoke first wore one of the long robes. It was pitch-black, and brushed against the floor. For a moment, Lara thought that his long, jet-black hair was a part of the hood of his cloak.

"Heidi, dear one, you've returned!" he cried in evident delight. His voice was just a soft sighing, musical, even, as he drifted forward, and the movement flowed with such surreal grace that everyone gawked in awe. Lara almost falls prey to the beautiful appearance and snapped her mouth close quickly. She was only more astonished as he floated closer and I could see his face clearly.

It was not like the unnaturally attractive faces that surrounded him – he did not approach the tour group alone; the entire group seemed to converge around him, some following, and some walking ahead of him with the strange alert manner of a bodyguard. Lara couldn't decide if his face was beautiful or not. Supposed the features were perfect beyond explanation. But he was as different from the vampires beside him as they were from her.

His skin was translucently white, almost akin to onionskin, and it looked just as delicate. It stood in shocking contrast to the long black hair that framed his face, stranger still than Heidi's marble-white face. Lara felt a sudden strange notion – a horrifying urge, even, to reach out and touch his cheek, to see if it was softer – or if it was powdery – like chalk. His eyes were red; the same as the others around him, but the color was clouded, milky. Lara half wondered if his vision was affected by the haze.

He glided towards Heidi, took her face in his papery hands, kissed her lightly on her full lips, and then floated back a step, surveying the scene in front of him.

"Yes, Master." Heidi smiled widely; the expression made her look like an angel. "I fished them fresh, just as you wished."

He turned his misty eyes toward Lara's tour group, and the smile brightened – it became ecstatic.

His filmy eyes scanned the crowds and smiled at a selected few people in the groups.

Behind him floated two more black-robed men. Both looked very much like Aro, one even had the same flowing black hair. The other had a shock of snow-white hair – the same shade as his face – that brushes against his shoulders.

It was then Lara noticed that they looked just like him – the thin onion-like skin, the misty red eyes, the extraordinary beauty the possesses that made them look heartbreakingly good-looking. The other black haired man also took his time to scan the crowds, nodding at some of the people and smiling at them in an odd, hungry way. Lara compared his looks to a hungry, ready-to-pounce lion.

The white-haired man drifted away, gliding towards one of the wooden thrones and made himself comfortable on it. She shifted her gaze towards this man. His appearance appears as a total polar opposite with the other two men. It was not just his snowy blonde hair that appears almost silvery white under the weak glow of the light, appearing out of place with the other dark haired man and only serves to emphasize the paleness of his complexion. This man in particular also chooses to stare at her in a strangely hungry way, albeit in a more relaxed way, leaning back towards the throne chair he now sat and smiles down at her in a soft smirk, as if he knew something she did not.

When he smiles, it suddenly strikes her in a way that it was impossible to look away from him. They were mesmerizing in an odd, unpleasant way, not to mention that his hair and face looked so familiar to her in a way that she couldn't even began to put a name to it. She kept her eyes on him, finding that the more she stares at him, the more enamored she is with him.

There is no such thing as love at first sight, Lara chided herself again, and forces herself to look away.

"Welcome, guests! Welcome to Volterra!" the man sing from the big turret room, jolting her from the staring contest she is having with the snow-haired man. It was then the man began to introduce himself and the others in the room to the tourists.

"I am Aro," the one introducing himself as Aro started, his eyes scanning the crowds in a hungry way. "The one sitting on my right hand side is Marcus, and my left is known as Caius…"

The rest of the tour group filed in after the American couple. Some studied the setting like tourists. A few even snapped pictures. Others looked confused, as if the story that had led them to this room was not making sense anymore.

"We are known throughout our world as the Volturi, the three ruling Kings in this present time."

Lara looked around suspiciously. The small, dark lady that had talked to her earlier gripped her rosary tightly in one hand, walking more slowly than the others and touching someone now and then, asking a question in a new, unfamiliar language. No one seemed to understand her, and her voice grew more panicked.

"Heidi?" Lara called, a little anxious with the now closed room and the advancing curators. "What is happening here?"

Heidi smiles in a fake, guilty way at her. "Lara. Dear Lara. You are so observant of your surroundings." Lara gave Heidi and the rest of the curators a glaring look, not liking the situation that she and the others are in right now.

In a sudden flash, Heidi stood right in front of her and held her face sideways, stunning Lara with her monstrous speed. "I am the Fisher and the Bait, while you and the rest of the tour groups are our dinner tonight."

Just as Lara widens her eyes, Heidi disappeared from her sight and devoured a man standing right beside her, his blood spurted out in fountains and stained her white sundress.

Screams echoes in the hall, and Lara stumbles backward, her eyes wide with surprise while her screams were nowhere to be found in such a situation. Everyone started to run towards the exit, and she follows as well, only to stop halfway when the rest of the pale people surrounds them and begun their frenzied attack.

And she realizes that they knew they were going to reach for the exit, and so they had been waiting there for them.

Turning around, Lara searches for another exit. Blood spurts from the next victim and the next and the next, staining her dress as well as her face and skin. Everywhere, there were people screaming, being chased by these… these…

"...Vampires…" Lara said in a whisper, gulping down as she saw, one by one, the tourists that were with her no longer than 24 hours is getting slaughtered and devoured by these monsters.

"You are correct," a soft voice said from behind her, and she snapped her head around, her hair snapping around her and slapped her face. There, standing no few inches from here is the snow-haired vampire Caius, who had just been lounging in the throne-like seats no few seconds ago.

He smirked at her a crooked smile, appearing cruel and cold towards her as he stares at her hungrily with his ruby red eyed glinting underneath the weak light in the hall. "You are most correct, young one. As you've seen, we make our victims bleed with our venomous weapons here, which are our set of teeth…"

He bares his teeth at her, smiling widely and showing her the set of sparkling white rows of razor sharp teeth. "And there is nothing you can do but to surrender to us, little star…"

Lara's eyes darted everywhere, losing hope by the minute when she saw just how many of them had died off. The last one, the woman who had a loud mouth complete with thick makeup and dressed as scanty as she could, lies in the arms of the man who had passes them by just now.

And that is when she realizes what he had meant when he said those words to Heidi…

Leave some for me…

"Leave some for me… you are all Vampires…!" Lara whispers, the truth sets upon her heart like a heavy anchor, leaving her to clutch her chest as she struggles to accept the truth that she will die in a few moments, just like the rest of the tourists here. "We're all food for you… we're… we're…"

"A live human," Caius said to her, standing in front of her and smiles wickedly at her. Lara stares at him, mesmerized from his beauty instead of shivering in fear with his presence being so near with her. Slowly, the man reaches out a hand towards her face, flipping her long hair back to her back and exposing her side of the neck, where he proceeds to ran down his cold digits down her neck and lingering around her collarbone.

She almost moaned.

Closing her eyes, Lara willed herself to be calm. If she were to die, then let it be less messy like those who had died before her does. She certainly did not want to be buried while having a massively torn open throat, just like the one other guy she had seen no few moments ago while many of them were still screaming and alive. His throat is torn open, and his neck is broken in a funny angle.

That is an ugly death.

"Are you enjoying this, little star?" Caius asks her, smiling his crooked smile at her while stroking her neck up and down. Lara opens her eyes and stares at him, staring right into his ruby red eyes.

They were such a beautiful sight to behold that she couldn't help it…

And then, she reaches up to touch him.

Caius gasps of surprise, if they were there, was not loud enough to be heard by any vampires or by Lara. He held himself right at the last moment, feeling her touch getting nearer to him and yet his body did nothing to evade or stop her from touching him. He is no longer in control of his body, no longer in control of his mind and actions.

In the other feeding times, Caius would lounge around and watch who is the calmest. Then he would approach them, then slowly work them up, make their heart pound as fear starts to set in his victim's heart. There is this thrill about making his own meal work up, the hormones and the fear, and the adrenaline as he sucks their blood out makes his meal all the more appetizing.

And yet this time, just when he found the only calm victim out of all the tourists groups here, something changed.

The moment her eyes locked onto his, he felt a change. A sudden rush of change that made him want to rush forward and sink his teeth right into her neck and tore out her heart as he gouges on her blood. And yet, there is another option in his mind.

He wanted to rush forward to her, to cover her eyes, to tell her that everything is going to be okay and take her away from this place. Strange, it feels. That feeling to want to protect someone so badly that his hunger is promptly forgotten…

His hunger is forgotten.

And all he sees is her…

And when she closes her eyes and bites her lips when he touches her neck and her collarbone, as if to suppress a moan from coming out from her beautiful throat, he – too – bites his own lips.

To contain his own pleasure of moan…

When she opens her eyes, he looked deep into them, and knew. He just knew that he will make sure that she survives this massacre…

"This will not be a pleasant feeling," Caius said, drawing her nearer by pulling onto her neck and pushing the rest of her hair to her back. "Close your eyes, and think about me…"

The last sight that she sees is his eyes – his blood red eyes. They were bright and shining, luring her into a temporary lull as she admires his beautiful features and eyes. He leans into her face, breathing softly onto her, his breath fanned out like perfume to her, making her close her eyes. They were so close to kissing, just another small movement and their lips would have connected.

Caius closes his eyes and held on. The passion would have to wait…

It would have to wait…

She is still human… he thought to himself, suppressing his own needs of surprised passion. He knew she would not have survived were he to kiss her. The need to have her is too much to bear, and he knew, just one tempting kiss would have sent her to her grave.

He would have become a monster after the kiss…

And so, Caius turns his head sideways and leans right into the crook of her neck. Lara's hand digs into Caius's granite-hard wrist as he bites down onto her neck, a strange sucking feeling felt right after he bites onto her neck, breaking the delicate and sensitive skin there and drawing blood.

Massive amount of blood...

She felt him sucking hard onto her neck, not letting one single drop of blood slip out from his mouth. Supposedly she is to feel pain, or some form of fear to this man who is to be the reason why she would die soon. He would be the death of her, and she – as the victim – is supposed to fear him. And why does she not fear him then?

And instead, why is she feeling this… this…

Caius's arm wrapped around her waist and pulls her to him tightly, while the hand holding onto her neck gently strokes her neck in a sort of soothing rhythm, as if he is massaging her neck. Lara understood it immediately that he meant to make the blood flow into his mouth in a quicker flow.

She felt the passion brewing within her. The heat begun to pool deep inside her belly as he touches her and held her so intimately close to him... they couldn't have gotten closer enough, seeing as Caius kept on drawing her closer and closer, almost crushing her small body to his. He groans at the unique and sweet taste of her blood, so unlike anything he had ever partaken in his entire life as an immortal Vampire. He heard her breathing by the side of his ear, and that sound ignites a desire deep within him as he had done to her.

In other words, he wants her. Not just her blood or her life, or her touches or the sound of her voice when he touches her.

He wants her all.


All of her.

All. Of. Her.

And then it struck him. The sudden thought regarding why her blood taste so unique and different as compared to the other humans and blood he has ever drunk in his lifetime as a Vampire. There is this strange unique taste in her blood that when he drank them deep and sucked hard on the open wound in her neck that he had made with his razor sharp teeth, it suddenly dawn on him that in his lifetime, he had never had a more delicious blood meal before. He had never had such a feeling in him that grew more the more he drank her blood. The longer he sucks on her neck where the blood is flowing into his mouth, the more the thought that he wants no other blood meal other than this unique taste of blood dawns onto him.

Her fingers delved into his hair and gripped onto his head as he slowly started to slow down on his sucking her blood. Her other hand – which is gripping onto his strong forearm – made his desire for her soar as she gripped onto it, causing him to groan out a response against her neck. Strange feelings arises from within him, pooling deep in his belly and making a certain organ of his swell up in response to their close proximity and her scent. Oh, her scent, her lovely lily-like scent that's so heady and exquisite at the same time. It made him want to bask in her scent forever.


And that thought made him stop.

For the first time in his eternal life, Caius did not kill his victim. He removes his mouth from her neck, and licked his lips. Wiping the blood off his mouth with the back of his hand, Caius lifted his head up from her neck and takes a deep breath as he brushes his cheek with hers.

Then came nose to nose and face to face with her…

Eyes half lidded with her mouth open in a small round 'O', Lara stares at the snow-haired vampire through her blurry gaze, the blood loss getting to her head as she struggles a little to stay awake in his arms. He held her; safe against him, as he stares into her eyes steadily, all traces of cruelty and evil gone from his eyes.

Leaving only the gaze of a man seeing the sun for the first time…

Written On: 18th of Jan 2015