Title: Surrogate Lover

Pairing: AoKise

Rating: T

Summary: AU. In which Aomine and Kise are madly in love with each other, but there's one thing Aomine wants that Kise can't give, a family. Kise thinks of a solution for that problem in their relationship, he hires a surrogate named Kuroko Tetsuna.

Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basuke


Part 1: Yellow, Teal, and Blue


In the cold wisps of the autumn air, Kise Ryouta, a twenty-eight year old aspiring model finds himself on the sidewalk sauntering towards their humble abode. He had a pleasant smile on his face, carried around bags of groceries.

It's been years since. Almost a decade almost.

Years since he met one, Aomine Daiki, the one who saved his life.

Kise hadn't had many luxuries in life until the day Aomine Daiki saved him from himself.

He was simply in the wrong crowd at the wrong time. Negativity was his best friend, so were drugs, and the booze and the sex. He was just lonely and lost, he was an idiotic freshmen in college who did stupid things in their wake.

And God knows how Aomine Daiki was like an angel sent from heaven. More so, he was the hard knock of reality where Kise woke up from a trance from everything he thought he knew.

Kise met Aomine Daiki when he lay on one of the hospital beds of the ER when he overdosed in whatever he could micro-idiotic thing he could think of. At that time, Aomine Daiki, the tanned man clad in a police officer uniform glared at him in a mix of annoyance and pity. It surprised Kise when Aomine came to visit him everyday despite the older man's busy schedule. Aomine reasoned with him that it was for his personal interest that was why he was here.

Still, Kise was thankful for the small distraction that the older male provided him with. And soon enough, when Kise was discharged, he thanked the man.

"Thank you," He sniffed, the tears prickling on his eyes, "If it weren't for you… Thank you for waking me up."

"Nahh," The officer shrugged, placing his hand on the blonde's shoulder. "Don't cry you ass, just don't do stupid things ever again."

"Yeah…" The blonde gave a small smile.

"You wanna get coffee?"

A coffee and many dates later, here they were now. Living together and madly in love.


If there was any scent that Kise loved, it was that of his lover's.

Kise Ryouta opened the door of his home and was wafted with the scent of his what made Aomine, Aomine Daiki. The older man had that odd mixture of a natural smell of cinnamon mixed with his daily cologne that he wore, which to Kise's astonishment, he loved.

"Aominecchi! I'm home," He called out laying the green eco-bags on the flat surface of the marble counter. The blonde heard soft footsteps behind him and in a second he was engulfed by the warmth that oozed out oh-so naturally from the tanned man.

"How was work?" A low whisper came, he could feel the other's breath on the nape of his neck. He nuzzled the back of head to against the man's face. The blonde turned around and smiled at the dazzling man in front of him.

He placed his hands on his lovers face, caressing his skin, feeling the small prickly hair on the surface, Kise chuckled, "You need to shave."

"Hmm," Aomine grabbed Kise's hand and placed small kisses on them, "I was thinking of growing it out."

Kise contorted his face in disgust, "You know I don't like that."

"I was only joking," Aomine laughed.

"You better be," He huffed playfully.


It was a little past seven when the both of them were sitting across from each other enjoying each other's company.

"Is there something in your mind?" Aomine placed his chopsticks down and looked concerned at the look Kise was sporting.

Kise reluctantly shook his head. But of course there was something he wanted to say, still this wasn't the right time for this, whatever he was thinking. He still needed to plan everything.

Surely in all the years, Aomine stayed with Kise, they'd been happy. But..

"Aominecchi," Kise called out, the older man responding to that god-awful nickname Kise was so fond of, "I was just thinking…"

Aomine chuckled, "I'm surprised you can." He joked, making the blond click his tongue in faux annoyance.

"Let's go out tomorrow?" He suggested.

"Where to?"

"Trust me on this one."

There was this look in Kise's eyes that made Aomine slightly reluctant, "Okay."


Kise parked his car in front of a fancy French restaurant just a few ways away from their home. Tonight was the night. With a skip in his footsteps he opened the door to his car, the doorman greeting him with a radiant smile and him returning it.

"Your reservation?" A woman in a black dress asked him politely.

"It's under Kise Ryouta."

The woman nodded and looked inside her book, "You're at table seven sir, a private room, Tori-san will guide you there. I believe two of your companions are already sitting at the table."


She gestured to a black-haired young man in–what Kise guessed was in his mid-twenties, who gave him a polite bow and lead the way to his table. He guided the blonde to a small room dim-lit room. Upon arriving at the designated table he could already see Aomine and a beautiful teal-haired young woman.

"Aominecchi," He greeted, to which the older man quickly stood up and greeted him with a quick peck on the lips.

Aomine wore a simple white button up shirt and black slacks, his black suit jacket hung on the seat behind him. He still wore that cologne that Kise's been accustomed with, he gave a pleasant 'Kise-grin' at the tanned police officer.

The waiter, Tori, excused himself and exited the room not without reminding them that he would be back in ten minutes to take their order, or if they so wish, they could just ask for him.

"Sorry I'm late," he apologised smiling at the young woman in front of him once they were alone.

She shook her head, her shoulder-length teal hair swaying with her body, "No, no it's fine Kise-kun."

"Have the two of you ordered?" Kise inquired politely.

"No, no–" Aomine replied pulling the chair for Kise to sit on, "We were waiting for you actually."

"Ah," He breathed out, "I'm sorry, you guys haven't formally introduced yet, Kuroko Tetsuna-san, this is my lover Aomine Daiki."

He then gestured to the young woman, "Aominecchi, this is Kuroko Tetsuna-san, I met her when I was on my way to my schedule."

Kuroko Tetsuna was a beautiful woman, whose shoulder hair teal-hair flowed gracefully, accentuating her small petite face. Her light blue eyes shone bright even with the dim-lit room. She wore a white dress, with a black belt on he waist, perfectly fitting her petite body. She looked sophisticated, well-mannered, and polite.

The two of them shook hands, and for the rest of the night, the two got talked about each other while Kise on the other hand sat with a glass of wine in his hand, observing the two with a pleasant look on his face. Aomine learned that Tetsuna loved to play basketball, something officer loved to do, although she wasn't good as him she thoroughly enjoyed the sport.

It couldn't have gone bad, but it looked like the two got along well.

All is well.

She was the one.


"What was that about?"

Was Aomine's question as soon as got home. Kise discarded his coat and hung it on the coat rack by their door.

"I wanted you to meet her," Kise simply stated, striding to the kitchen area to get a glass of cool water.

"Yes," Aomine followed Kise to the kitchen, "But is there any reason why I had to meet her?"

"She's going be our surrogate."

There was a pause, and Kise faced his lover to witness an expression of bewilderedness.

"What?" Kise inquired as if what he'd told Aomine was completely normal.

"What do you mean 'what'? Kise! What the hell? A surrogate?" Aomine's cobalt blue eyes twitched with either irritation or anger.

Kise who was taking a sip out of his glass of water closed his eyes exasperatedly, "Aominecchi…"

Aomine crossed his arms, "A surrogate? For what?"

"Look, Aominecchi," Kise said in a hushed quiet tone, "Don't you want a family?"


Aomine hadn't uttered a single word to him that evening. Not even the usual 'Good night' or 'I love you'. Were said. They were just accompanied with the slightly suffocating silence. Who was he kidding. The silence was suffocating. They had never been this quiet before. Ever.

Usually, Aomine would annoy the hell out of Kise until the younger blonde would yell for Aomine to stop teasing him, all in good nature of course. But this, this was the first time if Kise recalled correctly that he and Aomine shared silence.

The blonde lay next to Aomine, the dark blue haired man facing away from him. Kise rested his back against the wooden frame of their bed, his eyes on the book opened in front of him, but his mind swimming endlessly elsewhere.

"Do you really want to?" Kise heard a mumble from his left side where Aomine lay.

"Do I want what?" He asked, not leaving his book for a moment. He was relieved though. Aomine was speaking with him again.

There was shuffling, the blankets thrown off from the figure of his lover, "You want a family, right?"

Kise pressed his bookmark on the spine of the book before closing it. Sepia coloured eyes focused on the man in front of him, "Don't you?"

There was an exasperated breath coming from the man who harboured all his affections, "I do, God knows how I much I want a family of my own, but if it's not with you, then it's useless."

"Aominecchi…" He sighed.

Aomine leaned closer capturing Kise's rosy cheeks, "Kise, you're not getting me," The tanned man vocalised, "I don't anyone else, but you. We can always adopt if you want. And besides, the only family I need is you."

Kise pouted, "Mou, stop that."

"It's all true." Cobalt blue eyes stared in his own sepia orbs glazed with seriousness.

"I want a child that we would call ours, yours. I want your child Aominecchi. No one else's. I don't want to adopt. So please…"

He knew that Aomine wouldn't be deciding tonight.

"I'll think about it," The blue haired man finally said dejectedly.

Kise kissed his lover on his lips, "That's all I ask."


It was a little chilly that November day and winter was quickly setting in, with its cold winds and shorter days. Kise was home from a nine-hour shoot, which he was gladly thankful of. And so, finding that he had time to cook something for Aomine, he was now looking over at cooking magazines to find something worth cooking.

It's been a few days since they last had the 'baby' subject–as Kise liked to label it. Every time Kise would start to talk about it, Aomine would be oh so quick to avoid the subject, but the blonde didn't want to push anything to the darker male. He wanted Aomine to make the decision himself.

He heard the front door open with a distinguishable click, sets of keys were being placed at the near-by table. A smirk set in his face, he could hear the man's breathing a mile away.

The blonde model wasn't completely surprised when he was engulfed by Aomine's toned arms and his warmth. Aomine buried his face on Kise's milky white neck, the latter laughing at the gesture. Aomine's body was leaning towards Kise's.

"That tickles Aominecchi," He said breathlessly. Aomine didn't listen but continued to bury his face into his lover.

"Had a ruff day?" Kise asked genuinely curious why Aomine was being a bit strange, not that he didn't like the skinship, but let's face it, Aomine wasn't really the lightest man alive. The blonde could feel his shoulders and neck getting a bit sore with the weight that was being set upon them.

Aomine continued to stay mute and Kise sighed. He close the glossy pages of the cooking magazine. He took the arms on his hips and unhooked them from his grasp, grabbed Aomine's face from his shoulder, "What's wrong with you?"

There was a reluctant pause from the other man, but soon enough he asked. "You think we'll be good parents?"

Baffled at the sudden inquiry, Kise's eyebrows wrinkled together, "…Are you saying…?"

Aomine sighed. He captured Kise's lips in a soft kiss, it didn't last long, all but sure about what he was trying to say right now, "I want you to be happy. I want us to be happy, and if this baby is what you want, then I'd gladly do it, Kise."

Kise shook his head, "I don't want to force you to do anything Aominecchi. If you don't want this, then you don't have to."

"I do!" Aomine retorted. He leaned his forehead so it would be touching the blonde's, their face mere inches apart, "I want this. I didn't think it'd be this way, but I've always wanted a child. I thought we could just adopt in a few years, or something, but a surrogacy, Kise?"

"If it's not Aominecchi's child then I don't want anyone else's." Kise simply stated.

Aomine let out a deep breath, he looked dead straight at Kise's beautiful sepia coloured eyes and said, "Okay. Let's do it."

Kise eyes brightened up at the statement. He gasped and had that stupidly handsome grin on his face, ecstatic that Aomine finally agreed. They were doing this. They were going to be parents. He leaped on Aomine's body, the officer catching him with ease, the blonde model caressed Aomine's dark blue tresses before planting kisses all over his face. Stopping a mere two inches away until he said, "Thank you."

Kise kissed Aomine with all his worth, all the happiness he could express. Everything he felt right now were condensed in that one kiss.


Kuroko Tetsuna was a woman saved from her own misery. She was heartbroken and miserable when she met a man a man named, Kise Ryouta. She met Kise on the third month she was left by her fiancé for another woman. It was all unexpected, everything were going all according to plan, they were going to get married, the two of them were in front of the altar, but then a woman– who she recalled as her fiancé's best friend called out to her fiancé. And in a matter of a minute or less, the red-head she loved, her everything, left her in front of the altar. She lost everything in that minute.

She was wondering aimlessly on the streets of Tokyo, when she bumped into Kise Ryouta, a dazzling man with a modelesque face. She remembered his face, he was in one of the many Zunon Boy fashion magazines she always saw.

Tetsuna hadn't even noticed the hell-biting heat that was splashed on her blouse until the blonde started to profusely apologise for his clumsiness.

"I'm sorry!" He apologised to her.

She shook her head tiredly. No doubt the bags in her eyes were very visible and utterly creepy and disgusting, "It's not a problem."

"No!" He exclaimed, "Let me at least make it up to you, I'm Kise Ryouta and you are?"

"Kuroko Tetsuna," She took the hand he held out and shook it, "Pleasure to meet you."

And that's how the teal-haired girl's uncanny friendship with the blonde model Kise Ryouta started.

Approximately a week after meeting Kise's lover Aomine–which to this day she hadn't had the clue why the blonde wanted to meet her at those circumstances, she received a phone call from Kise, "Hey Kurokocchi!"

"Good afternoon Kise-kun," She said politely as she can, "How can I help you."

"Can you meet me at the same French restaurant we went to? At eight tonight?"

Kuroko wrinkled her brows slightly confused, "Of course, but is there something going on?"

"Actually there is," The blonde from the receiver paused, "But it has to be discussed privately."

"Okay… I'll be there."

Something was growing in the pit of her stomach, she just hoped that everything would be right in the end.


She met both Aomine and Kise on exactly at eight on the dot.

She could see them sitting next to each other discussing something. There was a small frown on the blue haired man's face and from where she stood, she couldn't see the expression on Kise's face.

When his friend's partner saw him, a small smile graced his face. Whether it was out of politeness or if he was really happy to see her, she couldn't tell.

The blonde turned in queue, he waved his hand at her direction and gestured for her to sit with them. She bowed her head upon arriving to the couple's table.

"I'm sorry if I've kept you waiting," She said to the both of them.

Kise waved his hand to and fro, "There's no need Kurokocchi, we were just a little to early."

"Is there a reason why I'm here Kise-kun?" She asked getting right into business as she sat in one of the empty seats.

Kise leaned in, a smile on his otherwise gorgeous seemingly flawless face, "Actually there is. I want to make a proposition for you, Kurokocchi."

Her heart was racing, she didn't feel quite right with this, "What is it?"

"How do you feel about surrogacy?" The blonde male inquired.

There was confusion etched on Tetsuna's face. Surrogacy? What was in heaven's name was this man talking about. The only type of surrogacy she knew was… unless the type of surrogacy she was thinking was the same as his. She stared at the blonde in front of her.

"Excuse me?" She wanted to be sure, "Surrogacy?"

"How do you feel about carrying a child?"


She breathed in and out, the beats of her heart too fast for her own liking, "You want me to carry a child?"

"Yes," Kise quickly responded without hesitance what-so-ever, "Aomine's child to be exact."

Tetsuna shook her head, this was insane. What was Kise thinking? A surrogacy? Was he losing his mind or something?

"Let me get this straight," She slowly said trying to get the information all in her head, "You want me to carry Aomine's child?"

Kise nodded as if he wasn't asking the impossible, "I know this is a tall order, but if you don't want to, it's also your choice. But know this, I'm willing to pay you and get you to the education you wanted. You wanted to be a kindergarten teacher right? I'm willing to give it all to you, Kurokocchi, all I ask is for a child."

His sepia eyes were dead set on her baby blues. He was serious. She was going to get paid to carry a child for nine months, she was going to get the education she's always wanted.

"Won't you get jealous?"

"About what exactly?"

"About me being with Aomine-kun? That I'm a woman, carrying his child. Won't you get angry?"

"No." He chuckled. Tetsuna observed how Kise looked at Aomine with complete loving eyes reflected in them clearly, "I trust him more than my life. I know he's not going to hurt me."

She just wished she had someone like that. Someone she could trust.

Kuroko Tetsuna, despite her morales and everything she believed in, was actually envious of the man in front of her. She wanted someone like that. She was being blinded by her own thoughts of loneliness and longing, of her own selfishness and despite all her morales, of everything she believed in, she replied, "Give me a moment to think about it."


Kuroko Tetsuna sent a text to Kise a few days after their meeting.

He was sitting across from her in the very cafe that they started to go into. The scents of delicious pastries and pure ground coffee beans were everywhere. The seats were cushioned and comfortable, the walls coloured a cool green mint colour, over all a very homey place to be.

Kise sipped his coffee, Tetsuna's baby blue eyes were bored onto him, "So how is this going to work exactly?" She asked.

"Well," Kise placed his cup down, folding his arms together on the table, "This is all contractual of course. I'll have my attorneys sort out a contract for us. Every single detail would be there. The baby of course, will be raised by me and Aominecchi. You would have your education, as promised and anything else you would want, if it's money then so be it. You are allowed to see the child of course, but I am sorry, he or she will not be acknowledging you as their parent."

"Of course," Tetsuna nodded with the details presented to her."

Kise looked down on his cup, "I just want to say, thank you Kurokocchi."

Tetsuna didn't reply. She didn't think what she was doing should be given any praises.


Kise was meticulous with every detail.

When the day came where Aomine and Tetsuna were to meet, Kise had given nothing but the best to the two of them.

Kise booked a private room at an onsen in Kyoto, leaving the two of them to their devices, telling them that he would be back tomorrow. He specifically told them to have fun and just relax.

Tetsuna was very stumped at how flexible Kise was into giving his lover to a woman he'd been friends with for only a few months, but nevertheless a deal was a deal. It wasn't as if Tetsuna was heartless for agreeing to this surrogacy, heavens no, but she was too young to be a mother. She didn't have a stable income, and in her mind what she was doing would be giving happiness to another couple.

She remembered every detail of that night. Aomine was nothing but gentle with how he handled Tetsuna. He asked if she was alright every now and then. He made sure that he didn't hurt her unintentionally. They shared a few awkward laughs–more on Aomine's part and a few awkward touches–more on Tetsuna's part.

Aomine made a joke about how long he's been with a woman. Tetsuna inquired if he had lovers that were women.

"Yeah, but I'm in love with Kise. I know he's the one."

When they were done, Aomine was gentlemanly enough to not fall asleep next to Tetsuna, he gathered his clothes and put them on. He also clothed Tetsuna himself, and when he was done, he tucked her inside the blankets. The blue haired man, grabbed an extra futon from the closet and there he slept for the remainder of the night.


A month later, Tetsuna sent a text of her and a white stick with a '+' on it. Immediately, Kise ran to the living room where Aomine was sitting and exclaimed, "She's pregnant! Oh god, she's pregnant!"

Aomine was a bit flabbergasted at first but in the next second, he too was jumping with Kise.

"We're going to be fucking parents. Holy shit! This is actually happening!" The tanned man exclaimed.

Kise laughed and smacked Aomine's arm, "Watch your language you ganguro. We can't have our child cursing as soon as he can walk!"

Aomine laughs were heard throughout their house, "Oh god, we're going to be parents. Us!"

The two of them spent the night in each other's arms. Everything was going so well for the two of them. It was almost perfect.


It happened when Tetsuna was nearing the end of her first trimester.

Since they were told of Tetsuna's pregnancy, Kise has been very protective of the teal haired woman. He told Tetsuna to update daily about herself. He made it even to make Tetsuna meals for her pregnancy. Although she lived a few ways away from the two of them, Kise made it to a point that he would visit Tetsuna every two days. He had even offered her a housemaid to accompany her with her pregnancy to which the petite woman completely turned down, telling him that she was fine on her own.

During the weeks, Kise had began to buy things for their baby. A wooden crib, diaper table, a pastel green cushioned rocking chair, and neutral coloured blankets all placed in their guest room–now redecorated to be the baby's room, panted a pastel yellow. Aomine had his fair share of purchasing baby materials, there was a certain blue blanket with golden boarders that Kise just adored when Aomine showed it to him.

"You're going to be a great dad," Aomine had whispered to him one time.

"You too."

Kise was also aware that Aomine and Tetsuna were close. He didn't doubt them one bit, as they were close friends, he trusted them both.

But one particularly chilly November night, Aomine didn't come home until two in the morning.


Aomine received a call from Tetsuna a few hours before the end of his shift. Tetsuna told him to come to her apartment, when he asked why, she simply told him that she needed some to accompany her and didn't think Kise would be up to it, because he had just come home from a shoot.

Aomine didn't think anything of it. Women in their pregnancy were unpredictable and moody, and so for the sake of his baby, he went to meet with Tetsuna.

Aomine Daiki from the day he met Kuroko Tetsuna, he had always thought that she was stunningly beautiful, not quite like how Kise was, but she was up there with the stunning people, but when he rang the doorbell to her apartment, she had been a mess.

Her eyes and nose were red, no doubt from crying, from what? Aomine hadn't the clue. She let the man enter her apartment. It was small, but it was homey and accommodating. A kitchen on the left side of the room, a few ways were the couch and the flat screen mounted to the wall, a coffee table perched on the middle of the room, and on his right were a hallway leading to what he assumed to be the woman's bedroom.

"This is a nice apartment, Tetsu," He said with the nickname he had made for her, when he started to look around the apartment.

She didn't say anything. So he turned to face her, only to be surprised when he found his lips in hers.

He quickly backed away wiping his lips with the sleeve of his uniform, "Tetsu? What the hell was that?"

From what he could see, there were unshed tears rimmed in her eyes, "I–Aomine-kun…" She breathed in a desperate tone. She started to approach him. He stared at her totally bewildered and lost in what ever in the hell was happening.

"Tetsu… what are you–"

"I want you." She simply said.

"What?" Aomine couldn't understand. What? She wanted him? What the hell? In all the months he knew the woman, he knew him to be stoic and blunt. Kuroko Tetsuna did not show a lot of emotions, but here she was, crying in front of him, telling him that she wanted him.

Aomine's mind was floating with a million thoughts running in his mind and he didn't notice anything until Tetsuna was in front of him, her small arms encircling his waist.

"I–I know this is completely wrong," She stuttered, her eyes shut as if afraid, "But, I want you, Aomine-kun."

Aomine's voice was caught in his throat, "…But–" Kise. He thought. He had Kise, for god's sake he was in love with the man.

What about Tetsu? His consciousness asked him. He looked down to see a woman crying her eyes out for him. Beautiful, stunning, flawless, Kuroko Tetsuna was crying. For him. No less. Could it be that he'd actually fallen for the teal haired woman.

He shook his head. No. he said to himself firmly. There was only one man he'd fallen in love with, that man was waiting for him, at their home. Kise Ryouta was waiting for him.

"I'm so sorry, Tetsu," He grabbed her shoulders gently, prying her off him, "I can't. I love Kise too much."

He started to make his way towards the door. He heard a sob, and suddenly his sleeve was being tugged. Tetsuna grabbed his sleeve and cried her heart out.

"I–I know you love him, but please," She begged with a heartbreakingly broken voice, "Please, you don't have to let him know. You don't have to make everything right. You're allowed to make mistakes Aomine-kun…."

Aomine stopped.

"Just make this one mistake with me." With those words, every thought of the blonde, every memory of him, every smile and laugh of Kise Ryouta etched in Aomine Daiki's head vanished and what replaced them were the naked body of a teal woman, writhing and moaning for him as he pushed deep inside her.

His memories of a blonde haired man that he claimed to love so much were now a teal haired woman, who lay next to him, naked bruised and marked by himself. While the woman was sound asleep. He lay awake guilt running deep in his veins.

With a chocked sob he rested his arm on his head, the tears unwillingly fell.

"Shit," He cursed.

He wondered why the kisses he shared with Tetsuna stung in his heart.


A/N: This is separated into two parts. I hope you enjoyed this. Sorry for the fail angst. I hope you guys have a nice day.