Everything had been talked about over a round of Butterbeer. During a huge Christmas Eve at the Potter's, with the entirety of the Weasley family, Andromeda and Teddy, Cho and Dudley, Harry, Ginny and James, this was no ordinary affair. Amidst the gift swapping and glasses of Firewhisky and pumpkin juice there came a surprise. Harry and Ginny had presented Cho and Dudley with their gifts, flight tickets to America, where Dudley had wanted to go see Vernon and Petunia.
"And actually, we have…oh gosh this is so cheesy!" Ginny cringed.
"We have another gift for you two. And an announcement," Harry grinned, barely able to contain his excitement, "Ginny's pregnant!"
A mixture of squeals from all the women in the room and wolf whistles from all the men surged from the crowd before them.
"And, well, it's a bit early but we already know that we want Dudley and Cho to be the godparents"
Dudley will never admit to the tear that slid down his cheek as he hugged Harry and Ginny, although Cho teases him enough about it.
Dudley and Cho's vows had been made, they had listened to the speeches and the cake had been cut. Everyone's goodbyes had been said, except one.
"See you, Big D" said Harry.
They hugged and went on their separate ways. But not for long this time.
"Bye Mum! Bye Dad!" Lily shouted from the compartment with her brothers.
As the train chugged out of the station, Harry and Ginny hung back with all the family. Even the Malfoys joined their group, the families having discovered Rose and Scorpius' relationship. Teddy watched Marie Dursley as the grown-ups chatted, even Ron and Draco. Dudley was positively aglow. He had a family of friends and a new lease of life. His child would never be brought up to fear or despise wizardry, she would be every bit the child that Dudley never was.
All was well.
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Obviously it was EXTREMELY cheesy but, I like to romanticize things :3 I just wanted to tie up some little loose ends, some things I would have liked to have happened at the end of this story! Although, I did start squealing when I heard that Neville ended up being Albus's godfather!
Thanks to everyone who has read, favourited and followed. When I didn't have the motivation or ideas for writing you spurred me on and I'm SO happy to have finished this!
A big thanks to: preeves, GoGoLexiRanger, serenityselena, LunaScamander17 and cedric dursley for reviewing, it really does mean the world to me!
A big thanks also to my AMAZING beta and best friend in real life and on here epitomeoffangirls (who still won't tell me how her fics end)!
So, last time speaking to you on this fic! Please favourite (there's not really much point in following it now, but you can if you want) and review - constructive criticism is welcome, it will help me improve greatly! Until my next story,LOVE YOU LOTS AND LOTS LIKE JELLY TOTS ~theemotionalrangeofateaspoon xx