April finds herself actually smiling as she and her new husband wave goodbye to the last straggling guests. It's strange; Leslie pulls her into a fierce hug before she walks out, and April feels like she could just cry on the spot. Instead she mumbles a "thank you" just loud enough for her friend to hear it, and watches as she gets into her car and drives away.
And she doesn't even care, not really, when her mother slips her a foil packet on her way out, winking and advising her to "be safe" unless she wants to give her grandkids straight away (which she would be "totally fine with, honey, it's really your choice.") Andy, of course, thanks Mrs. Ludgate supremely, but April throws the still-wrapped condom away as soon as she's left because she's pretty sure her mom's stabbed holes in it anyway.
"You okay?" Andy asks. April has her back to him, but she can tell that he's grinning. It's weird, like some marital sixth sense, and although it sounds like it's come out of a shitty rom-com movie April still thinks it's kind of cool.
"Yeah." She calls over from the couch. There's a stain of beer on one side of it from when Tom spilled his drink, but Burly did his best to mop it up so now it's just discoloured and sticky. "Why?"
"You won't stop smiling." He chuckles, and she hears him tap something into the search bar on his iPod at the stereo. "Seriously, it's weird. I've never seen you smile continuously for so long."
"Shut up." It's true. She tries, there, to force the corners of her mouth down, but it probably looks stupid and she can't hold it for long, anyway.
"Mm-hm." He makes a soft noise. April isn't sure if he's talking to her or making some remark about the stereo, so she keeps quiet.
He leans his arms over the back of the couch, and sure enough, he's grinning as bad as she is. "Care for a dance, Mrs. Ludgate-Dwyer?"
She's about to roll her eyes (it's pretty much an instinctive reaction nowadays) but then she hears the music. And it's the exact same song - the familiar twanging of guitar and ametuerly-placed swell of violin which she had pretended to forget.
"How did you find that song?" April asks, bewildered. A half-laugh escapes her and she tries to ignore the hot prickling behind her eyes, fighting not to cry (she promised she'd never cry at her own wedding.)
"A butt-ton of searching." Andy nods, still smiling that wide, oddly contagious smile of his. "I had to get Leslie to call in to the state Parks Department to ask them about it, and then I had to find a recording of it that wasn't shitty, but I found it." He extends his hand to her. "So, would you care to dance?"
"Fine." It's reminiscent of yesterday, when he basically proposed to her. He understands the small reference, and grins as she accepts his hand and allows him to heave her up from the couch.
There's hardly any room; they haven't bothered to clean up anything yet, and Burly's staying at his parents' house so it probably won't get cleaned up for quite a while. The table, still holding Chris's "vegetable loaf" (untouched except for the pieces he ate himself, and the one that Andy ate and later threw up) is taking up most of the space between the couch and the wall, so they're forced to stand pressed up against each other, not that April really minds.
So they sway, somewhat awkwardly, to the beat. The dance in silence for a minute, and honestly April's just enjoying the company. Andy is warm, and when she lays her head against his chest she can hear his heartbeat. It's probably the most intimate moment of her life so far, which usually would be terrifying, but with Andy she feels at peace.
She can feel the vibrations on his chest when he hums. When she looks up, she expects to see him staring back down at her, but instead his eyes are boring into a spot by the window. She's just about to ask him if something's wrong when he pipes up.
"Do you think this was a mistake?"
Her heart jumps. It's just too scary to hear him say that. Unwillingly, she starts picturing in her head visions of him backing out, revealing that this was all some... Some drunken fluke. An accident.
But she tries her best to keep her cool. "What do you mean?" It's a wonder she didn't stutter the words.
"Leslie seemed to think we were making a mistake." He says, slowly. "I didn't really think much of it, but..."
"But what?" They're still swaying to the song, but the distance between them has increased by the slightest amount and April knows she shouldn't complain about that but she feels as though she might start hyperventilating soon and she really just wants to smash herself up against him again.
"Honey, what if she's right?" He finally looks down at her then, but she can't make herself look him in the eye right now. If she sees what she's imagining she might see - that half sad, half regretful look of someone who knows they've made a pivotal mistake - she doesn't know if she'll be able to hold it together much longer.
"Do... Do you think that she's right?" It's a question she has to ask, even though she dreads hearing his answer. But his arms tighten around her the smallest amount, and when she finally forces herself to look up, catch his eye... He's not the type of person to back out of a marriage. He's Andy Dwyer, and it was his idea to have this party in the first place. He's not always good at expressing himself in words, but she knows that he won't want to hurt her like this.
"No." He scoffs. "Marrying you is probably one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life. You - I mean - You're the best, you know?" He shakes his head, and takes a deep breath before continuing. "Do you think we've made a mistake?"
That's what he was confused about? April can't help but think. How on Earth could he, after all this time, still doubt how much she loves him?
He waits patiently for her answer, as a thousand thoughts go through her head at once. Countless words, countless ways of saying it, countless song lyrics se could quote. She would give anything to make him understand, because the love she has for him right now is huge. It's overwhelming, and she can't even begin to comprehend the enormity of it all. It's impossible to put into words, hopeless to even try to speak coherently about it. She can physically feel the love she has for him inside her - can feel it swell in her chest, bubble up as if she wants to say something, but she's pretty sure that even if she tried to tall him the truth about it, all that would come out would be "iloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyou" until she couldn't speak any longer.
So instead she just laughs. A small, sort snort of pure joy. "Dude, no. Of course not."
His grin is back and she finds herself copying him, and the look that he gives her before pulling her back in, snug, lets her know that he really does understand.
She's not in this alone anymore.