AN: Okay so I know it's been forever and in all honesty I did not forget about this story. I did however get accepted into my dream college and have been busy since. I've also been plotting something that I think you guys will enjoy, at least if you're big fans of the SkyJo pairing. In a sense I'm going to be bringing it to life, how I can't quite tell you yet but I promise as soon as we're done filming I'll be posting a link to the youtube channel. Now then a very long overdue chapter for everyone who's so patiently waited. As usual I own nothing.


After a rather intense set of arguments President Coin finally allowed Johanna and I to go up to the surface, and reside in a well hidden cabin in the woods. Which leads us to right now, me staring at the sink once again a cloth of course on the counter and as usual I'm trying to will my body not to shake. Jo and I went out for a mini training session of our won to keep in shape and let me tell you as much as I love her, she's a brutal bitch when it comes to helping me get back up to par. So now I'm covered in sweat and dirt and I really want to be clean and there lies my problem.

I know part of why she did this, she wanted to get me so filthy I'd want to at least use some water. A great plan except… I fucking can't do this. Jo is somewhere in the cabin and I'm just staring at the sink, fuck I want a shower but I can't even begin to fathom being under the spray let alone will my body to even take the what seven steps to the right to go in. A strong pair of arms circle around me and I can feel myself relax. "If I realized just how much this hurt you I wouldn't have planned for you to get this dirty song bird." She lightly kisses my ear and sighs apologetically.

"You're trying to help me Jo….and I want to meet you half way but…." I trail off and we lock gazes in the mirror. For a moment we just look at each other, I see the fire behind those brown orbs, the passion being contained but more importantly I see the love. I can't help but to again think about the first time we said I love you to each other. But more recently I can't help but think about before this fucking Quell… the arguments we've had and the love we've shared. "No….no more buts." I can see her furrow her brows wondering what I'm going on about.

"I've spent too much time being afraid and away from you Jo…. When I was stuck in the Capitol you were my only thought. The argument about you stripping in the elevator, the night before the games… my thoughts were all filled with you. So I need to ask one more thing of you my lumberjack…." I turn in her arms, cupping her cheek. She stares at me with all her attention, I know she's curious. "Anything you need Sky, you know that."

I can't help but smile, "I know. Which is why I need you to help me….help me get clean….help me…" I pause because the fear is right there waiting to grip hold of me. "Help me take a shower…." The look of shock on her face is amusing enough to keep the fear at bay for now. "I can't do it alone Jo….maybe one day but by then I don't think I'll want to. But right now I can't and we're wasting too much time trying to train me with the fucking cloth…And I'm tired of the both of us being way too scared to do more than kiss….I want you Jo….I need you."

I could see her eyes darken with desire, we've been holding back for way too long and it's been getting to us. I'm not saying sex fixes everything, what I'm saying is I've been horny as fuck and so has Jo but we've been walking on eggshells since I got out of the hospital again. If shower sex means getting over my fears then fine because a sweaty Johanna Mason is fucking HOT. And the look she's giving me right now… yeah the water is the least of my worries.

For the first time since the games, Johanna is kissing me like she means it, not like I'm about to break any second. She nips my bottom lip and her tongue invades my mouth, an all too familiar but missed game begins. I can feel her hands travel down my stomach as she lifts my shirt off me, her hands blazing a trail across my abdomen. I bury my hands in her hair, tugging just enough in the way I know she loves and I'm rewarded with another soul searing kiss. Her hands wander and I feel her pause at the newest scars.

"Jo…." I pant, looking into her eyes, I can see she's hesitating again. "I need you….." I relieve her of her shirt and pin her against the wall to get my point across. At one point that would have been an easy feat, it would have been normal but with me just beginning to gather my strength back, it's a pleasant surprise. Taking advantage of Jo's momentary shock I kiss her roughly, proving she doesn't have to be afraid. She moans out as I slide my hand down her pants, rubbing her center slowly enough to drive her insane. "S-Sky!"

I can't help but smirk as she pulls me into her, leaving little room between us. And in the blink of an eye I'm the one being pinned to the wall, my hands above my head and Jo's hands roaming everywhere, god did I miss this. "That was cute song bird." She husks in my ear, "but I get it, you're getting strong again." She accents each work with a nip to my neck, her hips slowly rocking into mine. "But we're both filthy…are you sure you want to do this?"

And that, that right there is one of the many reasons why I'm so in love with this woman. She's asking, she never takes from me more than I'm willing to give even if she knows I'll give her everything. I answer her question with a sensual kiss, tongues gliding against each other as she slowly backs me into the shower and pins me against the wall. The water turns on and I flinch, struggling to keep in the present, to feel Jo against me. "I'm right here song bird." Jo's voice cuts through my panic and I feel her pressed against me.

I'm trembling and it's not just because of Jo, the water is almost too much, I feel myself being pulled back into the past, the torture. It's not until Johanna forces me to look into her eyes that I know I'm safe. "I'm right here song bird. You're safe, so stay with me." She kisses my softly, slowly trailing kisses along my jaw and to my neck, her hand gently placed over my heart. "Sing for me love…" She looks up at me, with an encouraging smile. All the heat and aggressiveness, pent up lust subsides, her loving gaze indicating a shift in the atmosphere.

Trembling I hold her gaze, "W-When your legs don't work l-like they used to before….and I can't sweep y-you o-off of your f-feet…." I watch still partly frozen with fear as Jo slowly and gently starts washing my body. "W-Will your mouth s-still remember t-the taste of my love….w-will your eyes still smile form your cheeks…." Johanna smiles softly, placing gentle kisses where she washes me. It's then in that moment I remember I'm safe. "And darling I will be loving you till we're seventy…and baby my heart can still fall as hard at twenty three, I'm thinking about how people fall in love in mysterious ways, maybe just the touch of a hand, me I fall in love with you every single day and I just wanna tell you I am…." I smile, my heart is soaring and I know I'm where I'm supposed to be, no fear of water will ever keep me away from my home, from Johanna.

I cup her cheeks and force her back up to me, "So baby now take me into your loving arms, kiss me under the light of a thousand stars, place your head on my beating heart, I'm thinking out loud, maybe we found love right where we are…." She kisses me with everything she has, pouring all her love and feeling into that kiss as do I. We move under the spray of the water together, not once breaking the kiss I feel her push a finger inside me just as I enter her. We cling to each other as we build a slow, gentle pace filled with so much feeling and love.

We made love all day, moving from the shower back into the bedroom and finally collapsing from exhaustion. I can't help but smile down at Johanna as she rests her head on my stomach, placing gentle kisses here and there, tracing each new scar. "These are…." She trails off and I chuckle, stroking her cheek. "The arena love… just the arena."

"I was gonna say, they look beautiful on you my song bird." She reaches up and traces the scar that runs from my eye to the base of my chin. "But we're still going to make them pay for marking you." The rest of the day and night we stayed in each other's arms, knowing that soon we'd be getting our revenge on the Capitol and Snow will pay for all that he took from us. But for now, we're content reveling in our embrace, finally home.

AN: No this is not the end, I promised to go after the rebellion and so I shall! However I also will be making an alternate version of this where, as per cannon Johanna is taken by the Capitol and Sky will be the one having to rescue her. Until next time my friends ^^