AN: No I don't own the Hunger Games but I do take credit for the OC here. This will be told alternately by Sky and through Omnipotent pov in some chapters to cover certain ground. This is a love story for Katniss and Peeta as well as Johanna having someone to love and how they took down the Capitol and finally found peace.

My name is Schuyler Nightshade, Sky for short and I've only gone by Sky Night for the past 20 or so years, I'll get in to that later. I'm a victor from District 5, and the female tribute for this years fucking Quell. I'm sitting up on the roof, looking out at the Capitol, just taking in the calm of the night. Part of me hoping to hear familiar foot steps and the other part of me wanting to be left alone and let my jealousy and anger burn off a bit more and damn Haymitch basically offering something he knows none of us would refuse and he KNOWS I'll say yes, he knows what my terms are. How did I get myself into this mess?

*Flash back *

Oh right, I was home well in the house I stay at in 5 when the Victory tour came by, you see I wasn't allowed to attend for reasons mostly because the peacekeepers thought my presence would further fuel the crowds. That poor girl, she has no idea what she fueled. I watched her games and Katniss has balls I'll give her that but she wasn't looking to rebel, telling the Capitol to fuck off and that those games that arena is not okay maybe but she really was looking to save bread boy Peeta. She might not be IN love with him but she cares about him deeply and Peeta he's so easy to read, he loves her there's no doubt about that.

That was however the day I was 'invited' more like forced by Snow back to the Capitol to help celebrate the new victors and to up hold my part of the deal he so 'kindly' gave me. I play music and sing for big occasions, he leaves me the fuck alone and I won't cause too much trouble while I'm there. So at the engagement party for Katniss and Peeta I of course played a few songs before heading to the bar. I was hoping that Johanna would have been here but then again why would Snow risk having her here at this time... I smirk to myself as I took a generous swig of whatever booze it was. At the very least Finnick should have been here but nooo it looks like Snow wants to keep us all out of contact until the games this year... goddamn Quarter Quell.

That's where Haymitch found me, trying not to be noticed as I continued to drink. "You know sweetheart even if you wanted to blend in you can't, you've got that whole badass vibe that gives you away." He chuckled and sat beside me. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. He laughed and pulled out his flask, leave it to this man to always have the good liquor on him at all times. "What do you want Haymitch? We usually don't talk until the games when we mentor...and drink."

"Blunt as ever sweetheart geeze... You know Katniss is a lot like you and Jo...stubborn and a pain in my ass." I smirked at that. Even dead drunk Haymitch is damn smart and witty, he also knows which buttons to push. "I wanted to ask you something Sky." He paused and I swear with that fucking smirk it's just for effect to bait me. "... Fucking ask Haymitch. You know I'm not always patient..."

He rose his hands, chuckling. "Down girl, and you're supposed to be the calm one." He laughed again. "Alright look, what would you do if there was a way to stop the games?" He looked at me dead in the eyes and I know he's serious. "Stop the games? You better not be fucking with me Haymitch... You know I'd say hell yes...and you know what my terms would be." I stare back at him and he nods. Of course he knows what I'd want.

I sigh as I hear soft, quiet foot steps approaching, they're not quite who I was expecting so I turn and find myself face to face with Katniss Everdeen. She gives a small awkward smile, as if she didn't think anyone else would be up here either and I motion for her to join me. "It's alright Katniss... I've got no sharp objects on me so I think you're safe." I joke trying to ease some of her apprehension. She relaxes slightly and walks closer to the edge beside me. "Yeah and I don't have a bow so I think we're both safe for now." I chuckle at her crack, not expecting the girl on fire to really show any humor.

"You looked great by the way... sorry I didn't get a chance to really speak with you after that stupid parade. Just wanted out of the outfit ya know?" I gesture to my sweats and tank top, a lot more comfortable than that costume, and she clearly had a similar idea since we're basically wearing the same thing. "Yeah...I know. I mean Cinna is great but I just want to be me." She speaks softly in the rasp of hers. "I would say you looked great but I didn't really see you out there..." she trails off almost embarrassed. "Trust me, it's fine Katniss." I wave her off, and I mean it I hated the first time wearing something farmerish this time was just as ridiculous. "We've not really met have we? Sky Night..or Nightshade as the Capitol continues to refer to me as..." I smirk slightly, holding out a hand. She hesitates before taking my hand and shaking. "Sorry for intruding... I didn't think anyone would be out here..." she sighs, looking out at the Capitol.

"It's alright... I just wanted to be alone for a bit to clear my head... I had an interesting argument with my... uh lover..." I cough at the word lover, the fact is no one can know about us I mean only about five people know and that is enough danger. Here in the Capitol with Snow watching... it'd be a fucking disaster if he found out about us. "O-oh..." she trails off clearly a bit unsure and blushing slightly.

"Enjoy the view from here girl on fire... I think I've cooled down enough to not really yell at my pain in the ass." I chuckle at the slight confusion etching onto her features as I turn and head back inside. There certainly is someone I need to have a discussion with but I think we're both cooled off enough to actually talk and most likely yell but at least we won't say anymore stupid shit. I get into the elevator and sigh hitting the button for the seventh floor "Here we go again..."

I close my eyes and lean back, waiting to reach my destination. As I feel the elevator slow I straighten up, walking onto the seventh floor. I chuckle at how quiet it is, usually when I come here either Johanna is threatening a tribute or I have to sneak on to the floor. I spot Blight by the couch in the living room and he tilts his head to the room down the hall. "Thanks get the fuck out or you won't be getting any sleep." I smirk and the look on his face is priceless since he knows I'm completely serious.

I walk towards the room I've been to countless times and each time is still always a thrill to me. I pause at the door before walking in. My breath hitches as I see the familiar, stunning sight of a naked Johanna Mason sprawled out on her bed. "Hey Jo..." I speak quietly, still entranced by the sight before me but I know she hears me. I watch as she props herself up on her elbows. " Hey yourself... you done throwing your fit?" she asks, staring at me with that predatory smirk in place her words dripping with seduction. "What fit?" I ask as I stride over to her, the both of us knowing she has me where she wants me and we both know there will be little sleep tonight.

AN: What ya guys think? R and R :)