~Germany POV~

We were all at one of America's stupid parties he decided to have out of pure boredom. Everyone came. I stayed in the corner of the room away from all the craziness watching Italy from afar. I smiled to myself. My dimwitted brother Prussia, took notice to this. "Ahh!" he exclaimed, "so it is possible! You CAN smile after all!" Everyone's attentions was on me.

"Buder, your breath reeks of alcohol," I said ignoring all the stares on me.

"Don' t hide it, West! What were you smiling about?" His face got closer to mine and his voice got quieter. "Oh, I know you were watching Feliciano…" I looked away trying to hide the blush. Prussia's eyes sparkled with excitement. He then went on his merry way back to join some other conversation.

At this point in time, I was a little more cautious to let my emotions out. I went on drinking my beer scanning everyone in the room. Spain was talking to Romano while he just calling Spain 'Tomato Bastard' or something like that. France, who was already passed out, was sitting by Prussia talking to...to… his name started with a 'C'. I think it was C-Ca-Canada? Yeah, Canada. England was with America. He seemed… how should I say this. Hurt, or maybe… Disappointed. Yes, disappointed.

"You stupid WANKER! America you git!" His voice quieted the whole room. England took out what looked like a wand and started to mumble something.

"Hey, dude, England… I know I say that your magic is fake, but c'mon, this is a little far. Don't cha think," for once in that idiot's life he looked a little scared, "England, oh c'mon England. C'mon, c'mon' c'mon, Arthur. Bro could you stop?"

"Most certainly, America. Right after this," he slurred making it completely obvious that he was drunk out of his gourd. A light emitted from his 'wand' and aimed it towards America and several others around him. Before I noticed, a beam of light came towards Italy, Spain, Russia, Canada, and America. I tried to reach out to them but was blinded by a light and a puff of smoke.

When the smoke cleared, I stood face to face with small children. All their clothes fell to the floor but still covering their small bodies. There were no words I could say to describe what I was feeling.

England stood there in shock."What have I done?" he asked to no one in particular as he fell to his knees whimpering.

My head snapped back to the small chibis when I heard a small "Ve~?" I knew immediately that it was Italy. His eyes were what we call 'open' in his case and was looking around the room. When he saw me he attempted to stand up but fell tripping over his clothes. Aws could be heard from around the room.

I came over to pick up the small Italy keeping an article of clothing wrapped around his petite body. He looked at me and smiled. His mouth opened as if he were trying to say something but only came out a small squeak. Italy coughed trying to clear his throat. When he finally stopped, he looked back to me with another smile and squealed, "Holy Rome!" and wrapped his arms around my neck.

Hey guys! This is my first fanfic story. Don't be too much of jerks if your going to review, but I do appreciate constructive criticism. I hope you enjoy my story. ^-^