I'm going by the anime time line since the manga is complete, just think of it as a new school year, although once again, Hunny and Mori don't graduate.

I do not own Ouran, characters, etc. (except Yuri). If I did own this, there would be 3 seasons by now.

All belong to Bisco Hatori.

"Beginnings are sudden, but also insidious. They creep up on you sideways, they keep to the shadows, they lurk unrecognized. Then, later, they spring."

~Margret Atwood~

The sound of birds chirping.

The process of coming to consciousness after the last thought being was that you couldn't fall asleep was a strange occurrence no matter how many times it happened. It always brought one to wonder about sleep.

Such were the current disorganized thoughts of a certain person, a slim young man, as he rose out of his bed, back hunched and eyes barley opened. He rubbed them, trying to get the sleepiness out of them, before giving his whole upper body a good stretch, both a bit anxious and satisfied at the cracking sounds his joints made. He looked at the small window across from his bed where the blinds shielded the room from the bright morning sunlight. After a few minutes, he unsteadily got off the bed and headed towards the bathroom. He was arrested by the sight of a light blue blazer and black pants that hung on the closet door. They were stared at, almost expecting to get a response by the looker in his sleep-groggy mind. However, no response was given. Not in the least disappointed, he continued his journey to the bathroom in his room, bumping into the door frame and making the least sound possible as he shut the door.

Class A-1 of Ouran Academy bustled with noise as it neared time for classes to start. Three specific first years, a pair of redheaded twins and a seemingly feminine boy with brown locks sat in their desks, either chatting with their neighbor or simply reviewing the previous lesson. All noises were gradually brought to silence as the instructor walked in with a student behind him.

"Class, I like to introduce our new transfer student. I hope you will make him feel welcomed."

Interest and curiosity seem to cramp the room as students leaned forward to get a better look. Transfer students were not something that happened often in Ouran. The young man seemed rather small, with his stature being lower than even Haruhi. His eyes were low-lidded, almost as if he was too lazy or tired to lift them any higher. His hair was of medium length, reaching his upper back and was put into a low ponytail, causing the hair to cover his ears, and his forehead to remain bare. His countenance held something of a mixture between lethargy and boredom. His uniform also seemed somehwhat big for him, as if it didn't come in his size and he therefore had to wear what was given to him. This new student stepped forward.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Yuri Komastu. Please take care of me." he bowed. Silence was the response to this introduction given in a soft yet monotone voice, which seemed to reinforce his expression as pure boredom. The instructor directed him to a seat in the far back of the class at the right-hand side by the window. He walked forward, his eyes straight ahead, his gait somewhat stiff but quick for his height and length of legs. What cause most heads to turn in the class was the square-like gym bag that he carried on his back like a book-bag. On reaching his seat, he slid it under his chair and only removed it once to get his things.

As the day went on, murmuring went throughout the classroom about this new student. Though, throughout most of the classes he simply sat in his chair, seemingly doodling in a notebook or put his head on the desk. As the first years went to their respective class, they passed a stream of second years who were also heading to a similar destination. While walking, Yuri's eyes happened to come across a pair of violet ones in the stream of upperclassmen. His eyebrow involuntarily went up at the brief glance of a foreigner in the school. However, it was merely a passing perplexity and was forgotten by the time he had reached the door of the next class.

Lunch seem to be a happy time for the transfer student. As soon as the bell rang throughout the classroom, he was first one out of the class; to where no one was really sure. He was nowhere to be found in the lunch room when the twins and the rest of the host club (including Haruhi, who the twins had practically dragged out of the classroom on a whim) entered. Surprisingly, Tamaki was the one to bring up the topic.

"Where's that new student I saw in the hallway with you guys?" he asked the freshman trio as he looked around the luxurious dining hall.

The twins shrugged while Haruhi, giving up on getting back to the classroom, opened her box lunch and began to eat. "Not sure, he disappeared as soon as the lunch bell rang."

Tamaki seemed somewhat deflated at this news, but quickly got over it as it finally seemed to register with him that Haruhi was once again eating in the lunch room. The remainder of the lunch period was spent trying to get Haruhi to try the school lunches, as well as partake in the girl's simple lunch.

A span of about two weeks went by and the exams that once seemed far away were now just around the corner. Despite their approaching date, most students did not seem particularly concerned. All except an effeminate scholarship student, who used before and after club hours to study. Unfortunately for her, English and Math seemed to prove a bit difficult to comprehend fully by herself. As a result, Haruhi went to her instructors seeking assistance. They in turn informed her of possibly getting a tutor, to which Haurhi had no qualms, only very cautious about the host club finding out she needed one. The next day after the last class, the English instructor introduced Haruhi to her tutor. She turned, expecting to see the familiar face of Ayame when, to her surprise, her eyes met the jade green colored eyes of the new transfer student, who had a book under his hand.

"Learning from a fellow class mate should be more helpful, since you have the same lessons." the teacher explained, as she seemed to gauge Haruhi's reaction. "Also Komastu-san has spent a number of years in America and his English is superb."

Haruhi, getting over the initial shock, greeted her new tutor in her unaffected natural way. Yuri also bowed in turn and with that the teacher left them to themselves. Yuri watched the instructor go out the door. He turned to Haruhi.

"This classroom is going to be occupied in a few minutes, is there any place in particular you would like to study?"

Haruhi blinked. She didn't think her lesson would begin right then and there. Nevertheless, she thought about her response, understanding Yuri well enough.

"Um, yes there is one place..."

Yuri held out a hand, indicating Haruhi should lead the way. They walked down the halls of the building side by side. Haruhi, still thinking they had started her lesson, asked Yuri how many years he had been in America.

"About 6 or 7 roughly." he flipped over the bag on his back, unzipped it and handed her a sheet. "You can give that to me tomorrow or later if you wish and from there I'll help you where you need assistance. Also, from now on when we meet we will converse in English. I just figured I give you the heads up in Japanese so there's no confusion. I also want you to keep a journal that I'll check for grammar and spelling." He took the small notebook from under his arm and handed it to her. "If you have questions, problems, or concerns let me know, while you're still allowed to talk in your native tongue."

Haruhi could only stare at this small boy in surprise. Not only because of how prepared and dry he seemed, but also by the fact this was the most she had ever heard him speak since he entered Ouran. He looked over at her, and seeing her expression the corner of his lip twitched into what could have been a smirk.

"I apologize if I seem a bit...forward, but truth be told, I'm simply new to this..." he paused, wondering if "forward" had been the right word or if there was anything else he should say. Haruhi however didn't give him the chance as she realized that he was probably just nervous. They had never talked in class; he seemed like a very reserved person. She smiled and bowed her head a bit. "Please take care of me."

His eyes widened a bit at her and blinked twice before reluctantly giving a small smile of his own and bowing his head. They eventually reached the third music room and Yuri opened the door for her. He surveyed the room with eyes and furrowed his brows as he saw that there were other students in the room besides them.

"Are you sure you want to study here? It seems it has already been taken."

Before Haruhi could get a chance to respond, she was tackled and latched onto by a light brown-blue blur.

"Haru-chan! Haru-chan! Would you like to have some cake with me? We have peach sponge cake today!"

Yuri raised an eyebrow as he stared at the little child on Haruhi's back. 'What's a grade school student doing here? And in a high school uniform?'

Hunny-senpai turned to the door to see a small pallid-skinned boy giving him a questioning look. "Is this a friend of yours Haru-chan?"

"You could say that, Hunny-senpai..." she said, remembering that she didn't want the host club to know she needed tutoring. She had come to the music room only out of habit.

'Senpai?! Him?!' His eyebrow went up even higher as he and the little upperclassmen shared a few minutes of staring at one another. Hunny jumped down off of his kohai's back and walked over to Yuri.

"What's your name?" He asked with the innocence of a kindergartner meeting someone new, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape.

"...Yuri...Komastu" He replied a bit warily, slightly leaning back from Hunny's curious gaze. The boy stared at him for awhile longer and then suddenly broke into a smile before almost bouncing up to him and grabbing his hand. "Would like to have some cake with me Yu-chan?"

'Yu-chan?' Yuri looked up at Haruhi for an explanation only to see another person was currently talking to her. Also that she didn't look completely pleased with the person either. Yuri's eyes widened as they caught with violet ones. 'The foreigner, eh?' He thought, tilting his head. Said foreigner came over.

"You must be Yuri Komastu." Tamaki took him by the other hand that wasn't captured in Hunny's grasp and gave it a firm shake. "Welcome to the host club!"

"Host...club?" Yuri focused on Haruhi, a little worried now. He didn't know much about Host clubs, but the general idea he gathered was not altogether pleasant.

"It's not what you think" Haruhi held up both hands in front of her in defense, "it's just a place where the girls come have tea and talk."

Tamaki looked between Haruhi and the transfer student, puzzled. "Haruhi, why are you speaking in English?"

"Because she is being tutored for exams."

Yuri turned to see a pale young man with glasses on a laptop. Sitting at the same table was an extremely tall man who looked like he could be in his twenties instead of high school, drinking tea. He wondered which one of them had spoken.

"...How did you know that Kyouya-senpai?" Haruhi asked, more paranoid than normal, seeing as it had only been decided this week.

The one with the laptop and glasses turned to them and smirked. Seeing that smile reminded Yuri of a little paragraph he had glanced at in the psychology book; that if a smile was symmetrical, it meant it wasn't genuine. There was also something about his tone that made Yuri uneasy, though he wasn't even talking him.

"I have my sources."

Yuri raised his eyebrows, slightly disturbed. His eyes turned to see the foreigner practically screaming in Haruhi's face about "Daddy's daughter getting kicked out of Ouran, etc..!" He saw Haurhi respond, though he didn't hear and was even more confused as the blonde then retreated to a corner, poking at mysterious mushrooms that appeared to have popped out of the marble floor.

"Uh Haruhi, perhaps we could go somewhere else?" he asked hoping dearly that there was, wondering if all the people in this "club" were so very...interesting.

"No! Haru-chan and Yu-chan can stay here and study!" Yuri had completely forgotten about the little senior attached to his left hand. "And you can have cake too!" he exclaimed as an afterthought, forcefully leading Yuri to a table while Haruhi simply followed, seeing no point in leaving now since the host club already knew. He brought them to an empty table and Mori, who had gotten up after seeing the first years being led in, brought two chairs for them to sit. Yuri mumbled a thank you to the tall man, taking a good a look as he could of his face. Mori nodded before going back to his seat. He was still chary about staying here, but seeing that none of them seemed to mind and Haruhi was settled he decided not to dwell on it for right now.

He turned to Haruhi.

"So, where would you like to start?"

Ok, first chapter out of the way. There will be more to come I promise. By-the-by, any italics, underlining, font changes (if they are viewed) are either thoughts or other languages spoken/thought; just in case it wasn't clear in the chapter, the language was English. There will be a lot more in this story so just giving you the heads-up.

(EDIT as of 5/8/14: Wah! The typos! The typos! How do you evade me?! I fixed some, but if I missed any let me know)

(EDIT as of 5/12/15: Ok, so the spacing is normal now. New readers, enjoy. Current readers, I apologize.)

Reviews and Criticisms are very much welcomed; though go a bit easy on me as I am a delicate soul

Love and Peace.