"… Darkness…..Everywhere."
"Where am I? WHO am I?"
"What's that? A light? I feel… powerful."
"I'll follow it, wherever it leads me will be better than this. The darkness… Everywhere."
In Tenguu City
"Emergency! Emergency!" Kotori cried, "Shido! Help!"
Shido rushed down the stairs and threw himself into the Living room, he could smell smoke.
"Kotori! What have you done now?!" He said, he reached down and turned the cooker off.
"Umm…. I burnt the bacon, and I got really scared." Kotori said looking sheepish.
"Honestly. What would you do without me?" Shido said chuckling.
"S-shut up, dummy." Kotori said.
"I'll make breakfast, with what's left of the ingredients. You relax. Ok?" Shido said.
"Ok." Kotori said, she immediately turned on the TV.
After breakfast (or what was left of it) Shido and Kotori went to the middle of Tenguu City to meet up with Tohka and Yoshino.
"Shido!" Tohka cried, she gave him a huge hug that lifted him off the ground!
"Tohka… can't… breathe." Shido croaked. Tohka let go hurriedly and blushed.
"Oh sorry!" She said sheepishly, everyone laughed.
It was a completely normal Saturday. They shopped, laughed, ate and had a good time. And then…
Shido's earpiece began to buzz violently.
"Yeah, what is it Reine?" He asked.
"Get out of there now! A huge spacequake is about to hit nearby! We will pick you up down the street." Shido gulped and after warning the others of the danger, ran down to the pickup point. With the others in close pursuit. The Fraxinus appeared overhead and they were suddenly teleported onto the massive airship.
"Honestly. I will never get used to that." Shido said. Everyone smiled.
The spacequake was indeed a big one, it was powerful and large enough to level half of the downtown area. Luckily there were no casualties.
"Geez, that's one of the most powerful ones I've ever seen." Kotori said.
"Commander! The spirit patterns are different. It's a new spirit but there's something strange about the waves." 'Bad Marriage' said.
"Yeah. Yeah. It's nothing that Shido can't handle."
The Fraxinus sped towards the spacequake site. They dropped Shido off and then immediately turned the 'filter' on.
"Ready?" Kotori said on the comm.
"As ready as I'll ever be." Shido said, he exhaled and inhaled slowly trying to calm himself.
"Don't worry, we have Tohka and Yoshino ready if something goes wrong." Kotori said trying to reassure Shido.
Shido shook his head getting rid of the scared thoughts and walked towards the gaping hole in the middle of the downtown area. He saw someone down in the crater wearing what seemed to be a scarf with strange markings on it and a white hoodie with the hood up. They also wore jeans and trainers.
"Hey!" Shido said trying to get the spirits attention. It worked. As the spirit turned around Shido felt a strong gust of wind and felt as though all of his hairs were standing on edge. It seemed this one had a link to wind.
"W-who are you?" The spirit said.
"My name is Shido. I'm not here to hurt you." Shido replied, "What's your name?"
"My name? I don't remember." Another strong gust of wind swept through the area, it was so strong that it knocked Shido off his feet. When he got up he saw that the spirits hood had been swept down. He and everyone on board the Fraxinus gasped. The spirit was a boy.
Well, there you go! The first chapter of my Date A Live fanfic! If you watch Date A Live you'll know that all spirits are girls. Well screw that! This is my fanfic! Anyway I hope you enjoyed it and hopefully the next one will be up next Sunday. If not sooner!