Friends and haters, I'm back, finally writing a multi-chaptered story again! Yay, my first Blue Exorcist fic! This one came to me as a dream, so I don't really know the ending, but I'm sure it will come to me as I go along! Be warned! This story will have family cuteness and a few angst bombs as well. So before I begin:

NOTE 1- I DO NOT WRITE YAOI. But I LOVE CUTENESS. So there will be fluffy family cuteness! You are free to view it anyway you want, however, I ask that you please don't leave me reviews telling me exactly HOW you're seeing it (if this hadn't already happened to me several times, it wouldn't be an issue, so I wouldn't have to make a note of it). And-

NOTE 2- this takes place before the events of the festival, so there will be no spoilers, rest assured! However, it's slight AU because it's AFTER they take the Exorcist Exam- that's a MAJOR plot point. Just wanted to clear that up. Now my puppy-muse Scribble will do the disclaimer and we will begin!

Scribble: We do not own Blue Exorcist, that belongs to Kazue Kato and because a certain someone would rather use her money to buy the mangas instead, we will never own it. So don't sue us, we are broke- remember that part about buying mangas?

Many thanks to beta and friend What2callmyself? for making this intelligible!


In the times when Father Fujimoto was still alive, when Rin and Yukio were children, when Rin was blissfully unaware of what he really was and Yukio wanted to be strong like his older twin someday, there was one way that Yukio was stronger than his brother.

For whatever reason, Rin did not like stormy nights. It wasn't even thunder and lightning, or if it rained during the day, it was fine. But Rin just could not sleep well on stormy nights. And on such nights, after much tossing and turning, Rin always did the same thing: he climbed into Yukio's bed.

While Rin could sleep through an earthquake, Yukio was a pretty light sleeper, so whenever Rin crawled into his bed, he felt it immediately and woke. Yukio would always ask what was wrong and Rin would immediately deny being scared or upset (not realizing Yukio hadn't said a word about either of those), and finally Yukio would smile, shift over and pull his older brother close to him. Yukio had always been a little taller than Rin (much to Rin's chagrin) and when he pulled his brother to him, Rin's head would end up tucked under Yukio's, against his chest so he could hear his heartbeat, which always relaxed Rin. And Yukio would softly reassure him, that he didn't need to worry, that Yukio was there and would always be there for him.

In those times when they were younger, Yukio often wished he could be more like his older brother. Rin wasn't afraid of anything, or anyone. If there were bullies picking on him, Rin would be the one to run to his defense, and sometimes beat up the bullies too. Rin would always find a solution for every problem and would never give up. Rin truly was able to do everything Yukio couldn't.

And so, in the stormy nights of their youth, Yukio was glad he finally could do something his twin couldn't. It was just this one small thing, but this was one way in which Yukio could finally be the one protecting Rin.

Scribble: That was short.

Me: It's just a prologue! Yukio wanted to protect Rin even then! So, the first chapter will be out soon, and we'll get this story underway! Let me know what you guys think! Flames that tell me I suck without telling me how to improve are worthless and will be laughed at. Constructive Criticism is helpful and is appreciated. And Good reviews are always loved! So until next time! Long Live the Exorcist Cram School!
