Hello this is my first fanfiction so sorry if it's really bad
Summary: Nastu and Lucy swap personalities and magic so they have to find a way to switch back
Where am I? Whose clothes are these? Wait these are Natsu's clothes. But why am I in them? Why are my arms so muscular? Why am I so hot? Why isn't my Fairy Tail stamp on my hand? Why is it on my shoulder? This is all too confusing!
Flash Back:
"Nastu stop fighting and run! His magic is too strong!" I screamed to Natsu. "No! I have to try because if I don't he will hurt you," Nastu told me while struggling to stand back up from the last blow he just took. Why is he so thickheaded I thought. Nastu ran straight for his opponent and hit him square in the face with full force but it did nothing but make him take a few steps back. The he threw Natsu on the ground and kicked him in the stomach. All the sudden we were lifted in the air by a dark red light. Pain filled my body and then everything went black.
Flash Back End.
I slowly yet painfully stood up and went to have a look at where Nastu was. But all I saw was my body lying on the ground, blond hair and all. I walked towards my body and poked it, not sure it I would feel the poke or not. But to my surprise I didn't and my body woke up. My body stared at me, screamed and tried to crawl away but fell flat on its face in pain. "Hello, my body," I said to it. But it was not with my voice. It was Natsu's voice. "Why are you in my body," The person in my body said to me. "Me in your body, you're in mine! And who are you anyway?" I snapped back. "Well I'm Natsu Drangneel, of course! Now who are you?" my body (Natsu) said. "Lucy . . . . Heartfilia," I told Natsu.
"So . . ."
"We . . ."
"Body swapped!?"
Sorry it's so short but I hope you like it. This is not the end I will updated
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