Arthur's P.O.V

The downfall of going to a smaller school is that news travels extremely fast. Everywhere I went now, people knew me as Alfred Jones' boyfriend. People who had never spoken to me at all before were saying hi to me in the hallway. I was looked at with a new kind of respect. The new attention was going to take some getting used to.

I was used to being the quiet one in the corner who everyone left alone. I had one good friend and even so, we didn't hang out very much. But, now I was part of a group, and not just any group. It was all of the most popular, well liked people in my class. The effects were dizzying.

I thought that my "moment" with Alfred was relatively private, but now the whole school knew. I wonder how in the world they knew. I didn't think Alfred would brag about it.

I went about my day, slightly put off from all the extra stares and whispers pointed at me. Classes went by, but I didn't pay too much attention to what was happening. Alfred wasn't in any of my morning classes, so I was thoroughly bored. And for once in my high school career, I was excited to go to lunch.

Much to my surprise, Alfred was waiting outside the door to my classroom, scanning the crowd that was going out of the door. Once he saw me, he smiled and grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the exiting crowd.

"Hey babe!" He said, grinning.

"Babe?" I ask, blushing.

Alfred looked kind of flustered. "Well, I mean-, If you don't want me to call you that-"

"No, no. It's fine. I like it." I smiled at him.

Alfred's sunny smile returned. "Well, the rest of the school kind of decided that we're a couple. I think it's safe to say that we are."

"I guess. I've never had a boyfriend before, so I don't know how this goes."

He smiled at me. "Oh, I haven't either."

My mouth gaped open, I couldn't help it. "Oh, I just assumed…"

"Assumed what?"

"Well, you're- Umm, I mean- You're just so popular. I assumed that you would have been in a relationship before." I stumbled over my words, hoping that I didn't offend him.

He laughed. "Nope. We can learn about this together!" I nodded.

He started dragging me by the hand. "C'mon, lunch awaits!" He said, smiling. I held Alfred's hand as we walked down to the cafeteria. We get stares as we walk, but I try my best to shake them off. We made our way to Alfred's usual table.

As we sat, Matthew runs up to me, his face almost as red as the maple leaf sweatshirt that he was wearing. "I am so sorry! I didn't mean to, and I know I shouldn't have told him anything, but I-"

Alfred cut him off. "Slow down Mattie! What are you talking about?"

"I-I- I might have- Umm-"

"Well?" Alfred urged.

"I kind of told Gil about you two. But I didn't expect him to tell the entire school!"

"Oh, is that all? Mattie, I swear we're not mad at you." Alfred patted his brother on the arm in an attempt to calm him down.

"Are you sure? I kind of deserve it."

I smiled as reassuringly as I could at Matthew. "They were bound to find out sometime. It's alright."

Matthew visibly relaxed. "You two were just so cute! I had to tell someone!"

Alfred laughed and kissed me lightly on the forehead. My eyes grew wide and I feel a blush creep over my cheeks.

We sat next to each other on the cafeteria bench, much closer than last time. Our elbows touched and our knees knocked.

Antonio walked into the cafeteria, closely followed by Lovino. He smiled once he saw Alfred and I. "Oi, Alfred amigo, you finally did it?" He asked.

Lovino rolled his eyes. "Obviously. Just look at them."

I blushed and looked down at my knees. Alfred just laughed and smiled.

Antonio laughed at my embarrassment. "Oh Arthur, don't be embarrassed. Love is beautiful, sí?"

Alfred kissed my forehead again. The blush on my cheek was as strong as ever.

"Awww! Lovi, why don't you ever do that to me?"

"Hush, idiota!" Lovino blushed.

"Look at you two! Both red like tomatoes!" Antonio pinched Lovino's cheeks only to have his hands swatted away by the stubborn Italian.

Gilbert walked over to the table and took his seat next to Matthew. He slung his arm over Matthew's shoulder. "Were they mad Mattie?"

"No. It was your fault though."

"I only told a few people!"

Matthew looked skeptical. "You yelled it down the hallway!"

"It was the art hallway! Nobody's ever down there!"

"Feliks Łukasiewicz was down there. You know how he likes to gossip."

"But, Mattie, your brother and his new boyfriend aren't mad! So lets stop this conversation and make out instead!"

"Not at the table! We eat here!" Lovino yelled, clutching his container of spaghetti protectively.

"Alright then. Me and Mattie are going up on the roof to make out. See ya later chumps." Gilbert declared, taking Matthew by the hand and walking out of the room. Matthew offered a small wave before being led out.

Alfred turned his head to face me. "We can do that instead of studying for next period."

"Maybe if you get B's or better on all of your midterms." I retorted.

"Heh, then we have a lot of work to do!" He stood up and took my hand. "C'mon!"

"Now?" I wasn't going to eat anyway. I always ate lunch during English class.

"Yes, yes! I want those rooftop makeouts!" Alfred exclaimed. He picked up both of our bags and pulled me to the library. I never imagined that having a boyfriend would be so fun.

A.N. So this chapter was kind of short. Sorry! I promise a longer one next time! I just love writing dialogue between the little group and I tried my best to sneak in all my favorite couples. In other news, I'm looking for a beta for this story. If you would be interested in that please, please message me! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter,and please read and review! Have a lovely day/night/morning!