I was about to say that I'm back early but it turns out that I've been gone for almost a month whoops! My teachers thought it'd be fun to pile a load of computer coding homework on me in the summer holidays so I've been doing that most summer. Oh yeah, if you love anime, check out Free Iwatobi Swim Club, Attack on titan and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood! Anyway on with the chapter!
*I had to make up Mr Anderson because there were no other male characters that I had the heart to make evil. He'll probably be my only OC.
Chapter 8: first love
Amu's POV
I woke up with a loud groan and the desire to roll over and go back to sleep. Hearing about Ikuto and Tadase's past had kept me up all night wondering if it bothered them as much as it bothered me that they were completely fine with how it all ended. I wasn't even a vengeful person but even I would want to get revenge on those bullies. I looked at Tadase who had fallen asleep on the floor and then stared down Ikuto who'd decided to sleep with his head on my lap. He was heavy but I just didn't have the heart to move him, especially when he looked this peaceful.
Something lit up in the corner of my eye and after wiping away the last of my tiredness, I identified it as my phone. "Hi Kukai." I whispered, careful not to wake the guys.
"Hey, where are you?" Kukai's voice filled my ear as I ran a hand through my hair.
"I'm at Ikuto's. Sorry I forgot to tell you. Why are you up so early?" I asked.
"We've got school." Kukai replied, "It's Monday, Hinamori." My eyes went wide at the realization. Not only had I spent nearly the whole weekend at Ikuto's without so much as a phone call to tell my parents where I was, but I also completely forgot about school. I stood up, forgetting Ikuto was on me until his body hit the floor. Since he didn't even wake up, I didn't bother to apologize.
"Oh, by the way, I told your parents you were staying at Rima's place all weekend." Kukai told me.
"Thanks." I said, appreciated. "Well, I've gotta go get ready. Meet me outside my house."
"Your house? I thought you were at Ikuto's house." Kukai sounded confused. I told him that it was a surprise and hung up. I rushed into the shower and quickly washed myself before wrapping my body in a towel. Breathing deeply, I closed my eyes and jumped, feeling the rush of power surrounding me. I opened my eyes to see that I was in my house, standing in front of my wardrobe.
I changed into my school uniform, pulled on my shoes and chucked some bread in the toaster. It seemed the more impatient I got, the slower the toaster became. Finally, the toast popped up and I grabbed it, ignoring how hot it was when I took a bite. I practically ran out of the house and down the driveway to see Kukai and Rima waiting there for me.
"How'd you do that?" Kukai asked and I grinned.
"I can teleport!" I didn't bother to hide my excitement.
"Haha! That's great! You can teleport us to school, then." He grinned back at me but pouted when I shook my head. I had to keep my powers a secret for as long as I could, at least until I was powerful enough to control it. Having Rima and Kukai know about me was dangerous, I couldn't let anyone else find out.
"Hey, where's Tadase?" Rima asked, looking around. I forgot to wake him up this morning. I shrugged it off since he was essentially dead and didn't actually need to go to school. We walked to school in a row, Kukai on the left next to the houses and bushes, Rima in the middle and me on the right next to a small road that lead to the school. Our school wasn't that far away, around a ten minute walk. We could probably get there in five if we walked quickly.
"Amu! Rima!"
I looked up to see a group of girls waving at us. Ran, Su, Miki, Kusukusu and sisters Eru and Iru. We'd been friends since around the time Ikuto left but I'd known Ran and Su way before that. When I imagined just how lonely I was when I was little, I had to pinch myself to believe that I had so many friends.
"Well, that's my cue to leave. See you guys later." Kukai left when he spotted Diachi, his friend from his football club.
Rima and I continued on to meet the others just as the bell went. My first lesson was a double period of art along with Miki. She was definitely the most artistic of the group and I'm not gonna lie when I say that I was a little jealous. Especially in my art class with Mr Anderson*. With his golden hair and stubble, he was basically heaven in a suit and tie. Most of the girls in our year loved him, embarrassingly, including me. But he was just so insightful and smart and so inspiring during art. Miki was obviously his favourite student since her work was amazing while I kind of faded into the background. He would never be interested in someone like me.
I walked into class beside her, who flashed a flirty smile at Mr Anderson. He smiled back but his dark eyes were on me. I felt my face heat up as I sat down at my desk. I kept my head down as I pulled out my art folder from my bag.
"Sorry I'm late, sir!" Tadase gasped as he pulled open the doors to our class. Tadase was in most of my classes, mainly because Ikuto had sent him here to 'look after me'. Mr Anderson just waved him off and Tadase took the seat behind me.
"You didn't wake me up." He whispered. "I can't teleport around school so I had to run here." He sounded a bit mad but he wouldn't be for long. He was physically incapable of being angry at someone. The lesson soon began and we were told to paint or draw something that fascinates us. It didn't have to be real, it could be a dream that we'd had.
I looked to my left at a girl who had begun to draw the eyes of our teacher. I rolled my eyes and got up to grab some water colours. The bright blue one caught my eye and I immediately knew what fascinated me. Ikuto. Well, not Ikuto specifically, but what he could do. I thought back to the first time I saw him teleport. It was so surreal and magical. I wondered if that's what I looked like when I teleport.
"Wow, is that from a dream?" A girl asked when I'd practically finished.
"I guess." I answered with a smile. It wasn't from a dream but a little white lie couldn't hurt anyone. I cleaned my brushes and my pallets and returned to my desk to pack away my things just before the lesson ended.
"Oh, Amu, I'd like you to stay behind." Mr Anderson called out as everyone made their way out of the door. Miki gave me a sly smile before telling me to find her afterwards at break. I nodded and soon I was left alone with Mr Anderson. I suddenly didn't know what to do with myself. Why was I so awkward all of a sudden? I decided to sit on the table with my legs swinging back and forth. Mr Anderson stared at me for a moment with a look of amusement that mirrored Ikuto's.
"Don't worry, you're not in trouble." He said and sat on his desk opposite me.
"Then why am I here?" I asked worriedly. I'd never been called out in lesson if I wasn't in trouble.
"Your painting. It's very passionate and emotional, like you captured the very essence of a dream just using water colour." He spoke softly as he took my work from the drying rack and looked over it. I smiled proudly. He'd finally acknowledged me. "Tell me, is he your boyfriend?"
I nearly choked on the air, "No, no…" I said. I was going to tell him we were just friends but then again I didn't want to tell him about Ikuto, you know, since he was dead and all. "He's just a guy I came up with." I told him.
"So he's your fantasy?" He asked, still not looking at me.
"I… guess." I replied even though it was more of a question. I didn't understand what he was saying.
"Am I your fantasy?" He finally looked up at me, his eyes boring into mine. I gasped as he walked towards me. He was still a head taller than me even though I was on the table. His forehead gently touched mine and my face was so hot that I felt like blood was burning my cheek. My heart beat faster and faster until at last he was kissing me. I immediately kissed back and twisted his hair in between my fingers. He pulled back but I couldn't help wanting more so I stroked his cheek and pulled him into another kiss. I didn't know what was wrong with me. This was wrong, so wrong. He was teacher and I was a student. Alarm bells were ringing desperately in my head until suddenly they were drowned out, leaving me and Mr Anderson in a beautiful silence.
Rima's POV
Something was up, I could feel it. It had been about a week since Amu had been kept back by Mr Anderson and she'd refused to talk about it. Instead, she just giggled like a little girl and went bright red. It was annoying me, so much that I just couldn't concentrate. It didn't need to take a genius to know what happened with Mr Anderson. They'd kissed, it was pretty obvious. He was rumoured to be that type of teacher, the kind that took advantage of young girls with the promise of 'forbidden love'. That's why I'd never liked him, I'd seen through his gentlemen façade ages ago.
I picked at my food, glaring at Amu as she waved at Mr Anderson, who was sitting on the table opposite. Tadase and Kukai obviously hadn't noticed since they believed it was just a crush and she'd get over it. But she wouldn't, that's the problem. She'd fixate on him until he made it painfully clear that he doesn't want anything other than an invitation to get in her pants. Then she'd be ruined completely. No, I would not let that happen. It was disgusting to even think about. I looked over at Miki, she nodded, and we both stood up.
"Hey, Amu, can we talk?" I asked. She narrowed her eyes like she was a little confused, but followed me anyway.
"Is there something wrong?" She asked, concerned.
I crossed my arms across my chest and sighed heavily. "Look, I'm just gonna cut to the chase. I know about you and Mr Anderson." I told her. Again, she giggled and went red. It was actually infuriating.
"Haha, I'm glad! I hated keeping it a secret. It's great, isn't it?" She smiled brightly.
"No. It's not great." Miki said, a serious tone in my voice. Amu's eyes widened then settled for a stony expression. That wasn't what she wanted to hear but I didn't care. Someone had to say it and it looked like it had to be me. "What is wrong with you? He's a teacher, Amu. It's actually illegal."
"It's not illegal. It's just frowned upon. That's why Evan told me to keep it a secret until we run away together. He said he'd take me anywhere." Amu swooned, eyes sparkling.
"Do you hear yourself right now? 'Evan' isn't going to run away with you into the sunset, he doesn't even care!" My voice rose a little and Amu took a step back as if she couldn't believe what I was saying.
"You're just jealous! Both of you! You just can't take that he took me over you! Well guess what, he did." She stared coldly between us. Miki stared at her with so much hurt in her eyes, it almost broke my heart.
"We're not jealous, we're worried about you. Sorry for not wanting you to get hurt." She said quietly before walking away.
"You don't have to worry, you just have to be happy for me." Amu's face softened into a smile that I just could return. I shook my head and followed Miki. An idea flashed into my mind. It was risky but if Amu wouldn't listen to her best friends then it was my only option.
The rest of the day went by slowly mainly because I spent most of it looking out the window and wishing there was an angel called the voice of reason. If Amu had an angel like that looking over her then we wouldn't be in this mess. I just had so much on my head that I just couldn't deal with worrying about Amu too. Nagihiko flashed into my mind and I sighed heavily. I'd made a quick exit after he asked me to break him out of the company to see Ikuto and his sister. His sister Nadeshiko who hadn't even mentioned she had a brother. I wondered if he was lying but why would a normal teenager be held up in mum's company. A part of me wanted to break him out but I just didn't have the brains to pull of something that big. Mum's security system had to be top of the range if she'd kept Nagi in there for years without anyone knowing.
As soon as school finished, I rushed home and headed up to my room. Mum wouldn't be home for at least another hour so I had the house to myself. I thought back to when I first met Amu and she told me about Ikuto. She told me that he was always around and if for some reason he wasn't there when she needed help, she would yell his name until he returned. It was a long shot but I didn't know where he lived or how to get there. I took a deep breath and shook my head. "Ikuto!" Nothing. I half expected it to work straight away.
"Ikuto! It's me, Rima, Amu's friend! Look, I need you! I think she's in trouble and you're the only one who I think can help!" I was well aware of how stupid I looked, yelling up at the sky to someone that wasn't there. Suddenly, just as I was about to give up, a small gust of wind swept across my room. I couldn't help but grin. He'd heard me, it worked!
Ikuto stood by the far wall of my room looking very confused and worried. "What happened, what's wrong with Amu?" He asked, stepping towards me.
"Well, she started dating this guy and I think he's trouble." I said honestly.
"That's it?" He asked, letting out a sigh of relief.
"What do you mean 'that's it'? He's a teacher with a reputation for this kind of thing. Aren't you just a little concerned?" I folded my arms and raised an eyebrow. He was protective of Amu and we both knew it and if he didn't look after her himself, he would certainly get someone else to do it.
"What do you want me to do?" He said after a while.
"Just keep an eye of Amu, I'll watch 'Evan'." I decided. He nodded and told me he'd do his best.
The next few days consisted of me following Mr Anderson around. It was boring at times, especially during class. He was also my English teacher so at least I had five lessons a week to watch his every move. He knew I was friends with Amu so he couldn't flirt with any other students when I was around. Ikuto came back to me every other break-time to tell me what he'd found out. He mostly told me about Amu's several make-out sessions and one particularly disturbing meeting when they talked about hotels they could book. The earliest booking being Saturday, two days from today. Amu and I hadn't spoken since are argument so it was clear that whatever I said would just make me seem like intruding parent.
We had to act now or we'd lose her.
Amu's POV
My fingers were entangled in Evan's as his other hand travelled up and down my hand. My head was clouded with the images of his face. He was everything I ever needed. I'd never felt to complete. He moved his lips and began to kiss my neck. I closed my eyes and let his musky scent fill my nose. He whispered that he loved me in between kisses and my grinned more every time he said it. If only Miki and Rima could see this. No not this. This side of him. The caring side. They thought he was just using me but he told me he loved me and only me. He told me he'd give up everything to kiss me.
But a part of my mind told me no. It kept screaming at me to stop and that this was wrong. It was like having Rima combined with a parents being the room with us. I desperately tried to get their voices out of my head. Evan telling me that I was beautiful rendered them mute.
Then suddenly all I felt was pain. A sharp stabbing pain coming from my neck. I strained my eyes to see what he was doing and saw a flash of teeth and blood dripping from my skin. My vision blurred and the pain spread from heart to my head. It felt like my head was splitting open.
"Get away from her!" Someone yelled. Evan was forcefully pushed away from me and he the pain gradually disappeared. Evan landed on the floor with a thud and growled curses under his breath.
"Are you ok, Amu?" The voice was closer to me and I recognized it to be Miki. Her eyed held so much concern as she wiped the blood from my neck with her sleeve.
"You little bitch…" Evan said in a low voice as she stood up. In a blink of eye, he had her pinned against the wall. A loud slap was heard and Miki weakly held her hand to her swollen cheek.
"Miki!" I yelled. I ran forward but a punch to the stomach sent me flying backwards into the far wall. I coughed as I struggled to get back on my feet. This guy couldn't be human, that punch was way too strong. "Miki…" I wheezed and reached out my hand. Miki was still pinned against the wall crying for help. But I couldn't move. Why? Why did I have to be so useless at a time like this? Miki was in danger and not only was it my fault but I couldn't even save her. Mr Anderson bent over until his face was level with Miki's neck and I saw another flash of teeth. He was a vampire. A frickin vampire and it took me this long to figure it out. I should've listened to Rima, she may not have known but she definitely knew that Mr Anderson was bad news.
Dammit! Miki was screaming now. I couldn't let this happen. I wouldn't let this happen. I wouldn't allow her to be killed by something that was supposed to kill me. I closed my eyes, calming myself down. Fighting angry would be reckless and I couldn't afford to lose. Not when my friend's life was on the line.
When I heart had slowed to a steady beat, I let my power surge through me. Feeling all of my worries and fears be submerged, I teleported next to Evan and shoved him to the floor. Miki stared at me wide eyed. I almost forgot, she had no idea I had powers. I gave her a sheepish smile and jumped on Evan. Now I could release my anger with every. Single. Punch. The vampire's face was red and his lips were bleeding. I smiled, happy that I could inflict so much damage on him. Although it wasn't enough to kill him. He was a vampire, I wasn't stupid, it would take a lot to kill the undead.
I briefly looked up to see Rima rushing in with Ikuto with her. Unfortunately, that brief moment of not getting a beating gave Evan an opportunity to free himself. He bashed his forehead right into mine and I fell back, clutching my head in pain. My vision became blurry for a moment and I found myself lucky that I didn't completely blackout. Ikuto moved in flash. He was beside Rima one moment and punching Mr Anderson in the jaw the next. He summoned his scythe, which I remembered from the last full-on battle I saw him in. With one slash, he'd made a large gash in Evan's side. He began to bleed, although his blood was brown and decaying.
"Stand back." Ikuto ordered. We did what he said and he took a lighter from his jean's pocket and dropped it on the wound. Smoke began to rise around Evan's body. He let out a strangled scream as his body became ash. Miki stared between us and the pile of ash on the floor.
"Miki, I can explain-" I started, walking towards her.
"Explain what? Y-you're not human! Neither is that guy! And a vampire tried to kill me. I don't need you to explain it, it's quite clear from where I'm standing!" Miki pointed a finger and took a big step back.
"You're right. But hey, we saved your life, right?" Ikuto smiled while Miki glared at him.
"You won't tell anyone, right?" I asked, eyes pleading. She looked at me for a moment before sighing and nodding her head. "I promise I'll tell you everything later."
"Good. This is not something I can just forget about. I wanna be in on the action too!" She said excitedly.
"But you nearly died!" I exclaimed, wondering what was wrong with her.
"And the rush it gave me! Jeez, your lives must be so fun!" She beamed and bounced over to me, pulling me into a hug. I sighed, just glad she was alive.
Hey guys… This is the longest chapter I have ever written for any of my stories. I hope it worth it. BTW, I thought I would add a little Miki/Yoru so he'll turn up sooner or later. This is a multi-pairing story but main will me Amuto. So there's something for everyone! Anyway, please Review cos I worked real hard this chapter! Also, the summary may be changing soon so watch out for that. Bye!