PLEASE AND THANK YOU! also, I do not own ouran and never will! only my original characters! peace out you guys!)

What happens… if Akio and Michael were actually in love with each other? To others, they could be just close best friends, but what happens if it really is love between the two?

This is a story of how Akio and Michael are getting married...

"Michael, you promised you would be the one in the wedding dress!"

"No way in hell!"

Akio pouted at Michael and held the wedding dress up. "But you would look even more beautiful."

Michael looked at him angry. "If you want the wedding dress to be in this ceremony, you fucking wear it."

Akio looked at the dress and looked at himself in the mirror. "That's… that's not a bad idea."


Akio looked excited. "I'm going to get Mamoru to help me with my makeup and everything! Maybe then you will love me more if I looked like a girl!" He ran out of the room holding the dress as Michael sighed.

"Idiot, I don't want a girl." He gave a half smile. "I love that idiot for him, not his gender."

After a few minutes, Mamoru came into the room with Akio as she looked excited. "Finally I get to put Akio in a fucking dress! YES!"

Actually, the wedding was being held in Mamoru's backyard. After pulling some strings, Mamoru was able to get the two legit marriage certificates and bring in a priest from America to hold the ceremony.

Hatsumi came in with her makeup kit and the two of them went into transforming Akio into a beautiful bride. He couldn't wear heels because he was already too tall, so they gave him some black flats.

They gave him a light brown wig, and put a white rose flower in his hair.

When they finished, he looked beautiful. They even gave him fake boobs.

Mamoru looked at her creation. "What the power of makeup can do to a person!"

Hatsumi wiped a tear away. "Akio, you look so beautiful."

Michael turned to looked at Akio and was completely shocked. Akio looked confused and spun around in his dress. "Don't you think I look beautiful."

He had a slight blush on his face as he tried to look away. "You look… Great."

Mamoru pouted. "I thought I would've gotten more excitement coming out of you."

"He looks beautiful…" Michael gave a sad smile. He then whispered under his breath. "I prefer the usual Akio."

Mamoru looked at him and jumped him into a hug. "You are too cute! Just deal with it today!"

Hatsumi and Mamoru said their goodbyes to get to the wedding area. The two of them waited to be called.

It was time for their wedding.

After dating a few years, it seemed they both proposed to each other at the same time. They both had engagement rings they bought for each other and couldn't wait to officially get married.

Michael was the first to leave the room as he was playing the groom of the wedding. Akio's mother and father came to get him and when they entered the room, they were dumbfounded to find some girl in the room.

Akio's mother sweatdrop. "I don't remember having a daughter."

"I think our eyes are playing tricks on us dear." His father looked away. "Maybe we entered the wrong room."

Akio started to laugh. "I can't believe you guys don't even recognize your own son!"

They didn't question their son, but escorted him out of the room anyways. Their only thought was. 'If he is happy, than that's all that matters.'

When Akio and his parents walked out of the house into the backyard, the music started to play and flower petals flew all around the ceremony. Akio's eyes lit up at the beautiful sight. And then he saw Michael. The love of his life standing at the end of the red carpet smiling at him.

Akio and his parents walked down the aisle arms linked. Everyone was shocked to see him in a wedding dress, but none of the less than laughed and congratulated the beautiful bride.

When Akio reached Michael, they took each other's hands and stood in front of the priest. Akio stared lovingly at Michael as he did the same. The priest said some stuff from the marriage book and looked at Akio. "You may say your vows."

Akio looked startled because he wasn't listening and cleared his throat. "Michael, today we are getting married because of the support of our best friend, Mamoru. For a long time now, I loved you from the bottom of my heart. At first, I thought you loved Mamoru and that pained me."

He smiled. "But now I see that my feelings aren't one-sided anymore. You are the love of my life. Even though as a homosexual couple, we will have hardships, but for love I don't mind it. To be by your side, to see your beautiful face every morning, and to exchange I love you's. I wouldn't give that up for anything. You are the love of my life, and I can't wait to spend my life with you."

Everyone started to awe and cheer for the beautiful vow as Michael gave a slight blush.

Now Michael had to clear his throat. "Akio, let me just say, even though you look stunningly beautiful in that dress, I don't want a girl. I fell in love with you for you, so you don't have to dress up as one to be loved by me. I love everything about you."

"We met through Mamoru and for that, I thank her for letting me get to know a beautiful human being. Not only are you kind, but you are the most caring person I have ever met. The way you smile, laugh, cry, get angry, it's all so beautiful to me. Waking up to you in the morning and giving you that kiss goodmorning before I go to work is what keeps me going everyday. Coming home to you and your smiling face probably makes me the happiest man alive."

Mamoru was probably the loudest person in the room as she said "AWWWEEE" Everyone just looked at her as she put her hand over her mouth.

Michael continued. "I am so grateful for everything. For meeting you and making all these friends. But what I am the most happy about is now, I get to spend the rest of my life with you, and I couldn't ask for anything more. I love you, Akio. I always will."

Every awed and cheered for the beautiful vows. The loving couple blushed as the priest seemed to have a slight one. "Ahem. Now that your vows have been said… You may now kiss… Uh… Your lover?"

Akio was the first one to respond and somehow, he was the one lifting Michael up into the air. Everyone wasn't expecting it and Michael started to pout. "Put. Me. Down. Right. Now."

Akio shook his head and leaned in for a kiss. "I wore the dress, you will deal with this." No matter how angry Michael looked, he gave in and kissed Akio back. Mamoru was in the back holding her nose bleed as she took pictures of the beautiful Yaoi scene happening in front of her.

When Akio put Michael down, Michael yanked the wig right off his hair and tossed it into the crowd. "Good luck for the ladies out there."

People actually fought for the tossed wig and Mamoru and the rest of the Host Club came running to the newly weds. It was a huge dog pile as Michael and Akio looked at each other and started to laugh.

They loved their friends, and now they will be loving their new life together.

And everyone lived happily ever after…