Wow...Forgot about this story...trying to catch up! :D I had re-read it to remember where I was! XD Please give me some suggestions on what I should update next...Probably not bus-ted, I mean it is my most popular story and I think we should leave it at that. ;) Maybe.

Bill gazed down at the boy. "And what exactly are you going to do?" Dipper thought over the question for a while, before coming to a conclusion.

"This!" He threw a rock at the demon, Bill moved slightly and the rock flew behind him.

"That's it? This is too easy." Bill squeezed Wendy with a suffocating force.

"Eeeeeeehhhhh!" Wendy shrieked breathlessly as she struggled. "Put me down you dorito!" Tears came to her eyes. Bill rolled his eyes.

"No." He said in a monotone. "HAHAHAHA!" Wendy's face turned red with both anger and her inability to breathe, she kicked straight up and hit Bill's eye.

"I said put me down...!" She whispered, Barely able to speak. The yellow triangle recoiled in shock.

"I said no, Llama!"

"What did you just call me?!" Wendy bravely thrashed around trying to get him to loosen his grip, finally succeeding and took a deep breath. Dipper and Mabel just watched in disbelief as Wendy managed to move her arms enough to grab her ax that she kept under her strap. She swung it as hard as she could at the demon holding her captive.

"Ow! Stop it Llama!"

"No." She continued swinging and thrashing Bill, until he finally let her go. She fell down seemingly in slow motion. "Ahh! Dude!" She looked down to see Dipper and Mabel jumping to try and catch her, she landed on both of them with a crash. "Sorry dudes!" She got up quickly to see the twins squished on the ground, and she noticed her ax was gone. "Have you seen my-" She stopped in the middle of her sentence when she saw Dipper's gaze. "You alright, Dip?" His eyes slowly shifted to his shoulder where her ax was dug into, She screamed and attempted to pull it out of her friend, It was bleeding pretty bad.

"I think we've done what we came here to do." Bill disappeared and Gideon ran away.

Mabel welled up with tears. "Are you okay Dipper?" He could feel himself slipping away...struggling to keep consciousness. Wendy continued trying to pull her ax out of Dipper without hurting him more. Wendy took a deep breath and yanked it, finally managing to break it away. She looked up at Dipper's face to see that he passed out.

"Oh no..." She muttered. She tied her jacket around his shoulder to stop the bleeding. "We have to get him to a hospital..."

I got a new Laptop today! :D Also, this week is my Birthday! Send Gifts! My other Laptop got a virus, not sure if you knew but that's why I couldn't write stories.