YAH I PROMISED A SEQUEL AND HERE IT IS! Sequel to I found your weakness, boy. Recap! So, basically, Gideon kidnaps Wendy, Dipper and Mabel save her, In order to snap Wendy out of being hypnotized, Dipper has to kiss her...Which he does...Then Gideon winds up going to jail, but he has all 3 books. And at the end, Dipper and Wendy somewhat start Dating...? I mean, Wendy told Dipper she like-likes him too, and they walk hand-in-hand into the sunset...Sooooooo...Kinda going out. But not-really-going-out. ONWARDS AOSHIMA!

3rd person's POV, dudes! (There is a really good reason Wendy's being mean!)

"Hey, Wendy!" Dipper came down the stairs to start his shift with his Not-So-Much-But-Totally-Kinda-Sorta-Somewhat-Girlfriend. Wendy rolled her eyes. Dipper didn't notice, he sat down on the old, splintery barrel.

"What do you want, doofus?" She hissed. Dipper recoiled, and his shoulders sagged.

"Are you alright?" He asked, genuinely concerned. She gritted her teeth.

"I was fine...until you showed up." She gave him a sharp glare before returning to her magazine. "Your sister told me what you said..."

Dipper slouched. "W-what do you mean?" He scooted back on the barrel.

Wendy closed her magazine with force. "I mean, why don't you go on a stupid monster hunt or whatever?" She leaned over the counter with a sneer. Dipper cowered down.

"But...Why?" He squeaked. She leaned further over, until they were face-to-face.

"Because...I hate you." Dipper looked up at her in disbelief and started tearing up. Mabel came out of the living room.

"What's going on?" Mabel asked in confusion. Dipper let out a sniffle as he stood up.

"Nothing...C'mon, Mabel..." He started out the door, with Mabel in tow. They started walking to the woods in silence.

"What's wrong, Dipper?" He kept silent. "Seriously, Dipper! What?!" Mabel pushed.

"I know you're jealous because you don't have a boyfriend, but why would you sabotage me and Wendy like that? That was not cool, Mabel!" Dipper snapped. Mabel stopped walking.

"What do you mean!? I haven't said anything to her since Friday!" She balled up her fists. "And I'm NOT jealous!" Dipper turned to face Mabel.

"Yes you did! She told me you did!"

"You're gonna believe her over your own sister?! You don't stand a chance with her anyways! She's fifteen! And why would she like a nerd like you?! She was better off with Robbie!" Mabel screamed at her already-shaken brother.

"...Mabel, I sacrificed so much for you, when I had a perfect future, I went back and got you Waddles, When I had a perfect job, I got fired to give you that megaphone..." He started backing up. "I made a fool of myself in the convenience store to save you from being possessed by ghosts..." He shook his head. "Every time I get something good, you mess it up. You went too far this time..." He continued backing up. "Couldn't you just once let me have something you don't?" He turned to the woods.

"Yeah?! Well, she's way out of your league! She'll never love you!" Dipper bolted to the forest, crashing through everything in his way.

"It's not true...I don't believe her..." He whispered to himself, even though he knew her words were getting to him, it made him feel a little better. He ran through the stream, not caring his shoes were soaked. He tripped several times on rocks, roots and fallen trees. Then he started hearing this nagging echoing voice.

"You don't stand a chance...why do you even try?"

"It's your fault she hates your guts..."

Dipper covered his ears and ran faster.

"She's fifteen...you're twelve...not a chance..."

"Shut up!" Dipper yelled.

"Robbie was better than you ever could be..."

"That's not true!" Dipper started to get tired.

"Oh yeah? Then why did Wendy pick him over you?"

"Why did she abandon you at the carnival for him?"

"Why did she despise you after they broke up?"

"I said SHUT UP!" He shrieked.

"She will never love you..."

This comment got to Dipper, he fell to his knees and sobbed."You're right! *Sniffle* You're right!"

What'd ya'll think!? U leik? Don't you dare say what I know you're thinking. Because that's not what I meant. So...? You still reading this? Yikes...You got too much free time on your hands...Just kidding! Ugh you're still here?! Review already! Gosh! ...Did you not hear me?! REVIEW!