Disclaimer: Is this really necessary anymore? Doubt it, but still, Vocaloids are not mine.

Len's POV

They chatted amicably after their promise and acted as though they didn't just drop a bombshell on Rin. What's even more alarming, in my eyes, was how collected Rin was, she just fully accepted it in stride and treated them like nothings changed.

And, in a sense, I suppose it hadn't.

They said their farewells, and for a couple of fleeting seconds the expression on Rin's face was, for lack of better description, that of a normal teenage girl. She was smiling, waving enthusiastically and she actually looked genuinely happy for them. It made my stomach feel weird, fuzzy in a sense that's inaccurately known as butterflies. But then she turned and looked at the corner of the lockers I hid behind, and gone was that expression of liveliness, replaced with a deep scowl and a glare cold enough to freeze liquor.

"I know you're there Len," She said icily, her arms crossed.

Wow, I should not feel so cold all of a sudden.

"Hey," I said, stepping out from the corner. The ground, I realized, was a very interesting thing to look at.

"Hey yourself, what'd you hear?"

Ah Rin, never one to beat around the bush.

"Everything," I murmured, daring a glance up at her. She looked surprisingly calm.

"Don't tell anyone," she said simply. "I've been waiting for them to come out for a while."


I must've said this out loud, because she sighed deeply. "I saw them do couple-y shit okay? I never would've guessed they'd tell me first, but I feel pretty damn honored and I'd hate for people to find out when they're just starting to get comfortable with the idea of telling people."

"I'd never tell," I said truthfully, "It's not my business to tell."

She appraised me for a moment, then smiled, actually smiled, at me. "Good. But if anyone ends up knowing I know whose balls to put on a platter."

I shook my head, but smiled nonetheless. I shouldn't be crushing on someone as terrifying as Kagamine Rin.

I shouldn't, but I feel like I already am.

Rin's POV

For the first time in what feels like forever, I actually have mixed emotions about something. Someone to be more exact.

Len, with his honesty and humility that he wears like one would wear clothes. With his understanding and his emotions that are plain for the naked eye to see reflected in his deep blue eyes. A blue pure enough to swim in, unlike mine.

He was someone I thought to be an enigma, just because I didn't know him, but I would always hear about him at the lunch table, I'd hear his name in the hallway and think someone called my name, I'd hear teachers praising what a good kid he was. But he was far from an enigma, he was more like an open book, a really damn riveting book.

There were no barriers, no walls of defense that he's built or set up, he's purely Len, what you see is what you get.

And I've liked what I've seen so far.

A/N: Another painfully short chapter that took a painfully long time before I updated. I'm really sorry guys, I admittedly have this awful habit of writing stories off the cuff, without considering how to continue it in future chapters. Then I end up losing motivation to continue it because my mind travels elsewhere and forgets the original concept. This, as well as most of my stories, are like that. I can only apologize and try to remember to update on a regular basis for these kinds of things. I know it isn't fair to you guys as the readers for me to just delete the story and try to start anew, so I'll do my best to continue the story and wrap it up in a way that I hope will be considered satisfying.




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