Sorry I took so long I had Midterms and college applications to do so I took a while plus I had barely any motivation.

I do not own anything

Notice: Also I'm fixing the fact Pichu know Quick attack I made an error from that so Pichu will have that replaced with a different move and learn something new move basically learning two at once.

Lucas's Journal: Turns out Dawn still needed help with her confidence so when we were helping out at the café so I gave her some advice from my journey I experienced before joining up with her. I really hope it sinks in cause I don't want a depressed Dawn with us because well… it's sad for me. Also when I was training on our break Pichu learned a new move what it is I'll write later.

Hot Springing a Leak

Back in the forest on the way to Vielstone city Lucas was helping Ash and Turtwig with energy ball. Lucas had Monferno in front seeing that a target might give Turtwig the focus he needed to perfect it plus with it being a fire type it wouldn't do much damage.

"Turtwig Energy Ball go!" Ash commanded his Pokémon.

"TUURRRRRT" Turtwig growled gather energy in front of his mouth as Dawn, Brock, Piplup, and Pikachu looked on with hope.

"Steady Monferno." Lucas said to his starter.

"Ferno" Monferno said ready to block crossing its arms in front of his chest and face.

"TWIG" Turtwig shouted firing Energy Ball but said attack shatter before even getting halfway toward Monferno. Turtwig landed on the ground upset that he goofed again but Ash wasn't going to give up.

"Hey don't worry, try it again." Ash encouraged his grass type as it got Turtwig's spirits up again with Pikachu encouraging it to.

"Ash I think we should call it a day it's going to be late." Lucas said as Monferno returned to his side.

"Yeah I guess you're right." Ash admitted it was late and he didn't want Turtwig to go for an all-nighter.

"Twig!" Turtwig protested wanting to practice more.

"We'll work on Energy Ball later don't you feel tired?" Ash asked as Turtwig looked down tired even though it wanted to work more. "Return for now." Ash said returning his Pokémon.

"Monferno you did great too." Lucas said to his partner as he saw Dawn talk to Piplup.

"K Brock I'm ready for a nice nap at the Pokémon Center after a nice hot bath." Ash said wiping his forehead as Brock took out his guide book but frowned upon looking at it.

"Problem is there no Pokémon centers around or in the next." Brock said much to Ash's dismay but Lucas looked around feeling something familiar about the forest.

"Brock can I that map for sec I need to check something." Lucas said. Brock gave the map to Lucas he examined it and where they were. "I knew Dawn check it out!" he exclaimed as he showed the bluette the map.

"What's up?" Ash asked with Pikachu tilting its head.

"Well Ash Ketchum it just so happens that there is a hot spring nearby that allows Pokémon in too we know of." Lucas stated as a matter of fact.

"How do you two know there is a hot spring here?" Brock asked them.

"Easy one of our best friend lives at a hot spring hotel." Dawn said.

"Talk about good luck." Brock said with a smile

"Great alright hot spring here we come!" Ash exclaimed with a fist pump.

"PIKA" Pikachu cheered.


Cue Naruto Shippuden Opening 10

The music starts up with Lucas looking at a sunrise from a hill. The scene replays but with Ash, Dawn, Brock, Piplup, Pikachu and Monferno with him. The switches to Mt. Coronent with Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Journey appearing in front.

[A living thing, deserving love and made of irregular melodies]

Lucas is seen running across with his Pokemon at his side

[My heart is singing, even if I cannot achieve anything.]

Ash is seen rushing off with Pikachu at his side. The scene switches to Dawn doing her hair with Piplup next to her before it gets messed up again with Piplup falling back in surprise.

[Having endured many powerful storms, are we creatures worthy of love?]

Brock is seen with heart eyes proclaiming his love to Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny before Croagunk Poison jabs him before dragging with away as Brock is in pain. The scene switches to Team Galactic looking at the Adamant and Lustrous orb with their leader in front covered by shadows.

[My heart is signing even if I can't keep my promise.]

Team Rocket is seen trying to get a ton of pokemon with a net but a horde of Beedrill by mistake making them run off spastically and Wobbaffet running with them as the horde chases after them.

[Which should I knock on and open?]

Lucas is seen facing off Crasher Wake with his Pichu against Floatzel

[When I open it where should I go?]

Ash is seen facing off against Maylene with Buizel and Lucario against each other.

[I can't go back home by myself so I was just waiting for someone.]

Dawn, Zoey, Kenny, and Nando are seen in front of the Grand Festival cup in their contest outfits facing against each other a slight wind blowing. The scene changes to Lucas standing on a battlefield with his pokemon all smiling as they stare into the night sky.

[Who is the person you miss most?]

Monferno, Pikachu, and Piplup are seen running at a Skuntank, Purugly, and Toxicroak.

[There's more and more people I can only talk to in heart.]

Piplup fires a bubblebeam at Purugly while Pikachu volt tackles Skuntank and Monferno flame wheels Toxicroak

[That's why I wanted to become stronger.]

[But we still have a story that is not yet read forcefully knowing things that won't end.]

Paul and Ash face off against each other with Ash glaring at him and Paul just smirking with his hand in his pocket and Electabuzz and his known Pokémon with him and Ash's Sinnoh Pokémon by their trainer's side. Lucas is seen commanding his Pokemon as Monferno uses Fire spin, Pichu uses thundershock, Swablu uses Fly, and Gabite Dragon Claws the screen.

[All of us in our own ways, just wanted to be stronger.]

Lucas and Ash battle each other in a stadium with Monferno using Flame Wheel and Pikachu uses Volt Tackle with them yelling for their Pokemon as the attacks collide in a burst of red and yellow.

Lucas wakes up on the same hill before seeing his friends smiling as he does the same and standing as they look towards the sunrise.


Meanwhile in front of the hot spring hotel Ash and co were going to visit a young brown haired girl with a yellow hoodie under a green coat for hot springs, and red shorts was talking to 3 Swinub.

"Alright listen up!" the girl said getting the Swinubs attention. "It's about our hotel we're in the middle of some hard time got it?!"

"NUB" the Swinub exclaimed.

"That's why I'm counting on your help now more than ever so can I depend on you?" she asked them.

"NUB SWINUB!" the Swinub exclaimed standing up a bit like soldiers

"Thank you that's exactly what I wanted to hear." The girl thanked.

"Leona heeey" she hear someone yelled as they saw Lucas and co running up to them.

"Dee-Dee Lucas!" Leona exclaimed causing Dawn to put on the brakes so to speak and snap.

"BFFFFF" Lucas snickered covering his mouth slowing down.

"Please I've just about had enough of that name!" Dawn exclaimed while Lucas was snickering.

"Sorry I give." Leona said putting her hands up in surrender before grabbing Dawn's hands in a friendly manner while said trainer was holding Piplup. "It's been so long it's great to see you both."

"Nice to see you too how's the spring business?" Lucas asked smiling having recovered from the snicker fest he had.

"To tell the truth it's been slow as of late" Leona said sadly. "I saw you on TV competing in the Solaceon contest the other day." Dawn suddenly looked down sadly remembering full well of her screw up and smiles uneasily. "Sorry you lost in the first round but no need to worry I know you'll win the next contest and when that happens we'll be there to cheer you on to victory."

"Leona Dawn's next contest won't be for a while." Lucas informed her.

"See I'm taking a little break." Dawn said to Leona.

"Really that's a surprise." She said.

"What better place to relax at your hot spring Leona" Lucas smiled as Moferno latched on his back again.

"Monferno." The playful Pokémon said.

"And you know our Pokémon have got to be feeling the same way to." Dawn said holding up Piplup.

"Uh well…" Leona suddenly looked uneasy at the fact of the hot spring topic but nobody noticed. "I guess its ok."

"Dawn, Lucas will you two introduce us to your buddy already." Ash reminded the two he and brock we still behind them.

"Whoops sorry guys. I want you all to meet Leona my best friend since way back in Kindergarten." Dawn said. "Say hello to my friends Ash and Brock."

"Well hello you all caught hard at work to being a Pokémon trainer." Leona said.

"Awesome that's just what Lucas and I are doing." Ash said excited at seeing another trainer aiming for the Sinnoh League. "Hey I know let's have a battle."

"A battle sound great." Leona said excited but stopped herself remembering something. "The thing is I don't have time for that."

"You don't"

"Ah relax Ash we can do it later right now Hot spring awaits us." Lucas said.

"Ferno" Monferno said excited.

"Uh but the thing is…" Leona tried to say.

"No need to worry Leona we'll be able to find it come on guys." Lucas said as they all ran in with Leona looking on in worry.


Soon everyone had their swimsuits on, with Lucas having blue bathing suit shorts with a pokeball emblem on it, and all their Pokémon out. Everyone looked in awe at seeing the hot spring the hotel had.

"The healing waters in this spring are supposed to be good whatever may be ailing you no matter what." Dawn explained.

"I'm in first!" Ash exclaimed jumping in.

"BANZAI" Lucas yelled jumping in to.


The whole thing was underwhelming for the hot spring water only covered their feet and it didn't even have hot nor warn water.

"HAAAAAAH" Lucas gawked at the fact it was more of a kiddie spring.

"This is it?" Dawn asked seeing the amount of water.

"It's shallow" Brock said.

"Cold too." Ash said.

"I tried to tell you." Everyone heard as they saw Leona run toward them with her Swinub. "I'm so sorry the hot springs not flowing right now."



After a quick change of clothes everyone was back in the forest by the spring. "I guess you tell how embarrassed I am right" Leona laughed nervously.

"What's up with the spring?" Lucas asked.

"Well about a week ago the water just stopped flowing. The source of the hot spring water is located a top of that mountain. There's a pipe running down the mountain side and when the water stopped mama and papa went up to investigate."

"That explains why you're here alone." Dawn realized.

"Right I really wish you all could see how relaxed and refresh you hot springs can make you feel but at this rate we'll go out of business and have to close up."

"No you can't!" Lucas gasped in horror the spring meant so much to his friend and his mom said that she went her once and was so relaxed.

"I was so looking forward to a little R&R well what can you do?" Dawn asked.

"Piplup." Piplup sighed sadly.

"Hey no need to worry." Leona quoted as Lucas smiled with the other boys.

"Yep no doubt those two grew up together." Brock stated

"Like two peas in a pod" Ash said.

"Yep" Lucas stated.

"But that when I worry the most." Dawn said weirdly seeing how that was her line.

"Dawn I'm serious my Swinub are on the case they promised to find another hot spring to tap into." Leona said as Dawn looked up said Pokémon.

"Swinub, the pig Pokémon, Swinub love mushrooms that grow under dead grass searching for them by smell and usually finding hot springs in the process."

"Oh I get it that means your Swinub really can find hot springs" Ash said.

"Right on top of that I even taught me my Swinub how to use dig." Leona boasted

"Awesome just what I expected from you, that reminds me." Dawn said flashing back to her Kindergarten days.

It was few days after Lucas and Dawn became good friend with the boy beginning to open up more he even made friends with Leona and Kenny. Unfortunately Kevin didn't stop picking on Lucas and to make matters worse Dawn was starting to get dragged in too.

"(Sniff sniif") Dawn was crying in the corner as Lucas tried to comfort her. Soon the two felt some one behind them to see a young Leona behind them.

"Is that bully Kevin still picking on you two?" Leona asked as the two nodded as the two saw Kevin with his friend laughing as they pushed other kids away. "No need to worry."


"Yeah with the three of us working as a team against them we can't lose." Leona encouraged holding out a hand as the Lucas and Dawn took it.

"What we need to is work as a team that way we can find the hot spring before you know it." Dawn said getting back to the present.

"Sounds good I want to help too." Ash said.

"Me too" Brock added.



"Lup" were the responses from the pokemon

"Thank you hey lets go." Leona said and with that the search was on for the new source.


"Nub, nub, nub, nub" the Swinub sniffed with their noses to the ground.

"I'm certain there has to be a hot spring source around here somewhere" Leona said. Suddenly the Swinub raised their noses to the air before running in a hurry.

"They got something after them!" Lucas shouted as they began to run after the pig Pokémon.

"I smell hot spring water." Leona said recognizing the smell of hot water.

"It's must be dead ahead." Ash figured.

Soon everyone came up to a rocky area with hot steamy water but to everyone's horror a sign advertised a new hotel coming up.

"What they're building a new hot spring hotel already." Leona gasped in shock.

"They must have heard about your hotel business Leona if they already started this new one." Lucas said as he looked at the sign.

"The hot springs been dug out." Ash said.

"I guess we're a little too late." Brock said as a VERY short man walked up to them with sunglasses.

'What the heck' Lucas thought seeing the tail and whiskers on the person but didn't want to insult the person if he worked here and said comment would get them kick out.

"Alright kiddies move you juvenile butts to another spot we've got work to do." The shrimp said.

"Excuse me but that my hot spring, down the mountain! Are you saying this one belong to you?!" Leona demanded as the shrimp began to get nervous.

"You are perceptive." A red haired woman in a worker outfit said coming up to them.

"And I'll have you know we worked hard to spring this spring." A blue haired man said to them

"Yeah what he said." the shrimp said. "We've been doing a lot more digging than a bunch of music lovers at a rock concert. 'Moving the earth for all its worth, when all of a sudden, WHAMO! We hit a treasure chest filled with beautiful jewel."

"We can't waste our time with this when there is a hot spring to uncork." The woman said.

"When you're right, your right though that not saying much." The man said continuing the story but Lucas was looking busy looking at the pipe to pay attention

. He had been to Leona's hotel before with his mom and he remember there was a huge source from the mountain but a second pipe would take just as much water a maybe have the same amount flowing but then why did Leona's have no water.

"Lucas what wrong?" Dawn asked.

"Dawn I've been to Leona's before and something doesn't sit right with me there is one big source of water for a hot spring in the mountain and there is only one known there and Leona's parents have permission to use it but then how could get the water from the same source if its private property."

"Your right the water is just like ours it smells and feels the same too. We're the only ones with access to it." Leona said.

"Right Leona I think we've been had. They must have tapped into your source or pipe without permission!" Lucas accused the three people like a lawyer.

"I think he… mmph" the shrimp was soon silence by his other worker tell him to zip it.

"So tastes, touch, and feel but lets you see show some actual proof!" the woman countered.

"What do you mean?" Leona was taken aback by this.

"Just what I said show me where your hotel's name is on the water, proof of liquid ownership then and only then will I believe your friend's ridiculous tale." The woman said.

"How do we do that?" Leona asked.

"Well you could have a secret source that nobody else knew about on the same mountain or coming from it everything would be the same as yours." Brock thought as the woman's ear went big

"Brock not helping" Lucas said to him.

"One of you gets it right you're lucky your false accusation don't land you in juvenile court." The woman smirked making Lucas growl he KNEW something was up he just knew it.

"Opportunist/ Looney tunists" the man mocked with the shrimp.


Suddenly their attention was drawn to a single Wooper in the spring but also had a device on its tail.


[Eyecatch 2] Dawn opens her Pokedex and spins into a pose with Lucas fist pumping, Ash pointing forward, Piplup jumping to her, and Brock holding pokeball ready.

[Eyecatch 3]: Ash grabs his pokeball before throwing it to the screen with Dawn, Brock, and Lucas posing next to him with Pikachu jumping from the side


Everyone was looking at the one Wooper that has landed into the hot spring water in confusion as Lucas picked it up.

"What are you doing here little guy?" Lucas asked the Pokémon.

"Check it out this Wooper has something stuck on its tail." Ash noticed.

"Woopa woopa" Wooper said

"That Wooper belongs to my mom and dad." Leona realized.

"Is that Leona?"

"I think it is." Two voices said as everyone turned to see two people in the same clothing as Leona except the man had a blue short and the woman had a red shirt. "It is Leona." Leona's mom realized.

"Wow what a coincidence." The dad said.

Mama papa come on down." Leona said waving them down as they did just that.

"So Leona what in the world are you doing up here?"

"I bet the same thing you are." Leona's parent then began to explain that they found out that their pipe had another attached to it and it was syphoning their water so they put a tracking device on their Wooper to follow the pipeline

"So if the Wooper came out on this hot spring we know what that mean." Leona said as her dad nodded. "Liars this really is our hot spring water and you know it!"

The three 'workers' all flinched as everyone glared at them, "Looks like this court sides with the twerp." The woman said as the three ripped off disguises to reveal a familiar trio to Ash and co.

"But we object of course"

"You're twerps considered the sorts"

"On the wind"

"The stars"

"Da Force"

"Bringing chaos with a spring in our step"

"Dashing hope with vigor and pep"

"A spring by any other name is just as hot"

"We need to relax we've got what you want"


"Jolley James"

"Meowth da name"

"Putting the icky in you and your place."

"We're Team Rocket,"

"IN YOUR FACE" Team Rocket shouted as they stand in front of everyone.

"Great not you guys again!" Lucas exclaimed with Monferno growling at them.

"They're an interesting group." Leona's dad said a bit weirded out.

"And they seem like a lot of fun." Leona's mom said clapping her hands together.

"Maybe to you but Team Rocket is nothing but a bunch of criminal that steal Pokémon!" Dawn snapped ticked off at what said team did to her friend's business as Piplup shouted in a agreement as the Swinub lined up to fight.

"Criminals or not you three are going to fix our hot spring right now." Leona shouted at them

"Well why didn't you say so in the first place?" Jessie said. "Meowth give them a shower they'll never forget."

"Ya want water here's a flood presenting the Bada Bing Supreme Soaker number 6" Meowth said pressing a button on a remote.

"Strange we didn't stop after 5" James commented sweat dropping at the previous failures. Suddenly mountains moved to reveal a robot with a yellow tub for a head as water flowed from the Magikarp faucet, a red R on the front with skinny arms and legs with Pincer arms, and a barrel for a body.

"BADABOM BADABING" It shouted as the pincers opened up and hot water was fired right at the heroes.

"HOT HOT HOT" Lucas screamed as everyone ran for it soaked in hot water.

Pikachu was obviously not happy at being soaked and prepared a Thunderbolt, "PIKAAAAA"

"Pikachu wait!" Ash cried out stopping his partner. "An electric attack is too dangerous with everyone soaking wet. But Iron Tail should do fine!" Ash shouted.

"PIKA CHUUUUU PIKA" Pikachu yelled delivering its steel type attack but it merely slides off the bot not doing damage.

"Anything that slips up a twerp certainly works for us." James said.

"This bada bing is slippery from all that water on da brain its slicker than a Psyducks back." Meowth said.

"HA YOU LOSE JACK" they all yelled.

"Those crooks." Leona fumed at the trio as she was by Dawn and Lucas's side. The latter's' memories giving them an idea.

"Hey remember our Kindergarten Day, remember that time the trio of us work together to beat that bully." Lucas said.

"Yeah" Leona and Dawn said as they remembered standing tall to the jerk who bullied Dawn and Lucas around.

"Of course no need to worry!" the three of them said.

"Swinub use Dig quickly." Leona said as the Swinub dug underground faster than you can say 'Dialga'. Soon the Swinub reemerged from the ground underneath the foo of the robot causing to lose balance as it spilled the water on Team Rocket as the ran behind it.

"Monferno heat it up more with Fire Spin!" Lucas commanded.

"MOOOONFERRRRNO" Monferno yelled as he had flames shot at the bot turning it red from the double heat.

"Dawn hit it now!" Lucas shouted.

"Leave it to me. Buneary use Ice Beam!" Dawn yelled.

POP "BUUUUNEARY" she shouted delivering a freezing attack that froze the machine in ice. The ice shook before it broke with it doing a few movements of its arms before the tub began to crack everywhere.

"Perfect flash freezing that thing while it was still hot from the water and Fire Spin made all those cracks." Brock said

The robot began to spark as it wobbled backwards to the panicking Team Rocket.

"Your wobbling the wrong way tub head" Meowth yelled

"Please fall on someone your own size." Jessie shouted before…


"Badabing then Badaboom then bam"James said as they were sent into the air.

"Big Bang boom then Big bang zoom then wham" Jessie said.

"Our Supreme Soaker Bada Bing sure made a big Blam!" Meowth said before the situation they were in registered.

Are you aware of the End result like I am?" Jessie asked as the three panicked.


"Nice one girls." Lucas said as Leona and Dawn cheered for they're victory.

"Yeah just like old time." Leona complemented.

"You know those were some great combinations." Brock said.

"You bet awesome." Ash said.

"Pika pika." Pikachu said.

"Now you all promise me you'll stick around and try our hot spring." Leona's mom said.

"Oh we insist just as soon as I we get that pipe fixed." Leona's dad said.

"You got it." Ash said Pikachu sharing the agreement as he jumped into his trainers arms.


Everyone was back at the hotel as the sun began to set.

"Now about that battle," Leona smirked "How about a bit of a tag team battle workout before we take a dip?"

"Yeah now that be great." Ash said.

"And what better tag battle partner for me then Dawn."

"Awesome I'd love to." Dawn responded pumped.

"We'll then Ash how about we show these two how boys do things in battle." Lucas smirked holding out a fist.

"You've got yourself a deal," Ash said fist bumping Lucas


Lucas and Ash stood on one side of the field while Leona and Dawn stood on the other side with one Swinub and Piplup on their side while Brock was referring.

"Ready Swinub?" Leona asked.

"Nub" it said

"Kay Piplup you ready too?" Dawn asked.

"Piplup pip" Dawn's starter said.

"Pichu let's do it!" Lucas shouted sending out the pre-evolved form of Pikachu

POP "PICHU" the tiny mouse shouted ready to battle.

"Chimchar I choose you." Ash yelled sending out the fire type.

"CHIMCHAR" Chimchar shouted ready to battle.

"Swinub now Tackle on Pichu." Leona shouted as the small Pokémon charged at Pichu.

"Pichu get away with Quick Attack." Lucas shouted as Pichu moved away as Swinub slide on the ground.

"Piplup Peck on Chimchar." Dawn yelled as Piplup launched at Chimchar.

"Chimchar counter with Scratch" Ash yelled.

"CHIMCHAAR" Chimchar yelled as he scratched Piplup before it could land Peck as he flew back next to Swinub.

Leona and Dawn exchanged a glace before calling out attacks again.

"Swinub use Ice Shard on Pichu."

"Piplup use Bubblebeam on Chimchar."

"Pip lup up up" Piplup yelled using said water type move.

"SWIINUB" Swinub formed an ice shard before launching it at Pichu.

"Not happening Pichu Light Screen go" Lucas yelled.

"PIIICHUUUU" Pichu yelled creating a yellow barrier around him and Chimchar. Both attack connected but did half the damage they were supposed to.

"Nice Lucas Chimchar use Flamethrower." Ash yelled.

"CHIIMMCHAR" the fire type yelled breathing Flames at the two Pokémon.

"Pichu go with Thunder Shock on Piplup." Lucas yelled.

"Pichuuuuu" Pichu yelled as they tried to strike Piplup and Swinub.

"Dodge it." Dawn and Leona yelled as the two dove out of the way. Meanwhile Pichu stopped the attack but looked like it had electricity running over its body.

"Hey is that. Pichu rush at Piplup again."

"Pichu pichu pi." Pichu shot straight for Piplup as electricity began to get more violent.

"Hey is that…" Ash was seeing a familiar move.

"PICHU PICHU PICHU" Pichu was now covered with electricity all over its body as it crashed in to Piplup.

"PIPLUUUUP" the penguin Pokémon yelled.

"Piplup." Dawn cried out as Piplup stood up.

"Pichu know Volt Tackle!" Brock said in surprise as every stared in shock.

"When did he learn that?!" Lucas yelled surprised while Ash recovered from the shock first focusing on the battle making everyone figure it out later.

"Chimchar Flame Wheel." Ash yelled

"Time for that move you learn the other day Hidden Power Pichu lets go." Lucas yelled as the tiny Pokémon also summoned up energy spheres before launching them at Swinub. Piplup saw this and ran in front of the ground/ice type as Leona and Dawn remembered their childhood as the bully ran at them while Lucas, Dawn, and Leona stood ready together.

The attacks hit their marks, or so they thought as Piplup and Swinub were nowhere to be seen.

"Where did they go?" Ash questioned as Pichu saw the ground shake below him before Swinub dug out and hit Pichu into Chimchar.

"They used the hole Swinub dug to dodge." Leona said.

"Piplup use Whirlpool." Dawn commanded.

"PIIIIIPLUUUUUUP" Piplup yelled as it summoned a whirlpool and threw it at the electric and fire types damaging and soaking them.

"(All wet not cool.)" Pichu mumbled as the two were soaked.

"That was a strong Whirlpool" Lucas commented.

"And those are becoming a strong team." Ash said realizing the way the two had Swinub dig to dodge out of the way without a command.

"Well duh what do you expect from two young warriors who got they're training on the playground." Dawn said

"Yeah you said it." Leona said as she flashed back to when they beat the bully as Dawn dust off her hands and Leona smirked with her foot on his back while Lucas sat on his back before he exchanged a double high five with them.

"Well this warrior trained there too and he's not giving up Pichu Hidden power again." Lucas yelled.

"PIIIICHU" Pichu yelled as he used the first new move he learned.

"Swinub use Blizzard on both of them." Leona yelled.

"SWIIINUB" Swinub yelled as he caused a blizzard to go straight for Pichu and Chimchar.

"Piplup Bubblebeam." Dawn yelled wanting to get more damage on Chimchar.

"Chimchar Flamethrower." Ash yelled wanting to do the same but on Swinub.

"CHIIIMCHAAAR" Chimchar yelled breathing fire as Piplup fired bubble at Chimchar while Flamethrower hit Swinub before it got hit with Hidden Power sending it flying.

"Swinub" Leona yelled bubble beam hit Chimchar sending it flying back.

"Chimchar" Ash yelled as his Pokémon was sent back.

"Pichu Volt Tackle full force on Piplup!" Lucas yelled wanting to end this fast..

"Pichu chu chu chu chu PICHU" Pichu yelled as Volt tackle came back weaker than the first time due to it just being learned.

"Piplup Bubblebeam." Dawn yelled as Piplup fired again as the Volt tackle and Bubblebeam collided clouding the battlefield in smoke before it began to clear.

All Pokémon had swirls on their eyes as Piplup and Pichu were on the ground in front of each other and Chimchar and Swinub behind them knocked out.

"And it's a tie both sides are unable to battle." Brock called out.

"Well what do ya know?" Lucas said surprised as he picked up Pichu

"Aw we were just being nice." Dawn teased them.

"Thanks for a great battle guy." Leona said as they all walked up together.

"No thank you." Ash said

"You guys are quite the team ya know" Lucas said as Pichu looked at him while Ash returned Chimchar. "Pichu how did you learn Volt Tackle like that?" Lucas asked.

"I've got a feeling I know who help." Brock said a Pikachu rubbed its head sheepishly it had taught Pichu a few things after it asked for help.

"Hey Dawn now's a great to try a sample of our hot spring. It's the least we can do for our friends and Pokémon." Leona said.

"Hallelujah to that," Lucas cheered as Monferno and Pikachu went into their trainers' arms.


Later Lucas and co were relaxing in a fill water Hot spring with water flowing. Pikachu, Buneary, Happiny, Pachirisu, and Pichu were relaxing on one side as the Pokémon splashed at each other.

Chimchar and the other Pokémon were all relaxing on the other side except Buizel who was punching water running down, and Sudowoodo outside the spring for obvious reasons and Gabite was away from any of them for its own reasons against human even though he couldn't resist a hot spring. Lucas, Dawn, Ash, Leona, and Brock were all near a pillar in their swimsuits.

"I'll tell ya there is nothing like a great hot spring." Ash said stretching his arms

"Perfect thing to recharge the old battery." Brock commented

"Bless" was all Lucas sighed in peace.

"It feels like you're giving your all to everything." Dawn said

"After our battle I'm going to go back to the gyms now. Good luck your gym battles guys." Leona said to them.

"Thanks good luck with yours too." Dawn said.

"Thanks Dawn and no need to worry because things will get better."

"Thanks." Dawn said quietly.

"Now that you've been in my hot spring there'll be no stopping you."

"Wow you think sound great." Dawn said sounding better.

"Lucas Ash I think Dawn has here confidence back." Brock said.

"You're right oh yeah." Ash said remembering something. "Hey Lucas Leona can I ask you two something?"

"Shoot man."

"Why do all of Dawn's friends call her Deedee?" Dawn eyes widened like saucers as Lucas looked like he was about to go into hysterics.

"Ash you don't know?" Leona said surprised.

"Well the truth is GAH" Lucas and Leona were suddenly pushed into the water by Dawn.

"This hot springs more help than I thought." Dawn stated gritting her teeth as the two flailed a bit before Dawn let them up for air as they laughed before they said they'll keep it their secret as Dawn giggled with them much to the other two's confusion.

The next day everyone was in front of the Hotel as Ash and co waved goodbye.

"Thanks for the awesome soak." Ash said.

"See yah Leona." Lucas said.

"Good to see you two again." Leona said to Lucas and Dawn.

"Come again and enjoy our hot spring." Leona mom said waving goodbye.

"They'll be here waiting for you." Leona dad said as the heroes waved back as they continued to VielStone City.

To be continued


Cue Digimon Savers opening 2

The music starts up as flames engulf the screen as Lucas looks at the screen with Monferno

[My injure wings will awaken a miracle.]

Lucas is seen on a platform spinning around a red area while shots of his current Pokemon are seen before it goes to Ash with Pikachu on his shoulder on the same kind of platform but blue with shots of his Sinnoh Pokemon team being shown.

[And one day I will fly again]

A shot of Lucas and Ash going past each other is seen before Monferno and Pikachu attack with Flames and lightning before the scene explodes.

[Riding on the wind of dreams and surpassing that glittering rainbow]

Dawn is seen sitting on a platform with her legs dangling over the edge of it with a pink back round with shots of her Pokemon team seen. The scene switches Brock in a yellow area with shots of his Pokemon seen.

[I continue on toward my journey!]

Piplup is seen posing proudly before Croagunk walks next to him before it switch to Brock and Dawn with Lucas and Ash looking at a rainbow from a hill top.

[Now look up at the sky]

Multiple Trainers are seen with Paul and Barry being among them as Lucas and Ash look at them and smirk with confidence.

[Break open that unknown door!]

Lucas is seen with hand in the air before bringing it down as Monferno activates Blaze

[Towards my future in the sky just as I felt it.]

Monferno is seen prepping Fire Spin before Pichu preps a Hidden Power, Swablu charges with Steel Wing and Gabite dives down with Dragon Claw.

[I believe it's my soul]

Figures of Dialga and Palkia are seen in Spear Pillar with the orbs for them giving off a glow of blue and pink.

[I'll go anywhere]

Silhouettes of the Lake guardian pokemon are seen in a triangle with Cyrus and the Galactic commanders above them grinning evilly.

[Now guide through the sky bringing everyone along]

An Absol looks at Lucas as he looks back as if remembering something before it disappears, much to his surprise, in the wind

[I believe it's my soul and I will soar above]

Moferno uses a Blaze infused Flame Wheel before Pikachu goes for a Volt Tackle, Piplup with Whirlpool, and Croagunk with Brick Break.

Lucas is seen with Ash and the others with their Pokemon out standing in a stadium battlefield before he jumps to the screen smiling with Monferno.



Next on Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Journey

Lucas: Gligar and Gliscor around the city what going on?

Ash: Paul's here too?!

Dawn: Gliscor and the others need a strong wind out of the city.

Lucas: Do you realize what you've done!

Paul: I couldn't care less about those Gligar.

Lucas: Why you little …

Riding the Winds of Change

Ash, Lucas, Dawn, Brock: Gotta catch'em all guys!

Finally that is done I'm sorry it took long but as I said work for college and high school kept me busy so please be patient with any stories what so ever.

Also what do you think of the first Japanese like Preview I can't find the original version for DP so I tried my own.

Read and Review