***** WARNING – this story revolves around 5-0's search for a serial rapist and serial killer on the Island - I will not be overly graphic, but please be forewarned of the topic *****

I do not own Five-0 or any of it's characters. No copyright infringement intended.

As Steve and Danny turned to leave the interrogation room, Derek Eaton called out angrily "You're both dead men, you know that don't you?"

Danny swung back around and Steve grabbed his arm, "Ignore him Danno"
Danny pointed a finger at the well-dressed young man, "You piece of shit... you'll never hurt another girl again. You're going to rot in prison and we're going to make sure that every man behind those bars knows what you've done! You're going to be someone's little bitch for the rest of your life!"

Steve pulled his partner's arm, "Come on 'D, let's go"
As Steve opened the door Eaton screamed out, "I'll see you again soon Commander McGarrett"

As Steve turned and their eyes connected, an involuntary shiver ran down his back as he saw pure evil in the eyes of Derek Eaton.

Chin and Kono were waiting for them outside the station and Chin asked, "How did it go?"
Steve shook his head, "He's not talking"
"So what's the next move? Are you thinking of cutting him a deal?"
Danny quickly shot back, "HELL NO!" He looked at Steve adding, "Steve, there's no way you can even think about cutting that bastard a deal..."

Steve held out his hands, "It's too soon to even think about that guys"
Danny shook his head, "He's a serial rapist Steve and he might be a serial killer!
"You're right Danny, he MIGHT be. But we DO know that he has a partner and we know we have to find out who that is or we WILL end up with more dead girls on our hands"

They looked up as Duke Lukella approached and Steve asked, "Did he say anything after we left?"
Shaking his head the Lieutenant replied, "No...he asked for a lawyer and he threatened you again"
Chin responded, "Threatened you? What are you talking about Duke?"
Steve said, "It's nothing Chin"
Duke shook his head "Steve, you need to take this seriously. He's threatened to kill both you and Danny"

Steve replied, "These bastards kill helpless young women and girls Duke. They're not going to find things so easy with us...we've got one of these monsters and now we just need to find the other"

Kono asked, "How are we going to do that Boss?"
Steve ran a hand through his hair, "Kono, I need you to go back to Headquarters and get us everything you can on Eaton. Chin, can you go up to the hospital and check on Mallory Watkins. See if she can give us any more information on the other guy, and Danny and I will head back to the crime scene. Duke, I want to keep this out of the media for now"

"It's too late for that Steve...my guys at the scene tell me that TV crews are already there"
"How could that be Duke?"
"Steve, these monsters have been terrorizing the Island for months now. We can't be surprised that the reporters on top of this"

Danny's frustration was evident, "That's just great...whoever his partner is will know we've got him in custody now..."
Kono added, "And Eaton's threatened you both"

Steve grinned, "We'll be fine Kono" As his eyes darted between his team and added, "You all be extra cautious and keep in touch"

A few minutes later they parted ways and as Steve drove towards Eaton's home Danny stared quietly at him. After several seconds, and sensing his partners eyes on him, Steve said "So tell me what you're thinking partner"

"I'm thinking about all those girls...twelve that we know about, but how many others are there Steve?"
"I don't know buddy...I don't know"


They arrived at Eaton's to see news trucks from three television stations parked in front of the home and Danny muttered, "Oh shit..."
"Don't worry about them Danno, let's just do our job"

They brushed past the reporters ignoring their questions and once they stepped under the yellow crime-scene tape that surrounded the property Danny mumbled under his breath, "Damn vultures..."

Duke had put Sergeant Kaleo Kamaka in charge at the scene and he approached the men as they entered shaking their hands. HPD Officers had confiscated Eaton's laptop and land-line computer, as well as his answering machine and they had taken them to to the lab to be searched for evidence. Two boxes sat on the kitchen table, one of them already full of letters, books and photos. Moving to the table the men looked at the numerous polaroid shots the police had taken of the photos as they had appeared on the wall of the den when the Officers arrived. Photos of young women and girls….girls as young as thirteen or fourteen….naked, bound, gagged, beaten and placed in various positions. Some were on the assailants bed, some on the floor. There were photos of girls tied to a small wooden chair in what appeared to be the basement of the home. And there was one picture showing a girl lying on the ground on top of a bed of leaves...covered in blood and obviously dead. The anger grew in both men at the sight of these terrified women and they were sickened by the realization that Eaton had obviously been doing this for years as there were photos of at least thirty women.

Steve watched on as Danny removed a shoebox from the larger box opening it to see that it held the souvenirs of a sick, twisted bastard. It held the panties of the victims…..many of them bloodied and as Danny placed the lid back on the box, Steve said softly…."Damn it"

The men remained at the home for hours, flipping through notebooks containing the scribbled delusions of a mad man.
Steve called Kono only to find that she was hitting a dead end with Eaton's cellphone. There were several different numbers that had been called over the the last month but each number was for a different burner phone and none were traceable. Steve had told her to go ahead and knock off for the night at about eight-thirty with the understanding that they would all meet back at headquarters at eight the next morning.

Chin called a short time later with an update "Steve, Mallory's been through a lot. Eaton raped her numerous times"
Steve said softly, "He held her for three weeks...oh God the poor girl"
"She's tormented Steve, but she's strong. She told me that Eaton's partner was there"
"Can she identify him?"
"I think so but she couldn't handle anymore tonight. Duke stopped up before I left and introduced himself to her and he'll head back up in the morning with a sketch artist"
Steve nodded, "Okay, that's good"
"What have you found there?"
"This is much worse than we first thought buddy. There's evidence of at least thirty victims Chin"
"Sounds like we've got our work cut out for us"
"Yes. The lab is stripping his computers and answering machine right now and they'll be in touch with me. I spoke with Kono a bit ago and we're all going to meet at headquarters at eight in the morning. Knock off for the day and get some rest buddy, it's going to be a long and busy day tomorrow"

"You two need to be careful"
"We'll be fine Chin, don't worry. We'll see you in the morning okay?"
"Okay boss, good night"
As he hung up Danny asked, "Are you alright?"
Steve shook his head, "Yeah..." After filling his partner in on Chin's progress he asked, "How about you?"
"Shit Steve...look at those girls. Some of them are just a few years older than Grace. Where are they man?"
"I don't know brother, but we'll find out. Tomorrow we'll work on identifying them and hopefully Mallory can give us a lead on this other bastard"

A short time later in McGarrett's driveway Steve asked, "Do you want to come in for a bit?"
"No, I'm exhausted and I need to call Gracie before she goes to bed"
Steve smiled, "Tell her I love her and I'll see her soon"
"I will"
As Steve exited the Camero he leaned through the window and said, "Keep alert Danno"
"You too babe, I'll pick you up in the morning"


Danny glanced in his rear-view mirror several times as he drove home and not detecting anyone tailing him, he parked and moved across the empty lot of his complex at about nine thirty.

He yawned and smiled as the memory flooded over him of Gracie running through this tiny-ass apartment when they moved in last month and excitedly staking claim to the larger bedroom. Then as he stated that he needed the larger room, his 'buddies'... Steve, Kono and Chin all turned on him siding with the eight year old!

As the keys rattled in his hand and his weary mind drifted he didn't hear the large man dressed in all black approach him from behind until it was too late.
He sensed his presence and turned just as the butt of the killer's revolver came crashing down onto the side of his head, knocking him to the ground unconscious.

****** So, any interest? Much more to follow and I'd love to hear your initial thoughts! ******