After lunch, I hobbled all the way back to class. Kise was already sitting down in his regular seat in front of me and smiled as I came in.
"Kurokocchi! How are-," but he stopped mid sentence as he stared at me with shocked eyes. I looked back at him, puzzled as I looked in the direction he was staring at and was shocked at what it was:
It was a large Hickey that was peeking through my top. Akashi hadn't buttoned it properly so my school shirt had slid down my shoulder, revealing the cursed Hickey.
"Kurokocchi, what-," but before I could let him finish, I blushed crimson as I quickly buttoned my top and walked to my seat, still blushing.
"Kurokocchi, what happened to you?" He asked and I looked away from him...
It was just too embarrassing.
"N-nothing..." I stuttered, facing the window.
"Well it must have been something, considering you stuttered, and you only stutter when your nervous or trying to hide something,"
Damn that stutter of mine.
"I told you, its nothing," I said, conversation unable to look at him In the eyes. Kise stared at me for a moment until he turned to face the teachers direction.
"Fine..." Kise said, and stopped the conversation.
I was glad that even an idiot like him can understand when to not talk about something...
That I am thankful for...
After school...
The end of the day came quickly and I was waiting for Akashi.
He had told me before that we were going to a restraunt that sold even BETTER Milkshakes than my favourite restraunt.
This opportunity could not have been passed up.
So there I was, waiting outside his form. I had already packed my bags and was waiting for him to come out. This was taking longer than I anticipated. After 10 minutes of waiting, I walked into the room. I saw Akashi talkinAkas Murasakibara. Something in my chest clenched as Akashi smiled at Murasakibara. Him and I were not really friends, it was an up and down friendship. If he annoyed me, I would not talk to him for weeks, if I had happened to annoy him, then he would not talk to me either.
Or say that he would crush me...
Which he never did.
But the fact that Akashi was being HAPPY in front of Murasakibara made me angry. I walked up to them and smiled at Akashi who raised a questioning eyebrow. I then did something completely out of the ordinary.
I slipped my arm around Akashi's and that made up link arms. I was HOPING that Murasakibara would get the idea but he seemed unfazed.
He didn't even batter an eyelash.
"Akashi, why are you taking so long?" I asked sitting on the edge of a table where Akashi was also sitting. Murasakibara, as always, was eating a sweet, this one happened to be a pocky stick. The boy always carried a bag, full to the brim with sweets and chocolate so he never ran out. He looked at me, his violet eyes burrowing into my blue ones. Suddenly, he stuck a pocky stick into my mouth. My shocked eyes turned into annoyed ones as I bit the treat and looked up at Murasakibara, who of which was ruffling my hair.
Much to my displeasure.
"Please do not do that," I said, slapping his hand away.
"Oh, did I anger Kuro-chin angry? Sorry," he apologised. I forgave him, for the moment but right now, I wanted to leave.
"Oh, I have to go somewhere there is a new sweet shop opening and I want the free samples, I'll meet you tomorrow, bye," Murasakibara said, waving as he walked away, still eating his junk food. I watched as he walked away, Dow the corridor and then out of sight. Akashi had been watching the whole thing so I was guessing he was quite curious.
"Tetsuya, what was that all about?" Akashi asked me as we walked down the hallway. I looked up at him before blushing, knowing that I had been foolish with my actions on trying to get Murasakibara away. I look away quickly, biting my bottom lip as I remember what happened.
'Were you jea-," but before he could utter the disgusting word, we were pushed outside the door by the schools sumo wrestling team.
They were giants, they were fat and hairy and could easily put a restraunt out of business.
But they did win every time they played a match.
Akashi held onto my hand as we wobbled forward.
"Bastards, watch were you're going!" He hissed and one of the pro sumo's turned round, his fat lips curved into an angered frown.
"What was that?" He asked as he walked forward. Everytime he took a step, it felt like an earthquake was underway. I had to hold onto Akashi's arm for support and in effort not to fall over. Akashi didn't back down though.
"You heard exactly what I said!" He rapped back and the group of sumo's continued to stare at him. They were so angry that I thought they were about to burst.
Thank goodness I have no presence.
"Akashi-kun, let's just go..." I said, pulling on his sleeve. But he did not respond as the giant looked down on him, his fat stomach just inches away from Akashi's waist. I his behind him, slightly terrified that if the sumo warrior were to belly flop, I would end up in a sprawl.
"Hmph and what do you think a little brat like you could do?" He asked, using his stomach to push Akashi back a bit.
"I can do way more than you can imagine..." Akashi stated, his eyes a flaring red. Now this was a sight I did not want to see. When Akashinis very angry, he has the strength, and intensity of 1,000 men. I held onto his arm as he shouted:
"So don't fucking mess with me!"
The sumo's looked stunned as they backed away and left.
Even fatties are scared of him.
On the way to Kuroko's house...
Akashi and I went to the fancy restaurant and I found out that they DID have better vanilla Milkshakes than my other favourite restaurant.
"Do you like the milkshake?" He asked, looking down on me as I happily sucked on my straw, gulping down the Milkshake.
"Yes, it's very tasty," I said, happily sucking up my vanilla shake. We turned a corner and then got on the bus. I was going to spend the weekend at Akashi's house, seeing as my Mother and his Mother were good friends. Akashi lives on his own so we would be...
We picked the seats at the back of the bus and sat down. I don't notice that Akashi was staring at me, he eyes full of passion and desire. I looked up at him with a questioning look before I noticed that he was staring at my Milkshake.
"Ahh~, do you want some?" I asked, taking a small gulp and holding it in my cheeks as I passed the cup of Milkshake towards Akashi who did something unexpected.
Instead of just taking the drink from my hands, he held my chin and began drinking it out of my mouth...
How unhygienic.
But I cannot made the milkshake taste a bit better...
I bit back a moan as I was pressed up against the window. Akashi began to push down on my tongue and I had to fight not to moan.
We were on the bus for goodness sakes! Thank goodness it was too crowded for us to be able to see up front. People had their backs turned and most were standing up. I was so thankful that no one could see us...
I would be so ashamed.
"A-Akashi-k-kun," I stuttered, my face turn in a burning red as he looked down on me.
"What is it?" He asked seductively, caressing my cheek with his thumb.
I would be lying if I said that I didn't find that attractive.
"People are staring..." I whispered, even though I was lying, no one was even nattering an eyelash at us. I pushed him back a bit, my hands laying on his broad chest.
"So what? Does it matter?" He asked, positioning me on his lap. I blushed as he began biting my neck, licking and kissing it at the same time. There were so many people shouting and talking that no one could hear me moan.
"Ahh~," I moaned, gripping his shirt tighter as he continued to lick and bite me. But just as he was about to 'play' with me underneath, he was pushed forward by someone who took a seat next to us.
"Oh sorry for interrupting you! Please continue!" The man said, facing forward. Akashi grumbled as he placed me on the chair at the side of him, but kept my legs on his lap. He turned angerily to the stranger who just beamed back.
I blushed.
How could he openly kiss me in front of all these people, especially this man. The man looked at me approvingly before turning back to Akashi.
"So, is he your boyfriend?" He asked, smiling at Akashi who looked at me with a smugish grin on his face.
"Let HIM answer that," he said, pointing to me.
At first, I was going to say no:
But then it might seem that Akashi was about to molester me with Milkshakes.
Then I was going to say yes:
But then it might seem that Akashi was the dominant, which I thought he was not.
So I settled with this answer.
"No, I am his pet,"
The man seem confused but didn't question it after Akashi gave him a glare. Then Akashi petted me on the head, gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before whispering into my ear:
"Good boy..."