Her Sister's Frozen Heart- Chapter 4

Well, this hasn't updated in ages, but a mix of hate and acceptance came in the reviews, so I'm going to either lose or gain followers. This is a giant turn in plot but if you're still reading then thanks.

Also, many people have been asking me to update "It's Atrocious" I plan to by this upcoming weekend.


It had been three days. Three days since Elsa had fled. Three days since Prince Hans had been sent back to the Isles, and three days since Anna had been placed in charge of the throne.

Anna sighed as the council droned on. She tapped her foot against her chair leg and tried to appear interested.

"Furthermore the trade agreement papers with Corona need to be looked over if we are to have enough blankets and firewood for this winter, however long it may last."

There was a long pause as the council murmured amongst themselves. "Princess Anna? You haven't been signing any of the documents we've left. I understand this is a difficult and frightening time for you-"

"I'm not a child! I understand things must be done. But I was never groomed for the throne as my sister was. What's difficult is listening to the entire village mutter under their breath about my sister being a villain and cursing Arendelle." Anna stood and snatched the document from her advisor's hand, letting her anger get the best of her. "I will see to it that things get done. You are dismissed."

The council left begrudgingly, quite worried about the princess, whose moods had swung from solemn to outrage frequently in the past few days. The staff seemed to be taking good care of her, but it was uncertain how long the kingdom would hold together with such an erratic ruler.

Finally alone, Anna collapsed in her chair. She didn't know how to rule, and the strain of her accident plus the sudden absence of her sister, once again torn from her life, had put her in an unusually vulnerable state. If only Elsa had sent word by now that she was okay perhaps then Anna could relax. Until then, nothing sounded better then a warm bath to calm her nerves before delving into the pile of paperwork that lie in wait.

Atop the North Mountain, in a magnificent work of ice and passion, resided Queen Elsa. Upon fleeing the kingdom she had allowed her powers to release for the first time in her life since childhood. Her magic had created a gorgeous ice palace more wondrous then any building in the entire kingdom.

A tiny fire crackled in a magic-infused ice fireplace. Elsa sat in a comfortable nightdress she had packed from home, warming some stew over the fire. Before fleeing, Elsa had the forethought to pack some necessities. A few outfits, blankets, and the kitchen staff had been kind enough to hastily pack food for her under her insistent demand, without question.

Although in isolation, quite literally, Elsa was happier then she had been in years. The cold of her palace didn't bother her and she supposed she could live like this for quite a while if she chose. So long as she found somewhere to get food and continued to create clothing from ice, she just might be able to live here indefinitely.

Elsa sighed, sitting back comfortably while sipping from the bowl of stew in an informal fashion. Still, despite the wonderful feeling of being completely free, her thoughts would often drift to Anna. Of course she meant to send word eventually, but how? Magically across the kingdom? In a snow storm of some sort? And any letter would have no way of getting there without her traveling herself. Still, it worried her how Anna might be fairing in the wake of everything that had occurred.

Nothing had changed. Elsa would still always harm her sister, despite the distance, despite the solitude, anything she did would harm Anna in some way. Maybe eventually Anna would forget and they could go on living separate lives, albeit lonely but happily. No, that wouldn't ever happen, it couldn't. Anna was determined and would eventually come after her. That Elsa was sure of.

The queen buried her head in her hands and tried to fight off bitter tears that threatened to spill. She couldn't suppress the feelings of despair and wind began to howl, flurries whipping around her. A loud hollow sound echoed throughout the palace.

Elsa's head whipped up and the storm ceased. She listened carefully as the echo occurred again. Was someone knocking? Someone was definitely knocking, but how in the world? Who in the world?

Elsa snatched the blanket from her bed before disrobing and then creating a glittering gown of ice. She hurried down the staircase toward the large double doors. Her heart was hammering in her chest as she expected a Calvary of armed guards. She swallowed and took a deep breath to gain some composure.

With a flick of her wrist the doors swung open and there stood a rugged mountain man caked in snow. His nose was red from the cold and his face was concealed by a scarf.

What in the world was going on. Elsa debated flinging him away in a swirl of snow, but remained level headed when he bowed and addressed her.

"Your majesty. I mean you no harm. I'm just a simple ice harvester who sensed the center of the storm coming from this location." He pushed his hat up and his scarf down to reveal a mop of blonde hair and ernest brown eyes. "I've come to ask you to end this eternal winter."

Elsa had to stop her jaw from dropping. She cleared her throat and gestured for him to stand. Her voice was much quieter then she wished when she replied. "What eternal winter do you speak of?"

The man was not of such good breeding or manners and threw his hands up in the air, gesturing around. "Queen, all of Arendelle is frozen, surely you knew."

Elsa staggered backward, unprepared for such a shocking blow. "It's... The kingdom..."

The man stepped forward and looked at her incredulously. "Majesty, you've frozen all of Arendelle."

Bum bum bum. Interesting? Bad? Is it worth continuing? Reviews are appreciated.