Lucy's POV
It was a regular day in the Fairy tail guild.. Or so I thought. I was sitting in my usual spot at the bar, complaining to Mirajane about the lack of things to do at the moment, when I suddenly heard from behind me, the usual quarrels from none other than Natsu and Gray.
"Oi Flame brain watch what you're doing!" Yelled none other than Gray Fullbuster. "I told you not to tell me what to do Ice stripper!" Fired back an angry Natsu. Insults where being thrown back and forth until they resolved to an all of fist fight.
As I turned back around to face Mira, she had that devilish look on her face that showed no sign of innocence. " I caught you staring at Natsu again" she said in a sing-song voice. "I was not!" doing everything possible to not show a sign of embarrassment. " Why not admit it? You two where obviously meant to be together so why not get together. What is holding you back when you obviously like him." she said
No matter how much I tried to deny it I just couldn't. I hate to admit it but I was beginning to like Natsu. I felt so betrayed by my emotions to even let me think of him as more than a friend. But I knew Natsu would never feel the same way, not after that time Mira convinced me he did like me. It felt so wrong...yet so right. After figuring out he just wanted me for Virgo crushed me, I mean how could it not. After that incident I swore to never look at him as more than a friend. Natsu was too thick skulled to ever think of a girls fragile feelings. Even if we did date it could end terribly and ruin our friendship that we built over the years, and i would never want to take that risk. He just means too much to me...
"Hello earth to Lucy" Mira said in her angelic voice. "Whaaa?" I said snapping back to reality. Then there was a loud crash behind me, and not like the usual ones from previous brawls in the guild, something much louder. I whipped my head around to see what happened and I was extremely astonished with the sight.
Natsu was on the floor, lying there lifelessly with shards of ice and broken table all over him. Blood was dripping from his head and around his arms where little pieces of ice made their way in to his skin. Everyone in the guild froze at the sight of Natsu and there eyes widened. As if time froze all around us no one dared move, it was if no one was breathing. It was my worse nightmare looking at him, lying there so helplessly. My mind went blank. Natsu, the all mighty dragon slayer was lying there defeated, maybe even dead and i couldn't do anything but stare at him. I tried to hold back my screams as best I could but, I couldn't hold it back for long.
"NAAAATSUUUU!" I screamed with all my might. Stares from all across the guild where shifting from Natsu to me. As I shakily ran over to his helpless body as I gently lifted him up, and held him in my arms. I couldn't help but quiver at the sight of him so... lifeless. I didn't notice I was crying until I saw the little water droplets fall all over him. I put my hand on my face and tears were streaming from my eyes like a waterfall. Thoughts where flying through my head that he was dead and how I would never get to see him again, and I would never get to tell him that I love him, when I felt something shake.
When I looked down and saw Natsu stirring a bit as if he where waking up from a dream. Relief flew through me when his onyx eyes fluttered open and started to dart around the room like a bird. "Where am I. Whats going on?" he asked questioningly. I was really confused about what he said. He looked at me and I flinched at the adorable face he was making. He was just to cute when he made that confused look. "Who are you?" he asked me. My heart sank and I felt as if my heart was shattering in to a million pieces. Natsu the one that I have spent years with, went on so many missions with, the person who I trusted with my life didn't know who I was. This defiantly wasn't uplifting.