WARNING: This is my very first fanfic outside of Gumball fanfics, MLP:FiM fanfics, and Pokemon fanfics. So be fanfiction is based off one of my very favorite mario web shows, Bowser's Kingdom. So don't get all angry because I give credit. Now, on to the story!

Going for a stroll in the mushroom forest was a turtle.

"But what does he look like?", you may ask.

This turtle was not just any turtle, but none other than a Koopa Troopa.

Green shell, green socks, standing on two legs.

When a mysterious sound was heard coming from somewhere.

The orange turtle curiously looked around to find the source of the sound.

But he recognized this strange noise coming from a pair of red and green hats moving around in the bushes.

The koopa gave off a scared expression as soon as he realized what this meant.

Then the duo showed themselves. One was smaller than the other, albeit older, and wore red clothing and overalls. The othe rone was green and tall, and their names were Mario ansd Luigi respectively.

The koopa gulped and tried to run before his escape attempt was cut short when Mario already stomped his shell. The koopa wouldn't stop rolling...and rolling...until he finally felt himself fall into a pond.

Fortunately, the koopa was a very good swimmer. He used his long arms and legs to swim out of this mess. But after he came out of the pond and shook the water off him, he thought about Mario and Luigi coming back to stomping him, and the thought brang tears to his eyes, and the poor little turtle began to sob.

Elsewhere, a little mushroom was playing in his yard.

Brown body, no hands.

Name? Goomba.

But then, the goomba heard sobbing coming from somewhere. He never liked the sound of misery, so he went to investigate. But then, the goomba stopped, and saw a sad sight.

A koopa crying, with a scratch mark on his shell. The goomba knew who did this. The goomba went over to the koopa and helped him up.

"Are you OK?" The goomba asked. "

W-who are you?" The koopa said, wiping tears from his eyes.

"I'm Jeff. Pleased to meet you." The goomba said, revealing his name.

"My name is Hal." The koopa said. "Pleased to meet you too." "Wanna be friends?" Jeff asked. "If you're going to get us out of here, then of course!" Hal said and bent down, offering Jeff a ride on his shoulders. Jeff hopped on.

"Where are we going?" Jeff asked. "Out of this forest!" Hal said and ran out of the forest before Mario and Luigi could catch them again. So, the two escaped the forest and stopped to sit in the Doughnut Plains. The two panted.

"You OK?" Hal asked. "Of course! Can we be friends now?" Jeff asked. "Sure thing, buddy. This looks like a sweet new chapter in our lives." Hal said and hugged the goomba. "Do you think our parents are worried about each other?" Jeff asked. "Good question. Wanna head to my house? You can call your parents. Do you have a cellphone?" Hal asked. "Yes." Jeff said.

"Maybe you should call them." Hal suggested. So then, Jeff called his parents. "Where are you?" Jeff's mother asked. "In the doughnut plains. And also, I have some great news!" Jeff said eagerly. "What is it, honey?" His mom asked. "I made a new friend! Can I go to his house?" Jeff said. "Sure!" The mushroom lady said. "She said yes!" Jeff said. "Great! Wanna go on my shoulders again, bud?" Hal asked.

"Sure!" Jeff said. "By the way how old are you? Just wondering." "11." Hal said. "Wow, I'm 11 too!" Jeff said. "Awesome! We have so much in common." Hal said while giving Jeff a piggyback ride to his house. "What are we gonna do when we get to your house?" Jeff asked. "Hmmm...we could watch TV" Hal said. "And then what?" Jeff asked. "I have a laptop and we could watch Family Guy on it." Hal said.

"Have any brothers?" Jeff asked. "Yes. I have two littler brothers who are 7 and 6. Their names are Chris and Phil. But watch out for them. They're real troublemakers." Hal said. "My father's very nice. And hey, I have two lil' brothers too!"Jeff said.

"Really?" Hal asked. "Yes. They're 4 and 2. Their names are Max and Ian. They try anything to piss me off." Jeff said. "I feel you, bro." Hal said when they stopped at his house. The two went in.

"I'm home, guys. I brought a friend over." Hal said. "Great! Who is he?" Hal's mother asked with his father standing right beside her. "He's on my back." Hal said with a little giggle hidden in his voice and took him off his back and picked him up and held him out in his parent's faces. "Well, I expected your friend to be another Koopa but that's still fine." Hal's father said.

Hal swiped Jeff away from them. "Hey, don't judge him!" Hal said, furious by what his father just said. "Woah, calm down, Sport! I'm just saying usually friends are the same species." Hal's dad said.

"I'm sorry, dad. I just don't like it when you judge my friends. It hurts me." Hal said in a soft tone. "

Sorry, son." The dad said. Suddenly, Hal's little brothers came in and saw Jeff, and because he looked so silly, the young duo started punching him. "Chris, Phil, leave Hal's friend alone. He's a goomba, not a beanbag!" Hal's dad said.

"Get those bastards away from me." Jeff whispered in Hal's ear. Apparently, the two toddlers overhead and were offended and ran off crying.

"Don't worry, buddy. I won't let them get in my room." Hal said, hugging Jeff, while carrying him to his room. "Thanks. I'm glad I have a friend like you." Jeff said. "Same here." Hal said while blushing. "Now to have a toddler-free afternoon!" Hal said.

So, how did you like the first chapter? Well, the second chapter is on the way! Stay tuned.