Chapter 6:

Still reeling and dazed from the punch, Dean barely registered that Castiel had let him go in favor of checking on Harry, who was still lying unresponsive on the couch. Though as soon as the angel had crossed the room Sam and Bobby rushed to his aid, staunching his bloody nose and cracking it back into place. Looking over at the object of his affections, Dean sighed internally, now truly realizing that no matter what he did Castiel would never be anything other than his friend. It was clearly in his best interest to move on. That in no way meant he wasn't still going to push about what Harry was. Maybe this time however he wouldn't be so harsh about it, the guy clearly had enough baggage to personally fill an airport. Much like himself and Sammy he mused. Maybe Harry wasn't so bad. He was a hell of a cook. Dean decided to ask Harry to make a pie after he determined if he was safe or not. That would be the final test.

"Harry, Harry it's Castiel, you're ok. You're with me, you're safe now. It'll be ok, he won't hurt you anymore. I promise. Please, love, wake up." Castiel pleaded, stroking Harry's hair and pulling his face to his chest. Harry slowly started gasping, struggling up, only to calm down immediately when he realized who was holding him. Clinging onto his lover, Harry pulled in shuddering breaths, calming himself until he was relatively fine. Pulling away from the angel Harry looked into his eyes, the two having a silent conversation to the amazement of the other occupants of the room. Castiel nodded and laid a gentle reassuring kiss on Harry's lips, pressing his forehead to his and whispering to him. Seemingly satisfied that Harry was well enough, Castiel pulled back and helped Harry off of the couch, his hand on his lower back to support his somewhat. Turning towards the others, Harry addressed them.

"I'm truly sorry about that, haven't had one of those in a while." He said, a blush staining his cheeks.

"You have nothing to apologize for." Castiel admonished, shooting a glare to Dean who looked away sheepishly.

"I'm sorry for insulting you, however I would still like to know how you didn't burn yourself." Dean says, running a hand through his hair awkwardly. Castiel was still glaring at him, though it seemed to have lowered in intensity thankfully. At the question Harry turned to Castiel and interrupted his glaring with a poke to the side, meeting the angel's eyes with a raised eyebrow.

"Well it's not like they can hurt you." They all heard Castiel reason quietly with Harry, this statement causing the blood to slightly drain out of their faces at the thought of what Harry must be for them to not even be a threat to him. Suddenly they weren't so confident. They saw Harry nod in consent before turning back to face them.

"Well there are a lot of things that I can do without worrying about it. Fire doesn't burn me, I can't get frozen, I can't drown, or suffocate for that matter. I can't really break bones either or get cut, at least not without it healing almost immediately. I can't die either. And I don't age." Harry explained, the hunters paling more and more as he went on. What was this guy?

"So what exactly are you? Another angel?" Sam asked, his face squinted as he thought through other options. Castiel snorted as he heard the last part, Harry simply snickering slightly. The hunters raised eyebrows at this.

"As if angels are that powerful." Castiel laughed, Sam, Bobby and Dean seriously worrying at this point. More powerful than angels?

"Yeah, I bet Raphael would love some of what I got." Harry chuckled.

"Ok, I get that you two keeping us in the dark is hilarious but can you just spit it out please?" Dean half growled, half groaned. Harry sobered slightly, and looking into the eyes of the three hunters he told them seriously.

"I'm not an angel, no where close. I'm the Master of Death."