So I literally had a dream about this, and I decided, why not write it and see of others think the story is interesting? This is my first OC character, so I would love to her your feedback, and it will be in the OC's POV. Okay well I hope you guys enjoy!
Song: Bring Me to Life by Evanescence
Chapter One: Bardow Walker, Another has Fallen
"You can't be a fox and a wolf." Stiles said with a surge of confidence. The void Stiles' eyes glared as the demon gritted its teeth in rage. Scott snuck up behind void Stiles, stabbing his shoulder with his claws. The nogitsune Stiles roared in pain at the true alpha biting into its skin, eyes glowing red. Kira regained consciousness and pushed her katana through the nogitsunes back, coming out the other end through its stomach.
The demon wailed as Scott released him, the nogitsune crumbled to the floor, wildly twitching in pain. A fly flew out of his mouth, and everyone was too stunned to chase after it, too shocked at what they all just witnessed.
Isaac sprinted to it, trapping it in the nemeton carved triscalade box. For a brief second, everyone was calm, and for once there was no chaos. It was the first time in a long while that any of them felt some sort of relief.
It didn't last long.
Stiles conscious began to slip, and his muscles grew weak. He let out a shaky breath, falling out of Lydia's hold, crashing to the hard floor. Scott's eyes grew wide, hearing his brothers' heart beat falter. Lydia's eyes filled with tears as Scott knelt down to Stiles side, roughly shaking the boy to wake up.
"Stiles! Stiles no!"
Isaac, Kira, and Scott can hear Stiles heartbeat slow. Kira bolted out of the school hallway to find help. Isaac stumbled backwards stunned while Lydia could only cry. Scott was wailing, trying to wake up Stiles, his screaming pleas echoing in the hallway.
"Stiles don't you leave me too!" Scott balled, gripping the front of Stiles shirt tightly. He prayed that Stiles eyes would shoot open and that he could see his brothers face again. But his hope began to falter. Stiles wasn't waking up.
The warm water burned my skin pleasantly, and I breathed in the steam that radiated from the shower. I wrung my long, dirty blonde hair as the soap rinsed down the drain. I turned off the water reluctantly and quickly dried off my body, hastily throwing on a black tank top and light grey pajama shorts.
I opened the door, letting the cold air of the bedroom with me like a brick wall. I shivered moving across the room to the small blue bed that was in the far corner. I sat down slowly and checked on my seven year old Brother Alec, smiling at his steady rise and fall of his sleeping. I softly reached my hand to stroke his cheek, happy at how he looks much like Dad, brown hair and all. Except for his eyes, his brown eyes are definitely Moms.
I scanned the room out of instinct, searching for any sign of threat, knowing there was none. It was as cozy as I could get, but it was no house. It was more like a small studio, with no other doors except for the one to the one bathroom we have. Brown curtains were strung along the walls and soft lights in mason jars were strung throughout our home.
Home. I would hardly call this a home, home is back with Mom and Dad, not here in Arizona where it is scorching hot during the day and freezing cold at night. I miss them so much it hurts, but I can't think about them around Alec. I need to be strong for him.
I was about to get under the covers with Alec when my eyes caught sight of an envelope by the door to the hallway. I froze, my hands gripping into tight fists. I gulped, slowly moving towards the letter, the wooden floorboards creaking softly beneath me.
My eyes grew wide at what was written on the front.
How did this letter get here? Who knows that I am here? I thought no one knew where Alec and I were? Who knows that I am alive?
I quickly picked up the envelope and ripped it open, unfolding the letter that was inside. I was preparing for it to be a threatening note against my life. I pictured myself reaching under the bed for the black duffle bag and carrying Alec to a taxi and leaving this apartment. But I was too intrigued by the words.
I require your assistance. I did Maria and Collin a favor, and they promised they would help me if I needed it. Now is that time, and I need your help. Meet me at the elks lodge café immediately. There shall be time for questions later. Time is of the essence.
So whoever sent this letter was already waiting for me at the café. Normally I wouldn't be drawn to anything that was life threatening, but my eyes were glued on my parents' names. Our family always kept to ourselves, never really closely associating with anyone. The fact that this guy knew them got me curious.
I looked back to Alec who was still sound asleep on the bed. I can't just leave him here by himself, but this person knows about my parents, and not a lot of people do. I had a sudden feeling that this was going to be dangerous, but against my better judgment, I threw the letter on the dresser by the door and went to the closet to put on clothes.
I hastily threw on some jeans and laced up some running shoes, just in case this was a trap. I threw my damp hair up in a loose ponytail then grabbed a warm black jacket and zipped it up.
"Addie?" I turned to the bed, startled by the soft voice. My face softened as I rushed to Alec's side. "Where are you going?"
"I have to go do something important." I said, my voice light. But Alec was too smart for his age. His eyes widened in fear as he threw his small body at me, wrapping his arms around me. I held him back and began stroking his hair. I never leave the apartment unless it's school or getting groceries, so understandably, my leaving put Alec on edge.
"Please come back." Alec whimpered. I held his small shoulders and looked sternly into his eyes that began to water up.
"I will never leave you." I swore to my little brother. Alec quickly nodded and I gave him a genuine smile. I kissed his forehead and laid him back down on the bed. "Now go to sleep Alec. When you wake up, I'll be right here."
Alec hesitated, but sleep took over and he shut his eyes. I waited until his chest rose and fell at a steady pace once again. Convinced he was asleep, I slowly got up and went to the safe hidden deep in the closet. I opened it silently, pulling out the gun that was hidden in it.
Dad's last words when giving this to me was "only use this in case of emergencies." I shuddered at the thought of actually firing the thing, but I quickly put it in my pocket hidden on the inside of my jacket. I walked out of the door, slowly closing it, not knowing what the hell I was getting into.
The café was crowded, and I didn't know why until I saw the time-it's only 9pm. I walked in the café slowly breathing the overwhelming smell of the grain. Normally I love the smell of it, but right now it was making me sick.
I slowly pushed my way past the huge crowd of teenagers, listening to their laughter. There was two people, one boy and one girl singing on the stage. Karaoke night, that's why it is crowded. I scanned the room looking for any sign of what to do-my breath began to falter not knowing what to expect. I felt someone from behind me brush past my shoulder, the stranger leaned into my ear and I froze.
"Follow me please." He instructed, and I numbly followed. His voice wasn't threatening, more like pleading. I couldn't get a good look at his face, but I noted that he was twitting his fingers, as if he was anxious. We rounded a corner to a private booth and I cautiously sat down across from him. I was about to speak when he interrupted me.
"Forgive me for startling you." He said sincerely. "I needed to see you sooner rather than later."
"Who are you?" I said quickly. The man let out a pained chuckle.
"I thought you would have recognized me, but then again, you were unconscious when your parents asked me to save you."
My eyes widened, as the memory of that day replayed in my mind. I shivered remembering pain and screams. When I woke up that day, I remember seeing his face holding me close, assuring me that the worst was over. The dark skin…the bald head…I remember.
"Allen." I breathed softly. His face lightened as a smile formed on his face.
"Hi Addie." I was too stunned to speak, unable to form words. I should have realized that it was him when I got the letter. After all, he's the one who sent Alec and me here when we were escaping danger. There was so many questions that I wanted to ask. What was he doing here? What did he need? But I couldn't form the words. As if reading my mind, Allen spoke quickly.
"I know you have a lot of questions. Ill answer as much as I can-"
"Do you know how my parents died?" I whispered interrupting him. My nails dug into my skin, trying to keep my face straight and unreadable. Allen shrugged, shaking his head.
"Unfortunately no." He said sadly.
"Then why are you here?"
"Patience." Allen pleaded. I leaned forward on the table, leaning on my elboes, clasping my hands together. Allen didn't hesitate to get down to business. "I need you and Alec to come with me. You two aren't safe by yourselves out here-"
"You said this was a safe haven." I snapped in a low whisper. Allen sighed and I bit my tongue, regretting interrupting.
"It is, but I don't feel comfortable with you two all the way out here." Allen sighed. "I promised your parents that if anything happened, I would keep you two safe. Moving you closer to me will help me keep an eye on you."
I was going to retort, but I knew he was right. My parents wanted me safe, and I want Alec to not be afraid all the time. The thought of moving scared me, but I relaxed knowing Allen was going to be there. My parents trusted him, so I did too.
"Fine." I said flatly, leaning back in my seat. Allen sighed in relief and a small smile crossed my face.
"Thank you Addie." Allen sighed. He paused meeting my eyes. "I can still call you that right?" I nodded giving permission to which Allen smiled.
"We leave tonight." Allen said hesitating. My eyes looked puzzled as I eyed Allen suspiciously. What was the rush? I realized it was the letter. I leaned forward on the table once again, continuing to question him.
"The letter. You said you needed a favor, so what is it?"
Allen paused before speaking and I grew on edge. He wasn't telling me the whole story, I can tell. Why move so suddenly? What was the rush?
"We move you and Alec first." Allen said firmly. "I promise I will show you tomorrow."
"No." I snapped, throwing Allen off guard. "Alec and I stay until you tell me why we are going back." I crossed my arms and played off my waiting coolly, not budging at all. Allen surprisingly chuckled.
"You reminded me of your Father." He smiled. I grimaced looking back at him. Allen's smile disappeared and I got the feeling that I wouldn't like the other part to the story.
"There is a boy." He whispered, a pained expression on his face. "Something happened to him, and he isn't doing well."
"That sounds perfectly human to me-" I paused looking at his face that was still pained. The realization hit me and I shivered fearing what this was all about. "It's not human is it?"
"The boy is…but not his situation. Addie…" Allen hesitated. "He's trapped between life and death, Bardow. Stuck between worlds, like you."
My eyes grew wide, and I couldn't contain my shock. Like me? There was someone who is going through the same thing that I went through? I remembered when I was outside when all of a sudden, I fell unconscious, able to walk the dream world, the world between life and death. I shivered at the thought, terrified of that place. When Allen saved me, I promised Mom and Dad that I would never go back to that realm ever again.
Allen wants me to…
"No." I spat reminiscing at the terrible memories. "I refuse to go back to that hell. It was pure torture-"
"I understand." Allen said. "But this boy, he is suffering too…except he doesn't have anyone to save him. I can't perform the ritual again. His best bet is if you-"
"I'm scared Allen!" I whispered, leaning forward more. "That place terrifies me! And I don't even know if I can save him!"
Allen frowned. "I understand. I'll let you think on it Addie. But the moving still stands. You and Alec have to come with me."
I could tell that Allen was still going to try and convince me, but how can I go back. That place scares me so much, how can he expect me to go back. This boy that he wants me to save, what does he mean to Allen to where he is begging me to save him? I sighed knowing that Alec and I have nowhere else to go. We are practically orphans, plus it would be nice to give Alec a life without fear. I exhaled loudly and met Allen's eyes.
"I'll go with you. But I make no promises about anything else." I shrugged crossing my arms. Allen smiled and I became puzzled. His eyes became glossy, a look that I have never seen on him.
"It's a start." He mumbled. This boy, whoever he is, must be really important if Allen is that torn up about it.
"Who is the boy?" I asked curiously. Allen smiled softly.
"I promised you, I'll tell you the whole story tomorrow. For now, let's get Alec and go." If my parents were here, I would have kept their word and stayed here in Arizona. I told them I wouldn't place myself in any dangerous situation for Alec's sake. But the way Allen was begging me, he desperately wanted me to save this boy. I had a feeling that my life was going to get dangerous really fast, but I just nodded and followed Allen back to the apartment. We strode in silence and I tried to mentally prepare myself for tomorrow.
"Where are we moving to?" I asked when we began to climb up the stairs to the room, hoping Alec was still asleep.
"Beacon Hills." Allen chimed.
"Sounds cozy." I sarcastically smirked. Allen chuckled before halting I front of me, facing me now.
"A couple of things I should tell you. I am technically retired as an embassary. And no one calls me Allen anymore." He shrugged. Allen is not an embassary anymore? What happened to the pack? Curious, I pressed on the subject.
"What do you do now? And what do people call you?" Allen mused to himself, smirking confidently at me.
"Well in Beacon Hills, I am a veterinarian." A vet? What the hell? He's a vet?
"For dogs?"
"Wolves actually." Something told me there was more meaning to that statement, but I didn't press on it.
"You can call me Allen still if you wish. But everyone likes to call me Deaton."
I promise you all will see your favorite teen wolf characters! I hope you like this little intro into the story. Let me know what you think. I'll post a new chapter soon. PLEASE REVIEW AND HAPPY FRIDAY!