Long before Human Know the Greed

Every living being in this world aware of their existence, even though they have same features as human, they carry some gifts that were born with them. The power that only little chosen can have, and make people afraid of them. People often called them 'stigma' inspirited from their looks that have so much differences with the other humans. Some people worships them as a god and some people cursed them and isolated them from the crowds because of their fears. No one in this world knows the origin of their power or the reason why they were born into this world. No one can understand and no one wants to understand.

Two thousand years has gone since their existence become known to the world. As the time began to move, their existence now has become a rumors that goes around from the head family to his son, his son to his grandson, his grandson to his great grandson, and so they will continue to tell their descendant the story about them. There was no evidence of their existence ever written in the books, stones, parchments, just the stories that will still be heard around, even now.

Present Time – Japan, Tokyo

Surely, in this world, there are many beautiful things everywhere. You can find it so easily even when you're not looking for it. But the view in front of him can't even be described by words and compared it like the other beautiful things in this world. Even with a long life-span that he has, he still can't find the reason why that person who stands a few meters in front of him can make his gaze always back at that person. His face is not the only gift that was born with him, but also his delicate skin, his blue sky hair, his small features, his unique voice, his smell, all of that will make even the angel feels jealous to him.

There, with silence he's standing in the hedge of the end the roof top as his eyes gaze upon the view underneath the building. With his expressionless face, he keeps staring at the view for over two hours already.

Even when both of them wear the same black cloak and their faces almost barely can even be seen, that person still manages to make red-haired man gaze stay at him with only his back can be seen.

'Really, is God really not fair when He created us?' Thought the red-haired man who silently watched the blue-haired man in the back.

As the wind makes his moves, the impatient red-haired man decide to slowly steps forward to the blue-haired man and stop just a meter away from him and start the conversation.

"What are you looking at?" asks the dark red-haired man.

"Humans" answers the blue sky-haired man lightly without looking back.

"So you climb the way up here in this roof top of a tall building just to see some humans lingering around down there, kuroko?" asks the red-haired main again with a slight amusement.

"Yeah…. Can't I?" reply Kuroko questioning back the red head when he look at the man in the eyes.

"No one say you can't, Kuroko. But with a little time you have for the first time to wander around outside the main house, you surely didn't just want to watch over human right?" answer the red-haired man again as he starting to become bore with his companion activity.

"Why not, Kagami-kun? I think this is fun" demand Kuroko with a stubborn answer as his gaze back upon the humans again.

"Yeah, yeah, for you. Not for me. Come on, Kuroko. How about we do some other things while we outside? It's already two hours since you stared at them" Kagami said with a hope that Kuroko will agree with him this time.

"And what will we do, Kagami-kun?" He demanded Kagami when his void eyes meet with Kagami again.

Kagami with a smirk in his face, knows Kuroko will be agree to his idea this time, saying

"How about we make a stroll to the street down there and having fun instead just watching them from afar?" suggest Kagami to him.

With a frowned eyebrow and a face that almost cute when he was in his deep thinking as he went silent, Kuroko then with a doubted eyes asked Kagami, "Are you sure we can do that, Kagami-Kun? How about if they found out about us?"

With his smirk become more widely, Kagami say "Nah, don't worry about it. They won't know about us. They're too ignorant and stupid to realize who we are."


"So, are we going to do it or not? I don't mind to keep you company here if you don't want to go, though. But, I can't say for sure when this chance will come again due to your strict schedule anyway." Kagami smile now has become more wide and a teasing look in his eyes become more visible.

"Even so..."

"Fine. If you don't want to do it, I will just keep silent then." Kagami quickly cut his sentence midway before Kuroko had the chanced to finish it.

"O,Ok, I will. I will go down there with you, Kagami-kun." Added Kuroko quickly before his hand grab Kagami hands tightly when Kagami began to step back to where his place before.

Kagami, with an evil smile in his lips pats Kuroko in the head and think that his plan was succeeds.

"Now, that's a good boy. But before that, we need to change our looks. We need to blend in. Wait a minute" Kagami then looking to the ground underneath them, and after some time he found what he was looking for.

"Here I go" As Kagami finish his words, both of their cloaks begin to rip apart with whirlwind like movement and begin to tear their cloak gradually from their head, hands, body, their legs and left them with clothes that previously Kagami found out was many human wore it down there.

"Finished. Like it?" Kagami asked with a smile on his lips.

"Yeah, I like it. Thank you, Kagami-kun." Answer Kuroko back with a little smile on his lips, nearly not visible to Kagami eyes.
