Disclaimer: Sektor and Cyrax are (C) Netherealm Studios and Warner Brothers Entertainment. I make no money or recognition writing these stories.

Warning: Violence, definite out-of characterness, homosexual overtones. If you do not approve of such themes, kindly get off my story page and read something else.

Notes: These were really old Sektor/Cyrax snippets I wrote back in 2012 (I think). I was following a writer's prompt and simply never bothered to post them publicly until now. I figured I'd might as well post them with the extremely rare chance anyone actually wants to read anything with these two.

Story Notes: My head-canon makes Sektor older that Cyrax, because their ages prior to becoming cyborgs were never revealed. Also, civilian identities are present in these drabbles as well:

Sektor - Jiao Hou

Cyrax - Fenyang Nhuru


Prompt: He couldn't hide from the truth. He had gone too far and he could feel it deep inside, beneath his skin, down in his bones. All he ever did was wrong, so damn wrong.

He was only sixteen when he took his first life. As understudy to the Grandmaster's son, Jiao Hou, Fenyang Nhuru's skills were at the same level as the older boy's. However, their skills were set apart by one difference: Jiao Hou, at the age of eighteen had taken a life; even relished in this concept after each successful assassination.

Fenyang had not.

The Grandmaster sent the boys out together on missions constantly. They worked well together. Fenyang was the one always responsible for creating a diversion while Jiao Hou attacked their pursuers, slaying them.

On one intense assignment, the roles were reversed. Wounded by a female bodyguard, Jiao Hou was forced to contend with the woman as Fenyang pursued their target, a local narcotics dealer on the outskirts of Botswana. He cornered the man his own company, sustaining a gunshot wound from a .54 caliber pistol. The older, heavier target's back was pressed against the wall as the smaller child closed in on him with a combat knife in hand. Many thoughts ran through the boy's mind; this assignment was personal. The drug dealer was part of a criminal organization that was directly responsible for the murders of his parents and siblings. Fenyang once lived near Botswana, knowing nothing of the death and destruction for profit. The Blood Diamond changed all that in his eyes, the man was the faceless murderer that gunned his father down and attacked and killed his pregnant mother.

"Wait! My sons, they're-"

The heavyset drug dealer's throat was cut as Fenyang slit his throat. The target coughed blood and bile all over the boy, but Fenyang's eyes refused to leave the man. More cuts parried into the two-bit drug dealer, spilling hot blood onto the boy's black and gold outfit. Fenyang did not stop, even after the last breath escaped the target. A horrified scream from behind him stopped his vengeful attack. He turned away from the cut up corpse to discover two small boys cowering and crying in each other's arms. In the young assassin's mind, he saw himself in those small children. Realizing the consequence and irony of his revenge, he dropped the bloody knife in horror and fell to his knees. He was overcome with guilt and also succumbing to the gunshot wounds.

The little boys' cries were then silent. Fenyang turned to see the youngest of the children being held by their throats. A crippled Jiao Hou was choking the smallest little boy with one hand as his brother looked on in horror, holding up a small gun.

"If you value the life of your sibling, you will lower you gun, take your sibling and flee."

"YOU KILLED MY FAMILY!" The boy holding the gun sobbed, cocking the gun. Seeing that Jiao Hou was too wounded to protect himself and keep the younger brother captive. Fenyang, in a deranged state of mind, tossed a kunai from his belt and threw it at the child. Thankfully, only the child's hand was hit, causing him to drop the weapon. Jiao Hou released the younger sibling, who ran to his brother's side.

"Your family killed mine first." Fenyang muttered before falling to the floor.

Several days later, Fenyang woke up, groggy and sore. He was out of his blood soaked clothing and into a nightgown. He was no longer at the scene of death, but within the familiar sick area of the Lin Kuei Compound. His wounds were dressed and his hair was shaven. He ran a bandaged hand to feel the smooth close cut. He had a lot to reflect on as he got ready to leave the bed.

"I wouldn't move much if I were you. You had a rather bothersome gunshot wound on your leg." Much to his surprise, Jiao Hou was sitting near the window. He too was out of his mission attire and into his street clothes.

"…Hou?" The younger boy gasped as the older one turned his attention to him. His no nonsense expression was not on his face. He seemed genuinely concerned.

"You were unconscious for three days. Those gunshot wounds were far more serious than you led on." Jiao Hou stated, "Those wounds will fade with time, and the bullets have been extracted."

"Did you bring me here?" Fenyang asked.

"…Yes, I did. You were surprisingly light to carry, and I was walking on a bleeding leg."

The younger boy looked down at his bandaged hands, "Thank you?"

"You are family. There is no need for thanks." Hou answered; sounding assured of himself.

"What did the Grandmaster say?"

"Father was surprised at the amount of bloodshed at the scene, but he was very pleased. The mission was an overall success. The client paid extra for the blood bath, actually. I must admit, Fenyang, even I was impressed."

"Coming from you, that's a compliment."

A smirk formed on the other boy's face, "Don't get used to it. After all, you're my most successful pupil yet. I couldn't let all my hard work die like that."

"If I recall, that woman was kicking your ass mighty fierce."

"Shut up and rest. Father wants you to recover."

"It seems less about the Grandmaster's wishes and more about yours, Hou."

Fenyang crossed his arms, interrupting Jiao Hou, "Don't even try to tell me you father assigned you to play nursemaid, Hou. Had the Grandmaster ordered you to, you would have stated so when I woke up. You're being nice, and I want to know why."

Hou's face was red with embarrassment. He claimed up at the question. Fenyang changed the subject, "Answer me this, Hou: What happened with those boys, the sons of the target?"

"After you fell to the ground, the runts ran to their dead father and remained there when I carried you out. The police have custody of them now, and both were too traumatized to recall what happened. They were only five and seven."

There was a short pause between the boys before Fenyang suddenly admitted, "I was six when the Blood diamond Syndicate murdered my family."

"I suspected your attack was personal. You were crazy, possessed even, when I looked into your eyes."

"When I was killing that drug lord, I wasn't thinking of him, I was imaging the face of the man that took my families' lives. I only stopped when I heard those children scream. They were screaming like I did when I discovered my parents."

"Fenyang, you mustn't let you feelings take hold of you. That part of you is gone forever."

"Is that what you truly believe, Hou? I know these are humans I'm killing, but some of those targets are more like us that you realize."

"That is irrelevant to the mission."

"You're not above feeling emotions, Hou. You're not a robot."

"Despite our conflicts in the past, you treat me like a friend, even with contempt in your voice. But I am not human, Fenyang. From the day I was born, it was expected of me to exceed my physical limitations and become the perfect assassin, free of consequence and fear. So don't waste your breath by telling me I'm not a robot."

"You are not weak, Hou."

"I didn't say that."

"I know what you said, and it's the same thing. By admitting to the human condition, you admit to being weak. You think that having a programmed mindset would make you less invulnerable?"

"Enough, I tire of this argument." Hou snapped rising from his chair, "The bottom line is, you can't relate to the target. EVER. They are the target, nothing else matters. Your future morality should enforce those cold truths."

"Say whatever you wish. I got my vengeance, for the price of killing those boys' father. I'm no better than the man who slew my family. You will not change my mind, Hou."

Hou looked conflicted, even struggling to respond. The older boy glared in annoyance and walked away from Fenyang, leaving the room. After slamming the door to make his frustration more obvious, Fenyang settle back into the sick bed and cried himself to sleep. Little did he realize that Hou was out his door, fighting tears as well.