Chapter 41
Temperance wiped at her forehead before releasing the breath she had been holding in. It had been an arduous surgery, and she had even had to give some of her own blood to Felicity since she was the only match for her sister's type on the sub. But if that meant that her big sister would live, then Temperance would have willingly given all the blood in her body.
"How is she looking, Law? Will she be alright?" Temperance whispered while staring down at her sister. Felicity didn't look anything like her normal self with all the tubes and IV's sticking out of her and Temperance willed herself not to let the first tear fall. She had to be strong for Lissy. Her sister would be alright!
"I don't know," was Law's toneless reply as he studied the heart monitor with narrowed eyes. "We've done all we can for her, and now it's entirely up to her whether she lives or not."
Temperance winced at Law's blunt statement. She knew in her heart that he was absolutely right, but still… It would have been nice to hear confirmation that Felicity was going to wake up soon. "I understand," she murmured quietly. "And how is the-"
"It's fine too," Law quickly interrupted Temperance's question before she could finish. "Of course that could all change considering all of the recent trauma, but everything appears to be just fine so far."
She nodded silently, thankful for any small positive he could give her, no matter how bleak the overall situation seemed to be. Temperance leaned down to whisper into her sister's ear. "It's me, Lissy. It's Tempy and I'm right here. I'm not going to leave your side for anything again, and I'm going to make sure that I'm here when you wake up." She paused, sucking in a deep breath as she tried to steady herself. The thought that her sister might not wake up was almost too much for Temperance. "You've just got to wake up, Lissy. I don't know if you realize it or not, maybe you already knew about it, but you've got so much more to live for now, so please… Please wake up for us."
Temperance was only met with silence and the soft beeps of the monitors hooked up to her sister.
Felicity's eyes were wide as saucers, her mouth hung open in shock. No damn way. This guy couldn't be serious. He wasn't really…
"Th-Thatch?" Was this really the former commander of the Fourth Division? The one that had been so brutally murdered by Blackbeard?
The brown-haired man grinned and gave her a half-salute. "That's me alright! At your service!"
"No way," she breathed out, still unable to believe what he was telling her. "I can't believe it."
"Well believe it," Thatch's grin was infectious and Felicity slowly found herself smiling widely in return. "In the flesh, er, spirit… You know what I meant!" He let out a loud laugh before he slapped a hand against Felicity's back.
Felicity let out a grunt at the sudden motion and weakly smiled though her mind was racing. If Thatch was with her, then that really meant… "So if you're here, then I guess I'm really dead."
Thatch seemingly ignored the statement and instead pointed ahead. "We're not too far away now, it's just a short walk from here."
"But wait," Felicity gently tugged on Thatch's sleeve in an effort to get him to slow his movements. "Why is there such a rush? I have so many questions, and… And I just hoped I could figure some of this shit out now that I'm stuck here forever."
That made the other freeze in place before slowly turning to face Felicity. "Ahh," Thatch paused, reaching a hand up to scratch at the back of his head while he tried to figure out just how the hell to appease the younger woman while getting her to follow him to their intended location. "I know you've gotta be really confused about what's happening and I know you want your answers," Felicity furiously nodded her head at this. "But I can promise that as soon as we make it to where we're headed that I'll answer any and every question you've got for me. I'll even throw in a few facts about Marco you probably never knew about." He grinned and offered Felicity a wink at the promise, hoping this would placate her for the time being.
To be perfectly honest, she would have been content just standing right there until all of her questions were answered one by one, but if Thatch said he would answer everything she wanted to know as soon as they made it to their destination, then she supposed she could throw him this bone. "I guess I can wait…" Felicity slowly shook her head, unsure what to do or even think in her current situation. Everything was just so damn confusing now and was going way too fast for her to even keep up. "But you've gotta keep your end of this shitty deal, I want some answers on where the hell I go from here."
"Great! Then we can go ahead and find the others!" Before Felicity could protest, Thatch grabbed onto her wrist and began to drag her along behind him.
The others? Wait, who all was out here?
Almost as if he could tell what was going through her mind, Thatch interjected. "Man, when we heard that you were going to be here, we all got excited cause we've all been wanting to meet Marco's girl!"
Marco… Felicity's face fell and her heart broke at the mention of his name. She couldn't even imagine what he must be going through having to watch someone else he loved die in front of him, and all she wanted to do was to be able to see his smirking face one last time.
"Hey hey, no tears now, we're almost there!"
Felicity blinked, reaching a hand up to wipe at the moisture on her face. Damn, she didn't even realize she had been crying.
Thatch stopped mid-step, turning to face Felicity before giving her a sad smile. "You really miss them, don'tcha?
Before she could stop herself, Felicity was furiously nodding her head. "Y-Yeah I do," she whispered. "They were just like the family I always wanted, and I miss all of them so much. Especially…" She couldn't even bear to say his name, so she swallowed hard and clamped her mouth shut. She had to be strong, there wasn't anything she could do now at any rate. She'd just follow Thatch to wherever it was they were headed and then…
"We're here!"
Felicity blinked once, then twice. She felt her neck slowly crane her head upwards as she stared at a set of overly large double doors. "This is it?" She looked all around, but this appeared to be the only place for she and Thatch to go.
"Yup," Thatch quickly led the way and pushed on the doors before calling out into the large room. "I'm back and I brought a special guest with me!"
Felicity was close on Thatch's heels, quietly taking in everything around her. In stark contrast of the dark, seemingly endless void that she had woken up in, the room she now found herself in was brightly lit with a large dinner table right in the center of the room.
"Hey, it's about time you got back!"
Felicity's ears perked at an unfamiliar voice and suddenly a grinning, freckled face appeared right before her. She may not have recognized Thatch at first glance, but this face she knew all-too well and Felicity felt herself freeze in place.
No… It couldn't be.
"Is this her?"
Thatch nodded his head, a wide smile on his face. "She was right where you and Pops were when I found you two, just like I figured she'd be."
Felicity could only stare in horror as Portgas D. Ace grinned down at her and offered her an extended hand.
"It's nice to finally meet Marco's girl. I'm Ace!"
She quickly shook her head and took a small step back. "N-No, I know exactly who you are," she murmured quietly, so utterly terrified in that moment. How could Ace be so cheerfully introducing himself to her? Didn't he realize just who she was, what her father had done to him?
Ace's brow furrowed as he studied Felicity's worried expression. "What's the matter? Was it something I said?"
She vehemently shook her head. "No! It's not you!" And as soon as she said those words, she clammed up and wished she could take it all back. Both sets of eyes were on her and Felicity wished the ground would open up and swallow her whole.
Ace was staring at her expectantly, as if waiting for her to explain why she was reacting the way she was. "It's… I just…" She buried her face in her hands before mumbling incoherently into her palms.
A brow quirked and Ace slowly leaned in and pulled Felicity's hands away from her face. "Are you crying? Aw man, Pops isn't gonna like it if he finds out I made you cry already!"
Felicity yanked her hands free and glowered at the younger man. "I'm not crying," she snapped. "And it's fucking rude to assume I'd cry over a kid like you."
He blinked. "Oh. Sooo, if it isn't me that's got you so upset," Ace's head tilted to one side as he studied Felicity. "Then what's got you so freaked out? Is it Thatch, cause I wouldn't be surprised if it was. He never did have a real way with the ladies."
"Hey!" Thatch cried out in the background. "I'm still here y'know!"
Felicity couldn't help the tiny smile that graced her features at the joke Ace made at his brother's expense. She quickly sucked in a breath and finally forced herself to look Ace in the eye. "I don't feel… like I should be here. After what Akainu did to you." Brown eyes drifted to the scar across his chest and she swallowed hard.
"Is that it? Geez, it isn't like you're the one that did this to me."
Felicity squeaked as she felt a strong arm wind around her shoulders and pull her closer. What the hell was he doing?!
"Look, I get it, about feeling guilty about shit your old man's done, but you aren't responsible for anything he did to me or anyone else." Ace pointed to the area between Felicity's breasts. "And it looks like I'm not the only one who suffered at his hands either."
Felicity felt her head turn down and took note of the faint scar that now marred her skin, a reminder of what Sakazuki had done to her, how he had taken her life just as he had taken the lives of countless others all in the name of so-called justice. "I guess you're right…"
"Of course I am!" Ace's grip on her tightened and he quickly led her to the table that sat in the middle of the large room. "Now come on and sit down with us. We've got tons of questions for you all about what's been going on since we've been here!"
Before she could say another word, she was plopped down in a chair at the long table and Ace and Thatch both were throwing questions at her.
"So how did you and Marco meet?"
"How's the rest of the crew doing?"
"Did you really join the crew? That's awesome!"
Felicity tried to answer each question, but there was something at the back of her mind that was bothering her. Someone appeared to be missing, someone who she thought would have been right there with them. "Not that I mind answering all your questions, but where is Whitebeard? I figured he'd be around here too."
Ace and Thatch shared a quick glance before grinning down at her. "Don't you worry about that," Thatch began. "Pops will be here soon, along with someone else who's been waiting a long time for you."
"Yup," Ace's grin was infectious. "All Pops has been able to talk about is how he can't wait to meet his newest daughter even if it is under these circumstances."
"Really?" Edward Newgate really wanted to meet her of all people? Suddenly she felt self-conscious and terribly nervous about the possibility of meeting the former Yonko. Even though Marco had told her on several occasions that his father would have liked her, it still didn't quell her worries any. But then she remembered something else Thatch had said.
"You said there was someone else who's wanted to meet me. Who is it?" She frowned as Ace and Thatch shared another quick glance.
Damn it, Felicity wanted some answers and she wanted them now! After all the shit she had been put through, she wanted to at least know who else was there and waiting to meet with her. That was the least she deserved!
"Well, isn't this nice," a softer voice suddenly interrupted the small group. "I had a feeling everyone would get along just fine, and it looks like I was right!"
That voice… She knew that voice.
Felicity's head whipped around and she let out a strangled gasp before shooting straight up, taking a tiny step closer toward the new individual. This was a person she knew better than anyone else, a person that haunted her memories and dreams, someone that she loved with all of her heart until she had been so violently ripped away from her. When Felicity first arrived where she was, she had hoped, but hadn't really known if it would be possible to see her… "M-Mama?"
Blue eyes softened at that one lone word and Johanna immediately opened her arms out to her older daughter. "Lissy," she whispered as Felicity quickly threw herself into her mother's embrace, sobbing against Johanna's chest. "My baby, I'm so so sorry. I never wanted this for you." Johanna's fingers began to gently thread through her daughter's curls as she gently, yet firmly held Felicity close to her. "By no means did I ever imagine you would be here with me so soon, and not like this…"
Felicity didn't care. She clung to Johanna's form as she embraced her mother for the first time in twenty years. It didn't matter that her life had ended and that she was for all intents and purposes stuck here in the afterlife, all that mattered right then was that she was finally reunited with her mother who she loved more than anything.
Marco stared blankly at the empty glass in front of him. How many days had passed since he had lost Felicity? Honestly, he wasn't even sure anymore. The moment his brothers brought him back to the ship, all he had done was lock himself up in his quarters and try to drink the pain away.
It hadn't worked, of course. Nothing seemed to make him forget the woman who had changed everything for him. All he could see was Felicity's smile, hear her infectious laugh and remember the way she would cling to him during times of heated passion. And then his mind would take a dark turn to the day that he had lost everything.
"I love you, Marco… Always."
He groaned and buried his face in his hands, unable to shed another single tear. Damn it all, as much as he wanted to forget his heartbreak, he just couldn't force himself to stop thinking about all of the wonderful memories he had shared with Felicity.
The sound of a soft knock at his door tore him from his thoughts, from painful memories.
"Marco?" He easily recognized Namur's voice as the one that called out to him through the door.
"Maybe we shouldn't bother him with this."
"But he'd want to know. He's still the First Division Commander after all and it's our duty to tell him when something's wrong."
Ah, they sounded concerned with something. Maybe Marco should see just what it was that they wanted if they were going to keep going back and forth on the matter.
"He's still mourning," he clearly heard Izo's voice loud and clear over the others as he snapped at his brothers. "We're all still mourning over our loss."
Marco released a heavy sigh before forcing himself to his feet, shuffling toward the door to find out just what the hell the crew wanted from him. He swung the door open, wincing as the light from the sun hit him in his face. He reached an arm up to block the rays from his sight and felt a brow lift as he watched the stunned faces of his brothers.
"What is it yoi?"
It appeared they were all shocked that he had actually answered the door for them. Many of the crew felt that with Marco still dealing with his grief that it would be some time before he was ready to face any of them, and now that they were face to face with Marco, they seemed unsure what to do or say next. It was Jozu who finally cleared his throat and broke the silence as he addressed Marco directly.
"We hate to bother you with everything you've been dealing with, but," he took a deep breath before continuing. "It's Teach. He's been sighted nearby."
Izo snorted. "I keep telling you, he's not in any kind of shape to deal with that kind of news. We should just ignore the fact that that traitor has been seen and give Marco more time before we-"
"How-how far away is he," Marco's voice was dry and cracked as he interrupted Izo.
Jozu and Izo swapped quick glances with one another before Jozu spoke up. "We figure they're about a day's journey to the East." Jozu placed a hand to his brother's shoulder. "Marco, we don't expect you to do anything. We just knew that you would want to know of any news if it was regarding Teach. You've had plenty to deal with, and we know you need to rest-"
"Gather all of our forces. If we hurry, we might be able to catch up to him and finally make him pay for everything he's done." Marco took a step forward, but his steps faltered slightly and he had to reach out and grasp the doorframe in order to keep from falling to his knees. He silently cursed and shook his head. "Give me a few hours to shower and clean up yoi. Then we'll go over our strategy."
Marco turned to face his brothers, all of them looking at one another as if they couldn't believe that Marco was seriously considering going after Blackbeard and his forces. Jozu reached a hand out to try and steady his brother. "Marco, you need time to rest. It's obvious you haven't gotten any sleep whatsoever."
"I'll be fine," he snapped, yanking his arm free of Jozu's grasp. "I just… We need to take care of Teach."
"But Marco, you don't have to-"
"And I need something to distract me from... remembering."
All was silent after Marco's quiet admission and Jozu released a soft sigh. "Alright, if you insist, then take care of yourself and meet us as soon as you're ready."
Marco managed a quick nod before shutting the door to his quarters behind him. It was true that he wasn't in any kind of real shape to truly deal with the traitor that was once their brother, but if it meant that Marco could be distracted for the time being and forget how his heart was still hurting, Marco and what was left of the Whitebeard Commanders would see to it that they made Teach pay for all he had done.
Next chapter, we'll see more of the impact that Felicity's 'death' has had on others in the OP universe and see more of Felicity interacting with Johanna and the others.
Sooooo what do y'all think of the recent manga chapters? I'm loving all of this great Whitebeard crew content we've been blessed with!
I know I won't get to update before the new year so I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!