The Banished

Chapter 40

It was rather awkward in the war room as they all filed in. Perdita was already waiting when Gregor came in, Mareth not far behind him. Then was Barrett, who would not look or speak to any of them. And finally was Luxa, late as always. It couldn't really be held against her that time though, as she was still rather sickly. Enough so that she did not even feign strength, rather only took her seat at the center of the table, glancing at each of them in turn until they too sat, Perdita on her right, Gregor on her left.

"So let us begin," Luxa sighed, looking down the rectangular table to the ends, where Mareth sat on one side, Barrett on the other. "There has been much confusion as of late as to what was ordered and what was choice. I-"

"This is all well and good, but if you would kindly just sign the orders allowing me to go to the Fount with my men, then I-"

"Oh, be a coward, Mareth. Run as if circumcised. I bested you and now-"

"Don't you dare speak to me in such a way! If it wasn't for-"

"Now, boys," Luxa sighed, clicking her tongue. "I have a very pressing engagement later in the day. If you two wish to discuss…manhoods then do so on your own time. Please."

Perdita shook her head then before saying, "You cannot go to the Fount, Mareth. And you most certainly cannot have any of our men. Most of them are the Overlander's now, anyways. Either that or Helix-"

"Helix," Mareth said slowly. "Where is he then?"

"In the coming hours, dead," Luxa said simply, tone cold. "Right now however, in his chambers, no doubt in a cold sweat, awaiting orders from Namus."

"You mean-"

"If you two would have been quiet, I would have gladly filled you all in on what all happened," Luxa told them, still frowning. "However-"

"Namus is the one that betrayed us, to get back at Luxa for decommissioning him. He knew of the plan to backstab the banished because Helix was the one who told him. They're friends, apparently. Namus met up with Vlad in the palace while he was staying here and told him about it."

Luxa frowned at Gregor, but he didn't care. Zander was getting out of the nursery in less than half an hour. He didn't have time to mess around with all of them.

Mareth sat back slightly at hearing that before glancing at Perdita. "You knew then?"

"N-No. Not until recently. I-"

"Then why did you not tell me?"

"Mareth, I was-"

"Is that what I am now?" He snorted. "I made the Overlander and you, Luxa, and yet you all betray me? Keep secrets behind my back? As if I am untrustworthy?"

"That isn't what anyone's saying, Mareth," Gregor told him with a frown. "Things got…complicated. Fast. They-"

"Oh don't pretend, Gregor, now as if you were in on it the entire time as well."

"That's just it. I wasn't. And I've still forgiven-"

"Have you, Gregor? Forgiven? Oh, yes, you have. Because you were not cast aside, left for…lowly guards to come to your rescue!"

"So that's it then?" Barrett snorted. "You're upset because you got your pride hurt? How cute. Perhaps it is time for you to go to the Fount where you can all discuss your feelings and get intoxicated to forget what wastes you all are now."

"Last I checked, Barrett, that is exactly where your filth of a family resides."


"Enough." Luxa looked around the table then with a sigh. "So what am I to do, gentlemen? Because right now, I would gladly ship both of you off, if only to get you out of my palace. Arguing like this. As if you were children."

Perdita took a deep breath before slowly saying, "Going around in circles will help no one. What is that the two of you want then? What can be done to make it okay for you to work together again?"

"There is nothing that will make me wish to stay here," Mareth said then before looking at Luxa. "I want out of Regalia. If I have to quite to get that accomplished, fine."

Barrett snorted then, looking off, though he said nothing. Luxa only stared at Mareth though.

"I cannot let you take all of your men. Only a few. Perdita is right, mostly. The men were going to be Gregor's. He and Barrett shall split Helix's then and you shall take a few off the Overlander's hands. And for now we shall only have two generals in the capital. If that is your final decision."

Mareth only nodded. "It is."

Letting out a long sigh, Luxa said, "And Barrett then, what of you?"

"What of me? I merely did as I was told. Could I have been nicer to the cripple that day in the dungeons? Maybe. But I am not a child like him. I do not cry over nothing."

Perdita frowned. "You should find your place and find it quickly, Barrett."

"Oh, sure, Perdita. Protect the cripple, just as usual." Barrett snorted, looking off.

"Just as the queen protects you?"

It was Gregor's turn to groan, though it was more out of frustration. They were all just going around in circles!

"Is there somewhere you would rather be, Overlander?" Luxa asked, frowning at him.

"Yeah, there is," he told her then before looking up. "There's somewhere we'd all rather be right now. Instead, we're here, talking about nothing. The war is over. Now we have to figure out where all these children are going, what we're going to do with the prisoners, how we are going to-"

"The children? You mean you and the queen aren't just going to take them all in?" Barrett remarked dryly. One look from Luxa shut that right back down, however. Good. So there was a way to shut him up. Nice to know.

"My point is," Gregor reiterated then. "That there are far more important things to deal with than who is angry at who."

"That's true enough. Until it is you that is angry or thinking that you're not getting enough respect and then we all have to listen to your self-righteous bullshit for weeks."

"M-Mareth," Perdita hissed, frowning at him. Gregor only stared in shock at him. He thought that they had made up. Apparently not.

"It is true enough. When he gets his feelings hurt, we all have to hear about it forever and always. Until Luxa decides to take his side and then we get reprimanded for not respecting the 'warrior' and told to fear him. Like he is a boy who needs his mother's protection."

Gregor gave Mareth a look before glancing at Luxa. "You do that?"

It was finally her turn to be embarrassed, as everyone else at the table had already taken theirs.

"I don't… We're not talking about us, Overlander!"

"That is a first," Perdita said softly to which Mareth nodded.

"Oh, as if we do not see the two of you's drama enough?" Barrett snorted. "Let me go parade your women in front of her, Mareth, and see if the night does not end differently for us all."

"Oh? And should I bring the queen yours?"

"Stop it." Gregor frowned at them. "Honestly, guys this is not what-"

"If he wants to go to the Fount, then why do you not let him? He is a worthless cripple and should never face another day of battle. He is useless to the crown and to us all," Barrett remarked, annoyed then.

"I am the head of the army," Perdita said then, raising her voice slightly, something out of character for her. "He shall go nowhere without my permission. None of you shall. And if anyone is useless, Barrett, it is you."

"Oh, so you are against me now? Because he is?" Barrett shook his head at Perdita. "You are on borrowed time. Soon enough I shall have your position and then-"

"Oh, bull." Gregor snorted. "Right now, people would just as well see your corpse rotting with the banished."

"Because of you."

"I didn't see you offering up to be publicly shamed either, Barrett."

"I am sorry, what is the rest of your existence here if not that?"

"Careful who you speak to," Mareth remarked then. "He is the warrior. His mother will flog you one if you make fun of him."

"Since when are you against me?" Gregor turned to look at the man. "If it's a vote thing, fine. I vote him off the island too. Have fun in the Fount, Mareth. Bastard."

"It is not a…vote," Perdita said, as if the word was foreign to her. "You are staying, Mareth. It is Barrett that is leaving. Back to the hole he crawled out of there. I'm sure York will welcome you with open arms."

Mareth blinked. Then he looked to Luxa. "Is that really an option?"

She frowned. "No. It is not. Perdita-"

"I am going nowhere," Barrett assured them all. "I gave up more in all of this than any of you. I completely tarnished my good name for you, Luxa. You cannot-"

"I am not," she told him.

"You should," Gregor mumbled. "In fact, I change my vote. Send Barrett away."

"I second that," Mareth added quickly.


"Perdita, honestly?" Luxa frowned at her.

"I was not going to…third that," she said, frowning. "I was merely going to say that I think it is time that this meeting came to a conclusion."


"Meaning exactly what I said." She took a deep breath before looking at Mareth. "You are a soldier of Regalia. Under my command. As are you, Barrett. And I am telling you both to order your troops back to their usual duties. That there will be no more of this…childish behavior. You will work with who I say. All of you. Or else you can gladly leave my military."

Barrett looked at Luxa then, as always, awaiting her command. She nodded slightly, giving him confirmation.

"Understood." He got to his feet then, bowing slightly to Luxa. "I will deliver the message. Thank you for your time. Both of you."

Perdita wouldn't look at him though, only staring at Mareth, who looked in deep concentration, staring down at the table, almost glaring at it. Gregor was watching him as well, though he was more or less wondering if the meeting was over. He really did need to pick up Zander from the nursery.

It took Mareth a moment to speak after he opened his mouth. And then the words came tumbling out.

"I quit then," he said slowly, softly. Then louder, he spoke again as he stood. "I retire. I retire from the military."

It was silent after that as they all watched him. He wasn't looking at them though, only the table. Then, slowly, he laughed as he began to back away from it.

"I quit," he chuckled before looking up at them, mainly Luxa. "Consider this my resignation. You and military are both dead to me now. I will be out of Regalia by morning."

She was void of emotion then, just staring straight ahead. Slowly, she nodded. Then she locked eyes with him and smiled slightly.

"A good career should not be marred by this. I will have it written in the records that you retired before the banished, if you would like. No one now will know, but in the future, you shall not be entangled in this."

He only shook his head at her then. "I care not for the future now. I'm going to the Fount. I shall spend the rest of my days drunk and oblivious to the world."

"Tell my uncle hello for me."

"Tell your…ha." He laughed for real then, smiling brightly. "Yes. Yes, I will. Good day to you then, my beautiful, beautiful Queen Luxa. And you, warrior. Safe travels for you."

He turned then, still chuckling. "Retired. Free."


Gregor just sat there for a moment or two, as if in shock, before turning to look at Luxa. He thought that she would have that little victorious smile on her face, showing off that she had won. After all, she had been trying for months to get Mareth to retire. Usually, she would be speaking loudly about how right she was and how Mareth had finally seen the light. Instead, she only sat there, smiling softly, as if something good had just happened.

And hadn't it?

Not for one of the people at the table, or so Gregor was reminded then as Perdita finally spoke. Err, rather a slightly noise broke free from her throat, as if she were in some kind of distress. He was reminded then of how feverishly she had fought on Mareth's side for him to stay in command. And now here he was, throwing in the towel, just like that. As if it were just that easy.

And wasn't it?

"M-Mareth," she called then, pushing away from the table. Honestly, Gregor had been getting ready to do the same. Had it been a half hour yet? "Wait!"

He was nearly to the doorway then and only glanced back at her as if with only half recognition. Perdita still ran to him though, reaching out to grab one of his hands and force him to face her. He was still grinning though, as it set in. It was only him, after all, and Andromeda. He had few bills and could more than live off his pension.

"Y-You're not thinking, Mareth. You are upset about Barrett. There is something that can be arranged," she told him then. "I am sure that he will apologize if that is it. He is only being-"

"That is not it, Perdita." He shook his hands from hers then before grinning at her, real big. She was not nearly as pleased. "I am going to the Fount. I am going to be free, in the Fount. I-"

"The Fount is full of filth. We say it enough. Since we were kids we have said it. You-"

"Yes," he agreed, nodding his head. "And I am ready to be that filth. It is where men go, when their wars are all done. And mine have been done for some time now."

"You can't-"

"You can join me," he told her softly then, though he was still rather giddy looking. "When you are done here, you will come to the Fount too. We-"



She cleared her throat then, finding her core once more. "No. This is not how it is supposed to be. You're not…you can't…go. You can't go to the Fount! What is in the Fount, but drunks and whores and-"

"I am ready to be a drunk, Perdita and I am more than ready for the whores."

She shoved him then, rather hard. He stumbled back and almost lost his balance.


"You cannot go!"

"I can go. And I am going," he told her then, his face changing as he spoke through clenched teeth. "I have offered you to join me. At any time. You have turned that down. There is nothing else to-"

"You cannot go. That is-"

"You do not own me, woman."

She looked him in the eyes then. "If you leave-"

"If I leave, what? You cannot treat me much worse than you do now. Or will you not talk to me? Write me? Believe me, I do far better without you than you do without me. Hell, that is why Solovet favored you so. You are both cold, heartless-"

"Go then, Mareth! Go. No one will miss you then. You will be just as orphaned there as you were here."

"Gregor," Luxa said softly then, breaking his concentration. Honestly, he had been so focused in on them that he forgot all about her. Touching his shoulder, she stood. "You said you had somewhere to be, yes? Then let us both depart."



It was not like Gregor wanted to leave during the middle of the argument. Honestly, he thought that the ending of it all concerned him. He was best friends with Mareth, after all. The outcome decided where he stayed and that of course affected Gregor as well. Still, Luxa was insistent and he was certain that now that Perdita and Mareth had been reminded of his presence, they would not be too appreciative of an eavesdropper.

"I have something to do," was all Luxa told him after they left the room and began to part ways. "Go get Zander from the nursery, yes? Wash him up after. And then meet me in the royal chambers in, oh, an hour. Yes?"

He nodded at her as she set off, knowing that though he might go to the royal chambers, his mind would be else where. Mainly with his best friend.

…And damn it. Did he just agree to bathe Zander? Ugh. This kid thing was turning out to blow.

Zander rode on Gregor's shoulders back from the bathing area, his little tiger seated upon the man's head. Gregor held onto the little boy's feet, more to keep him from kicking them too much.

"What do you want for dinner, Zander?" Gregor asked the boy who only responded by making some kind of a gurgling noise. "Yeah, me too."

Before that could happen though, Gregor had to go meet up with Luxa in her royal wing of the palace. She had ordered him to do as much. She must want him to escort her to dinner. Either that or she had some kind of a task she needed him to complete.

"I wonder how come she wanted you washed before dinner though," Gregor mused aloud as he walked down the halls, nodding at all the right people, ignoring the others. "I mean, you're only going to get messy again. Inevitably. You always do. She must have something special for you buddy."

Zander giggled. "Lucka."

"Luxa. Yeah. You know, you could try Gregor out for a spin. I think it has an even better ring to it, personally."

When Gregor got to Luxa's wing, he immediately knew that she was in her sitting room, as he heard voices from in there. It was the voices he heard, however, that made him hurry up.


Luxa was closest to him, though she just moved to take Zander off his shoulders before stepping to the side. His mother, who had been seated on the couch, jumped up to go hug him. Boots, who was speaking loudly to Hazard at that point about how the 'authority' (i.e. her school) was keeping her down (i.e. suspending her for dying her hair blue), hardly even looked up. Lizzie did come to hug him though.

"Oh, Gregor," his mother said as they separated. "I was so worried when you stopped writing. And then they wrote that you had been-"

"It's all better now, Mom," he told her before smiling and glancing at Luxa. She had pretended to suddenly become very interested in Zander, who was overjoyed by this, waving his little tiger at her. "Everything's fine now."

"Alexander," Luxa suddenly cried out as the little boy poked her in the eye. She quickly dropped him to the ground. "You little-"

He yelled back at her, just making loud noises really, snuggling his tiger to him. Grace frowned then, looking over at the little boy. Gregor prepared himself then, knowing what was coming. His mother was about to lecture him and Luxa about how unprepared they were to raise a child and how he was better off with someone else, anyone else. He even had all his defenses to the accusations prepared.

Then though, she shockingly just smiled at the little boy, who was still glaring up at Luxa. When he noticed someone else looking at him though, he glanced over before backing up, closer to Luxa, as if for protection.

"So this is Zander then?" Grace asked to no one in particular. The boy just continued to stare at her with wide eyes, either bashful or nervous. Gregor couldn't tell which.

"Yeah, Mom," Gregor said as Lizzie looked him over as well. Boots was still busy being self-absorbed while Hazard only listened politely, though his face showed how bored he was. "Did Boots tell you about-"

"Yes," his mother said before going over to the couch. It was then Gregor noticed some things sitting here. "So I brought him a few things."

Wow. She was in a rather good mood. Still, Gregor saw Luxa hesitate, as she had made it very clear to him multiple times that it was dangerous for him to smell so much like the Overland. She didn't voice it again, instead only shoving Zander gently towards Grace.

The little boy took his tiger with him as he headed over to the woman, watching as she began to hand things to him. He didn't set his stuffed animal down, but did reach out to take the things.

Three toy cars. A stuffed teddy bear. A couple action figures. He sat them all down in front of him one by one as she handed them off, making a nice little pile. It was when she got to he last thing that he stopped and finally got excited.

He let out a loud pitch yell, as if from glee, when he saw it. Then he looked back at Luxa and Gregor, grinning at them both before pointing at the thing.

"I didn't expect this," Grace remarked. "I only brought it to him so he could look at the pictures."

That wasn't the problem though. It was the specific book she had brought him. It was an old book that Gregor remembered having when he was a child. His mother had probably found it in some old stuff somewhere. He had a couple of them, all on different zoo animals. It was the one that that specific book featured that had set the boy into such a frenzy, however.

"How did you know, Mom?" Gregor joked weakly, only watching the boy as he finally set his tiger down to take the book into his hands. He of course had no idea what it was, but the cover art had him so enthralled that he did not care. It was a giant tiger head, the mouth opened in a big snarl. Zander immediately made the same face back at the book before dropping it as he began to jump around in excitement.

"Lucky guess," his mother said, frowning down at the boy.

"Wow," Lizzie mumbled before glancing at Gregor. "Is he okay?"

"I think so," he responded before grinning at his sister.

Zander picked up the book then before rushing over to Luxa to show it to her. She only sighed, still squinting in one eye, as she reached down to show him that he could open the book. It was a random page, one that featured a tiger out on the prowl, stalking some sort of prey.

The little boy immediately fell to the floor, assuming the same stance as the tiger with a giggle. When Luxa flipped the page, he moved to match the new pose, which was a tiger holding one paw up.

"Here." Luxa sat the book down then, nodding at it. Then she showed him how to turn the page, clearly not wanting to be stuck doing it. Then she moved to go over to Gregor.

"I need to go somewhere," she told him softly. "You-"

"No, Lux. It's-"

"It's your family," she told him simply. In his ear, she whispered, "Consider all debt repaid."

He kissed her then, very quickly. "You sound more and more like your bond everyday."

It was her turn to kiss him, as she slowly ran a hand down his arm. "Dinner is in half an hour."


After she was gone, Gregor went over to Boots, who had then moved on to how the authority over the authority (i.e. her mother) was keeping her down even more (i.e. not letting her stay out later than her curfew). When he got to her though, he put an end to that conversation as he wrapped his arms around her for a huge hug. Hazard took this as a relief from listening to her, quickly heading out of the room. Gregor had a feeling he wouldn't be making an appearance at dinner.

"Gregor!" Boots went stiff in his arms for a moment before batting at him. "Get off me!"

"Ooh, Boots. I missed you so much." He pressed a kiss to her head, which only made her hit at him even more. "So very much."


Grace only sighed as Zander flipped a page before assuming a brand new stance. "I'm sorry, Margaret. You're not the baby anymore."

"Get off me!"

"But I love you," Gregor argued, only hugging her harder. Then he lifted her in the air, only pissing her off anymore.


He dropped her then. "I just-"

"I hate you!" She hit at him again before storming off, making Lizzie frown slightly. If one of the three siblings were the most dramatic, it was by far the youngest.

Zander broke the silence then, going over to Grace then after picking up his tiger and holding it out to her.

"He wants you to take it," Gregor told her softly then, smiling slightly. "He likes to share."

Grace smiled too then, moving to take the tiger, much to the enjoyment of Zander, who giggled loudly, looking off.

"That's good," Grace said then, reaching over to pat the little boy's head. "That's very good."

Gregor slept well that night, just from having his family so close and near him. Not to mention he knew in the morning that he was going to get to exploit the true traitors, Helix and Namus, and there was nothing more pleasurable for him at the moment. Just getting it all finished and behind them was also a nice thought.

He slept in bed with Luxa for most of the night, though Zander didn't join them. Eventually, Gregor had to leave her behind though and head back to his own room. Not before checking in on Zander, who had moved back into his old room, all his toys and such scattered around.

Up on the bed with him though was his little tiger and the book that Grace had given him. He had taken quite the liking to her. He sat next to her during dinner and would make noises whenever she spoke to him, as if happy. Still, the only word he ever mustered was Luxa's name and even then, it was more in annoyance when she corrected him on something. At bedtime, Grace put him to bed, reading him one of the pages out of his little tiger book. He didn't understand what she was saying of course, but still snuggled up on his bed with her, his tiger doll with him, listening until he finally dozed off.

It felt good to Gregor, knowing that his mother liked Zander. He knew at her core that there was no way that she actually accepted his relationship or anything rash like that, but baby steps were mandatory. And now that she knew he more or less had a kid, she'd know that there was no way that he could permanently leave the Underland. There was no way that she would want him to!

Once he finally made it back to his own bedroom, Gregor found that he could not sleep. He was too wound up for some reason, unable to even lay in one place for too long. The second it was an acceptable time, he was up and off to the bathing area to get ready for the day.

He came to breakfast in his armor, prepped for what the rest of the day would entail. His family was all there, Luxa absent, but Nerissa and Hazard in her place. It was Hazard that informed him that when Luxa awoke, it was to a guard telling her that Vikus had taken a turn during the night.

After having one of his sisters promise to get Zander to the nursery and promising that he would see them later, Gregor headed off to the hospital wing. On the way there, he was reminded of his journey back from the Overland the last time being marred with Nerissa falling so ill. God, it seemed so long ago that thinking back on it, he and Luxa almost seemed like different people.


He remembered how angry Luxa had been at him then, for barging in on her family moment. And Vikus probably meant more to her than Nerissa. Maybe. So was he not supposed to go to her? Hazard made it sound as if he was, but then again, Aurora had done the same thing to him when it was Nerissa.

He decided, however, that he cared about Vikus too. And if it truly was the man's final days that he deserved to see him too. And when he entered the room, he was glad that he had.

Luxa was there of course, in a chair next to the man's bedside, cupping one of his hands in hers, her head bowed slightly. Gregor knew that she heard him come in. She knew everything.

"It's not fair."

Gregor only came closer at the sound of her voice, coming to lay a hand on her shoulder. Vikus was unconscious, but did not look peaceful. At all.

"No," he whispered, squeezing her shoulder gently. "It's not."

"I am finally supposed to be happy. Why can I never just be happy?"


"I can never truly win. Ever. I could secure the entire Underland with no casualties on any side, but still lose someone in my family at the end. It is always that way. It always has been. No one wishes to stay with me. I have everything, and yet no one wishes to stay with me."

"Luxa, if he could choose to be anywhere, Vikus would be right here. With you."

She snorted then, finally looking up at me. "He did not even like me. Not truly."

"That's such bull, Lux. Everyone knows that you were his favorite person, like, ever."

She rolled her eyes then, heavily, before looking back at her grandfather. "He likes Susannah the best. He always has. He did not even like my mother when she was alive. Even I know this. He thought that she was cold and brash. And everyone says I am the same way. You say I am the same way. That woman said I am the same way. I am cold. I never even…I have never…thanked him for-"

"He didn't do any of it to be thanked, Luxa. He just loved you." Gregor let go of her shoulder then. "If he loved Susannah so much, why is he not with her right now? In the Fount? He chose to stay here, even as he only got sicker, because he wanted to be with you. He's so proud of you, Lux. He always has been. You know that. You've always known that. You were always the first person he mentioned."

She only shook her head. "I am-"

"You are what? Cold? Mean hearted? Consumed with anger? Guess what he married, Luxa? Not to mention, you're not that to me. You're not that to Zander. To Hazard. To Nerissa. To Aurora. To Nike. You take care of all of us because you love us and he took care of you for the same reason.

"You speak of York gaining from your death? You're looking at one of the main benefactors from it. Him and Solovet would have gained all from it, but they cared for you. They raised you. And there was no one, and I mean no one, that they would not tell that to. Solovet died defending what is yours and Vikus is going after giving you the wisdom to keep doing just that. So don't tell me that he didn't know that you weren't thankful. How could you not be?"

She hung her head then and didn't say anything for a long time. Gregor just stood there, saying his own silent goodbyes to the man, incase it truly was the last time. He knew that he was not always welcome in the Underland, but he could not think of someone who was on his side more often than Vikus. There was not a soul more pure right up till the end.

"I wish to be alone with my grandfather," Luxa finally whispered to him. "Can you…can you bring Hazard? And Nerissa? And get word sent to the Fount if it has not been already?"

"Yeah, Lux." He patted her shoulder then. "Of course."

"And take care of the…details of today? With Perdita and Barrett?"

He nodded then. Helix and Namus. "Yes. I'll make sure it all goes over well."

She looked down then, not saying anymore. Gregor just leaned down to kiss the top of her head before turning to leave the room. He was to the partition when she called out for him.


He turned, looking back at her. She just stared at him though, not speaking.

Thank you.

He only nodded at her before going out of the room. Because Luxa didn't need Vikus anymore and she hadn't for awhile. Because when she messed up, it wasn't her grandfather she fell back on anymore. It was him. It had always been him.

And he wouldn't have it any other way.

"Mareth. I wasn't expecting to see you here."

The man looked up as Gregor came into the room, dressed in his own armor. "Gregor. I am very sorry to hear of Vikus."

"Aye. It is sad news, but not unexpected."

Mareth nodded then. "Men get old. It is sad, but true."

Gregor only came closer. "I thought that you were leaving last night? Or this morning? That you quit?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Perdita convinced me otherwise."

They were in the war room where Gregor was to meet up with the others to plan their offensive for the day. There was no way that it had leaked yet that they were onto Helix and Namus, but it was better safe than sorry, so two of the generals were to lead a separate group to get each man at his home around luncheon. After the previous day's events, Gregor had just assumed it would be him and Barrett. Perhaps not.

"So," Gregor said slowly, giving the man a look. "After your little discussion yesterday, did you-"

"Bite your tongue, Overlander," Mareth said, not liking the glint in the other guy's eyes.

"What? If it is not that, then why are you staying?"

"Perdita asked me to."

"She was asking you to before, when I was in the room, and you were not staying. There was no way you were staying." Gregor only came closer to the table then. "Clearly something happened."

"Not that, I promise you."

"Then what?"

"We spoke. I have changed my mind."

"What of Barrett then? He is still in the picture, yes? And you are going to stay anyways?"

"Perdita needs me here," Mareth reiterated. "So yes. I will…man up, I suppose, and find my own ways of dealing."

"And that is it then? You're just staying because a friend asked you to? Just a friend?"

Mareth hardly glanced at him then as he stared down at the map. Gregor knew for a fact that the map was currently useless, as the pieces that hadn't been played with by Zander were of old battle plans, nothing since the banished had been defeated.

"Believe me, Overlander, when I say that there is no relation that Perdita wants with me outside of this one."

"Then what was it that she said? Because I know for a fact that women throwing themselves at you only interests you for a night. What could she have possibly-"

Mareth looked up at him then, his eyes harsh and tone final.

"When the only person that you care for begs for you to stay, cries for you to stay, tells you that they could not live without seeing you every day, that you are their only friend and you know for a fact that they are yours, you stay, Overlander. You of all people should know this. Otherwise, you'd have gone home a long time ago. The Fount has nothing to offer me that I could not get here, really. But the Fount does not have one thing and as it stands currently, that one thing needs me here. So I shall stay. It is that simple."

Gregor nodded in agreement then after a moment's thought. After all, that was one of the few things that had made any true sense to him in a long time.

Perdita came in not soon after that, though she would not look at Mareth, instead focusing in on Gregor almost immediately.

"I am assuming you bring word from Luxa?" was the first thing she said as she approached the table.

"Yes," he said, nodding his head. "She wishes for us to go on without her today. Considering."

"Considering," Perdita agreed then before looking at Mareth. She only glanced at him, really. "Barrett shall be leading the other group to Namus. You are unneeded here, currently."

He nodded slightly, but said, "I assumed that you and I could go over some of the recent scrolls from the scouts while the Overlander and Barrett work? Find new positions for these pieces here, on the map. Until little Zander decides to mess them all up again."

"Until then," she agreed, nodding. "Then it is settled. And as soon as Barrett shows up, Gregor, I can-"

"I am here." The man came into the room then, dressed in his usual blue armor, a grin on his face. "Off by, oh, ten minutes. Right on time."

Perdita was not amused and Mareth only continued to look down at the defunct map.

"Luxa will not be joining us," Gregor finally said when it was clear that no one else was going to speak. "And now that we are all here and accounted for, is it not time to get on with things, Perdita?"

She only nodded. "Yes. Both of you be careful. And bring them back alive, preferably. They are to stand trial before Luxa for their crimes."

"What difference does it make?" Barrett remarked to Gregor as they were leaving the room a minute later. "She'll only sentence them to death anyways. I mean, it's not as if she's going to banish them, is it?"

Gregor only shook his head. "It is you that always speaks as if the only option is to follow orders, yes? So just follow orders."

Barrett grinned at him then. "My specialty."

It was not hard to find Helix, as he was still living in the palace considering he was still a general. Gregor met up with his men who were in a relatively good mood towards him, considering the banished victory was still fresh.

Gregor wasn't counting on it lasting.

Helix was waiting for them in his room, not even armed. Gregor felt like a guard again, arresting someone, but it didn't feel wholly bad either. Just nostalgic.

"They did this to you as well once, Overlander," Helix told him softly. "I did. And the words were not true."

"These are though," Gregor said simply as they chained him and led him from his room. "Helix… Why?"

The man only hung his head. "Namus and I went through training together. Fought together. And then Luxa just…she just used him. And I only meant to tell him things, I did not mean for the banished to know. But then they did. And then I was guilty too."

"Did Namus tell you anything about Zander?"


"The kid that Vlad and Usha left behind. Who left him in the field?"

Helix only sighed slightly. "Vlad."


"Vlad had a man leave him there. I do not know why. They never thought that you would find him, I know that for certain."

Gregor only sighed slightly, thinking for a moment before speaking. "May the queen have mercy on your soul."

Helix only shook his head. "She has no mercy to give."

"He's very inquisitive."

"He is."

At the moment, Zander was perched in Gregor's lap, staring down at his big book of tigers that Gregor was reading to him. Err, rather he was holding it open so the boy could see all the photographs of tigers.

Gregor had met his mother in Luxa's sitting room after picking Zander up from nursery. He had really been in search of Luxa, hoping that she was back from the hospital. She was not. However, his mother was there and he felt that he should finally spend some real time with her. She was going back home the next day, after all.

"Gregor," she said after a moment, staring at him from the couch across from the one he was sitting on. "What are you doing?"

He frowned, looking up at her. "Reading him the book."


Sighing, he said, "Mom, I don't know. I found him, out in the field. We…bonded."

"And his parents are the ones that you-"

"Yes." He didn't want to hear it. "Yes, they were."

"Gregor," she sighed. "I know you might feel guilty, but-"

"It's not guilt," he told her with a frown as Zander babbled something to him. "I wanted him before all of that. Luxa and I both did. So it's really not that serious."

"Taking care of a child is serious."

"It had to happen some time."


"Mom, you're the one that brought him gifts. Why did you bring him things if you didn't want- Zander, stop it."

He banging his hand against the book, annoyed that the new page didn't have any pictures. Grace only frowned slightly.

"Can he not…speak? He looks old enough to be able to."

"I don't think anyone's taught him."

"You don't think that he's…challenged, do you?"

"Howard told me-"

"Gregor, they can't even do a heart transplant down here."

He sighed, staring down at Zander who looked back up at him, annoyed that the page had not been changed yet.

"I think that he didn't get enough attention. Now he will. And Luxa is very insistent that he learn how to behave."

Grace made a face. "Yes, I've noticed."

Zander giggled as the new page provided him with two pictures. Still, he had heard Luxa's name and couldn't help himself as he looked up at Gregor and asked, "Lucka?"

"She's busy, buddy." He looked over at his mother then. "Where are Lizzie and Boots?"

"Oh, Gregor, I don't know. I think with that boy."


She shook her head. "No. Margaret maybe, but Lizzie went off with that other boy."

"What other boy?"

"Oh, what was his name? He's a guard. He said that he knew you. In fact, he was looking for you. He said that you were friends or-"

"Matthias," Gregor said, jaw set. "Was that his name?"

"Yes. Yes, that was it. When he couldn't find you, Lizzie said that she would go hangout with him or-"

"I have to go." Gregor lifted Zander up, taking him and book over to his mother. Setting the boy down on the couch and handing her the book, he said, "Watch him for me. I'll be back."


"I have something to do."

Zander waved at him as he left before moving to climb into Grace's lap, wanting to get back to his book. Gregor worried slightly about what they would do when they ran out of new pictures for him to look at, but figured then they could just start over from the beginning. And there were other animals. His mother could just send those down, probably.

He found Lizzie where he knew he would find Lizzie. In the mess hall, the same place Matthias always was when he was off duty. She was seated at a table with him and a few others, listening to them talk. Since when did his sister know how to talk to guys? Or anyone for that matter? Better yet, when did she care to talk to them? And why? Oh, he knew why. And it was not okay. At all.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Lizzie only frowned at Gregor. "Uh, eating."

He ignored her though, only continuing to stare at Matthias. The man only sighed before slowly pushing away from the table and standing.

"What do you think you're doing?" Gregor repeated after they were a safe distance away from everyone. "You know, Matthias, I think I've been-"

"We're just eating."

"Oh, you're just eating? Oh, good, you're just eating. You know, because I thought it was something more, but since you've told me that, I'm so relieved."

"Good. I mean-"

"I'm not being serious, idiot!"

Needless to say, it was not a good day to be Matthias.

Gregor was waiting up for Luxa when she came into her room. She had not been at dinner that night and he knew that she had spent the entire time in the hospital. He honestly wasn't expecting her to come to bed at all, but he was glad she had.

They only stared at each other in the darkness, him sitting there in her bed, watching her. She stood in the doorway for a moment before looking off and tearing up again. It wasn't a second later that she was in bed with him, cuddled against his chest.


She took a trembling breath then as she kept her head buried in his chest. Then, slowly, she moved to look up at him. He just kept his hands wrapped around her, watching.

"We should have…should have…done more with him. I should have. The last year I haven't-"

"We all should have, Lux." He just kept staring at her. "You can't blame yourself though. It wasn't your fault. He's old. Things happen. He lived a happy life, you know? And that's all you can say now."

So she laid with her head on his chest for awhile and he stayed there, stroking her back. He didn't speak again until she lifted her head up sometime later and shook it.


"I do not wish to…do this. To…mourn someone."

"Someone alive," he clarified.

"Someone in general."

He frowned then. "Luxa, it's okay to-"

She only held up a hand before moving to lay down on the bed then instead of him. "Stop. Tell me of something else. Of…of Namus and Helix."

"They were both captured. And Mareth has decided to stay."

"Is that so?"

He nodded, softly saying, "Yeah."

"Mmmm." She snuggled into the bed then, sighing slightly. "We shall hold their trials quickly, as to get it over with. Helix has a family, a mother and father, but Namus only had siblings left. It is better to get it over with before they can cause too much trouble."

"Have you thought of…mercy? Towards Helix?"


"I am only asking."

"Why do you care anyways?"

"I do not. I only...well...he told me things."


"Yes, things."

"Things of?"

"Things about how he was only trying to help Namus. And then he told me about how it was Vlad that had Zander left in the field. Don't ask me why he did that though, but-"

"Vlad left Zander," Luxa whispered before shaking her head. "Is it not obvious?"

He frowned at her. "Should it be?"

"Vlad knew that they would not win," she told him softly then with a sigh. "He knew that they would lose. Remember? When we were with them, he said as much to Usha. That he did not think that they could win without the...beast. So he left his son there. Thought that someone would find him and take care of him. He never thought it would be you, of course, but I am sure he thought someone would find him. Thought that they would care for him."

Gregor didn't like this theory, however, as it made Vlad seem too much like a real person for his taste. Shaking his head, he said, "We were speaking of Helix and mercy, not-"

"They committed treason. They shall be killed. Not that I should be discussing that with you." She shut her eyes then. "And your family then? Everything was okay with them?"

"Hazard and Boots have made up."

"I didn't know they were fighting."

"I don't think he did either."

Luxa laughed slightly then, though she still sounded mostly distraught.

"Lizzie though," Gregor started before frowning deeply. "She, uh, apparently, kind of, was, sort, you know, talking to, well-"


"She and Matthias were…hanging out and-"

"Oh, Gregor-"

"No, Luxa. She can't-"

"I do not wish to have this conversation."

"That's easy for you to say. Hazard's a guy."


"You know. Guys are supposed to do that stuff. Chicks aren't."

She opened her eyes then to look at him. "Where's Boots right now?"

"I dunno."

"Mmmm. I hope she's with Hazard."


She only giggled before closing her eyes again. "And what of Zander, Gregor?"

"He's in bed," he said simply. "He spent the day in the nursery and then with Mom."

"Mmmm. He likes her."


Luxa sniffled then slightly before saying, "You need to go back to the Overland soon, I would think."

"Lux, I won't die from not seeing the sun for a few months. It would take some considerable time. I-"

"I would rather you go now, when all is quiet, than any other time."

He kissed the top of her head then. "I'll go back in a few days. I don't wanna leave right now. Not when Vikus needs me."

"That is the problem I fear, love. Someone here will always need you."

He just looked down at her then, smiling slightly. "Yeah, Lux. Someone always will need me. But that's okay. 'cause I'll always want to be here anyways."

The coming days had most of Gregor's time spent taking care of Zander, who was rather annoying when you really boiled it all down. Luxa spent much time with Vikus, who did not wake up, and Susannah, who had come to see her father. Gregor did not know whether to be happy or sad that York did not come. He decided to go with not feeling anything. It helped most of the time.

Still, eventually the day of the trial rolled around and it was a rather intense day. Not that Gregor felt too bad. He did kind of hope that Luxa wouldn't be too harsh on Helix, though he wasn't sure why he felt that way. He just kind of felt bad for the guy. It was probably because he just seemed so young to him. Maybe.

The trial was emotional, as Helix had so many friends with the young soldiers. Not to mention the last time Luxa had done such a thing, it was for Gregor's head and that had been proven a false accusation manipulated by the crown. If ever there was distrust of the people, it was then.

Gregor didn't even trust the royal guard, really, to take her from the trial after she sentenced them to death. He and Barrett escorted her back to her chambers, where Zander and Nerissa were awaiting them.

"Where is Hazard?" Luxa asked after Barrett left them in the sitting room. She took a seat on the couch, lifting Zander into her lap. He immediately curled up against her, giggling. "He was supposed to be here. I-"

"He's with Vikus, I think, and Susannah."

Luxa nodded then before looking down at Zander, who was grinning at her. Gregor just kept close to the doorway, one hand over his sword, prepared for anything.

"Oh, do sit down, Gregor," Nerissa told him from the couch she was sitting on. "No one will harm us. And even if they did, we would all either parish or live. You standing will do no good."

He gave once last glance into the hall before going to sit next to Luxa. Zander giggled, moving to climb into Gregor's lap then, nuzzling under the man's arm until he wrapped them around him.

"Look at us now," Nerissa said, clapping her hands. She had felt better recently, though that was more due to the fact they had her doped up on so many different, err, herbs. "The three of us all together again. And with everything behind us."

Luxa looked rather tired at the moment, shifting so that she was resting her head against Gregor's shoulder, staring at her cousin with a bored expression. Nerissa didn't catch on though as she just continued speaking.

"It's just so nice. It's always nice. The three of us. We're such good friends, after all."

"Yeah," Gregor mumbled, glancing down at Luxa. He was about ready to tell her she could just go to bed. Her strength didn't seem to be coming back in the near future. "It's kind of funny though, Nerissa."


"You know, that you were wrong."

"Wrong about what, hmmm?"

Gregor cleared his throat. "You know. You said that I would lose to the banished in battle. That when I fought them near the Fount that that wasn't the real fight. That there would be a bigger battle and I would fall to them. I did not fall. I did not even fight! York did and they won. So-"

"Oh, Gregor, the battle has not even begun."

Luxa sat up at that. "What are you talking about, Nerissa?"

"I saw it, cousin. Him battling the banished. If you have already killed them, then it must not have been the right fight, yes?"

Shaking her head, Luxa said, "They have no warriors left. Children and old women are all that are left, really. We nearly annihilated them."

Nerissa smiled then, looking at Zander. "Tell me, did we fall when our parents died? No. We awaited our queen's coming age. Look what you hold in your lap, Overlander. I am sure one day you shall-"

"Now, stop it, Nerissa." Luxa frowned at her. "Zander is just a child. He-"

"He's their prince. He'll-"

"He will never know that," she argued as the little boy giggled, snuggling against Gregor. "He will believe that we adopted him after Gregor found him abandoned. He will not-"

"He will know," Nerissa said simply. "Secrets do no one any good. And this one is too big to keep. Someone will say something. Either that or he will find out himself. After all, he is in the prophecies that his parents-"

"Those prophecies? This is about those prophecies?"

Luxa jumped up then, heading out of the room. Gregor groaned before leaning down to kiss Zander's head. Why could thinks just never go as planned? Why couldn't they just all be happy?

"Here they are then," Luxa announced as she came back into the room. Gregor could tell from her face that she really wasn't feeling well. In her hands though were a stack of scrolls when she tossed down in front of her cousin. "All the little-"

"What are those?" Gregor stood then, shifting Zander into his arms. "Luxa?"

She hardly glanced at him. "I told you, Overlander, that I found some things out while you were in the Fount. These are the code, written down for me by some of my most trustworthy officials. Ones older than Vikus even. It was hard, piecing it all together, but Barrett and I managed. And then I sent just enough to you to get you interested, Gregor, to keep you down there."

"So once again you tricked me?"

"Not now, alright?"

Nerissa made a noise then, staring down at the scrolls in disbelief. "These…these are the-"

"Yes. These are."

"Oh," she breathed softly before reaching forwards to pick one up. Luxa did not move to stop her, but still, the older woman did not grasp one. Instead, she turned to look up at Luxa. "You have read them?"

She looked off then. "I decoded a few. They are not pleasing to me. I did not wish to learn more."

Gregor sat Zander on the ground and he immediately ran over to his pile of toys in the corner of the room, quickly retrieving his little stuffed tiger.

"There's something in them though, right?" Gregor came closer to Luxa. "Something that you do not wish for me to learn about? Something that you were afraid I would want to do? Or at least try?"

She wouldn't look at him as she shrugged slightly. "I do not know why I did not want you to know, Overlander. Why can you just not take it as me getting back at you again? Or me trying to control you? Like you usually claim?"

He only shook his head at her while Nerissa continued to stare down at the scrolls. She was still poised to grab one, but did not, only sat there, as if in contemplation.

"My mother knew some of them," Nerissa rambled then, though neither Gregor nor Luxa were listening. "She told them to me. They were most fantastical. I heard only of the ones after they came into power, the banished. Of how they would change Regalia. For the better. And the beast-"

"The beast is you," Luxa told her bluntly, more to get her to shut up. "You are our oracle. Lucky you."

"Luxa," Gregor warned, frowning at her.

"Me? Me the…the…beast?" Nerissa stared down at the scrolls before smiling slightly and looking up at them. "I am in a prophecy? Me?"

"Some would interpret it that way, yes." Luxa stared hard at her cousin then. "It is hardly the roll the ghost plays, however."

"Knock it off, Luxa," Gregor ordered her then, frowning. "Seriously."

"So do what you want with them then? I care not for them." Luxa turned her back then, though Gregor knew she could still see the pile. "Cousin."

Nerissa wasn't catching on to Luxa's anger and only stayed as she was, staring down at the pile in deep thought. Then, slowly, she sat back on the couch and smiled up at Gregor, locking eyes with him.

"They are yours to decide, Overlander."


"I know every prophecy I have ever read, backwards and forwards. No one studies them as closely as I have. Vikus and I spent many hours together when I was younger, going over every word etched in that room. And once the prophecies in the nursery were found, we would go in there, and study as well. We spent many good times together, that way." She looked down at her lap then before smiling again. "I do not wish to learn of anything new without him. It would not be the same. These prophecies are not for me, then, but rather for you. And for Zander."

"Alexander will have nothing to do with them," Luxa remarked as she of course turned around again. "Ever."

Gregor only stared at the pile for a long moment before looking up at Luxa. "We will burn them. Every last one of them. And then we shall never speak of them again."

"Y-You do not even wish to know what-"

"No. I don't." He turned then, going over to Zander, who only waved up at him. "My life isn't controlled by the words of some crazed fool. Those could promise me the world, promise my father and grandmother back. Could give me everything I ever wanted and I would still want nothing to do with them. I live my life by deciding what is right and wrong and what is good for my family. And those? Those aren't good for anyone."

Luxa swallowed then before nodding slightly. "Yes. Okay. Burn them. I will get that taken care of personally."

Gregor lifted Zander into his arms then, who only giggled, making sure that his stuffed tiger got picked up as well. "I think it's his nap time."

Glancing at him, Luxa only nodded. "I will be there in a moment."

It wasn't until much, much later that night, as they laid in bed together, that Luxa even mentioned it again to Gregor. Zander was between them, snoring softly

"Do you pay any mind to my cousin then?"


Luxa ran a hand over the toddler's stomach as she laid on her side, watching her boyfriend as he tried to sleep. "Zander. That he will-"

"Lux, I'm not afraid of giant spiders, hideous rats, or a queen that loves inflicting the worst punishments on me." He grinned over at her. "You really think that I'm afraid of my own son?"

Luxa smiled back then, as if at ease. "It is quite silly. As if he would ever raise an army against us."

"Why would he? He's going to be well taken care of. Spoiled even."


"Well, maybe it's you that should watch your back then, yes?" Gregor shut his eyes again. "We'll just take care of him and love him, Lux. That's what you're supposed to do with a kid. And in the end, everything else will work out. Believe me."

"Shockingly enough, my knight, I do believe you."

"That's not shocking. I'm your knight. You're protector." He sighed. "Now the day I trust you again-"


"I love you, Luxa."

"One day that will not work to just alleviate problems."

"One day," he agreed, rolling onto his other side. "But not today. And that's all that matters."

Many days later, after Vikus was taken off critical status, Gregor decided it best if he just go on ahead with his trip to the Overland while it was still feasible. There was no telling when the man would pass and he promised Luxa that if they sent word through the grate, he would come back immediately. She only told him to spend as much time in the Overland as needed, that everything would be just as it was when he returned.

"I want to thank you, Aurora, for taking me up to the steps. I was going to ask Nike, but her and Hazard went somewhere, out of the palace. I didn't even get to tell him goodbye!"

"It is part of getting older."

"Freedom," Gregor agreed. "I'm not angry with him. I'm glad, actually. And I know that if he's with Nike, he is most certainly safe."

"Of course."

"And then Dionysus was invited to some reception or another and declined me."

"He is very loyal, but not too reliable."

Gregor only grinned over at her. "No. But then, not all fliers can be like you."

The two of them were in his bedroom as he packed his backpack full of a few things he would be taking up with him. Aurora was in the corner, waiting as always.

"You know, I'm still not sure why I like to take my clothes from down here with me," Gregor rambled on to Aurora as he packed. He was leaving in a few minutes and as always didn't take care of it until the last possible second. "I always think that I will wear them, around the apartment, but I never do. I always slip into a pair of jeans or shorts the second I get there."

"Comforts, I am sure they are."

"Well, sure, but I still-"

"Overlander, are you alone?"

Gregor looked over at the curtained partition to his room as it was moved aside and Luxa came in. She did not smile at him, but rather only looked to her bond.

"Just me and Aurora. I didn't think you'd see me off," he said as she came closer. It was then that he noticed what was clasped in her hands and frowned. "Luxa, are you-"

"Aurora, could you await him in the High Hall? Please?"

Aurora stared at her bond for a moment before bowing her head. "I shall be there when you are ready, Gregor."

Then it was just the two of them. Gregor stared into Luxa's eyes, watching as she looked anywhere, but at him.

"So," he said slowly. "What is it that you wanted? To kiss me goodbye? Again? I find that doubtful for some reason, but-"

"As you know, Perdita has reinstated Mareth once more."

"Who is surprised?"

She nodded slightly. "Honestly, it is sad the way their spats affect the balance of Regalia and the Fount."

He wasn't certain if she was kidding or not, but still only nodded. "Yeah, Lux. Their fights sure do put a damper on things. Mess stuff up."

Again, she only nodded before looking up at him, meeting his eyes. "Gregor…"

"What?" He frowned slightly. "Do you not want me to go? Is that it?"

"No, it's not that. It's just, before you go, I wanted to offer you something."

"I'm guessing it's not your unconditional love."

She wouldn't play with him however and only continued to stare up at him. "As I was saying, Mareth is back in the picture. And as you know, we were planning to only have two generals anyhow."


"And I was wondering if you…would like to…resume your position as the head of my guard." She was gripping his helmet in his hands, rather hard. He sighed, staring at her, before reaching out to lay a hand on her shoulder.

"Luxa, I-"

"What is it that you wanted last time? For me to tell you that I needed you?" She almost looked sad then, watching him. "Gregor, I need you. Please? Things are very tense now and I trust no one as I do you. I want you with me. At all times. Like before. I made…I made a mistake, getting rid of you. Granted, it turned out well, but…no. That is an excuse. No, I did I wrong. And I am sorry. See? Sorry. I am telling you that I am sorry. I-"

"Shhh." He patted her shoulder then before reaching out to take the helmet. It was his old black one alright. He was certain she had his old armor as well. "Luxa, I-"

"Is that not what you want then? Not to be a guard? Well, I was thinking." She wouldn't look at him then and was blushing rather profusely. Oh God. What had she thought up? "Things are really good for you as it stands and not for me. Well, if there was ever a time to…to…now would be it?"

"Time? Time for what, Luxa?"

She had to look at him then, though he could tell that she did not want to. "For a…union of sorts."

"A union?"

"…Marriage," she said slowly. "If we ever were…if you ever were…And I have done some research."

"Research," he mumbled softly.

"Mmmm." She nodded then, as if back on better ground. "I was in the scroll room. And apparently, above, when a queen is already in power and marries someone that is beneath her, not a king, I mean, he cannot become one. Because a king is always above a queen, but if the queen was already in power, then she is above him and that is impossible. The man becomes a duke or a lord something silly like that.

"Down here we do not do that because it is impossible for one to already be a king if there is just a solo queen. So I suppose that rule was lost somewhere along the way. And the reason I am telling you this is because you are from above, from the Overland. That means that those rules apply to you, yes? So you would not be king, you would be…a duke. You understand? So see, if we could just explain it like that then maybe it would workout. Not to mention then you would believe me, yes? About Barrett? Then the two of you could stop-"

"Luxa," he finally cut her off, meeting her eyes though his expression was much more hallow. "Take a breath."

She did so, though she only kept staring at him, expectantly. "So…do you…wish to do that? Or the other? Either is fine with me, honestly, I only wish for-"

"Neither," he said, cutting her off before she could get any further.

"N-Neither?" she questioned, the word falling out of her mouth like it was from another land. "You mean-"

"I do not wish to marry you, Luxa." He sighed slightly. "I'm sorry."

And she was back. The real Luxa was back. That was all it took. Her face was set again and her skin tone went back to its usual shade. She was cold again. Hardened.

"I see," she said slowly, though her grip on the helmet was gorilla tight at that point. "I-"

"Lux, it's not that. I only-"

"No, Overlander. If you do not wish-"

He caught her arm, speaking quickly so that she could not cut him off again. "It is not that I do not ever wish to marry you. I do. I promise. But I'm gong to do it on everyone else's schedule. I'm not going to rush it because, oh, they like me again. It's not about them. It's not about anyone. It's about us. And right now, after all we just came off of, we don't need to change our relationship again. We just need to figure it out as it is, right now. Not complicated it more."

Her grip relaxed, but only slightly. "Then what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that I love you and I would rather work on our relationship than try to bury it under terms and titles. Not to mention, I don't care about Barrett. He is your general, fine, but I am more than that. I will win, I've decided. Always. Because I always win. We always win." He took a step closer to her. "And I am also saying that I do not want to be your guard again. I thank you for the offer, but it is not for me any longer. I wish to be a general. I think that I shall be a fine general. And as far as hiding our relationship goes, I say fuck it."

"Fuck it," she mimicked back, the word just as silly coming off her tongue as any other.

"Yes," he said, smiling at her finally. "We're not kids anymore and we're not going to pretend like we are. People will think of you what they do, Luxa. People are…idiots, honestly. They don't know what they want and they certainly don't know how to get it for themselves. They want you to be someone you cannot be. You are not stone. You are…human. You and I are human. And I think that I've more than proven myself to you. I am done trying to do so for the rest of them."

She released the helmet then and it hit the ground with a large clank. Neither of them minded though, as it was then that Luxa moved to hug him, holding on tightly.

"Mmmm." She relaxed into him. "Good."


"I did not really wish to marry you. I was only trying to placate you."

He rolled his eyes. "Sure, Lux. That's what you were trying to do."

"I was." She released him then, hitting him slightly against the chest. "I would never marry an abuser like you."

"Abuser? I slapped you once! You basically pummel me daily."


"Not to mention the verbal abuse-"

"Do you not have somewhere to be getting to, Overlander?"

He grinned at her then before moving to hug her that time, placing a kiss on her lips as well. "'course I do, Lux. I love you"

"Mmmm. Go. You can love me when you get back."

"Believe me, I will." He released her then, moving to grab his backpack before slinging it over his shoulders. "And try not to murder Zander for me while I'm gone. Or Hazard for that matter."

"Hazard. Where is Haz-"

"I have no idea."


"I don't!"

She released a long sigh then, just folding her arms over her stomach while watching him. "I guess you had best get going then. You do not wish to keep Aurora waiting. This is her first flight, really, since what happened."

"Aye. That is why we are flying to the staircase in the park. So she can get good practice."

"Take care of her."

"I will, of course," he said, heading to the doorway. "And remember, send word of Vikus, should anything change. I will return as soon as possible."

Luxa nodded slightly. "Fly you high, love."

"You as well."

"Oh, and Gregor?"

He was almost to the partition then and stopped to look back at her. "Yes?"

"You can stay a general," she said slowly as she picked up the discarded helmet once more. "But this red…armor that you have been wearing has to go. Back to black. Effective immediately."

He only grinned at her before shaking his head slightly. "Of course, your grace."

Boom. Finished. Done. Thanks to the people who actually reviewed and I guess to the ones who read and never reviewed or stopped reviewing for whatever reasons. Views are just as important as reviews, I guess. Hoped you like the story.