Hi all. This is the very first work that I've ever published. I almost didn't put it up, but I thought "what the heck". Spoilers of course for Mass Effect 2 and 3. Please be gentle with me, though feedback is absolutely welcome.
I don't own the game, EA does. I'm not getting any money for this, just entertainment.
Chapter 1
Shepard stood before the Council, unease rolling in her stomach. Facing them always did this to her, but today seemed to hold a special depth of nerve wracking.
Anderson stood stiff and nervous. He almost seemed... apologetic. Tevos, the Asari matriarch councilor next to him looked upon Shepard with her usual remote aloofness. The Salarian council member, Valern, seemed almost gleeful, and the Turian councilor, Sparatus, looked like he was about to murder someone. Of course, he always seemed enraged when addressing Shepard, but this was a new depth.
Being a tried and true soldier, none of her misgivings translated to her expression, and Shepard simply snapped them a respectful steel-spine salute.
The matriarch inclined her head and said in her normal silky detached voice "Commander, thank you for joining us on such short notice."
Shepard had been annoyed at said short notice, and their demand that she drag the Normandy all the way back to Citadel space, but she said nothing.
Councilor Tevos continued after only a momentary hesitation. "It has come to our attention that inter-species relations are becoming a critical issue after recent attempts to integrate crews have yielded... less than perfect results." She paused and arched a too-perfect sapphire brow. "Indeed, it would seem that other commanders are having significantly less success than yourself at leading diverse teams."
Shepard quashed her urge to shrug self-consciously and instead replied in an even tone "I have a good crew. The best. "
The matriarch councilor nodded her head with the infinite grace inherent to her species, and continued: "That may be part of your success, but not all. We have decided to run an experimental initiative that may assist future captains in leading their crew." She then looked over at Councilor Valern, who's glee seemed to escalate.
He (or was it she? Shepard could never tell Salarian gender) cleared his throat and said animatedly, "Yes, yes we have developed new technology. Technology that makes all methods of communication apparent across species. Auditory, visual, and other forms of speech are often completely lost upon many, especially humans. We wish to test the enhancements. Test how they boost and aid commanders of diverse crews."
Shepard blinked in confusion as she met the Salarian's councilor's dark liquid gaze. Sensing her imminent interruption, he forged ahead with the dizzying verbal speed inherent to his kind
"You are the most successful commander, your crew respects you. Very unlikely to produce interspecies tension by expanding your perceptive abilities. As your crew lacks Hanar or Elcor, it is unnecessary for you to be implanted with visual or olfactory aids. Yet you are a prime candidate to field test our audio aid given that your crew includes Drell, Krogan, and most importantly, Turian members.
At this, Councilor Sparatus seemed unable to keep his angry silence, and sputtered an interruption. "I must repeat my strong disagreement with this experiment. A human cannot possibly comprehend the full range of speech for my species. It is a waste of time and money".
Councilor Valern cut him off with an unusual show of dismissal. "It has already been decided by majority." This caused the Councilor Sparatus to tighten his mandibles so close to his face that Shepard wondered if they hurt from the pressure.
The Salarian turned to look at Shepard again and his voice regained its excited tones " We have sent the implant to Dr. Solus. He alone will know of its presence so that he can track your health and integration of the device. We ask that you keep its existence a secret from your crew, at least for a short while. Valuable data can be gained by tracking crew vocalizations before and after knowledge of the device."
Shepard cut Anderson a silent expression for help, but was only met with an apologetic frown from him. He was clearly uncomfortable with the project, but didn't oppose it. She was screwed and she knew that objecting would only be childish at this point. And if there was one thing Shepard never did, it was cry and moan over the cards dealt to her.
With an indrawn breath of misgiving, Shepard straightened and cut another salute "Yes, Counselors."