"I'm going to visit Jaz."
Harry's quill stopped mid stroke, allowing ink to blot the parchment but that was the least of his concern. She only declared visits like that when she felt something was awry.
"Elise, it's one in the morning."
He could see the muscle in her jaw twitch.
"Look Potter, I can bloody well see my best friend at the crack of dawn if I want to."
He sighed, putting his quill down and scrutinizing her face, catching the slight quiver of her bottom lip as he stood.
"You can but you usually don't."
He walked around his desk and she eyed him warily as he reached for her hand.
"What's wrong?"
Her cheeks flamed and her gaze shifted to her right; away from him. He kept silent, knowing she would answer eventually. Her eyes watered and she bit her lip, not looking him in the eye.
"She's gone."
His eyebrows furrowed.
The unmistakable silhouette of a silver phoenix floated into Harry's study and Jaz's voice echoed throughout the room, breaking at the end.
"Take care of them."
Narcissa Malfoy prodded her broken wing as a few ebony colored feathers drifted to the bottom of the cage she was held captive in. Milliana, the vindictive bint, broke her wing to keep her from flying away. Narcissa frowned; she'd been stuck as a bird for about a week and Merlin help her patience. Dunforth had not changed, the greasy bastard he was. She was yet to see where they were keeping Lucius. Honestly, Dunforth better hurry up his pathetic arse and reveal where Lucius is so she could execute her escape plan.
Jamie sighed, putting away the last of the dishes. Those two kids were always a handful. Chuckling, she fondly rolled her eyes, recalling the food fight George had started during dinner. As if sensing her thoughts, George entered the kitchen and enveloped her in a hug from behind as he spoke, amusement seeping through his voice.
"Tired already?"
She snorted. "You try caring for two toddlers."
"Pretty soon it might be three toddlers actually." His hand slowly crept down to rest on her lower abdomen, his suggestion clear.
Jamie whirled around and frowned. She noticed the gleam in his eyes as she crossed her arms across her chest.
"If you think I'm going to entertain-" Her words were cut off as she saw the unmistakable silver glow of a phoenix floating into her kitchen. George released her, turning to face the patronus as Jaz's voice echoed through the kitchen, breaking at the end.
"Take care of them."
All of the color in Jamie's face drained and George's breath caught in his throat. The couple looked at each other, and wordlessly Jaime nodded. She grabbed her wand from the countertop and apparated to Elise. Chances were that Lisie got the same message.
George walked upstairs to check on the kids, sighing to himself as he heard their soft snores. He felt nauseous, wondering how Fred was going to react when he realized Jaz was gone. George decided he would keep Thomas here with Bonnie and say it would be an extended sleepover. The last thing Fred needs is to explain to Thomas where Jaz went. George relayed the memory of Jamie's paling face and cursed. He didn't give two shites if Jamie asked him to stay out of it; Dunforth is a dead man.
Jamie was not surprised to find Lisie making some tea and she accepted the cup Lisie handed her as they walked towards Harry's study. They found him pacing in front of his desk and muttering to himself, no doubt trying to unravel the seemingly cryptic patronus.
Lisie placed a cup for Harry on his desk and coddled her own while, followed by Jamie, she took a seat on the couch. With limited patience Lisie spoke, her voice firm.
"Harry, your tea is getting cold."
He stopped pacing but ignored his tea, looking at Jamie since she was always more forthcoming than Elise. Before he could interrogate her friend, Elise snapped.
"Bloody hell Potter. Drink your tea and stop pacing."
He scowled but took a sip of his tea, furrowing his eyebrows when he tasted it.
"What's in here?"
Lisie rolled her eyes.
"Living death obviously."
Harry frowned. His wife was always more irritable when she was worried but it made consoling her bloody impossible. Jamie sipped her tea and then looked at Harry, speaking for the first time since she got there.
"It's laced with Brandy."
That set off the alarm bells in his head. Elise hated alcohol but she used it only when she had a hard time saying something important to her. Liquid courage is what she said but Harry knew that the burn just gave her something to concentrate on other than what she was divulging. He transfigured a book into a chair and sat down in front of his wife but she stared at her tea, her voice coming out soft.
"Harry, if someone threatened to harm me what would you do?"
Without hesitation he replied. "I'd protect you."
"And if I thought you'd end up dead in the process what do you think I would do?"
He took a sip of his tea, wracking his brain for an answer. "You'd probably stop me."
"And if that doesn't work?"
Frowning, he thought about it for a moment, his eyes darkening. "You'd disappear on me."
Looking up from her tea, Lisie held her husband's questioning gaze and saw when realization dawned on his face. Elise bit her lip.
"Harry, Dunforth is a vile man. We need to find Jaz before he has a chance to hurt her again."
Blinking in confusion, Harry frowned. "Again? What does she have to do with him?"
A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Reviews are welcomed.
Lisie: "Harry! I am not irritable when I'm worried!"
Harry: "You told me you put Living Death in my teacup!"
Author: *snorts*