Pseudo Courtesan

Chapter 6

By: Aiko-san

Disclaimer: I own nothing!

Warnings: This chapter contains sexual content, dark visuals, and adult language.

NO YIMS! This is rated MA for a reason.

A/N: I would like to sincerely apologize for being gone for over a year. I hit a little bit of a rough patch. I am going to say, however, that I am currently in school. I will try to update as much as I can during the semester. I am on break, so I will try and write as much as I can. This literally has taken me 3 days! I am a little rusty! So, to all those who are still lurking about my page, I have not given up, nor do I plan to. I hope this chapter was worth the wait.

ps... not beta'd





You should be glad…

Really, you should…

Sometimes it was hard to feel glad when an entire group of individuals in which surrounded ones daily life are constantly looking for some reason to get involved or bring one down. Sometimes Kagome dreamed that one day she could be free of this life, only to return home to her family.

A family who never wanted you?

I could return…to a place of happiness. I had once been happy, right?

She dreamed and yearned for a better situation. Her name was tarnished. Her innocence had been supposedly taken by a man who couldn't even breathe near her. Though, she was grateful for Miu. Without her she could honestly say she would be lost.

There was, however, a thorn in her side, that hanyou, Inuyasha. Kagome nearly shot fire from her ears thinking about that foul creature; the male youkai that had it out for her. She knew that every word he spoke was to get a reaction from her. She was positive that she was not his only victim. He could care less who she was, or who she slept with. Apparently she had 'easy target' written on her forehead. He could smell her fear from a mile away, and it was quite obvious he was out to entertain himself. Especially since each time he decided to say something shocking, in which she would respond, he drove harder.

No more…

Kagome ripped both pins from her head and huffed, throwing them down on the cherry wood and collecting up a brush, roughly forcing the bristles through her tendrils.

"I hope he does approach me again," She whispered to herself, "I am tired of being a puppet. I am tired of being a play thing for others amusement and I will certainly not pretend for the likes of him." She sneered, throwing down the brush and sliding over to grab a cloth, forcing the soft material over her painted face. Though, what could happen if she didn't continue this little charade? Would there be negative repercussions? Of course, she was dealing with a youkai.

After every inch of her face was accounted for, Kagome leaned in and looked up and down the length of her neck, checking for any spots. Her eyes were slightly red, due to the fact she wasn't being gentle on her face. Who cared, honestly, she wasn't trying to impress anyone. How could she forget she had no true position here? Kami only knew she reminded herself daily of that fact.

She kicked off her shoes, and stripped of her kimono. What she was left in was a shear undergarment. Kagome wrapped her hands around the base of her hair, twisted and dropped the mass, allowing it to cascading down the length of her back. Her bare feet moved silently across the floor boards, making her way to the bench nearest the window. She cracked it open; checking up into the drooping trees, making sure her stalker wasn't lurking about. Once all was clear she sat, leaning back again the wall, crossing her arms over her knees. Mid-day and it was stunning enough from this very spot. She refused to leave her room.

Nothing could convince her otherwise, not even the Daimyo himself.

A loud knock sounded at her chamber doors.

"Who in kami's name…," She whispered, hesitating to stand up and approach the door.

Roughly kicking her discarded clothing aside, along with her shoes, Kagome sought out her robe, wrapping the silken material around her body. Pulling the sash tightly around her slim waist, she hopped over her shoes once again and moved toward the mirror. The knock sounded loudly again, more persistent than before. Kagome pat her cheeks, cursing softly. The redness was still very apparent. She looked horrible. Throwing her hands in the air, she slipped toward the door.

"Who is it?" Kagome called, hesitant to open the door.

Please don't be Izayoi. I am really in no mood…

She closed her red eyes and waited for a response.

"It is your lord Daimyo," The sound of his raspy voice alone was command in itself. Her eyes flipped open. She fumbled with her hands at the knob. Her lips dropped open, and without thinking about her appearance, she opened the door and bowed twice.

"I am so sorry, my lord." Kagome whispered, tucking a stray fly away behind her ears.

His golden eyes scanned the length of her body, giving her a quizzical look, "Are you retiring? This early? You have more than half the day left."

"I am afraid so." She stood near the entrance, not sure how to continue the conversation.

His eyes scanned her face as he closed the distance between them. His body towered over her petit form, making her feel so vulnerable. His clawed hand extended, brushing across her reddened cheek.

"Are you feeling ok?" He bent at the waist to get a better look.

"Yes, sorry, I wasn't very kind to my face. That ridiculous paint is damn near impossible to get off," She spoke plainly, moving from his touch. Her honest words obviously struck him, as she usually didn't talk with such familiarity with the Daimyo. Pausing a moment in order to mentally kick herself for allowing her obvious irritation to continue to fester. Kagome glanced up, placing a hand upon her cheek.

"I must apologize, I truly mean no disrespect. I am just in a mood after we last saw one another," her shoulders slumped.

He chuckled loudly and gracefully extended his palm, "May I come in? If you need to talk, I would be glad to hear. I know I have a few things to say." He waved a clawed hand before him, allowing his golden orbs the chance to scan her chamber.

"Yes, um…yes, please," Kagome smiled brightly, "I must apologize. I wasn't expecting you, as you can see." Kagome placed a hand against her reddened cheek.

"Do not worry so much." The Daimyo chuckled, making his way over to the small corner which was adored with furniture, "I suppose you do not have wine?" He asked, raising his black brow.

"No," She jumped, heading toward a liquor cabinet, "I believe I have some sake."

The Daimyo, with lightning speed, reached out to take her wrists, "Calm yourself, girl, I figured as much, so therefore I sent for some. I like my wine." He pulled her in closer, escorting her to a seat. Kagome felt his warm hand release her as she approached her seat. Gripping her robe tighter, she sat allowing her blue gaze to slowly raise and meet his intense stare.

"I want to apologize for my son's behavior." He spoke with such sincerity, "I guess I should wait for the drink, and the food, but I cannot."

Shocking that Youkai could be so civilized…

"Which one… and I am sorry, food?" She asked, blinking her eyes rapidly.

He chuckled, showing his brilliant set of pearly white canines, "Sesshomaru, and yes. I figured you would enjoy a bit of food, since you left in such a hurry."

"Oh," Kagome swallowed, offering up a sweet smile, "Thank you."

"My pleasure," He leaned in, placing his elbows upon his knees.

"You don't need to apologize," She whispered, "If anything, he should do so himself. He is a grown…man…" Kagome stumbled over her words.


Pursing his lips, the Daimyo leaned back against his seat. His silver tendrils fell from each shoulder as he took in a deep breath, "He is a stubborn male," Inutaisho spoke, standing up and heading to the door, "He is selfish, as you can see. He cares for nothing and no one but himself," he spoke over his shoulder.

The Daimyo leaned in and opened Kagome's chamber doors, not even waiting for a knock or greeting from the unsuspected man on the other side. The servant on the other side seemed startled when the Daimyo stood staring down with him. His fist clenched, ready to knock.

"My lord," He bowed, entering and delivering the platter of fruits and cheeses, as well as a tall decanter or wine with two glasses, "Just send word if anything else is needed."

Kagome leaned over, taking a moment to appreciate the delicious assembly on the platter. Leaning over the decanter, she caught the oaky scent of the wine.

"You're hungry," He nodded, sitting down and pouring both of them a full glass of red wine.

"Yes, thank you, my lord." She whispered, taking up a freshly sliced piece of fruit and placed it between her lips. She smiled softly, licking each of her digits. Kagome glanced up, feeling her cheeks heat as she took notice that he was watching her intently as he sipped his wine.

Kagome wasted not even a second. She gripped the glass and took a hefty sip, nearly caused her to choke. Her cheeks grew even redder at the sound of his amused chuckles.

"You don't need to be nervous, girl. I am only here to speak to you, and get a better understanding as to why my son has yet… to be with you. I figured by now he would at least be tempted." His golden eyes glimmered with interest.

Kagome licked her wine stained lips and nodded, "I see," she let out a slow breath.

"No need to be shy," He said softly, taking another drink of his wine.

The Daimyo watched her stroke the neck of her glass, and raised a brow, "Do you enjoy the taste?" He asked, taking another drink. The silver haired youkai shook his head and licked his lips, "I have been enjoying my sake so much I have forgotten how much I enjoy imports." He chuckled.

"I suppose I should have considered sending for a youkai female instead. I figured, like-father-like-son, as the saying goes," He grinned once again.

Why is he talking to me about this?

Kagome's brows knitted slightly, taking another drink, "I am not sure what to say, my lord. Why didn't you?" With that she began to chew on her lower lip.

"I'll be honestly with you. I believed he was truly interested that night he saw you at the Okiya. Sesshomaru hasn't ever shown an interest in a female ever. The boy barely had an interest in his own mother," The Daimyo leaned back and wrapped an arm over the back of his seat, tapping his claws. "I figured out his true intent not long after, especially since he wasn't too pleased that I had brought you here."

"Yes, I have known about this obsession to anger Jiro since the night I met him." Kagome admitted, taking a sip, "I fear that it could go very wrong if he continues to play this game with him. Jiro doesn't seem to be a man willing to let go."

Inutaisho raised a brow and nodded, "I have told him the very same thing, girl. He won't listen. So, I suggest you keep your guard up, or perhaps try a different approach."

Kagome's eyes shot up out of pure interest, "Oh?"

"Make him want you." He whispered.

"If he isn't interested in humans, my lord, how am I to get him interested?"

"Use his senses. Youkai tend to follow their animalistic tendencies with the right stimuli." He smiled, winking playfully.

"I don't know," Kagome admitted, placing a hand to her cheek, "I am…," she paused.

"You're a virgin. I know," He nodded, "I may have an idea. It may not be comfortable for you, but I think it could help you." The Daimyo said, leaning forward. His eyes were filled with mischief.

"I don't know," Kagome said honestly.

What exactly do you have in mind?

"I do not want my son to give you up to the pleasure district." He muttered, lifting a hand to inspect his sharp claws.

"The pleasure district?" Kagome sputtered, nearly jumping from her seat.

"My son would quite willingly send you to the dirtiest place imaginable then allow Jiro to get what he wants. Trust me, girl, the moment you enter, that precious virginity of yours will be stripped of you by the most vial of creatures. It is truly in your best interest to rid yourself of it and give him a reason to keep you here."

"What if I cannot?" Kagome whimpered feeling tears of worry fill her eyes.

The Daimyo's lips pursed, narrowing his eyes as if carefully calculating what he wanted to say, "I want you to try with my son. If it doesn't work, well, then I will see what I can do to keep you from such a fate."

Kagome's brows scrunched, as she took a slow drink from her glass. Her fingers tightened on the neck, wishing not to be as forward as she would like. Hell, she said herself she was not going to be a puppet or a pawn. She needed to start sticking up for herself or she would end up unwillingly going down a path she would regret in the end.

"I will not becoming your courtesan, my lord." That moment, the Daimyo lifted his surprised eyes and grinned without much of a word.

"Well, let's not talk of such things. You aren't my responsibility at the moment, nor is my son currently packing you up and sending you away. Drink up, eat up… Let's not waste the food or drink."

"I like that idea better, my lord," Kagome said softly, running a hand through her hair nervously.

He slowly reached to collect the decanter, but paused. His eyes narrowed slightly as he leaned back. He lifted his gaze and nodded to the decanter of wine, "Serve me, girl," He smiled and then patted the seat beside him, "Come."

Kagome lifted her gaze, offering up nothing but pure confusion. Reaching out a trembling hand, she gripped the neck of the decanter and slipped toward the Daimyo.

"Yes, my lord," She whispered, keeping her gaze down.

"Let's talk of more pleasant things," He nodded.





Izayoi slipped from the kitchens, offering suggestions for this evening's dinner. Tonight was one of many where the Daimyo graced her with his presence in her private rooms. They dined, enjoyed fine drink, and ended their evening in bed. It hadn't been the same for many weeks, hell, months, but she was convinced that if she proved to him that she could control her behavior she could bring him back to her.

Straightening her Kimono, she pushed open a sliding door, leading her back toward the main rooms and away from the servant stairways. Her brown eyes glided across the empty corridor, and out the open doors, which led to the Daimyo's prized gardens. She smiled softly as a soft breeze floated in. It smelled sweet, offering her a bit of peace. Was this a sign that tonight was going to be a success? Would she finally be able to get past this heart ache?

A hand pressed tightly to her stomach as she walked gracefully toward the gardens with her chin held high. They were just bringing in the furniture after dining this afternoon. It was a complete disaster. How could someone be so socially inappropriate? Most people would kill at the chance to dine with the most important men in these lands, the Daimyo and his heirs. Instead, she walked away like a spoiled child desperate for attention. Of course her son gave it to the little wench. She needed to keep Inuyasha away from her.

Izayoi's frown deepened. That girl had no sense at all. A Courtesan's duty is to sit through dinners, drinking parties, entertainment and did so without an ounce of disinterest. It was for their master's pleasure, always.

Across the beautiful blooming gardens sat the extended portion of the Daimyo's estate, which wrapped around, creating the Daimyo's private chambers. She smiled, plucking a flower from the garden. It was a tad late in the season for the tsubaki flower, but she plucked it anyway for good luck. Izayoi placed the flower at the 'v' of her kimono, allowing the red bloom to spring forth from her bosom. Her brown eyes lifted as she continued toward her destination.

An armed guard was there to greet her as she approached the closed double doors of her Daimyo's chambers.

"Good afternoon," She said softly, approaching the doors. Usually he opened them for her to walk in as she pleased, but he hesitated, "Well, is our lord Daimyo in his rooms? I wish to surprise him." Izayoi smiled softly. She was glad she decided on the lacy undergarments that he loved so much, even a pair of new stockings she knew the Daimyo took extra pleasure in removing.

The guard moved forward and shook his head, offering a bow as a sign of respect to the Daimyo's courtesan, "I am sorry, Lady Izayoi, but the Daimyo has yet to return to his rooms."

Her smile quickly fell from her lips. Her features contorted into that of confusion. She was sure he went back to his rooms. Was there a meeting besides the one with Jiro?

"He must be at another meeting. Do not tell me he is already planning on leaving after just returning." Izayoi huffed purely out of frustration that her surprise had been wasted, "Surely you know where he is?" She asked, moving closer. The courtesan even offered a kind smile to reassure the guard.

"I believe he was heading in your direction, my lady." The guard's brows knitted slightly, looking over her defensive posture.

"To see me, you say? He would have surely alerted me…" She paused in mid-sentence, "Did he tell you he was coming to see me?" Izayoi asked; more forceful than before. Her fake smile was gone, and it was then the guard knew that he may have said too much.

"I must apologize, my lady, but all he said was he was going to the courtesan sector of the fortress. My Lord doesn't say much. I am here as extra eyes, as you well know, my lady." He insisted.

Izayoi snorted and turned on her heel, kimono swirling around it. He could very well be surprising her. She tried desperately to keep her composure, but as of late it was nearly nonexistent. All she could think about was his indiscretion and the pain it had caused her. She pressed a hand to her forehead as she slowed her pace in the direction of her own chambers. He had to be there, she was almost positive. She had to hurry if she was going to meet him. Inutaisho didn't like to wait.

"Oy," A loud voice called out.

Izayoi paused in her tracks. Her tense form slowly relaxed, straightening her posture as she did so. Pretending nothing was amiss, she glanced over her shoulder, quickly shifting her eyes in the other direction. Izayoi was sure to look in all directions on the pathways lacing through the gardens.

"Inuyasha, scaring your mother isn't a wise choice, especially when you can clearly sense my anger." She gritted her teeth, finally knowing all too well and glancing up into the tree just across from the courtesan housing.

He was eating from a bowl of fresh fruit on his stomach, leisurely picking his teeth with his sharp claws after chewing a handful of berries. "Looking for my father?" His black brows perked, frowning for good measure as he met his mother's intense stare.

"What, have you watched me run around like a chicken with its head cut off? Is that amusing to you?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest, "Come on, Inu, I am in no mood for mind games. Where is your father?"

"You see mother," He finished the last of the fruit in his bowl, giving it a toss into the bushes before jumping to the ground and walking bare foot to meet eye to eye with his mother, "It isn't me you have to protect from that little strumpet. It seems to me that you have to look out for father. One taste of younger, more yielding flesh… that is all it took." He shrugged, "Looks like little miss Geisha has a thing for the older, wiser male of the bunch," He sneered, crossing his arms over his chest.

Izayoi struck her son across the face, causing his head to snap to one side. A slight blush formed upon his usually pale complexion, but instantly disappeared. She cried softly before swinging back, hoping to get him with the back of her hand this time. Inuyasha had enough of her pathetic displays for dominance and quickly decided to end it before more attention was caught. He reached out, catching her flailing hand by the wrist and yanked it down, holding her in place. His golden orbs met her angry brown gaze for a moment before leaning in toward her ear.

"Before you get angry with me, maybe you should be the one to investigate, since it was me who saw him go to her rooms." Inuyasha pushed her away, causing her to stumble back, "Without me, you wouldn't be aware of what is going on. Remember that, mother."

"For once, Inuyasha, your foolish spying has been worth something," She spat as she caught her footing and walked toward the open doorway leading into the courtesan house.

Inuyasha bared his teeth, snarling in response.





Kagome laughed loudly, placing a hand upon her chest.

"He didn't," she chuckled again, swiping the tears from her eyes, "I can see him doing that. So it seems he has been a rascal his entire life?" Her glossy eyes squinted slightly, trying to focus on the Daimyo who was still chuckling beside her as he still was picturing the incident. "Oh, and I am guessing his mother wasn't pleased to hear about him spying on the bathing noble women," she quickly reached for their second decanter of wine. Kagome then moved to sit upon her shins, which was a difficult feat in her tight kimono. She began to pour more wine into his glass, along with her own. Every last bit was drained, so she shook it for good measure.

"Oh, she wasn't happy at all. She had always wanted him to grow up to be something more. I think she wanted to prove everyone wrong." Inutaisho said softly, leaning back against the cushions and covering his eyes with his clawed hand.

"Because he is hanyou?" Kagome probed, leaning in with interest.

"I think so, yes," He nodded, opening his golden eyes to smile her way, "I think every mother has a vision."

"Do you? I mean, did you have an image?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Not in the way that a human woman would. I think both of my sons are finding their own way in life. There is nothing I can do, nor she now that they aren't pups any longer." He shrugged, "I guess I do not worry like her. That comes with age," With that he leaned over and gripped her chin, forcing her to look upon him.

"I see," She whispered, surprised by his actions, "How old are you?"

"Older than dirt, trust me. I don't even know anymore," He smiled, flashing his fangs. "Do not fear me. I have no desire to do what you are thinking. To be truthful, girl, I am shocked my son doesn't come around more often. He is making a big mistake." Inutaisho muttered, looking over the natural beauty of her features. His claw dropped from her cheek, and it was at that moment he then looked troubled. Before she could respond he was standing and quickly moving toward the door.

The next moment happened too fast as the door was colliding with the wall, and all of the decorations which had once hung so neatly were on the floor.

Izayoi stood in the door way, nearly foaming at the mouth as she rushed in and looked directly at the young courtesan.

"I knew you were up to something, you wench," she sneered, rushing over as if to slash her with her blood red nails.

Inutaisho wrapped his arm around her waist and yanked her back, pressing his lips to her ear, "What in Kami's name are you doing here?" He barked.

"What are you doing here, youkai scum!" She seethed, kicking and screaming as she tried to wiggle free.

"I was checking up on my son, as he never speaks to me about what he is up to. What better way to figure out what is going on than to speak to his courtesan." The Daimyo spoke harshly, ripping her around in order to bring her in closer. His arms tightened around her small form in hopes that it would subdue her.

"Oh yes, speak to the virgin courtesan that doesn't speak to your son. You liar," Izayoi reared back.

Kagome stood up. She felt like a caged animal. Her eyes shifted, searching desperately for an exit.

"I knew you weren't truly sorry for your actions with that slut. You are so desperate to get rid of me. How silly I was to think I could get past this and forgive you." She whimpered.

Kagome covered her mouth, moving toward a corner of her room. Why couldn't she shrink and become nothing but a fly on the wall? As much as she hated the woman, she couldn't help but feel terrible. This woman was obviously extremely troubled and didn't trust anyone. All the more reason she should be grateful she had no feelings for the man who she was supposedly sleeping with. Well, so it seemed that wasn't much of a secret to anyone any longer.

"This isn't what you think. You are far too sensitive, Izayoi." He whispered harshly.

"What would you do if I was alone with another male? What would you think?" She was instantly released. Her brown eyes darted to the terrified courtesan, "I knew I couldn't trust her. I should have known you were trying to climb the latter," She pointed at her, "You had better watch out. I will no longer watch over you. You are on your own." She turned to look at the Daimyo again, "I will not protect Sesshomaru's…whatever she is, Inutaisho." She screamed. Izayoi was gone before Inutaisho could say anything.

"I think you had better go after her," Kagome quickly spoke up, pointing in her direction.

"Yes, I think that is a good idea. I will…" He paused.

"No, I don't think you should. I understand why you came. Thank you for your kindness. I think I can handle myself from now on, my lord," She forced a smiled. Though, as he was a youkai she was sure he could hear that her heart was about to beat from her rib cage.

His face grew stern, as if he realized he had a lot on his plate now that he upset the mother of his child. Without much of a word he turned and followed after the commotion leading down the hall.

Chiyo slithered in as if on cue with a smirk on her face. Of course soon to follow was Miu with new bedding.

"Shit," Kagome whispered under her breath, plopping on a chair.

"Well, well, well," Chiyo chuckled, tapping her rouged lips as she regarded the young girl, "I see now. I am surprised, kawaiko-chan. Seems to me you have ensnared the entire family with your virtue. Virgin courtesan, huh?"

"I think you should mind you own business," Kagome quickly responded, feeling her cheeks heat, "I am not trying to sleeping with the Daimyo, or his sons."

Chiyo began to laugh, placing a hand to her stomach, "Don't make me laugh. You do not have to convince me that you aren't trying to sleep with the Daimyo. You can't even lose your virginity, poor child. Trust me, I wasn't listening in. I could hear her all the way down the hall," Chiyo said, glancing over her shoulder, looking down as a group of high ranking courtesans stood idly.

Sure you weren't…

"What, so you came in here to make a fool of me then? What did you want me to do? Did you want me to admit that I lied?" Kagome chuckled, shrugging her shoulders, "I will do no such a thing. You know now, so leave." She demanded, pointing a finger to the door.

Chiyo glanced at the door, kicking it closed. Her face grew stern. Miu jumped back, opening her mouth as if to defend Kagome. Chiyo raised a hand. Miu shrunk back.

"Trust me, Kagome, you are going to have a bigger more problematic situation at hand now that you have the ice queen out to get you," Her cat like features softened as if her next statement was going to solve all her problems, "I can help you with your little problem. You just need friends who know what to do, and how to please a man. Is that what is stopping you?" She asked, "Trust me, if he isn't getting it from you, he will find it elsewhere and then you will be cast aside."

Kagome crossed her arms over her chest, "I would love to hear your ideas, but trust me, Chiyo, he isn't getting it anywhere else. I am convinced he is numb," She shrugged, "That or impotent."

Shit, why would I say that…? Way to go, Kagome…

Chiyo paused, pursing her lips, "Oh," her eyes brightened as if she struck gold, "He is the Daimyo's son, there has to be a way. You just need friends in that department." Her perfectly painted brows arched with emphasis.

Kagome's head jerked, "I hope you aren't suggesting yourself. Please just leave," she waved her hand.

"Ok, if you insist," Chiyo wiggled her fingers at Miu and winked as she slipped out with the rest of the wild beasts, "You know where to find me. Trust me, Kagome; I have pissed off the ice queen plenty of times. You will need me." She winked and blew a kiss.

"Shut the door, please. Lock it even," Kagome insisted, lacing her fingers through her wavy locks.

Miu dropped the load on the bed, looking around at the glasses and two empty decanters of wine. The bed was just as it was left that very morning. She looked over her shoulder to meet Kagome's questioning blue eyes.

"So, you lied to me then?" Miu asked, narrowing her eyes and wrapping her arms around her waist, "It makes sense now. I never put two and two together. Sesshomaru-sama never visited you," Miu paused, "ever."

"Miu, I didn't do it to be malicious," Kagome moved closer.

Miu let out a slow breath, "No, but you insisted on lying to make me feel better. What else have you lied to me about?" She asked.

Kagome bit her lower lip and shook her head, "It is hard to explain, Miu, but I could be in serious trouble."

"Yes, because what happened to me could very well happen to you. Be glad you still have your innocence, Kagome." Miu whispered, "I need some air," She slipped out, holding her mid-section as if reliving her terrible experience all over again.

Kagome felt tears flood her eyes. She didn't mean to hurt Miu. She was protecting herself. She deserved to feel this way. She hoped Miu could forgive her.





Jiro sat writing letters to the war lords of good standing, as Inutaisho had instructed him. They needed more money and more troops if they were going to obtain control of the situation. The Daimyo had it right. So it seems they were now attacking precious farm land. This was their winter food supply. Without the farming community, they would surely starve. Something had to be done…

A loud shuffle caught his attention. A beautifully shaped leg made a quick appearance before disappeared behind the silken material of the kimono as they stepped into the room fully. Chiyo made her full appearance, grinning with pure delight from behind her elaborately decorated fan. She slowly closed the door, opening the front of her kimono, flashing a view of her voluptuous bosom. Jiro's mouth dropped open, twitching at the corner.

"You own me more jewelry, Jiro-sama," Chiyo added extra emphasis on his name for good measure.

Jiro barked out a laugh and waved his hand, "You better get on your knees then, whore," He put emphasis on hers. Chiyo pouted.

"Fine, be that way. I guess you don't need any information on the virgin courtesan then." Pushing back open the sliding door, Chiyo made for her escape, but was stopped as the overly obese man tried desperately to pry himself from his chair.

"Wait just a moment," He held out a pudgy hand.

"For what?" She asked, blinking as if completely unaware of what she had just uttered.

"Don't play games with me, Chiyo." Jiro growled, making his way toward her, "Come here, my love."

"Don't play games with me, Jiro-sama. You know I hate pet names." Her red lips frowned, nearly pealing back into a grimace.

"What of this 'virgin courtesan'? What did you learn?" He asked, rubbing his hands together.

Chiyo lifted a hand and began to inspect her cuticles as she flipped her fan back open and began to quickly flutter it in front of her face.

"For kami-sakes, I'll give you whatever you so desire." The large man growled. He didn't have time nor the patients to grovel at her feet for answers.

Chiyo smiled, "I want a pair of those emerald earring you gave your last whore, but larger."

"Fine, done," he nodded, waving his hand around.

"You better not be lying to me, Jiro-sama," Her long lashes batted, dropping her head to her side as she continued to fan her face. The vixen slowly moved around her lover, swaying her hips in a hypnotic rhythm until she made it to the oak table in the middle of his room.

"I wouldn't dream, as long as it is good information." He grinned. "I do not want silly thoughts or guesses based on this girl's reactions. I need solid proof, evidence." He sliced his thick hand through the air to add emphasis.

The seasoned courtesan smiled broadly, kneeling upon a cushion and began to pour two shots of sake.

"So, I witnessed an interesting event today." She said, placing her lips to the ceramic lip of the cup, tilted her head back and took down the rice liquor in one gulp.

Jiro took a moment to sit, but once he did he took his own cup in hand and gulped it down just the same. He didn't want to come off as desperate. This particular slut enjoyed the power too much.

"We were right," Chiyo smiled, "She is as innocent as the day she was born. Sesshomaru doesn't have it in him." She chuckled, placing the fan over her lips.

Jiro paused, looking her over quickly, "What do you mean, 'he doesn't have it in him'?"

"Kagome is convinced the little brat is impotent. Her exact words, by the way. I wonder what she meant, or better yet what he did to make her say that." She pointed a finger at him, "Seems to me little Sesshomaru-sama just doesn't want to share," Her lush lips pouted.

"How did you come by this information?"

Chiyo pursed her lips, tapping her long nails on the solid oak, "Well, I heard Lady Izayoi screaming about her innocence, and then Kagome herself admitted this information to me. I offered to help harden her a little," She laughed, pouring them both another shot, "You know, so she could better please him and all."

Jiro slammed his fist on the table, spilling both shots and rattling the decanter.

"Why in the fuck would you do that?" He snarled.

Chiyo frowned, moving back the redder he became. "You can't be serious. Are you that obsessed at obtaining her virtue?" her lips dropped. The courtesan blinked a few times before starting to laugh at this pathetic display she was witnessing, "She doesn't want you, or any man. Face it, Jiro-sama, you will not convince her to give it up."

"I don't need to convince her."

Chiyo's eyes narrowed, not hiding the pure disgust she felt toward this man, "She is but a child and you an old man."

Jiro hissed, reaching in and grabbing her by the jaw, "And you, my dear, are a withered and jealous slut, who doesn't know her place. Would you like me to remind you?" His bushy brows arched.

Her lips pursed as his fat fingers applied more pressure. His wet lips pressed to her neck, "On your knees. Oh, Chiyo, I cannot wait to see the look on his face."





I will be updating soon! Thanks for reading!