Pseudo Courtesan

Chapter 1

Warnings: This story will contain strong language and adult themes. Please heed the MA warning!

A/N: I did some research on the topic of 'Geisha', and of course not everything is 100%, so don't hold me accountable. I am throwing my own twist in this. The Geisha scene isn't nearly as huge as the entire storyline. Concubines and Geisha are different with the simple fact that usually Geisha didn't perform sexual favors. They were paid for their skills and performances. However, some did perform favors, depending on money and how much was being offered. Who is going to say 'no' to a Damiyo if he is offering up a good amount of money? Please keep an open mind, this is an A/U. I hope you enjoy!

Okiya: Geisha house

Maiko:Apprentice Geisha's

Oka-san: The owner; means "mother"








Incense burned, bombarding the senses and almost burned the eyes. It was thick, too thick. The pipe wasn't helping her cause either. A plump customer sat directly in front of a finely dressed lady, lighting the fresh tobacco he had just stuffed into the end. Careful not to sneer at him she turned her head away, causing the charms in her hair to jungle upon moving her slender neck.

The small table, which could comfortably seat four people, was covered with a fine silk cloth, and offered delectable treats. This favor was offered to anyone with the right coin and especially for their finest guests who made trips for a night worth while. The small black haired woman leaned forward, carefully pouring a small cup of warm sake. Her painted eyebrow rose ever so slightly as she inspected a prospective client. Her lush lashes batted softly, allowing her ruby red lips to quirk up in a soft grin. She lowered the intricately painted decanter back down upon the table top. Her arms lowered, rest upon her lap.

The man puffed upon his pipe, raising a bushy eyebrow and tossing her a bag of coin. The man leaned in taking the small cup of sake between his thick fingers and began to sip. His hazy dark eyes slithered over her expensively dressed figure.

"What am I to do with this? How many times do I have to tell you I will not change my mind." Kamiko drummed her finger tips upon her lap lightly, arching her perfectly shaped brows. She was insulted. This was a well-known Okiya. Many of her ladies were held in high regard to their Damiyo. To pay this little for a silly child was absolutely ludicrous. Especially what this man wanted out of he deal. Even if she was desperate, she just couldn't accept.

"Count it," The high ranking advisor grinned, flashing her his browned, crooked teeth.

Pursing her lips, Kamiko leaned forward and pulled lightly on the strings. Her index finger guided the coins from the bag's opening and upon the silken table cloth, mouthing each number she counted, "It is the same as last time," Her frown returned. She was not at all interested in what this man wanted. Her girls needed proper training, continued training. The youngest ones were no where near as seasoned as the rest. They would need more time, either that or more coin would be required before the girl went anywhere with him. Her girls weren't considered full geisha until they were at least properly trained and had their Mizuage. Many of them were 17 or 18 when she finally allowed them the title because of her strict rules. Both of them wouldn't be there for another 2 years. Two years of extensive training. What this crusty old man wanted to pay for the girl's virginity wasn't worth it to her. She could save her for an Emperor's son, or a Daimyo, in which would be willing to pay money, good money for the girls virginity. Geisha's usually didn't get paid for their sexual favors, but for their performances. Not saying it didn't happen. More and more of the men in the surrounding areas wished other favors, but only when the right amount was offered. This was no whore house. She would not receive that reputation. It would have to be hushed.

"I will triple it." Jiro's lips wrapped around the end of the pipe, narrowing his eyes and grinning that sadistic grin she knew all too well.

Her glossy black eyes snapped up, narrowing ever so slightly.

Business hasn't been the best. She had taken on four seasoned women and two new girls, hoping it would build business. It seemed consistent, but not like it had been before the war. It had been a long time since the Damiyo himself paid for the girl's silks, make-up and jewelry. He had been too busy making war.

"She is a child, why not visit a whore house? They know how to handle a man, such as yourself." Her hand slipped out of her sleeve, regarding him the only way she knew how. Kamiko held back a grimace. Her wide eyes shifted to the round belly, threatening to bust the seams of his fancy attire.

"Lady Kamiko, you know my tastes. I like my things expensive, and clean. The whores here are dirty, and ill managed. She may be young, but the younger ones are full of life, spunk. Not to mention, the girl is a virgin. I like them deliciously...tight." He began to chuckle, rubbing his belly. This man was enjoying the fact that he was, indeed, getting under her skin. Offering him a smile, Kamiko opened her dainty palm and extended it.

"I must see the coin. One's innocents can be bought, only if you provide a decent amount of coin."

His smile faded quickly, "You will see your coin once I get to see my prize. I have heard how you treat the new girls you bring in here. Will there be bruises on the backs of her legs, hands? I want to see you haven't ruined her."

Kamiko threw back her head, letting out a shrill chuckle, "I don't think she to worry about me at this moment, Jiro-sama, but a man who could be her father and wishing to take her innocence. I think she has to worry about you ruining her." Her black eyes twinkled in delight, knowing he didn't like to be openly disrespected.

"And I shall enjoy every moment, send me the wench." He waved his hand, "And while your are at it, get me better sake. I know you are giving me your cheapest. Do not make me angry, Kamiko. You know I am well respected by my Damiyo. I could have this place shut down." He snapped his fingers.

Kamiko bowed, moving her index finger in the direction of a female form kneeling on the floor just behind her. The girl stood and exited, going to retrieve the young girl. It didn't take long for another decanter of the house's finest sake to come into view. She rounded the small table and poured him a fresh cup. In the back of the room a small girl, no more than sixteen stood in a brightly colored robe. Her arms were tightly wrapped around herself. Her brunette locks flowed in a cascading waterfall over her shoulders.

Jiro placed the cup to his lips grinning as he noticed her small figure. He snapped his fingers. Kamiko closed her eyes, lowering her head. She began feeling sorry for the young girl. She supposed they all had to get a taste for the life of a Geisha sooner rather than later, or so her brain rationalized. It was the attention of men they sought after. Doing as she was told, she stepped forward. There hadn't been time to put on socks. Her cheeks instantly flushed. It was insulting to be caught without socks.

The brunette crept forward and paused as she finally reached the candle light. It illuminated her soft features. Yes, she was young. She had a thin frame, long legs and a beautiful face, porcelain in color. As the man observed his 'prize', Kagome looked down at her naked toes and curled them in. She was roughly woken up and hoisted down here, without even a thought.

"Look at me," The man cleared his throat and licked his lips unconsciously.

Kagome sucked in a soft breath and slowly lifted her chin. Her ocean blue eyes hesitantly met his black gaze. He leaned back, placing both hands upon his chubby knees. The young Maiko felt like she was about to jump out of her skin.

"She has blue eyes," He chuckled, "That is the feature I remembered the most."

Kagome's lips parted ever so slightly as he waved her closer, "Come closer, girl." She knelt before them, not being able to help the fact that she felt terribly naked. Her hair was loose instead of combed and braided. Her hair was always done up and adorned with a beautiful floral combs. Her lips were dull, yet soft even without the rouge, which would normally be applied to her lips. The young girl pressed her small hands in her lap, shifting her blue eyes across the table.

Why was she here? She hadn't even been here a couple months, yet it seemed she could do no right. What had she done this time?

"Kagome, this is Jiro-sama. He get to know you better." Kamiko leaned in carefully and placed her palm upon the table top. The woman was speaking unusually soft to her.

"Yes, Oka-san," She replied, just above a whisper. Her curious blue eyes lifted once again to get a better look at this large man who sat directly beside her. His chubby fingers extended and gripped at his knees as he allowed his hazy black eyes to skim over the soft rounded area's of her body. He had wrinkles under his eyes and the terribly trimmed goatee around his mouth was unappealing. Kagome swallowed hard and turned her eyes away, unable to bare much more of him. After getting a look at his crooked, brown teeth as he grinned at her, she couldn't possibly stomach the idea of how and why she was sitting here with them.

Her blue eyes almost pleaded with the lady, desperately trying to figure out why she had to spend any amount of time with a man as revolting as him. What was so special about this man? Of course, without her even having to ask, "He is one of the advisors to our Daimyo, an elder if you well." With that Kamiko tilted her head softly in the direction of the sake.

Kagome wiped her hands on her robe, without anyone noticing and reached a shaky hand toward the sake. Gripping the neck of the decanter, she carefully filled his cup once again. From the looks of it, the man had already had one too many. She could tell by the redness in his plump cheeks.

"She is a lovely creature, even when she isn't fixed up in normal attire. I would like to take a look at what hides under that robe," He slipped a hand under the table and traced a finger up and under the the flimsy material, stroking her the skin upon her knee. Kagome nearly dropped the decanter of sake. Fumbling with it, she placed it back down and reached under the table, shoving his hand from her body. Kamiko made a rude noise, displeased with this action taking place right before her eyes. Clearly the man had too much sake.

The man frowned deeply, "If I am to pay you triple to bed her, she had better seem a bit more willing."

Kamiko narrowed her eyes once again and held her head high, "An innocent will normally act as she does, Jiro-sama, which is why I insist you pick..."

Jiro grumbled, "I already made up my mind. I will not argue. I will have this girl. The deed shall be done." He placed a clenched fist upon the table up.

"Very well," Her oka-san replied.

Kagome felt her heart sink. Without thinking, she dropped her eyes. Instantly the young girl started feeling slightly light headed. Did she just say that she would be giving her...innocents to this man? Her innocents should be given up when she felt ready, or that is how she saw it. She wasn't a prostitute. She was just a 16 year old girl, who knew nothing.

"The coin?" Kamiko asked, placing the dirty, yet gold, pieces laying upon the silken cloth back in its coin pouch.

"I shall get it to you in a few days time. The Daimyo will be making an appearance when I arrive. He wishes to enjoy the comforts of this Okiya." He grinned, patting the table and standing to full height, struggling immensely, "I expect her to be prepared properly for me when I arrive."

Lady Kamiko stood following the man out. Kagome simply bowed and turned, sliding her fingers through her think, long locks. Blinking rapidly, she willed back tears of horror. This man was the most unattractive creature she had ever laid eyes on. The thought of being below him as he forced himself inside her virgin body. It made her want to vomit. The girl could taste the bile rising from her churning stomach. Soon she was back, watching her pace the floor. Kagome didn't care, no one was watching except for her Oka-san. The man stayed well past his welcome.

"Jiro-sama will pay good money for you. I will purchase a beautiful dress for you. How about a brand new comb? I saw you looking at the one the other day," The woman began to smile as she approached her.

Kagome's head snapped up, frowning deeply and very disrespectfully, "A new dress? For my Virginity? That is what it is worth? For him?"

"He is an important man, Kagome." Kamiko raised her voice. Her face darkened as she came up on the girl quickly, "We do as we must during hard times. You are lucky you have a roof over your head and food in your belly. I took you in, remember? Your family sold you to me. If anyone else purchased you, you might be treated worse. You will never go hungry here."

What about her dignity?

"Off to bed. We have important plans for you, as well as for the other girls. The Daimyo will be coming and I need the best food and sake prepared, as well as you girls dressed in your finest."




… ooOoo...




Steam rose from the heated water. Fuji, a daughter of one of the older Geisha's pursed her lips, allowing her tongue to escape as she concentrated. Leaning over, her grip tightened upon the pot of water. She began pouring the heated contents into the small wooden tub, in which the small form of the innocent maiko. Kagome's dark tendrils draped over her soft shoulders and tickled the tips of her rose bud nipples.

A short and stout old woman, the mother of Kamiko, entered. Her heavy feet collided with the wooden floor boards without regard. She stormed around the wooden tub and began to glare down at the small figure in the tub. Her black brow raised ever so slightly as she leaned in to get a good look at the girl that had this Okiya in an uproar. Her whithered lips pursed. Inhaling through her nose, the old woman crossed her arms over her chest. Kagome lowered her form deeper in the water, crossing her arms over her chest and pulling her knees in close.

"She is but a child," the old woman said in a shrill tone, "Kamiko, have your lost your mind?" she began to ramble, rubbing the soft wisps of hair from her face, pointing to the flower petals, "There isn't much that can be done now. The water must be scented. Jiro is a picky man, he expects his money's worth. We are expecting a full house. Someone scrub her back, quickly. What are you all waiting for, lazy girls." Gripping a towel in her hand the old woman swatted the thing at anyone who slipped by her.

Petals floated over the surface of the water. Kagome reached out, using her middle finger to submerge the white and pink petals. The scent of whatever they were placing in the water was exquisite. Her senses were exploding. Did she have to get out of this warm, wonderful abyss? A rough hand was upon her back, scrubbing over the flesh until it was brilliant red. The dark haired girl winced, leaning forward to grip the edge of the tub for support as the hand refused to ease up. On second thought...

"Hold still," The woman spoke sternly, gripping her tiny shoulder and pulling her back. Her long fingers laced into her hair, massaging soaps and sweet smelling oils. Kagome shifted her eyes to the slightly ajar door, noticing the other Geisha. The women who had been doing what she was about to for years. She knew that not everything was about sexual gratification, but art as well. Her blue orbs widened taking in their soft painted features and brilliantly crafted kimonos. A rough shove and her head was bent over. Letting out a breath, it caused soft ripples across the water's surface. The massaging fingers worked a trail down the back of her head. Releasing her and without warning a massive amount of slightly chilled water was poured directly over her head.

She sputtered, brushing the cool streams from her eyes. Her fingers flipped up the mass of hair covering her eyes. Kagome shifted a surprised expression toward the stout woman who now sat upon a chair, barked orders and stuffed her face, "Get her out of there. We must get her prepared like the others. Lighter make-up, girl. Jiro-sama likes them looking young."

Kagome was dried and dressed in a colorful kimono. Her hair was dried and dressed with intricate details high upon her head. Her glossy brunette hair and pale complexion accented the pink and red kimono, which had accented patterns of cherry blossoms. Her hair had delicately placed clips and flowers. Tilting her head forward a lady gripped her chin roughly, and dabbed a brush into black liquid, painting a soft line over each of her lids accenting them. It seemed to make her eyes look larger, more expressive. Wanting to reach up to brush away some of the red rouge from her cheek, Kagome lifted a hand. The woman swore at her, slapping her hand away. Frowning deeply she looked away, placing her trembling hands against her bouncing thighs.

"You must always smile. Never frown."

"What if I am not happy?" Kagome asked, lifting those mesmerizing blue eyes to meet the dark stare of the woman applying her make-up.

"You are to be a Geisha. You must learn to hide that, and please your guests."

Not liking what she heard, the young girl turned her head away and sighed softly. Her mind was racing. Did he plan on having her all night? Would he be quick? She had heard stories of women bleeding terribly from being forced to lay with a man, especially if it was their first time. She was shocked no one had tried to coach her on this particular topic. She honestly didn't know how she could possibly be satisfying to that terrible man. The very thought of laying with him made her skin crawl. She shuttered almost instantly and placed a hand to her lips. The woman before her held back her brush and watched her carefully.

"You must relax. You are beginning to look sickly, and it isn't because of the make up, child." She forced Kagome to stand, allowing her to walk a bit before sitting her back down to finish the make-up. She looked stunning. There was no doubt about it. If it was any other night she would have been pleased to get this pampered. Unfortunately, she felt like she was going to her own funeral.

"You will serve the food and sake, that is until Jiro-sama desires to have your company in private. Do not speak, unless spoken to, be delicate. I know you haven't had proper training, but look at it as a test. Observe your mentor. You will see first hand the duties of the ladies here at this Okiya. The only reason you will be participating this evening is because Jiro-sama wills it." She said, brushing a stray strand of her silky hair into place and looking her directly in the eyes.

Kagome's lips parted, "This is disgraceful. I wish to be a Geisha, not a concubine."

"You will be no concubine. I know it isn't the proper way. Usually a Maiko receives training with the incorporation of the Mizuage. That is how you should have it, yet yours seems to be a little induced." The woman before her shook her head. Unable to look upon her any longer. Would she be allowed to become a Geisha? Would this affect her chances of becoming someone important, educated? Would they take her seriously?

Kagome swallowed hard and stood, slipping on a pair of high set wooden shoes, stepping lightly to the exit. She had to travel to the main house, "You will be a fine Maiko tonight. Oka-san wishes you to shadow Mizuki. She will help you, give you tips." the older woman placed a hand upon the back of her kimono, straightening the material and waving Muzuki in their direction. The woman was a beautiful Geisha. She took precise and dainty steps as she approached the Maiko. The vibrant flowers and colors of the gardens surrounding the Okiya only brought out and accentuated their beauty.

Kagome opened her blue eyes wide, bowing her head as the Geisha stepped before her. The older woman's dark eyes looked her from head to toe. Pursing her dark lips, Mizuki turned, flipping out her fan and pointing her in the direction of the main house.

"We will be available to the men when they arrive. The Damiyo is due to arrive at any time. Follow my lead, I do not wish you to give this Okiya a bad name." Her beautiful shaped eyes darkened. Upon entering the room, her eyes darted to all corners, taking in the beautifully crafted metal lanterns. They glowed a path way around the room. The sliding doors had brilliantly hand crafted pieces of art. Colored silk was draped along the walls, tables, and even covered the door ways. Her oka-san had requested that all of the Geisha house's finest be brought out for this special night.

Mizuki turned and poked her in the center with her closed fan, trying to bring the girls attention back to her, "You have seen the Daimyo of this land, yes?"

Kagome's blue orbs focused, narrowing her eyes ever so slightly before responding, "No, I was not born..."

Mizuki sucked in a breath and rolled her eyes, "Well, our Daimyo is a different type of man. I shouldn't say man," With that she grinned like a girl with a crush, "He is a demon lord." Her eyes widened, pleased with the reaction she found in the beautiful orbs of the young girl.

"A demon lord?" Kagome let the syllables roll from her tongue. Tilting her head, she smiled.

"Yes, usually you would think a Geisha of their background would please him, but he surprisingly adores the human geisha." Mizuki puckered her lips carefully and turning from her, but continuing to speak, "Ever since the war broke out, our Okiya has been dreadfully boring. The Daimyo and his men usually visited us many times a week. Oka-san was pleased. We are happy to prove our worthiness once again, now that the war has calmed some."

Kagome glanced around Mizuki, noticing she now searched for sake decanters for the tables. The sliding door of the entry way was opened quickly by a very young and small Geisha, grinning from ear to ear as she let a massive man in to the Okiya. Following him were well dressed men, no doubt men of the Damiyo. The man in front was absolutely mesmerizing. His hair placed high on his head and tied with a colorful ribbon. A grin formed across his lips, showing up his brilliantly white canines. He carried two swords on his waist, yet he seemed calm and collective. Turning his head to get a look at the atmosphere of his favorite Okiya, his silky white locks cascaded over his shoulder. He was stunning. He was do doubt the Damiyo.

Mizuki frowned, nudging the girl, "Stop staring, girl. Take this," she said handing her the decanter.

"Where is my favorite girls?" The Daimyo grinned, opening his arms as a group of four Geisha surrounded them all, getting them to their tables.

"Dinner will be served to you if you would like, my lord. It is your favorite," One of the girls grinned, kneeing beside him after he dropped in a heap, "Sake?" She asked, offering him a saucy grin.

"Is that a serious question, woman? My men came here looking forward to the Sake," The Damiyo grinned, "Serve them anything they wish, this is a night of celebration."

Jiro lowered himself in a spot nearest to the Damiyo, watching him interact with the women. They were loving it, thriving on it. It had been a long while since the Damiyo offered these lovely women his attention. Jiro envied the Damiyo. Because of his handsome features the women of this establishment were sincere. They almost fought for his attention, the way Geisha do, he supposed. His old eyes shifted away from his Lord and searched the room until his eyes fell upon the girl he was going to purchase for the night.

He licked his lips, gripping a rice cake between his fat fingers and pushing it between his pudgy lips. He smacked his mouth, licking them in the process. He grinned wolfishly, nodding to Mizuki who was leading the young girl in his direction. Good, Kamiko didn't forget his words. His wrath would be tremendous if he didn't get to sink his teeth into this one. The ladies arrived, kneeling before them and offering to serve those at the table. Jiro leaned in, sliding his thick finger under the chin of the Maiko. Kagome felt her jaw tense as it was roughly forced in the direction of the man she had met the night before. Jiro pursed his lips tightly and grinned.

"You are a lovely flower, a flower ripe for the plucking." Those thick brows arched in emphasis.

Mizuki leaned in without anyone seeing and pinched her thigh, "You are too kind, Jiro-sama." Please by her response he decided to release her chin to lean in and whisper into her ear.

"I am looking forward to pealing that lovely kimono from your body, sweet girl." He resisted the urge to press a kiss to the sweet smelling skin upon her neck. Trembles trailed up her spine. Kagome let out a burst of air and turned her head.




A pair of eyes observed her reaction, watched his rival dote upon this pretty little human girl. She was young, fifteen, maybe sixteen. Something he would expect out of that man. He was the scum of the earth. For years he tried to tell the Damiyo he was a rat amongst his men. The Damiyo usually ignored him, relying one other men's opinion. But when the Damiyo listen to that fool over his own son, it made something animalistic stir in his gut. He was pathetic, a coward. The man spoke of war, yet ran far from the battle field. He was good at getting out of anything dangerous.

A clawed finger trailed across the table top, gripping a small cup of sake. His cold eyes shifted to the contents, pulling the cup to his lips. He swallowed the liquid. It burned a trail down his throat. Not fazed in the slightest, he returned his attention to his enemy. Jiro was now pushing a black box in the Maiko's direction, opening it. Already doting on her, offering her gifts. This was a girl he wanted in his bed.

Unfortunately for Jiro, tonight the man was not willing to let that happen. He stood gracefully, adjusting his sword as he moved past a few Geisha's. Their eyes were wide and curious, watching him move across the floor and toward a sliding door, which he knew led him directly to their Oka-san. Reaching out he gripped the door, sliding it open down a few steps.

"My Lord," A Geisha gasped, nearly dropping the tray, which was carefully being cradled in her arms, "Is there something I can get you?" Her painted eyes shifted over her shoulder in the direction of her Oka-san's office, noticing his line of vision. Shifting his golden eyes down upon her, they floated across her features as he stepped past her and began to make his way silently down the hall.

"My lord?" She blinked.

The young lord roughly shoved the sliding door open, Kamiko jumped, placing her brush back into the ink. Her eyes narrowed.

"Sesshomaru-sama," A soft grin formed upon her ruby red lips, "I cannot believe my eyes."

"You have a young Maiko among the ladies. The one who follows the others like a lost puppy. She is new?"

Kamiko sputtered and shook her head, "What of the girl? Did she do something to offend you? She shall be punished..."

Sesshomaru gripped a pouch, "What ever Jiro is paying for her services, I shall pay you double. I wish a private room. Do not keep my waiting."

Kamiko didn't know how to respond. She merely stared at the massive amount of coin, which now lay upon her table. What was she going to say to a Damiyo's son? Jiro was well below his status. If the fool said anything against his lord's choice to take the girl, it would raise a few brows. Still silent, she looked up to see the trailing fabric of the young lord's expensive attire round the corner. He was gone.

"Fuji," Kamiko shouted.

A young girl flew around the corner, dropping to her knees before her Oka-san and whispered a soft greeting before lifting her head. The woman narrowed her eyes at the girl, "Inform Mizuki that there is a change in plans. It seems the young son of our Damiyo wishes to have our Maiko serve him in private. Get them a room, now." The girl nodded and rushed off.

She ran up the stairs and entered the room, in which the festivities were happening. Loud shouts sounded all around her. Geisha were giggling, preforming dances, serving the men sake and food. Their Damiyo was enjoying the company of three pretty Geisha's and that was the exactly where she needed to go. Fuji slipped up behind Mizuki and whispered into her ear. Quickly shifting a stunned eye toward the girl, she opened her painted lips to respond, but then figured it was best she kept quiet. Without a word, Mizuki nodded. Her eyes slipped shifted toward the young lord who waited to be given a private room.

"Kagome, come," She patted the girls thigh, "You have someone who wishes to meet you." the young Maiko glanced up at her guide and raised a brow. Jiro reached in and gripped the girl by the wrist.

"She will be with me this evening. Ask your Oka-san." He chuckled, tightening his grip.

"Jiro, I think you are mistaken." Sesshomaru spoke, with his back turned. Slowly shifting his stance he began to walk toward the small group. His lord, Damiyo lifted his golden gaze, pausing in his own conversation to watch the slight confrontation. An unmistakable flicker of interest was apparent in their Damiyo's eye.

"The girl is to come with me tonight." His cold and collective demeanor never once faltered, "Speak with Kamiko. I am sure she can give you a refund."

Mizuki stood, which Kagome followed. Her curious eyes shifted to the handsome demon lord before her. His face was that of a porcelain god; no blemish upon his perfect flesh. Two identical strips cut across his cheeks and upon his forehead, causing his demon status to become apparent, was a purple crescent moon. Her blue gaze searched his face, hoping he would at least look upon her with those stunning, honey colored eyes. He did not.

Fuji pushed open the sliding door off the side of the room, "A room is already prepared. This way, my lord."

Sesshomaru locked is unwavering eyes with Jiro's. The man was angry, which pleased him greatly. He wouldn't allow him this entertainment, not after staying back like a coward. When war called, men should follow. They should follow their Damiyo. This man wasn't a man at all. As much as he wished he could watch him wallow in self-pity, he turned to follow the girl called 'Fuji'.

Jiro glared, cursing under his breath as he watch the young lord walk off with his girl trailing behind. The demon lord's son would no doubt have his way with the pretty maid, steal her precious innocence from her. It belonged to him. He should have her first.




Fuji turned and bowed gracefully. Her lightly outlined black eyes shimmered with curiosity as she opened the sliding door next. Sesshomaru stepped inside, allowing his golden eyes to survey his surroundings. There was a sleeping mat upon the floor, as well as a basin of clean, flowered water. Sake sat warm upon the square table in the middle of the room. A pot of tea, fresh for the drinking was readily available as well. Kagome slipped in behind him, waiting for him to take a seat before making any quick movements. Her blue eyes slipped over his tall form, taking note at the small details of his elaborate attire.

"As you see, the room is ready for your use, my lord. Kagome can assist you further if need be." With that Fuji closed the sliding door, allowing them privacy.

Kagome shifted her eyes from the door toward her lord. His long hair was tied in two placed, flowing down his back gracefully. He had hair like a woman, lush and healthy. It was white as snow. If it wouldn't have been viewed as improper, she would ask to touch it. Opening her lips to speak, the large demon lord moved to the table, lowering himself to the ground and placing his hands upon the bare table top. His eyes roamed its surface, lightly placing his sharpened nails over the intricate details carved into the wood. For a brief moment Kagome hesitated watching him, completely speechless. He was an enigma. Unable to respond in anyway she approached as his golden eyes lifted in search of hers.

She knelt beside him, "Do you prefer sake? Or perhaps tea?" Her blue eyes twinkled with false happiness in wanting to serve him. Honestly, she wished she was in the back, working like she did in the beginning. That was until they decided to make her a Maiko. She was terrified to serve this man. Would he expect more out of her than the old man?

Sesshomaru lifted a hand. The material floated over his wrist and down his forearm. Another set of fuchsia markings graced her eyes. They were thicker, longer than those upon his face. He gripped the tea kettle and poured himself a cup, without the help of the Maiko.

"You should be grateful I spared you from that man's attention. Of course I didn't do it to save you from being ravished, if that is what he had in mind." Sesshomaru said in a calm, low tone. His eyes stood transfixed upon the steaming cup. Both hands gripped the the heated teacup, not being too quick to drink it.

Kagome's eyes slightly widened, "I am truly grateful. I would be happy to serve you, if it were to please you." She offered him a smile, keeping a certain grace about her.

Sesshomaru lifted his eyes from his cup, finding her luminous blue orbs and holding them in place with his own. A mere look from him caused chills to rush down the length of this Maiko's spine. He couldn't help but allow a quirk in his lips. This was, indeed, entertaining. He sucked in a slow breath and released it, pulling the cup to his lips and taking a drink.

"You are lying. Most human males would believe you. As you can see, I am not a human male. I can smell the unpalatable, stench of fear coming from you, girl. No need to lie." Kagome swallowed hard, gripping her kimono tightly in her hands, "Have I made you uncomfortable?" What is it these humans usually do to cope? His eyes landed upon the decanter of sake. With that he gripped a small sake bowl, placed it in front of her and poured her a full shot of warm sake. Without a hint except for a nudge by his claw, Kagome took it and swallowed the entire thing, pursing her lips and trying desperately to hide the cringe.

"My lord," She spoke up finally, "I do intend to serve you, but I suppose I am confused as to why we are here with you serving yourself. If you paid coin for my services, why not accept them?" Kagome hesitantly moved closer, allowing the side of her thigh to brush his. She tensed upon contact. Honestly, how did the girls feel comfortable being so open with a man? Especially a man as unresponsive as this?

Sesshomaru waved a hand, "I don't require anyone's service. You may go about your business until I leave. Tell them anything you want to save yourself humiliation." Kagome looked around the small room, unable to figure out what to do with herself.

This man paid money, yet she was being ignored. She stood and plopped herself upon an extended window sill. Kagome curled herself up near the window, pushing open the sliding doors. Sucking in a breath she glanced over her shoulder, holding back a glare as she watched the man continue to sit and sip on his tea. The Sakura tree before the window was in full bloom. The blossoms were soft floating to the ground each time even the slightest amount of wind caressed it's limbs.

It felt like hours upon hours. The demon lord didn't move from his spot or speak the entire time. Kagome, at one point, almost fell asleep. The cool breeze felt lovely on her face. The weather was becoming a little more intolerable now that the season was changing. Today it was mild, pleasant. Movement stirred her from dozing and almost instantly her eyes were open. She watched as the Demon lord stood and opened the sliding doors leading out to the garden. He stepped out and surveyed the sky above the sloping roof. Rays of moon light embraced him as he quietly stood, not minding the wind's rough treatment of his hair.

Kagome allowed her legs to fall to the ground. She yawned and stretched her back, taking a steps toward him. Her sleepy blue eyes fell upon his profile. How could a man be this lovely, yet so boring?

"My lord," She whispered. Sesshomaru shifted his eyes toward her, answering her call, which was surprising to say the least, "Tell me something,"

"It depends on what you want to hear," He quickly responded.

"Why did you pay the coin for me this evening if you did not intend to use my services? What a wasteful way to spend coin." Kagome said boldly, "Most men enjoy a dance with their sake."

"I am not most men." Sesshomaru stretched his clawed fingers, yet kept a calm demeanor.

"I agree with you," Kagome's brilliantly blue eyes, narrowed slightly. She was still not satisfied with his answers, "So, tell me why?"

"Jiro is a pathetic human. Someone who shouldn't have rank at all. Someone who needs to be put in his place from time to time. I took his female for the night, simple as that." He answered honestly.

Kagome swallowed hard, yet nodded, "That would mean, he thinks you are not using me for my proper services, but something else..."

"Let him think that, all the more interesting for me." Sesshomaru rolled his shoulders and began to walk toward the entrance, "It is late, my father is surely drunk. I will take my leave." Kagome turned and followed after him, reaching out and gripping his sleeve, allowing her hand to brush his.

Sesshomaru paused instantly, turned his head to face her. His eyes widened ever so slightly before yanking away from her touch.

"I'm sorry, I just...I just wanted to thank you, my lord. I would also ask, if I may know your name?" Her eyes were filled with curiosity.

Narrowing those golden orbs, regarding her quickly, "'My lord' is good enough," he turned and left her alone. Kagome looked puzzled, looking down at her hand and pursed her lips. No matter, she would figure it out.







Kagome was rudely awoken by a plethora of noises coming from the outside of her door. Her tired eyes slowly opened, prying the sheet from her face. A crash, then a loud boom and four girls were prying open her door, shoving themselves through. All of them, including her Oka-san stared down at her sleepy form with astonishment. Her blue eyes widened as she shot up. Her brunette locks nearly blinded her from being able to see their faces. Brushing her hair from her face, Kagome raised a brow.

"What happened, what is going on?"

Kamiko crossed her arms over her chest, "We should be asking you that same question. It seems the girls are unnerved by what a guest to this Okiya has delivered me this morning."

Kagome sputtered, pushing her crazy locks away from her face. She hiked her sheets up closer to her chest, "I don't understand..."

"What did you do last night?" one bristled.

"Whore," another spat.

"How could the Damiyo even consider?"

Kagome narrowed her eyes, "I am not a whore. I am innocent. No man has had me, why would you say such cruel things?"

Mizuki rolled her eyes and toyed with her braid, "I doubt that, little girl. That is why why he has paid big money to have you brought to the castle? Oka-san should check the sheets in that room you were servicing his son in. Our evidence should be their, no doubt." The woman sneered, looking upon Kagome with disgust.

"The Damiyo, requests...are you sure? I...I didn't do anything, I swear. The young lord barely spoke to me." her hand rose, scratching upon her scalp. She thought back, trying to figure out if she even spoke to the Damiyo. Maybe a, hello? It was just a normal hello. Besides, his eyes were on the two Geisha who were serving him. Kagome dropped her head into her hands.

"Well, nothing can be done now. She is to do with however the Damiyo wishes. I do not wish to displease him now that he is back in our lands and visiting my girls." With that, Kamiko shifted, with her back to the women, "Get her things packed, someone is going to be sent to fetch her this evening..."

Kagome's blue eyes flipped up.

This evening?








Thank you for reading!
