Sorry for the late update, been revising for my final exams for my degree. I haven't had time to update all my stories. This is a short chapter, but just wanted to update this story.

Hope you enjoy.

Tamsin exited the restroom and started to walk up the corridor to get her hands on those tapes before anyone saw them. The Valkyrie only made it a couple of steps when she heard heavy footsteps echoing against the floor. The wolf appeared around the corner making his way swiftly towards the blonde.

"What the hell happened in there?" Dyson demanded; after seeing Bo leave in such a hurry; he wanted answers. He quickly noticed she was holding a familiar item "Why do you have Bo's jacket?" he added.

"She left it in the toilets" Tamsin replied nonchalantly; throwing the item at her partner. "Here, if you want it so badly."

"Why did she take it off in there?" Dyson voice was stern.

"Do I look like I care?" Tamsin replied coolly; giving the wolf a disinterested look.

"No, you don't. But I do care about Bo. And she just stormed out of here, and she was bleeding. What did you do Tamsin? What happened in there?" He growled under his breathe

"You know if we going to work together; you're going to have to get that temper of yours under control" The Valkyrie mocked; using her partners own words against him.

"Tamsin!" The wolf growled.

The blonde squared up to her partner, with devious grin; squinting her eyes slightly as she stared into his blues ones.

"You've really got it bad for this girl" Tamsin whispered huskily

Dyson turned his head to the side breaking eye contact from the beautiful, intimidating Valkyrie.

A triumphant smirk washed over Tamsin's face. She took a step forward, purposely hitting the wolf's shoulder.

"If you must know your girlfriend lost her shit in there. I don't know what's going on with her, but she ran out, saying she had to go see the doc. I didn't touch her. If I had, she would have come off a lot worse than a few scratches on her arm." Tamsin huffed out a laugh, as she walked down the corridor.

Dyson face frowned; it hurt him that Bo could run to Lauren but not him, after everything they have been through together. He knew Bo's scent was on the victim, just hasn't had the chance to talk to her about it yet. The wolf was starting to get concerned by Bo's suspicious behaviour.

He took a deep breathe through his nostrils, before turning around to face Tamsin.

"She's not my girlfriend" He replied; catching up to his partner.

"Okay, big boy, if you say so." Tamsin laughed; tapping him on his shoulder.

"Kronos, has gone to get the security tapes and the list of employees working last night. Thought we could review the tapes back at the precinct first and then question the employees." The wolf suggested

"It wouldn't take two of us to review the footage. We have a lot of ground to cover and I don't know about you, but I have the Morrigan breathing down my neck to solve this murder quickly." Tamsin replied; trying to persuade him to split up.

"No offense but four eyes is better than two, someone might miss something important. Plus I don't care about what the dark want. We need to catch the right killer; I'm not cutting corners for your kind." Dyson said firmly.

Tamsin smirked and shook her head at the wolf. "I see what this is about. You don't trust me, so you don't want me to be alone at any point during this investigation. Are you worried I'll cover for someone if it is a dark fae attack?"

Dyson jaw tightened; his new partner was a hell of lot smarter than he gave her credit for.

"Dude, I get it. I don't trust anyone, but there is a killer out there that will soon draw attention to the fae community. That's not going to be good for the light nor the dark. By splitting up we can get things done faster, and catch this killer and get this case closed. Then we both win, so I'm not asking you to trust me, but we have to do our job before another murder occurs. Okay?" The Valkyrie prompted.

"Okay partner." Dyson nodded with a smile

"Good, I will look through the footage of last night, and you can deal with the employees. People skills are not my strong suit" Tamsin scrunched up her nose.

"Why am I not surprised?" the wolfed laughed.

Kronos exited the security office, holding a grey plastic bag and a green folder.

"This is all the footage we have from last night from our twenty cameras placed around the club." He said; handing them over to Tamsin.

Having the tapes securely in her hand, she felt an odd feeling of relieve. She knew Bo wanted no one to see them, but couldn't understand why it meant something to her to get the tapes back. Was it purely for Bo, or to keep her reputation in place and to not piss off the dark by ruining this experiment with the light? Even the Valkyrie didn't know causing her to become uncomfortable in her own skin.

"And this is the list of all the employees that worked last night; I also added all the information we have on them from previous employers; that kind of stuff. I hope it helps with your investigation, detectives." Kronos handed over the green folder to Dyson.

"Thank you, if we need anything else we will be in touch." The wolf replied.

"Bo! What happened?" Lauren said worriedly as she stared at her girlfriend who just entered her apartment. She quickly rushed over to the succubus examining her bloody arm.

"I'm fine, Lauren. Really" Bo said calmly but in a croaked tone.

"Do you need to feed?" Lauren prompted; starting to undo her the buttons on her shirt

"No." Bo replied; placing her hands on top of the doctor's; to stop her from undressing herself. "It's just a scratch and I kind of did it to myself. Well I made it worse." Bo replied; knowing it was going to be difficult to explain.

"I'm confused, what do you mean you did it to yourself?" The human stared into Bo's eye waiting for an answer.

Bo felt a tightness in her throat, and a pounding thump against her chest. She opened her mouth to speak, but instead of words coming out, a shaky breathe was released.

"Bo? You're starting to scare me. Please, you can tell me anything." The blonde voice was soft and genuine.

The succubus' eyes filled with water.

"You know you said that you found my DNA under the victims…" Bo begun before her apologetically girlfriend interrupted.

"I'm so sorry Bo. I know you couldn't have done it; just sometimes I let science rule my mind. I know there must be an explanation for this. You're not a monster, and the person that killed that girl is one." Lauren prompted

Finding any words seemed to be an impossible task for the brunette, she just stared in a trance at the doctor.

"Please forgive me, you're my girlfriend I know you better than anyone, you're not capable of doing that to a human" The blonde embraced the succulet into a comforting hug.

The succubus was numb, endless thoughts corrupted her mind about that night. She remembered a small piece of that night, it frustrated her that the rest was blank.

"What if I lost control? What if I am a monster?" Bo thought; as tears fell down her face.

Tamsin knew she couldn't go to the precinct to review the footage, she needed privacy. Once Dyson dropped her off at the station, she walked in to borrow one of the department's laptops before she got in her beloved truck and drove to an empty car park.

She inserted one of the security discs, that was marked Camera 1; Front Entrance.

Tamsin saw the victim entered Vex's club at 23.12pm and left 1.45am in a bit of a hurry. The tape revealed the blonde heading towards the alleyway opposite the club before the camera was just out of view. She stopped the tape and rewind it, when she saw a second shadow reflecting off the floor hot on the victims trail.

The detective quickly searched through the tapes, trying to find a certain one; Camera 16; Back Exit/Alleyway.

Tamsin knew this would be the tape that would reveal the events of that night between her and Bo; down the side of the club. But the direction of the suspect walked from, Tamsin was hoping this camera would have got a better snap of them than some shadow.

The Valkyrie had a job to do but couldn't help feeing flushed when skipping past her and Bo having sex. She would never admit it but she had a great time that night, the best she felt in a long time.

Suddenly any happy thoughts about that night, were quickly eradicated when Tamsin rewind the footage again and stopped it as she saw Bo's eyes burn brightly, before heading in the same direction as the victim, once the detective had left her alone.

"Bo" Tamsin gasped; she was in awe.

It started to make sense, the scratches on the succubus' arm, the weird breakdown in the toilets and the doctor who wanted to speak to Bo alone back at the apartment.

"I knew she was hiding something, she was protecting Bo. She knew she was linked to this investigation." The Valkyrie gritted through her teeth.

Tamsin was broken out of her thoughts when her phone started ringing.

"Hello?" The Valkyrie responded agitatedly

"Well, hello to you to partner." Dyson replied bluntly

"What do you want Dyson?" Tamsin prompted

"How are you getting on with those tapes?" the wolf asked

"Oh you're checking up on me, in case I destroyed evidence. It's not me you should be worrying about." The Valkyrie couldn't hold back the dig.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. I've just started going through them. All I can tell you is that the victim arrived at 23.12pm and left in quite a hurry at 1.45am. She headed towards the alleyway where she was found before she went out of view of the camera." The blonde informed

"I might have a lead, a regular called Bruno Meyers, he was seen talking to a bunch of girls that night, but the bartender said that he settled his eyes on the victim, and she looked uncomfortable. Before the bartender could see if she was okay, she ran out of the club." The wolf sounded hopeful.

Tamsin thought back to the creep that tried to hit on her; thought of himself as a smooth operator with the ladies. She found herself contemplating whether to tell Dyson about what she found on the succubus, but instead she followed her instincts and kept her partner in the dark.

"Do you have an address for this guy?" Tamsin asked.

"Don't worry partner, I've got some officers for back up. We're on our way there now, to bring Bruno in for questioning. Let me know if you find anything on those tapes."

"I sure will partner." Tamsin said sarcastically and falsely before hanging up the phone.

"Now that the pup is distracted, I've got my own suspect to interrogate." Tamsin said; tapping at the laptop screen where Bo's face was paused.

Thank you for your patience.

Hope you enjoyed

Shout Outs

WhatAmIDoingWitMyLife: Thank you for a lovely review. I'm glad you find it interesting. :)

Guest: Sorry for a long wait, just haven't had any time to do an update. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for your support of my story :)

Hotkillerz: You got an update :) Sorry for the long wait. Thank you for reading my story :)