I own nothing.

"Hayley," I heard right before I was pulled of the edge of the dock, towards a swirling mist of green.

As soon as my feet touched the ground, I started to run. "Whoa! Slow down girlie," Greg said as he griped the back of my jacket, pulling me back. "Do you see any clock tower's around here? Greg laughed; you're a long way from storybook. You've got nowhere to go."

"Doesn't matter I said shaking my head, my family's been to the enchanted forest before and they can get here again."

"Well where not in the enchanted forest, Tamara said a cocky grin appearing on her face. "This is Neverland."

"Neverland," I asked shocked. "You're here to destroy Neverland?" "Of course we are it's the mother lode of magic. She replied distastefully."

"You can't destroy Neverland, I pleaded.

"It's our job, to cleanse the world of this unholy thing she said sternly."

"How do you know you're not destroying the one good thing in this world, not all magic is bad. There's light in it." I said trying to reason.

"But there's also darkness." She said softer this time. "Stop talking to the kid," Greg signed. We've got to contact the home office. He said while handing her what looked like a walkie talkie.

"An office in the jungle," I grinned sarcastically. "Who works there?"

"Who we work for," Greg said while walking towards me. "Is none of your concern, just know that they take care of us," he said stopping right in front of me.

"Do they, I challenged. Can they tell you how to get home after you destroy magic?"

"We don't ask questions," Greg replied. "We just believe in our cause."

"Greg," Tamara called; "I'm not getting status lite on this thing."

"Did you check the batteries he asked?" While taking the back of the walkie talkie off, He froze as sand started to poor out.

"What the hell," Tamara hissed. "What is this, a toy?"

"Well," I signed. "It's a good thing you guys don't ask any questions."

"Let's go," Greg said while shoving me. "Walk! He ordered."

Third Persons POV:

While on the Jolly Roger. Hook stared to slow the ship down.

"Why are we slowing down?" Regina demanded angrily. "In case you didn't know my daughter's life is in danger."

"Oh I know, my hot headed queen." Hook said amused. "My plan is to bring us to the far side of the island, link up to the widest part of the river. And we sail right through, taken by surprise."

"Oh the irony, Hook said," While laughing.

"What irony? Regina asked."

"I spent more time then I care to remember, trying to leave this place to hunt down Rumpelstiltskin. And now here I am sailing right back into its heart with him as my guest of honor, It's not quite the happy ending I was looking for," Hook replied dryly.

"Greg Mandel said something funny to me. He said I'm a villain and that villains don't get happy endings, you believe that?" Regina asked.

"I hope not.' Hook said dreadfully. "Or we've wasted our lives."

Hayley's POV:

"Are you making s'mores?" I asked watching Greg make a fire.

"No," he said, glaring at me. "I'm making a signal, now help me gather some dry leaves; we need to let the home office know where here."

"What if that's not enough? What if the empty communicator wasn't an accident?" Tamara asked doubtfully.

"Don't let the stupid kid get in your head," Greg ordered. "Screw you ass hat! I yelled in my mind,"

We all turned around as we heard rustling from the trees.

Revealing about six teenage boys, with hoods on, the one in the front had blonde bushy hair and a scar on his face, and in my opinion a little creepy. "Who are you?" Greg demanded.

"Where the home office, Welcome to Neverland," Creepy boy said with a smirk on his face.

"The home office," Tamara said, surprised. "Is a bunch of teenagers?"

"There not teenagers." I stated, "There the lost boys."

"Look at that," creepy boy said impressed.

"Why do the lost boys want to destroy magic?" I asked.

"Who said we wanted to destroy magic," creepy boy said, with that twisted smirk still on his face. Man this guy is creepy, I shivered.

"That was our mission." Greg said.

"So you were told yes. Now the girl hand her over," creepy boy said while reaching out towards me.

"Not until you tell us the plan," Tamara stepped in of me. "For magic, for getting home," Creepy boy grinned. "You're not getting home."

"Then you're not getting the girl." Greg snapped.

creepy boy laughed. "Of course we are."

Then I saw it, a misty black silhouette of a body come down and ripped Greg's shadow right from his body. I stared horrified as Greg fell to the ground dead.

"Run!" Tamara yelled. "I didn't need to be told twice. "Then I started running like a bat out of hell." "Get the girl," somebody yelled. "Crap! I didn't need a bunch of teenage boy chasing me through a jungle."