I must apologize for the last chapter, I have a bad habit of thinking while I'm writing, so in my haste things tend to get scrambled, and then things become hard to follow. So I will use these author notes to clear some things up.

The vampires are led by the Sabaku family, who has for thousands of years produced the most powerful vampires. There is a council that keeps the head of the family in line to the best of their ability. Its made up of many nameless old vampires, though the head of the council is Baki, who just so happens to be Gaaras second on the battlefield. About ten years before this story takes place Gaara fell in love with a human, Matsuri, and he turned her, and before she could fully use her abilities to their full potential she was killed by Itachi. In response Gaara made it his mission in life to hunt down every man, woman, and child with the last name Uchiha.

The werewolves, or sometimes as I refer to them as Lycans, are led by Itachi, the Alpha of the species. Though in general they are spread out into smaller packs, and each pack has its own alpha, the five strongest alphas make out the high council, and then there are the Elders, a group of nameless old werewolves that are highly respected.

I am sorry for the jumbled mess that is the first chapter, I hope I do a better job from here on out, and I hope you enjoy the story.

Leave a review please! They make me happy.

Constructive criticism is always welcome.

On with the show!

Itachi had been called by the elders, who had gotten wind of the Gaara fiasco. They had a plan and wanted Itachi to put it into action.

No one could exist with the kind of power the Sabaku family had acquired, though they knew they could not stand up to him militarily. They would be massacred. That left them with one last option.

Seal him away.

The meeting was called to an end, and Kakashi, Asuma, Yamato, and Kiba were all waiting for him.

"The elders have a plan, and I think it might just turn the tide of the war in our favor." Itachi said as they rushed through the halls of the elders.

"What are we going to do?" Yamato asked, "Gaara is on the warpath. He has cut a bloody path through the east. My pack has be taking in stragglers for the last two weeks, we've gone from a pack of seven, to fifteen."

It had become a problem, no matter how many of their brothers they threw at Gaara, he had won every fight.

"They have contacts in the Hyuga family. They are celebrating the birth of two sons, Hiashi and Hizashi. They have given us the recipe for a special sealing technique that will take care of Gaara for the immediate future." Itachi said as they ran through the forest. He had called for a meeting of all available werewolves. Anyone not currently fighting was going to be there.

They needed to come up with a good plan.

"Ever since he pulled the spear from the rock my brother hasn't been the same Baki. What has happened to him?" Temari asked the older vampire.

"He has been chosen Temari. Shukaku has blessed him with power unimaginable to us. He no longer fears sunlight, silver, dead mans blood, or anything you and I do." Baki explained. "Gaara is the perfect predator. Nothing short of decapitation can kill him, and with the spear in hand no one can hope to get that close to him."

"If Gaara keeps this up he will upset the balance." Temari said.

"Our god has tasked us with rooting out the Lycans once and for all Temari!" Baki yelled. "He has given us the tools to do so, and we have a chance to end the bloodshed once and for all!"

"Is that what Gaara is now Baki?" Temari said, "a tool?"

"You know that is not what I meant." Baki said slowly, "I only meant that Gaara now possesses the power of the gods Temari. He is more powerful than either of us could even comprehend."

"Enough of this talk." Kankuro said as he walked up to the two. "Gaara is back from his last raid. He wiped out two more packs. There is a celebration in the dinning hall." he put his arm over his sisters shoulder and led her and the older vampire towards the hall.

"Also, don't mention the Hyugas. They broke their agreement with us and are now lending the beasts aid." Kankuro said dryly. He had never trusted them to begin with.

"Has Gaara done anything about it?" Temari asked.

"He's had a few ideas, but his first priority is the werewolves. "I will take care of the humans later." Where his exact words." Kankuro said.

They walked into an incredible hall, lined with tables, decorated with art from countless generations. It was beautiful.

And Gaara sat at his throne and looked out over the endless sea of Vampires. All he could think about was getting back out there and finishing this war once and for all.

He looked like he would rather be anywhere else than right here.

And then just like that, the music stopped and everyone was at attention. They could all smell it from a mile away.

Werewolves were in the compound. Strong ones at that.

Gaara still sat on his throne as if nothing seemed out-of-place. His face radiating calmness.

The double doors to the dinning hall burst open, and in walked the Alpha of Alphas.

Itachi Uchiha.

The room was dead silent, you could have heard a pin drop from any point in the entire compound, at least they could with their exceptional hearing.

"You desecrate these halls mutt." Baki shouted, breaking the silence.

"I'm not here to fight." Itachi said raising his hands in the air.

Gaara stood up and started walking towards Itachi.

"You know Gaara, I have come to realize that I can't beat you one on one, in a fair fight anymore. That time has long since passed." Itachi said.

"Then have you come here to die Uchiha?" Gaara spat.

"No, I've come here to bring a end to the fighting, at least for now." Itachi said as he threw a small bag on the floor. He raised an open hand to Gaara, "Kodai no kyūketsuki shīru noroi." he spoke.

There was a flash of light and when everyone could see again Gaara stood encased in stone.

"I hope you have had a wonderful evening and enjoy the rest of your night." Itachi said.

And just like that he was gone as quick as he came.