A Lesson in love

By:The Mystery Writer

Lesson Four: Letting Go

Demyx woke very happy with memories of the previous nights events. He felt content with way he was holding Zexion in that moment. Stroking his dark lilac hair gently. There was no denying he had deep feelings for Zexion. Not, love. Not yet. He hoped one day he'd come to love the other and he'd except the love then return it. But it was only a hope.

Zexion groaned and rolled over so that he was facing Demyx. So mentioned smiled at Zexion moving his hair from his face as he opened his eyes. Their eyes met. Demyx's smiling and Zexion's almost unreadable.

"Good morning." Demyx chirped.

After a while Zexion sat up and hugged Demyx. The latter was so taken aback he fell backward on the mattress, but Zexion didn't let go. "Morning." He mumble into the blonde's shoulder.

"Something wrong?" Demyx asked after sometime passed during which Zexion didn't let go.

Zexion detached from the blonde and stood up mumbling something about coffee. Demyx just sat there stunned. He knew Zexion could be intimate, but what he didn't know was that Zexion was a morning huger. Demyx just smiled and stood up following the Zexion into the kitchen.

"Do you want some?" Zexion asked holding up a coffee mug.

"No thanks... Do you have hot chocolate?!" Demyx asked very excitedly, because hot chocolate was indeed his favorite thing to drink.

Zexion stared at Demyx for a while then quickly put his hands to his mouth turning away from the boy. Being the very curious creature he was quirked his head and furrowed his eyebrows with a question forming upon his lips.

"Are you alright?" Demyx asked somewhat child like.

Zexion's shoulders began to shake up and down. Demyx believed that he was crying and quickly move to him. The mullet headed boy wrapped his arms around Zexion. "What's wrong?" He got no reply. Zexion's shoulders continued to bounce. Demyx believe he heard a whimper and hugged Zexion tighter. "It's ok Zex I burn my tongue on things too." Demyx had assumed Zexion had burned his tongue on the coffee and was now in pain. Not having the ability to hold back any more Zexion clasped the floor in a massive fit of laughter. Demyx completely and utterly confused stared at Zexion. "Why are you laughing?"

Zexion calmed his laugher somewhat to answer the question. "B-Because you're t-too CUTE!" Zexion erupted once more into a fit of giggles clutching his stomach while doing so.

Demyx processed this then looked at the sight before him. Zexion was smiling laugh. Laughing so hard Demyx could see tears in the corner of his eyes. He was happier than Demyx had yet to see and it brought a smile to the blondes face. He realized he love Zexion's laugh it was sweet like honey to the ears. Demyx couldn't help but join in on the laughter. Both of them laughed in fits to their heart's content.

When the laughter ceased Demyx extended his hand to Zexion to help the shorter up from the floor. Zexion gladly took the hand with a whisk of a smile. Demyx began to pull him up only to fall into the hands of clumsiness sending both of them against the counter. Lips entangled. As Demyx went to retreat and apologize Zexion's hands held him in placed as the accidental kiss became a purposeful one. When they pulled apart they both looked to utmost contentedness.

"What do you want to do today?" Zexion asked after a while.

"Can we go the beach?!" The blonde asked with much excitement in his voice. Demyx loved the beach and the water made him feel free and gave him a refreshing feeling to life that he wore everyday.

"The beach?"

"Yes! Please, Zexy."

"Ok. If you really want to."

"YAY!" Demyx squeal which Zexion gave a light-hearted smirk to.

After some normal morning preparations the two packed up Zexion's car for the beach. Upon arrival of the sandy destination they searched for an area where they could be alone and not seen by any of Demyx's peers for obvious reasons of exposure.

Demyx decide that the spot Axel use to bring him to would be perfect. Nobody was ever there, because of some old legend of ghost. Though Demyx nor Axel had seen a spook or spirit in the entire five years they'd been going to the remote area.

The two laid out a large blanket before Demyx ran off into the water. Zexion laid back on the blanket reading one of his many book. He periodically would look up to see his boyfriend frolicking and splashing in the water.

"Zexy, come on!" The blonde shouted from the water.

"I can't." Replied the man.

Demyx ran over to his boyfriend shaking free as much water as he could before laying out next to Zexion.

"What do you mean 'you can't'?" Asked Demyx confused.

"I don't know how to swim." Zexion admitted.

"At all?"

"No. I was never taught."

"Then I'll teach you! Come on." Demyx bubbled pulling the lilac haired man toward the water.

"I- I don't know Demyx. Maybe another day." Zexion said with some detectable fear.

"I'll keep you safe. I promise." Demyx smiled and kissed the man lightly on the cheek.

"Ok. Can we just not go very deep?"


Demyx spent the next half an hour teaching Zexion to swim. By the time he was done Zexion could swim, with minimal fear.

"Your doing it, Zexy!" Demyx cheered as Zexion floated on his back.


"Yes! I'm so proud of you!."

Zexion stood since they weren't that deep in the water. "It's all because of you. Thank you Demyx."

"Anytime! Now do you want to try in the deeper part?"

"Uh… maybe later. Let's get something to eat."

"Ok. There is a restaurant over the hill. Let's go there."

"How about I go and bring it back, so we can lunch on the beach."

"Sounds fun!"

"Okay stay here I'll be back shortly." With that Zexion grabbed his wallet and walked off.

Demyx laid out on the towel with his sun glasses and relaxed. He was nodding on the verge of sleep. When he heard distance shouts.


He pondered who was calling him from a distance, and then he thought it was Zexion needing help carrying the food.

"Zexy! Here I come!" He shouted back running towards the figure he couldn't truly make assurance of.

As he got closer the one figure multiplied into three. He then could make a few colors. A vibrant red, a sparkling silver, and a fluffy pink. These were his friends. A panic rolled through Demyx as he heard a shout from the opposite direction on the beach that was Zexion for sure. Demyx had to make quick thinking which he was bad at. He had to do something though.

"Hold on guys!" Demyx shouted toward his friends before running towards Zexion.

"Demyx you look frantic. What's wrong?" Zexion said with a bag of warm food.

"My friends are here. They can't see us together." Demyx said panicked.

"Ok. Calm down. I'll go to the car and you get them to leave and when they are gone you can call me and we can continue our day together."

"Okay. I can do that."

"Good." Zexion said then kissing Demyx on the lip passionately, but gently. "Don't take too long." Zexion walked off with the food and when he was out of sight Demyx ran back to his friends.

"Hey guys!"

"Hey Dem. Axel told us you had other plans this weekend which is why you weren't with us." Said one of Demyx's good friends, Marluxia. He was older than Demyx with pink hair the color of cotton candy.

"Yeah I do." Demyx said.

"Then why are you here." Said another of Demyx's friends, Riku. A boy same age as Demyx with platinum silver hair.

"I just got some time and decided to go hang out at the beach, but I'll be leaving soon."

"What have you got to do? Axel wouldn't tell us. He's been in a bad mood since Friday afternoon?" Marluxia said.

"Have not. Shut up, Marly." Axel said.

"He's probably upset Demyx didn't come over." Riku stated.

"You think they're still secretly dating and not telling us?" Marluxia said as If Axel nor Demyx were standing there.

"We are not. Demyx and I are no longer a thing, we are just friends." Axel said.

Demyx and Axel had a relationship from the early ages of seventh grade till mid spring of their current sophomore year. Demyx had been the one to break it off, and Axel had been upset for a week or two afterward. They'd only been apart for a few months, but since they were such good friends they still talked and hung out.

"Oh you know you wish two were a thing again." Marluxia teased.

"Do not!" Axel said.

"You don't?" Asked Demyx a little hurt. Not because he wanted to be with Axel, but because it made him feel like while they had a relationship he had been an inadequate partner.

"I mean yeah, but you know. Do you?"

"Uh, I don't know. You were a good boyfriend and all, but I think we're better as friends."

"Yeah." Axel said looking to the ground.

"Demyx who will better for you than this flamtard?" Marluxia said modeling Axel

"Well..." Demyx blushed.

"Are you not telling us something Demy?"


"I think he's got a new boy toy and isn't telling us." Riku said.

"No way." Demyx said then turned to Axel with pleading eyes.

"Leave him alone guys. We should get going if were going to make the movie anyway." Axel said.

"Fine. See ya later Demy." Marluxia waved and walked away followed by an uncaring Riku.

Axel turned to walk away, but was stopped by Demyx grabbing his hand.

"Axel, it's okay. I understand, but you have to understand that I think we should be friends. I don't want to lose you."

"I do. You have understand something too. I'm still trying to get over you. It's hard. Really hard. I loved- love you." Axel said look to. The sandy ground.

"I'm sorry, Axel. I...I don't know what to say."

"Don't say anything." Axel turned to the ocean and sighed. "See you around." He then turned and left Demyx feeling like had ruined something special. Even if he didn't know what it was.

Hope your liking it. give me some Reviews please. If there are grammar and spelling mistakes please realize I don't have a beta and those two area's aren't my strong suit and spell check only does so much. Well till next time...