"Hook." Emma said, trying to push him away with her foot. "Hook, stop. This isn't funny anymore."
Hook took a strand of her hair and twirled it around her finger. "I'm not laughing, love." He looked her in the eye, a smile ghosting his lips.
"Just untie me." She pleaded. He smirked at her whiny voice. Emma Swan never pleaded, but Hook was taking this too far; Kissing her and feeling her up like that.
"Say it nicely, darling." He sauntered over to his desk, picking up the stray knife again.
"Please untie me." She spoke clearly, her voice dripping in sarcasm.
Hook turned and leaned up against the wooden table seductively. "Well, when you put it like that…" He set the knife down carefully and walked very slowly. When he finally reached Emma, she pressed her back into the pole, trying to get as much distance between her and the pirate. But Hook didn't stop moving until he was only millimetres away from her face. "I'm going to have to refuse."
He laughed and placed his hands on her waist. Hook kissed Emma's neck and began to move his hand upward, pushing the thin fabric of her shirt up along with them. In a matter of moments, Emma's shirt was thrown to the ground, leaving her stomach bare and exposed.
Hook took a step back to take in her shape, his hands lingering above her chest. Emma took his moment of distraction to knee him like she had in New York. He keeled over, hands clutching the injured area. Seconds passed and Hook stood up and cursed. "You bitch." He raised his hand and slapped her across the cheek.
Emma gasped, not in pain but in shock. The slap hadn't hurt that much, but the fact that he would even hit her shocked her. A hand grabbed her face roughly and Hooks mouth was on hers.
Emma didn't fight back, but she certainly didn't give in. She just stood there, tied to a pole while the pirate Captain kissed her angrily. He bit down on her lip, playfully at first, as if they were in Neverland. Then as if Hook had realized where he was and what he was doing, he bit harder, drawing blood from Emma's bottom lip. Emma opened her mouth in surprise, which apparently was exactly what Hook wanted. His tongue entered Emma's mouth and explored what was inside.
Hook pulled away to look at her. "I'm going to untie you," He started. Emma felt hope rise inside her like a balloon. He smirked. "Only to tie you to the bed, love. It'll be easier that way." He winked and her hope deflated. He grabbed the knife on his desk and swiftly cut through the rope. Emma let her arms dropped and she rubbed her wrists gently, hoping to restart the blood circulation.
"I really think you–" Emma started, hoping to appeal to his humanity again. The slap came harder and quicker this time. She let her head hang where it had been forced as she listened to Hook's rough voice. "You will not speak unless I ask you too." He whispered harshly in her ear. "Do you understand, love?"
Emma didn't make a sound. She let Hook push her towards the bed, knowing there was no way of escape. He was faster and stronger than her and he definitely knew the ship more than she did. "That's a good girl, Swan." He said as he tied her wrists to the bed post. "Isn't it easier when you don't struggle?"
The pirate wrapped his hooked hand around her back, ripping the fabric of her bra. "Darling, you are beautiful." He grinned maniacally.
He pushed her down into the soft bedsheets, kissing her bare chest. Emma shivered under his touch, which earned a smirk from Hook. The captain left a trail of wet kissed from her chest to her waist.
"No, no. Please don't, Hook." She whispered softly as he began pushing her jeans down, his lips never leaving her body. Hook reached up and squeezed her breast hard. Emma whimpered and felt a tear slip down her cheek. "What did I say about speaking, Swan." He warned her, his hand returning to her jeans.
"Well, aren't these cute." Hook said, trailing a finger along the waist line of her panties. "Oops." He laughed as he ripped them off her body, throwing them down with the discarded jeans. Hook turned to rid himself of his own clothes and Emma prepared herself. When he turned back to face her, Emma's foot shot out and connected with his chest. He wavered back slightly, his face showing surprise which slowly turned to anger. He started towards her and she kicked him again, this time her foot connecting with his stomach.
Hook let out a small sound and turned away. Then he whirled around, a fist in the air. His fist made contact with Emma's jaw, filling the room with a cry of pain. Emma stared at the man in front of her, horror and fear written all over her face. She breathed heavily, crying and whimpering, watching Hook stare at her with an unreadable face. "Emma." He said softly.
She shut her mouth and looked away, staring at the wooden wall. "Emma, look at me."
She ignored him, wishing her arms were free so she could hold her hurting jaw. "Emma." His voice said again, a little more demanding. But she just closed her eyes, hoping he would get the hint now if he hadn't before.
A loud creak came from above deck. Emma could feel Hook tense up. She looked at him, eyes wide. He stared back at her. She wanted to laugh, to grin and smirk like he had done all night. "Emma, don't." He said, eyes warning. Emma shook her head slightly, her blonde curls bouncing off her shoulders.
"Hey!" She yelled as loudly as she could. "Hey! Down here!" The footsteps above them moved faster. Hook tensed up, listening to the person come closer. The intruder began to walk cautiously down the stairs. "Until next time, Swan." Hook said, his playful, seductive voice vanishing.
He strode out of the room, leaving Emma alone waiting for her rescuer. The door opened again.
"Emma?" The woman said.
It was a pretty awkward situation for Emma, and probably for the woman too, but she had never been so happy to see Regina Mills in her life.
A/N So this story had an unplanned, unexpected twist. Woo!
Huge thank you to butterflykisses0 for coming up with this brilliant plot.
I love hearing what you guys have to say so please please please review this story. Tell me what you think of it, what you think I should do, anything.