Hi everyone! So I've watched Free! It was probably the third anime I watched after Maid Sama and Junjou Romantica. And for a long time I've wanted to write a fanfic about Rin Matsuoka and after writing a Kill La Kill fanficition named MAYBE (between Ryuko and Sanageyama) and getting a warm response, I thought I'd write one for Free! This is the FIRST TIME ON THIS SITE I WILL WRITE A STORY WITH PROPER CHPATERS. There is an OC but I want you guys to imagine that OC is you, if you want.

I'm sorry for taking up this time and you must be hell angry or agitated or both but I'd just like to remind that I don't own any of the 'Free!' characters (I wish I did though). Please don't plagiarize this as I've put in hard work for this. I'd just like to remind, I'm going to write more than one chapter for this fanfic and please replace yourself in place of Masamune!

I was seeing him, I could see our hands intertwine, I could see him brush my hair aside. I could feel his lips on mine, I could hear his laughter. I could feel his embrace but…But he didn't have a face. I knew this was a dream, I'd grown accustomed to it now. But, I liked the feel of his hands on mine and I knew this was love. I could feel it in my bones. I wanted to see his face but every time before I could see his face my mom would wake me up. I can hear her.

"Masamune! Masamune! Masamune! Get up! You have school today." I heard my mom screaming from downstairs. I rolled over and swung my legs outside. I didn't want to go to school, couldn't I just be a jackpot millionaire instead ? I tied my long black hair into a pony tale which was situated on the crown of my head. Yes, I know Masamune is a guys name but leave it to my mom not to be sexist. I wanted a beautiful girly name like Chinatsu or Akira or Emi or Kisa but nope.

I brushed my teeth while I peed, thinking about how I would meet the gang in an hour and then go to school. I finished peeing and washed my mouth. I quickly washed my face and wore my uniform. I hated the uniform with all my heart, I was the only one who hated it apparently. I combed my hair and tied it yet again into a high pony. I went down stairs and saw my breakfast awaiting for me on the plate.

I ate my breakfast fast and dumped the necessary books in my bag. I waved 'bye' to my mom and stepped outside. I could hear Nagisa's laughter in the distance. I sat on the footpath waiting for them and after two to three minutes, someone kicked my foot. I looked up and saw my bestfriend, Rin Matsuoka standing. My heart was beating a bit faster than normal, why ? This had been happening for the past two weeks or so, every time I'd see him and it would beat like Dubstep.

"Good morning." I beamed. He responded by groaning and rolling his eyes.

"Hey, don't roll your eyes at me." I said.

"Nande ?" He said, smoothly.

"It's already bad seeing your face in the morning but then you worsen it up by rolling your eyes." I retorted.

"You know you want to kiss this face." He said, winking and smiling. I could see his canines and for some reason I always wanted to know how they would feel biting against my skin, my collarbone…. I could feel my face become red so I looked away as I pulled my phone out, typing in the password and locking it again. I groaned and before I knew it Gou, Rin's sister was standing beside me.

"God, Masamune-chan I don't want to study World Politics today." Gou said, interlocking our arms.

"Gou, you never want to study and wait till we go to the next standard. Rin seems to be having a lot of fun." I said, the last part was sarcastic.

"You like World Politics Masamune-chan, I hate it." Gou was crying.

"Then why did you take it ?" Rin asked his sister.

"You and I both know the answer to that Onii-san." Gou said but somewhere in that conversation I blanked out, my thoughts were constantly on that dream I was having every night.

Who was that person ? I wanted to know. His hands felt so warm against mine, I felt protected when I was with him, it was like a feeling like no other. I never wanted to get up and spoil that dream and-JERK!
I was pulled back by someone, my feet tripping over each other. This is it, the end of Masamune Yukina. I knew I was falling. I shut my eyes but I never felt the impact. I opened my eyes and saw I was on top of Rin.

"W-What happened ?" I asked him, even though I was still on top of him.

"Get off of me and I'll answer." He said. Makoto seemed to help me up and Nagisa and Rei helped Rin up.

"You zoned out and didn't notice the car coming and Rin pulled you but you lost footing and ended up falling backwards and Rin caught you but ended up falling himself." Haruka said, sounding the least bit interested.

"Aurigato Rin and Gomenasai!" I said bowing my head, feeling like an idiot. Rin laughed and said "It's okay." I looked at Rin, his face was red and he rarely laughed. Great, I made him feel embarrassed.

"Okay, anyways bye!" Rin said happily as he waved to us and walked towards Samezuka Academy. He joined it because they had a really good swim team and really good facilities plus because of Haruka but that's a story for another time.

Gou looked at Nagisa who looked at Rei and all of them were smirking, evilly.
"Am I missing out on something ?" I asked but Makoto just rested a hand on my shoulder and said "Nope, nothing at all." We walked towards Iwatobi High School where Haruka and Makoto went in different directions as compared to us. They were our Senpai's. Rei, Nagisa, Gou and Me were in the same class. If anyone one of us had a doubt, usually we would end up asking Rei about it and he would explain it…beautifully. See what I did there ? *wink-wink**nudge-nudge*.

I felt my phone buzz and I saw I had a message from Rin. I opened it and it was written :

"Hey ? Sup. Kind of boring yet again."

I smiled at the thought that he would actually want to talk to me when he was bored. It made me feel special. I also felt special because I think I was among the few people Rin could open up to, properly.

"Shut up and study. Do you have swim practice today ?" I texted him back. No more than seconds later I got a reply which stated "No. Do you want to go out maybe ? I need a break from studying. AND GOU." I laughed at the 'Gou part.' Gou looked at me and raised an eyebrow but continued talking to Nagisa and Rei about some show called 'Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi'.

"Do you want the others to tag along ?" I asked him.

"Ask them if they want too." Rin replied.

"Hey guys, do you want to go out today ? Well Rin asked me and now I'm asking you guys." I said.

"Yes!" Gou answered enthusiastically.

"But-" Nagisa started saying but was cut off by Rei jabbing his stomach.

"Yes Masamune kun ,we'll come too." Rei said in his cool and composed voice.
I didn't get much to time to think about what Rei was saying as the teacher entered and starting giving us equations. The day was absolutely boring. Boring. Boring, I tell you. You know sometimes when you go to school and it's fine and sometimes it amazing and sometimes you wished you'd stayed at home ? Well I wish I'd stayed at home instead. Gou had slept off in this period, the last period of the day. Time was going by so damn slowly.

I wish I could just fast forward it already. I started poking Rei, who was sitting in front of me. It was always fun to see him squirm when I did it unexpectedly and every now and then the teacher would notice him squirming and give him a glare that stated 'One more time and you're out of my class. You think this is funny ?' And poor Rei would just look down.

After sometime he stopped responding and there were still another thirty minutes. My eyes started feeling heavy and before I knew it I was sleeping.

I could see him, I could see him again. We were on the beach this time. I still couldn't see his face but I could make out that he was smiling, but not with his teeth. He seemed to be chasing me down the beach. And before I knew it, he had thrown me into the water and was splashing it at me.

And then he leaned in and kissed my cheek and as he started leaning in to-

AAAH! I was falling and BADUMP! My ass had made contact with the floor. I looked up and saw that the teacher was standing there, looking down at me.

"Stand outside my class, Yukina Masamune, now." The teacher said. I got up from the floor and went and stood outside.

"Guess what. I'm standing outside my class." I texted Rin.

"Aw! What did my Masamune Chan do now ?" Rin texted me back.

My heart kind of leapt at the words 'My Masamune' I knew he meant it like a friend but what was this feeling inside my heart ?

"First of all, I'm not your Masamune. I don't belong to anyone. I'm not a piece of wood or paper. And I was sleeping in class and I kind of fell off my chair." I texted back.

"Aw! What was your dream ? Me and you making ze beast with two backs ?" Rin texted back. I almost chocked on my own spit. My eyes were popping out.

"I would never-ever make 'anything' with you. You're not worth me."

"Hahahah! Yeah, I'm worth more. WAY MORE."

"Believe what you want to believe."

I texted him back and luckily the bell rang. Wow.

"So, I'll meet you and the others at smoothy place ?" Rin texted me.

"Yeah sure." I texted him back and awaited for the class to come out before I went in, bowed my head and said "Gomenasai Sensei! This won't happen again!"

The teacher nodded his head and let me go. I sighed and left the room. Nagisa, Rei and Gou were waiting, apparently Rei was trying to explain something to Nagisa and Nagisa being the cute little airhead he was, was obviously wasn't understanding. Gou was laughing at poor Rei.

Once they saw me approach they smiled at me. We waited near the school gates for Haruka and Makoto to join us. Haruka and Makoto were smiling at each other and holding hands.


The other three hadn't noticed. I was smirking once Makoto and Haruka left hands, you could see a hint of a blush on Haruka's face. I cocked an eyebrow and Makoto sensed that I knew something.

Gou was talking to Haruka about something but I couldn't hear because I was too busy rooting for my OTP (One true pair), Haruka and Makoto. I knew it. I've always known it. All though, sometimes I wished it had been Rin and Haruka but then sometimes, something inside of me would become disheartened and so I would leave the topic.

"How much did you see ?" Makoto asked me calmly.

"Everything. But it's okay. I was rooting for you guys anyways. So how'd you convince him ?" I asked Makoto.

Makoto smiled and said "In fact how did he convince me. Surprising right ?"

I laughed at what Makoto said. Makoto told me that Haruka had tried to give simple hints to Makoto about his feelings and such but Makoto has a pretty dense skull sometimes. Haruka then started sharing his mackerel with Makoto which was some what a surprise to Makoto and then Haruka started talking a lot to Makoto which was another surprise to Makoto as we all knew that Haruka didn't open up to anyone much and didn't speak to anyone. And then one day Haruka just leaned in and Kissed Makoto and hugged him and said that he liked Makoto more than a friend.

This seemed something like out of a fanfiction to me, but hey who am I to judge ? right ?

My house came and I waved to the others reminding them to meet me and Rin at the smoothy place by four. Everyone seemed more than happy.

I decided to wear baby blue knee length shorts with a white shirt paired with my black vans. I let my hair down, I grabbed my wallet and phone and set out. I had gotten a text from Gou telling that the rest of them would be late as on their way to home, an old lady was trying to find her way home and they were helping her. I texted her back telling it was okay.

Once I reached it was around five minutes past 4 and Rin had already ordered for himself. I stood and watched him from afar. He looked so good in simple black jeans and grey t-shirt. I could feel my breath get hitched and I could feel my heart beating in my ears. I calmed myself down by drawing circles on the back of my hands, I continued to tell myself, I am the circle and the circle is me. Doing that somehow calmed me down.

I walked in the place and Rin smiled at me, showing his teeth and he seemed to so damn cute. BAKA HE IS YOUR BESTFRIEND! DON'T THINK ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT! HE DOESN'T EVEN LIKE YOU LIKE THAT. STOP THIS NONSENSE AT ONCE.

I smiled back at him and sat down.

"Where are the others ?" He asked me.

Seriously you're not even going to ask me how are you ? everything fine ? No, you look good ? No, Hey I'm madly in love with you. Oh. Okay then. Excuse me while I cry in this specific corner.

I laughed nervously and said "They said they would be late as they were helping some old lady."

"They texted me saying that a young girl was lost." Rin said.

And speak of the devils, they texted us both at the same time.


"Great they think we like-like each other." I said. My heart was pounding. Wait, did I like-like Rin ? Why am I acting like a bloody child ? Why haven't I ordered a chocolate milkshake yet ?

"If you're thinking about your chocolate milkshake, don't worry I've ordered it." Rin said smiling.

"Because you know MY MILKSHAKE BRINGS ALL THE BOYS TO THE YARD AND THEY'RE LIKE." I started singing, waiting for Rin to sing the next part.

He hesitated a bit and then sand "IT'S BETTER THAN YOURS!"

"I CAN TEACH YOU BUT I'LL CHARGE!" Me and Rin sang this line together.

"So, Yukina Masamune, would you like to go on a date with me ?" Rin asked me with a beautiful smile on his face.

I thought he was joking but then I looked at his face and there was this seriousness and this other look that I couldn't fathom.

"Uh.. Yeah okay." I don't know what I was saying. Rin smiled with this look of triumph on his face.

We drank our milkshakes making jokes like

"I'm so hot even the suns jealous." Or "I'm cooler than ice cubes" or "What do cows listen to ? Moosic." And such lame ones. I noticed one thing, Rin was only like this around Haruka, Makoto and Me. Which for some reason made me feel good.