Hello people of earth! Five pages this time, I hope you like it! Spring break it over for me today, and I am is sick as a dog…so that's fun!

Jackson: You know you gotta do it.
Me: Do what?
Stiles: The disclaimer.
Me: But everything is mine, MINE, MINE, MINE!
Me: all rights go to the people who write, direct and produce the show…
Jackson and Stiles: *looks at me accusingly*


Scott had to admit, Jackson was fast. Scott didn't struggle to keep up with him, but Scott thought he would have to slow it down for him a little, but they were pretty much at the same pace. Scott did find it weird seeing Jackson as a werewolf. He usually knew him as two things, one, the cocky, ignorant jerk he was and still is, or his previous transformations as the kanima. But this Jackson was new.

His eyes, neither red nor yellow, were blue, the same as Derek's and the twin's eyes. Scott knew it was because of the killing he did when he was the kanima, but it was strange to think that Jackson was a murderer. He had killed plenty of people, all under influence though.

They were almost to the vet when Scott heard a howl. He stopped, making Jackson stop too.

"What was that?" Scott asked, but actually thinking who that was. Jackson looked like he was about to say something, but he had a look bewildered look on his face when he looked at Scott.

"What?" Scott asked, confused by what Jackson was looking at.

Jackson, almost in a shocked awe, said "Your, your eyes" he said. "They're red"

Scott gave out a sigh, because he thought something was really wrong.

"I know" Scott said confidently. "I'm an alpha now"

Jackson's werewolf form turned back into his regular self, and Scott did that same.

Scott stood up on his legs, like how Jackson already was, who was still looking at Scott funny.

Jackson pointed an accusing finger at Scott. "Did you kill Derek?" Jackson asked, confused how Scott was an alpha now.

Scott immediately shook his head. "No, no, no" Scott said. "I'm a true alpha." Jackson raised his eyebrows.

"Look" Scott said sharply. "I'll explain everything once we get-"

He was interrupted by yet another howl, this one louder than before. But Scott furrowed his eyebrows, using his werewolf hearing to try to see where it came from.

"What was that?" Scott asked again.

Jackson shrugged like it didn't matter. "It's probably just another werewolf. Why does it matter?"

Scott shook his head. The howl, unlike werewolf howls, wasn't low and loud, but more of a high howl, and a lot louder. Scott might have mistaken it for a regular wolf, if it didn't seem so...strange.

"Look McCall, if you want to do this then-"

All of a sudden, a great big creature leaped on to Scott. Scott had no time to react before it bit Scott's shoulder. Scott screamed in pain as its sharp teeth sank down into his flesh. Jackson, finally recovering from the surprise, leapt on the wolf and crashed into it and started wrestling it on the ground. The creature however, didn't fight or hurt Jackson, even as Jackson was clawing it. After Jackson accidentally loosened his hold, the creature sprang off and ran deeper into the woods.

Scott's shoulder was bleeding and the pain was blinding him from everything else. He could faintly hear Jackson repeating his name over and over, him shaking him to remain conscious. The last thing Scott remembered was Jackson taking out his phone to call someone, before he passed out.

Scott woke up to blindness. Everything was bright, and he vaguely heard someone calling his name. He blinked several times to see clearly. When he could finally tell what he was looking at, he saw the face of Deaton right above his.

"Deaton" Scott said in a rough whisper. He looked around to see that they were finally in the vet, with Jackson leaning on an unoccupied table, chewing on his nails looking over at Stiles and Lydia, who were talking in hushed whispers.

"Scott" Stiles said when he realized his best friend was awake. He walked over and put a hand on his shoulder. Scott was lying down on one of the tables, his shirt off revealing his white wife beater.

"How-how did I get here?" Scott asked, only remembering him being attacked in the woods.

"Jackson called us and told us where you guys were, we drove over and picked you guys up. What happened?" Lydia said. Scott shook his head in confusion. "I have no idea" he said.

"What attacked you Scott?" Deaton asked. Again, Scott shook his head. "I don't know I never got a good look at it, with it trying to maul me and all" Scott said. Deaton nodded in understanding. He then looked over to Jackson, who was nearing staring off into space in deep thought.

"Jackson?" Deaton asked. Jackson looked up with wide eyes. "Huh?" Jackson asked.

"Did you see what attacked Scott?" he asked calmly. Jackson put his arms down and took a deep breath.

"Yeah, I did" Jackson said distractingly.

"Well what was it?" Stiles said annoyed.

Jackson took a minute to think about his answer before he said "a wolf."

Stiles gave him a look that said really wanna do this now dude? "A werewolf?" Deaton asked a hand on his chin and the other one in the air. Jackson shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know" he said.

"What do you mean you don't know? You're a werewolf Jackson, you should know if you see another werewolf or not" Stiles said, once again annoyed and frustrated with Jackson. Jackson raised his hands in defense.

"I don't know Stiles, I was too busy trying to save McCall's ass over there to get a good look at what I was fighting!" Jackson yelled at Stiles.

"Were you fighting blind Jackson? What did it look like?" Stiles yelled back.

"I-I don't know, it was dark" Jackson said for a lame excuse.

Stiles, once again gave him his famous are you kidding me? looks while waving his hands in frustration.

"It was dark? Have you forgotten you are a werewolf Jackson, you should be able to see in the damn dark!"

"Stilinski I would watch your-"

"What color were the eyes?"

Stiles and Jacksons yelling match was interrupted by Lydia, saying her first question to Jackson since she had seen him.

Jackson was surprised at the question. "What?" he asked Lydia.

"Did you see what color the eyes were? Red, yellow, blue-"


Lydia's mouth dropped a little and she crossed her arms around her chest.

"What did you say?" Lydia asked Jackson worriedly.

Jackson shrugged his shoulders with a weird look on his face. "I-I can't remember anything else, except its eyes. They were a cloudy gray" Jackson said. He looked back at Lydia. "How did you know that I knew that?"

"I didn't, I just asked"

"Why?" Jackson asked back.

"It might mean something"

"Mean what? Since when are you an expert on all things werewolf?" Jackson asked sharply.

"I'm not just that teenage girl you dumped last year Jackson" Lydia said back just as sharply. Jackson, who had an odd reaction to her statement, quickly straightened up and walked up to Lydia until they were only inches apart.

"You're not human anymore, are you?" Jackson asked Lydia. Lydia looked him steady in the eyes, and then snuck a glance at Stiles, who was looking at Lydia intently. Deaton stepped back; letting the three talks about what they thought was happening. Scott was still on the table, drifting in and out of consciousness, only hearing snippets of the conversation.

Lydia, after having a silent conversation with Stiles, looked back at Jackson. "I'm a banshee" Lydia clarified.

"You're a what?" Jackson asked, confused on what she meant.

"I basically can tell when things are gonna happen, when something big happens...when someone is gonna die...if someone is in trouble, where there is going to be trouble. And-" Lydia glanced at Stiles again, who got the hint and summed up with a few words. "She's a screamer."

Jackson, who had crossed his arms, raised his eyebrows with what was a little amusement in his eyes.

"Well" Jackson said. "I could have told you that"

Stiles grabbed Lydia's arm and pulled her to him so she wasn't as close to Jackson. Lydia was giving Jackson the death glare, while Jackson had a very tiny smirk on his face.

Deaton, finally looking away from the bickering teenagers, looked back over to Scott, who was unconscious again. He walked over and lightly patted his face.

"Scott. Scott?" Deaton asked.

"Why isn't he healing?" Stiles asked his hand still in hold of Lydia's arm.

Deaton shook his head. "Whatever it was that attacked him, it was poisonous to him. It might take a while for him to heal correctly" Deaton said.

"What could possibly do this to him? Could it actually be a wolf?"

Deaton again, shook his head, saying he didn't have any answers. "If it was in fact a wolf, it's something powerful and strong, and like most things you kids end up dealing with" Deaton said. "Deadly."

It was quiet for a moment, before Lydia stepped forward from Stiles grip.

"I need to tell all of you something" Lydia said.

"Yeah" Jackson said. "So do I"

Deaton, while checking up Scott's injuries, nodded his head. "Okay" he said. "I guess its story time then"

Oh! Here's a little sneak peek for next chapter!

Jackson was rubbing his hands together, looking up at everyone who was looking at him with horrified expressions.

"What is it? Why is it here?" Lydia asked.

Jackson shook his head. "I don't know"

Stiles shook his head too. "What do they call it?"

Jackson looked up from the floor. "A She-Wolf"

Ohhhhhhh, doesn't that sound fun. So what do you think? Did you like that Jydia convo? *I have been informed that it is, in fact, called Jydia* What's up with Scott, will he be okay? What is behind the gray eyes, and what the hell is a 'She-Wolf?'