It was dark by the time the fire was going well enough to make s'mores. It was also clear that the children were ready to settle down. By this time Tony and Jared were no longer speaking. So when Gibbs suggested dessert, everyone was excited.

"Tony, Tim, come here please" Gibbs said from the chair by the fire.

"Daddy- I can make my own" Tony said as he saw his father preparing the roasting stick for two marshmallows.

"I don't want you that close to the fire Tony" Gibbs explained.

"That's why I got a long stick!" Tony explained, oblivious to why his father didn't want him doing it.

"Tony, you can help me make it, but I want you over here please" The father ordered.

"Daddy" Tony whined.

"Hey Tony, why don't you help me out?" Jimmy asked. "I've never made one before."

"What!" Tony cried. His shock that an adult that he really liked had never made a s'more clearly outweighed the fact that he was upset with his father.

With Tony taken care of, he was able to give Tim the attention he needed.

"Me s'mores da!" Tim shouted as he ran towards his father. Gibbs was quick to grab him so he didn't trip into the fire.

"Don't run by the fire Tim" The father reminded softly. "And that's right, let's make you a s'more" Gibbs agreed.

"No Da, me s'more!" Tim told the older man. It took a moment for Gibbs to understand what his son was saying.

"Uh-uh Timmy. I don't want you that close to the fire alone." Gibbs said, not willing to let his overly clumsy toddler be that close to the fire alone.

"No!" Time yelled. "Me s'mores!"

Gibbs easily pulled Tim between his knees to look him in the eyes. "Don't yell Tim. I can help you make one or there will be no s'mores." Gibbs said laying down the ultimatum to which Tim pouted.

"Okay Tim" Gibbs said after a few moments and pulled Tim to the side. He then looked at Abby. "Would you like a s'more Abs?" He asked the girl softly.

"No!" Tim whined. "Want s'more!" He cried and hit his father's arm.

"Timothy Jethro, if you are going to act like that, you can go to bed. You had your chance. Apologize and then you can have a treat" Gibbs explained sparing Tim a glance. Abby walked over to Gibbs and placed a marshmallow on the prong with the man's help.

Tim went to his dad and told him again, "Want s'more!"

This time Gibbs turned to look at his youngest son. "What do you say first?"

Tim didn't say anything and just glared.

"Ok then" The father said and gave Stan, who had arrived late with his wife, a look for help. Stan picked up the angry toddler and sat him on his lap. They were close enough to the fire that they would both be warm. Tim didn't say anything and sat there brooding.

"Come here Abby" Gibbs said kindly and guided the girl between his legs, so that she was facing the fire. He then placed her hands on the roasting stick and placed his larger ones over hers.

"How do you like them done?" He asked the girl.

"Burnt!" She cried happily.

"Burnt? Oh sweet Abbigail, you do know the perfect way to ruin a s'more don't you?" Ducky said, shaking his head good naturedly.

"That's the best way!" Abby told the group sitting around the fire.

"Uh-uh." Tony contradicted. "Golden brown is the best. That way it gets all gooey and yummy. That's how we are doing ours." Tony said, looking at Jimmy.

"How about you ask Jimmy how he wants his done Tony?" Gibbs scolded gently.

"I don't think you should give him the choice this time Gibbs" Leon said. "He's never had one before." The man reminded as he finished making his kids their desserts.

"That means he will have to eat two!" Tony said slyly.

"Uh-huh." Gibbs grunted. "Does that mean you'll get two as well?" The father asked knowingly.

"I'd have to Daddy." Tony said wisely. "Or it won't be even." Tony explained and gave his father a pleading look.

"I guess that makes sense." Gibbs agreed.

"Me want one da!" Tim called again from Stan's lap.

"You know what you have to do first Timothy." Gibbs told his youngest as he helped Abby finish her s'more.

"Want a bite Gibbs?" Abby asked holding the untouched s'more out in offering.

"That is very sweet of you Abby" He said giving her a sideways hug, "but it is all yours." And without further ado, she dug in. Gibbs put the other s'more together so she could have it later.

After seeing everyone else enjoying their treats, Tim became upset. He wriggled his way off Stan's lap and picked up a roasting stick and started poking at the coals.

"Timothy" His father yelled and grabbed the stick and tossed it to the side. He then reached over and pulled the boy to his side. "You know not to play with fire."

Tim huffed.

"Apologize and you can have a s'more" He told the boy gently.

Tim shook his head.

"Well if you are done eating then you can go to bed." The father decided.

"He can have mine" Abby said, holding out her other s'more to Tim.

"That's for you Abby." Gibbs told her. "But that was very nice of you." He praised, patting her back gently and pulling Tim's arms away from the sweet snack. Being so close to the prize, made Tim swallow his anger to apologize.

"Sorry." Tim muttered. Gibbs lifted the boy's chin so they were eye to eye.


"Hittin' and yellin'"

While it was not the best apology the boy could make, Gibbs also knew it was past Tim's bedtime and that he had had a busy day.

"Go grab the marshmallows." Gibbs ordered.

Once everyone had a couple of s'mores, they began winding down for the night. Leon and his family left soon after because it was clear the kids were beyond tired. Once Abby was picked up, everyone else left and Gibbs was left with two tired and still sticky boys from the s'mores they had eaten.

Once everything was brought inside, Gibbs had the boys go upstairs and had Tony start the tub. He figured that everything could wait to be put away until tomorrow. He put the leftovers away quickly before heading upstairs.

When he got to the bathroom he saw Tony helping Tim take his clothes off but was struggling because Tim was asleep on his feet.

"Thanks Tony" He praised his oldest before taking over and telling Tony to hop in the tub himself.

"M'tired" Tim murmured as he was plopped in the tub. It was a testament to how tired Tim was that he did not touch any of his toys. Tony was not doing much else either, but washed his hair when instructed.

"Did you boys have fun today?"

"Yeah!" Tony said happily. "We should have s'mores every day!" The boy insisted.

"I will keep that in mind" Gibbs laughed. "How about you Tim?"

"Huh?" Tim asked sleepily.

"Never mind. Close your eye." The man instructed and washed the boy's hair. A few minutes later, both kids were clean and dry. He put both their hooded robes on before picking them both up and carrying them to Tim's room. He set them both down on Tim's bed before telling Tony to go get his PJs.

He grabbed Tim a pair of PJs and put on the boy's pull up before dressing him in the superman onesie that the kid loved so much. He just finished zipping it up and Tony walked in wearing a pair of pants and no shirt.

"Where's your shirt Tony?" Gibbs asked.

"Didn't want one" Tony said and climbed up next to Tim. Gibbs shrugged and tucked Tim in.

"What should we read tonight?" Gibbs asked.

"Nuthin'." Timmy mumbled.

"Nothing?" Gibbs asked surprised.


"Ah." The older man answered knowingly. "Goodnight Timmy" Gibbs said and gave him a paternal kiss on the forehead.

"Th'nks Da"

"For what Timmy?" Gibbs whispered.

"T'night. Was fun."

"You're welcome Timmy." The father said and reached to pick Tony up.

"Wait!" He whispered and leaned forward to kiss his brother's forehead as well, as was there nightly routine. Then Gibbs carried Tony to his room and tucked him in.

"I had fun to Daddy."

"I'm glad to hear it." He said and placed a kiss on his forehead as well. He then went to shut the door after turning of the light.

"I meant it about the s'mores Daddy!"

A/N Thanks for sticking with me! Wasn't sure how to end it or if it was okay. I finally have finished my first fanfiction story!