Y Ddraig Goch

Disclaimer: Familiar of Zero is property of the late Noboru Yamaguchi. High School DxD is property of Ichiei Ishibumi.

Chapter 1: Summoning under the Moonlit Courtyard

My name if Hyoudou Issei. I am a Second Year student in Kuoh Academy and my dream is to be a harem king. Up until a few months ago, I was just an average person that went about my days thinking about regular teenager things like girls and homework. That all changed due to my death and rebirth as a Devil.

From that point on, I went on increasingly strange and dangerous adventures to increase my ranking as a Devil to both better serve my master Rias Gremory and to attain my dream. Nowadays, I'm a tokusatsu hero, rich beyond my wildest dreams, a Mid-ranked Devil and Dragon, and a member of an anti-terrorist strike team that dealt with supernatural threats. The me of before would have undoubtedly be surprised if the me of now had told him exactly what was going to happen to him.

Anyways, my latest adventure started when I was in the Holy Land (Akihabara) trying to pick up the latest in series of eroge that involved big busts. At my side was Ophis, dressed in a very fashionable gothic Lolita dress like always. She, the Dragon who represents Infinity, was here due to hearing about the special foods that were served there. Otaku and cosplayers of all sorts were attracted to her like flies to honey, snapping away pictures with their cameras and phones like there was no tomorrow, commenting on how "moe" she was.

Ophis being in the form of a very cute girl with raven locks, milky white skin, and an almost unnatural beauty, was of course the definition of "moe". Still, I had to beat back certain bold people with rolled up magazines for attempting to snap panty shots of my daughter. Even though she's incredibly ancient, she's very innocent and naïve- thus I have to protect her virtue. "Back! Back I say!" Chasing off yet another pervert that had tried to catch a peek with a fierce scowl, I felt kinship for fathers everywhere. No wonder they were so overprotective if there were people like this out here!

"I, smell the Dimensional Gap." Ophis suddenly remarked, looking up from her doughnut with powdered sugar and crumbs still dotting her mouth. She then dashed off into the crowd like a bloodhound that had caught the scent of its target.

"Oy!" Alarmed that she had been attracted by something like that, I too chased after my errant daughter, pushing people out of the way and profusely apologizing to the crowd. The fact that Ophis sensed something like the Dimensional Gap might have meant she had been tracked down by those who wished to capture her for ill will like that crazy old man Rizevim.

At last I caught sight of her, staring at a guy with a laptop for some reason. Then, the guy was sucked into a portal reminiscent of a shimmering mirror! No one else reacted to it, so I supposed it was something that only supernatural entities could see.

It was at that moment that my daughter began to run towards the thing. "I, want to investigate." Then, she jumped towards it! Reacting instinctively, I launched myself forward with the power of a Devil and caught hold of her waist before being pulled into the emerald gateway. Flowing through the place, it did in fact remind me of Ophis and Great Red's home, though it was in the wrong color.

Then I felt myself in midair looking down upon the world. "Ophis, turn invisible!" I whispered to the Infinite who complied. After all, no one was supposed to know that Ophis was hanging out with us. Then, I crashed into the ground in the midst of a group of people dressed up as magicians. They had robes and staves and wands, as well as what looked eerily like school uniforms. Were we in some sort of H*rry P*tter-esque school?

In the distance, I could see the guy that got sucked in earlier being kissed by a strawberry blonde girl and then shouting out in pain while a rune etched itself on his hand, visible even to me due to the shining light it was emitting. It distracted me long enough for someone to end up behind my back, clearing his throat. "Excuse me, but who are you people and how did you get here?" Turning to regard the speaker, I was met with a bald professor wearing glasses. The students were also listening in on our conversation despite attempting to look like they weren't interested.

"We saw the guy get sucked in the portal and found that we could get sucked in too." I responded back, scratching his head in an embarrassed manner.

"Ah, so you come from the same place as Miss Louise's Familiar then. Since she has already claimed her familiar and her magic resulted in your appearance…" A troubled look appeared on the Professor's face as he pondered what to do now. "As a Noble, it is our duty to take care of the masses… Are you willing to work for room and board here?"

"…Humans can be Familiars?" I muttered before catching his look and words. The fact that he didn't say anything about sending us back meant that either he couldn't or it was beneath his notice to do too much for someone he just met. Thinking about it for a second, I nodded. After all, I had connections. Sooner or later, they were going to track me down anyways. That was what I thought until I looked up at the sky a bit more. "…Two moons."

Oh Hell, we're in a different dimension, which was proven possible due to my summoning of the Chichigami's servant during the fight with Evil God Loki. And here I am, in a new place with a completely different sky. Obviously, this meant a whole new game with rules I don't know yet. I was going to have to lay low and gather info to see if this was a devil safe workplace.

"Excellent. I'll tell the staff about you, Mr…" The bald man trailed off, looking at me expectantly.

"Issei Hyoudou of Tokyo, Japan." I replied back with a slight bow, remembering that western places introduced themselves with surnames last.

"Excellent. I am Professor Colbert and your new workplace and home is the vaunted Tristain Academy of Magic." He gestured grandly, pointing to the castle in the distance. Then he got a look on his face that was that of someone who just remembered something. "Anyways, time to get back to class everyone." Professor Colbert stated in his teacher voice, prompting everyone to levitate towards the castle with him in the lead, except for the strawberry blonde girl and the slow looking countryman.

Cries of "You better WALK back, Zero!" and other calls like that could be heard from the peers. I felt a bit of empathy towards the tiny female magician, knowing full well how bad it was for one to be unable to fly in a standard manner. Even now, I couldn't fly using my Devil wings and had to rely on Scale Mail.

Then, the little girl dragged away her newfound Familiar after giving me only a perfunctory glance like one would give someone far beneath their notice. She had a serious attitude problem from what I could hear with my enhanced hearing, her tone full of superiority and such. Much as I wanted to reassure the guy who was suddenly thrust into the supernatural world, I did not want to end up on the girl's radar. I would have to wait until they separated.

With that in mind, I grabbed Ophis who had been silent and unseen during this entire exchange by the hand and began to make my way towards the grandiose castle and towers with her in tow after the other duo had disappeared from view inside. Thus began my brief foray as a servant in a school of magic.