Mary leaves the bathroom. Kyoya is too shocked to come after her; he takes a deep breath and goes under water. He should have known that Mary isn't a virgin anymore, it's so crystal clear. But still, it makes him a little embarrassed; he is, of course, a virgin. Is that weird?

When he comes up Mary is back in the bathroom. 'So, what do you want to do?' She still has the towel around her body, the water drops follow their way down across her body.
'Come back into the bath, I won't touch you, I just want to talk to you.' Mary sighs, takes off the towel and steps into the bath and sits down with her face towards Kyoya. 'Tell me your story, Mary.'
Mary rolls with her eyes and grabs a cigarette, she lights it and inhales the smoke.
'You can't smoke here.'
'I can do everything that I want.' Kyoya takes a deep breath and remains calm, he really can't control her.

'You're ready for the sad story of Mary-Anne van Berge?' Kyoya nods and rubs his lips, this will be interesting.
'Ugh, okay. Two years ago I got some serious headaches, so my parents took me to the hospital; they checked everything and found out that I had a tumor in my head. They removed it with a surgery but it wasn't good enough. That's when they told me I would only have six months. It was so scary, but I also never felt more alive. I did things I wouldn't have done if I was healthy, my relationship with my parents became stronger, even though they didn't appreciate everything I did, of course. They also don't like it that I am here and they are there, ah well.'

Mary shrugs and blows circles of smoke into the room.
'After the surgery I got very heavy chemo, it made me so sick, but it wasn't really working. So I stopped taking it. A year passed and nothing really happened, I was very confused, all the time, I didn't get why I didn't die. I should have died; at least, that's what the doctors said. After a year they checked my body and saw that my head was all clean, it was a miracle.'
Mary smiles at the memory and looks at Kyoya.
'You are a miracle.' Mary laughs and splashes water at him.
'Well no, because they did found cancer cells in other parts of my body. That's why I am here, and this was the story, goodnight.' Mary puts off the cigarette and steps out of the bath. 'I'm tired.'

She grabs a new towel and leaves the bathroom.