Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who or Harry Potter, but I wish I did.
Paring: 9, 10, 11, & 12 Doctor/Jessamine Tyler (Fem!Harry)
London has always been an unusual place, you leave behind the one full of magic and step into the one with a Mad Man. If you want a quiet life full of tea and crumpets, I suggest staying away from them, especially the ones with a Blue Box. But me and my luck, I just so happen upon the mad man of all mad men who took my hand and said "run". Well, so much for tea and crumpets. But this man, the mad man with the bigger on the inside blue box, is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He's unusual, yes, but caring. I will never regret running that night.
Arthur note: Yeah! New story! I hope you all enjoy it and please leave a review. Thank you very much! I'm working on the 25 (I think?) chapter for A2A & M2M (Ashes to Ashes and Memories to Memories), hopefully I'll have that done by the end of this week. I'm super busy because I'm packing and moving to Deerfield, IL to nanny a 12 and 8 year old girls in 22 days, so I'll try to update as much as possible! Ta, for now!