Giving up Loving on

Ch.15 Lent and beyond

Author's Note: Thank you for all the reviews and readers for this story. I appreciate the reviews a lot. This is the last chapter. I am still working on my GH story and have a Gilmore Girls and One Tree Hill story planned for the near future. Once again thank you for all the support. Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's out there. This chapter is in admiration of my Mom.


(Penelope's point of view)

It's been a year since I gave up flirting with Derek. Suring this year we started dating, moved in together, got engaged. And on Valentine's Day we got married. It's been the best year of my life. Today is Ash Wednesday.

Derek agreed to not only go to the church service but also to give something up himself this year. I decided to give up all chocolate. Well almost all chocolate. Derek picked not watching any sports. I have a feeling we will both struggle. At least we have each other.

[One Month later]

I was so sick. My stomach hurts so much. I teased that it was the lack of chocolate. I knew Derek was worried about me. I'm normally healthy.

Derek finally talked me into going to the doctor. Then we got a bad case. Derek and the team had to leave. I had so much to do. I just kept going. Derek was upset that I canceled my appointment.

The team solved the case and was on their way back in just a few days time. Derek made me another appointment to see the doctor. I figured I just had the flu. I finally decided to just go.

The doctor examined me. He asked a lot of questions. Then he suggested a blood test. I cringed since I hate needles. Derek held my hand. The nurse quickly drew my blood.

A short time later the doctor returned. He had a strange little smile on his face. He said almost everything was normal. I got worried again.

"What's wrong with me?" I asked anxiously.

"Nothing is wrong Penelope. It just seems you'll be adding to your family." He answered.

"What does that mean Doc?" Derek asked annoyed.

"I'm pregnant?" I asked in shock.

"Yes you are Penelope." The doctor answered.

"How could I be and not know? How can I still be having a period?" I questioned the doctor blushing.

"It's rare but not unheard of." The doctor responded.

"I just um what now?" I asked.

"We'll set up a sonogram for next week. Your hormone levels show that you should be far enough along to see the baby." The doctor said.

"Thanks." I said.

"See you next week. Get some prenatal vitamins and rest." The doctor said as I nodded.

As I turned to Derek I could tell he was in shock. He just kept starring at me. I gathered my stuff. Derek followed as I made my appointment.

He handed me the keys. I was really worried. He normally drove when we were together. I drove slowly. The silence in the car seemed loud. I was wondering if he was angry or scared. I felt so terrified but excited.

"Derek are you okay?" I asked as Clooney ran and jumped up to kiss me.

"Down Clooney." Derek yelled as Clooney whimpered and laid down.

"Derek he was fine." I said.

"No he shouldn't jump on you." Derek snapped at me.

"It's okay Clooney." I said leaning down to rub him.

"I need a drink." Derek said.

"First you need to apologize to Clooney and then you need to sit down and tell me what you are thinking." I said.

"I'm sorry Clooney you know I love you." Derek said patting him on the head. Pen I just don't feel like talking." Derek said walking away from me.

[One week later]

Derek still hasn't talk to me about the baby. I'm trying to not be upset. Everyone said I just need to be patient. I mentioned the sonogram last night. Derek just got up and left the room. I'm getting worried.

"Derek are you ready to go?" I asked not wanting to be late.

"Let's go." He answered like he was going into battle.

"Derek are we ever going to talk about the baby?" I asked.

"Maybe later." He mumbled.

"Fine whatever." I snapped in annoyance.

I was happy our wait was short. I kind of felt like slapping Derek. I knew something was off with him. I just wish he would tell me what. Derek tried to grab my hand but I jerked it away.

"Okay Penelope, Derek let's take a look at your baby." The doctor said.

"Yes." I said happily.

"There's Baby Morgan." The doctor said pointing to our baby.

"That's our baby?" Derek asked me.

"Kind of looks like a peanut huh?" I asked.

"It's beautiful." He said quietly with tears in his eyes.

"You are ten weeks pregnant and all looks good." The doctor said.

"Thank you." I said.

"Let me go print you some pictures." The doctor said leaving us alone.

"Derek are you okay?" I asked as I saw tears run down his face.

"I'm really worried." He admitted as he wiped away his tears.

"What are you worried about?" I asked glad he seemed to be opening up.

"Can we wait until we get home to talk?" Derek asked.

"Yes." I simply answered.

"Okay here are four prints for you." The doctor said before we left.

"Can we send one to my Mom?" Derek asked as we got in the car.

"Yeah we can. Here's yours." I said handing him one.

"I need a frame." He said.

"Oh yeah?" I asked.

"Yeah so I can put the baby on my desk next to our wedding picture and so I can take it with me when I travel." Derek answered.

"I have a few frames you can choose from." I said smiling.

We talked a little on the drive. Nothing too serious. We hadn't really talked all week. Derek seemed more like himself. When we got home he came around and opened my door like normal. Then he pulled me towards him and held me. I pulled away grabbed his hand and we walked inside.

"I need you to just listen to me. Let me get everything out before you respond." Derek said.

"That's fair. I'm listening." I said.

"My Dad was a great man. He was a wonderful police officer, husband, father, and friend. I loved him so much. His death it changed me. It made me angry and hurt. I missed out on so much not having a Dad. I don't want our child to have that happen to them. I don't want them to be without a Dad. I'm so scared. Also since I only had a Dad for a short time I'm worried I won't be a good one." Derek said.

"Can I talk now?" I asked wanting to make sure he was done.

"Yes." Derek answered.

"You're going to be a great Dad just like you're a great husband, Agent, son, and friend." I said.

"How can you be so sure?" He asked.

"The fact that you are worried about our child's future now just proves it. Also this will be a new reason to be careful and not take any unneeded risk. We can't control the future. We have to live each day to the fullest though." I answered.

"We're having a baby. The two of us in one little baby." Derek said.

"The kid will be a knock out." I teased.

"Yes it will. Just like he or she's mother." Derek said seriously.

"Do you want a boy or a girl?" Derek asked.

"I honestly don't care as long as the baby is healthy." I answered.

"I would like a little girl." Derek said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah I want her to look just like her beautiful Mom." Derek said.

"You don't want a son to teach sports to?" I asked.

"Maybe next time." He answered.

"Can we get through this time before we start talking about next time?" I asked.

"Sure." Derek answered.

[Seven months later]

"One more push Baby Girl." Derek said.

"No I can't. No more." I cried.

"Penelope look at me. You are so strong you can do this." Fran said as she helped me count.

"Okay." I cried.

A short time later I held my baby girl. We named her Annabella Sophia Morgan. Annabella means joy. Sophia means wisdom. Reid knew the second I asked. I knew the team would love our new little girl. As soon as the returned from the case they were working on they would all be here.

I handed Annie to her Daddy. I cried as I saw him kiss her hand. He had tears in his eyes too. Fran was taking pictures. I asked for the camera and then Derek handed Fran Annie. She started to cry.

I started thinking about the pass. Every moment was worth it. God was leading me the right way when I gave up flirting with Derek for lent. It led me to this time.