A/N: This is my first Fairy Tail FanFic yay! I'm kind of new to the fandom and I'm only on episode 88...but don't worry I'll watch more! I will also try and update as much as I can but I will be going to Washington D.C. for a school trip first week of April (eep!) okay, okay, enough of my personal issues. On with the story!

If I went back home to my poor excuse of a father, Fairy Tail would be safe. I don't want them to get hurt or worse, die for me. I'm no one important. It looks like, this is goodbye. I write three separate letters, one for the guild, one for Team Natsu, and a special one just for Natsu.

I'm tired of causing problems everywhere I go! I never should have gone to Fairy Tail in the first place! I'm not even a strong wizard like everyone else.

I know what my father wants from me, to get married to a guy I don't even know! All he cares about is his work. That's why I ran away in the first place, running away from my problems. How pathetic. I finish writing my three letters, pack my things, and start to leave Magnolia forever.

I get my ticket and board the train when I hear someone call my name from a distance.

"Lucy!" The voice yells as it comes closer. I turn around to see a face I had hoped not to see.

"Natsu what are you doing here!" I yell chocking back a sob.

"I saw you walking out of your apartment so I followed you here, why are you getting on that train?" He asks, frowning in confusion.

"I'm going back home, to my father." I say softly as tears gently roll down my cheeks.

"What! Why! I thought you wanted to stay at Fairy Tail. We're all fighting for you."

"That's the point Natsu! You're all fighting for useless me! You think you're saving me but you're not! I have to stop running away from my problems." I yell.

Natsu grabs my wrist as I try to board the train again. "I'm not letting you go." He says firmly with sadness in his voice.

"I'm sorry, but I have to..." "No! No you don't! I'll fight 'till my last breath to keep you here and safe!"


"Please stay Luce, I don't want to lose you."

"I'll come back one day. I promise you that. I'll come back when I know he won't hurt Fairy Tail ever again. Everyone else has been fighting for me, now it's my turn to fight for myself." I say as my voice begins to crack.

"I'll wait for you Luce." He says sadly and let's go of my wrist. He walks away with his head down and begins to disappear into the crowed. No. I don't want our goodbye to end like this. I run after him, running like there's no tomorrow.

"Natsu!" I yell hoping to capture his attention.

"Huh?" He turns around and looks at me. Suddenly, his face lights up like a little kid who just got a new toy. I throw my arms around his neck and hold him close. It takes him a moment to comprehend what's happening, then, he wraps his arms around my waist.

"I didn't want our goodbye to end like that..." I mumble in his suprisingly warm chest. Then, he does something I'd never thought he'd do. He pulled away from our embrace, just enough for us to face each other and before I knew it, I felt his lips come crashing down on mine. It was a short, soft kiss that could have felt like forever. That kiss was suppose to make me leaving easier, knowing I have someone loving me, waiting for me. Not make it harder for me to say goodbye to the ones I love.

Mustering all my strength, I pull away slightly to face him. "Goodbye Natsu..." I remove my arms from his neck and force a small smile on my face to reassure him that I'll be fine.

"I love you." I hear him say almost as a whisper.

"I love you too." I kiss him softly on the lips one last time before I leave. I'm not going to let my father force me to marry anyone. Not when I have Natsu waiting for me. I'll do anything he wants, anything my father asks me to (forces me) if it means saving Fairy Tail. But I won't marry anyone who isn't Natsu.

I finally make it on the train after my heartbreaking goodbye with Natsu. I sit in the cart and smile softly at the memories of Team Natsu here. Gray stripping his clothes, Natsu getting motion sickness, Erza knocking him out so he'll stop complaining, and Happy annoying the shit out of me. I'm going to miss them so much. But like Mira said, everyone in Fairy Tail has their own personal problems, this is just me dealing with mine. I take a deep breath as the train stops in my hometown. This is probably the most terrorifying thing I ever have and will do. I don't even want to imagine what he's going to say to me. I step off the train and enter the carriage my father had sent for me.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed it! I'll update again soon promise! And guess who's getting a laptop...ME! I'm really excited. Please review, it helps a lot honestly. Thanks loves! :)